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Chapter 3 Cardiorespiratory System
*The cardiorespiratory system-System of the body composed of cardiovascular and respiratory
system. –Allows kinetic chain to receive O2, nutrients, and removes wastes.
*Cardiovascular system-Composed of blood, blood vessels, and heart.
*The Heart
*Heart-Hollow muscular organ pump that circulates blood throughout the body by needs of
rhythmic contractions.
*Mediastinum-Space between the lungs that hold all internal organs of the chest except the
-Heart made up of cardiac muscle similar to skeletal muscle. Involuntary.
-Cardiac muscle fibers are shorter and more tightly connected enabling contraction of one fiber
to stimulate others to contract synchronously.
-Cardiac muscles built in contraction rhythm- 70-80BPM
*AV node-Located in right atrium initiates heart beat (Pace maker)
*SV node-Located above the ventricles delays impulses before moving them onto the ventricles.
Passes impulse to right and left bundle branches and purkinje fibers.
*Structure of heart
-4 hollow chambers
-Valves prevent backflow
-2 pumps
-Semilunar valves/AV valves
*Atria-Superior collects blood.
-Ventricles-Inferior main pumps of heart.
*Function of heart
*Stroke volume-Amount of blood pumped out with each beat 75-80ml/beat.
*Heart rate-Rate at which heart pumps 70-80 BPM
*Cardiac output=Stroke volumexHR=blood pumped out per minute.
*Blood-Carries O2 and nutrients to all body parts and also way to rid body of waste products.
-Acts as a medium to deliver and collect products.
-Thicker than water.
-8% body
-1.5 gallons/5 liters
*3 Functions of blood
-Transportation-Blood transports o2, waste products, hormones, heat.
-Regulation-Body temp, pH balance, water content in cells.
-Protection-Clotting mechanism, immune cells.
*Blood vessels
*Blood vessels-Network hollow tubes that circulate blood throughout body.
-Arteries-carry blood away from heart
-Veins- carry blood to the heart
-Waste products
*Respiratory system-Respiratory system- A system of organs that collects O2 from external
environment and transports it to the blood stream.
*Respiratory pump
-2 phases
*Inspiration-Actively contracting inspratory muscles to move air into lungs.
*Expiration-Actively or passively relaxing inspiratory muscles to move air out of lungs.
*Primary respiratory muscles-Diaphragm, external intercostals.
*Secondary respiratory muscles-Scalenes, pectoralis minor
*Structures of respiratory system
-Bones=sternum, ribs, vertebrae
-Muscle inspiration-Diaphragm, external intercostals, scalene, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis
-Muscles expiration-Abdominals, internal intercostals
*Respiratory passageways
-Conduction=Nasal, oral, pharynx, larynx, trachea, right and left bronchi, bronchioles
-Respiratory=Alveoli, Alveolar sacs
*Cardio respiratory function
-Primary element needed for proper body function is=oxygen
*O2 consumption
-Usage of O2 by body is known as O2 uptake.
*VO2=Oxygen consumption at rest 3.5ml/kg 1 MET
*VO2 MAX=gauge for cardio respiratory fitness (11-23METS)
*Oxygen and energy
-Greater than 30 seconds O2 is needed
-Aerobic=requires O2
-Anaeorbic=No o2 required
*Bioenergetics-Biology of energy transformation and exchanges within body and between it and
*Adenosine-Triphosphate-Cellular structure that supplies energy for many biochemical
processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis.
*3 main bioenergetics pathways
-ATP-CP=up to 10 seconds/anaerobic
-Glycolysis=30-50 seconds/anaerobic
-Oxidative=Greater than 2 minutes/aerobic
*Dysfunctional breathing
Breathing dysfunction common predecessor to kinetic chain dysfunction
-Breathing associated with higher levels of stress
-Leads to secondary respiratory muscles predominately used than Diaphragm.
-Overuse of secondary muscles scalene, sternocleidomastiod, pectoralis minor, upper traps,
levator scapulae.
-Leads to tension headaches, light headiness, dizziness
-Short shallow breaths altered O2 and CO2 blood content
-Increase anxiety
-Increases retention of metabolic wastes within muscles=Stiffness.
-Inadequate joint motion of spine and rib cage results of improper breathing, causing joints to
become restricted and stiff. =Decreased functional capacity.