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Standards and Benchmarks
Math, Grade 5
Standard 1: Numbers and Operations: NUMBER SENSE: Understand numbers, ways of
representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems
Example Garden Lessons
MA.5.1.1 – Represent % and ratio with pictures or
MA.5.1.2 – Use whole numbers, fractions, rations,
decimals, and % to solve problems
MA.5.1.3 - Judge the size of fractions and order
them using models
Standard 2: Numbers and Operations: OPERATION SENSE: Understand the meaning
of operations and how they relate to each other
MA.5.2.1 – Student can solve problems with
inverse relationships between addition and
subtraction and multiplication and division
MA.5.2.2 – Multiplication and division of
fractions and decimals
Standard 3: Numbers and Operations: COMPUTATION STRATEGIES: Use computational tools
and strategies fluently and, when appropriate, use estimation
MA.5.3.1 – Multiply decimals up to three places
and divide decimals by whole numbers
MA.5.3.2 – Use a variety of strategies to multiply
and divide
Standard 4: Measurement: FLUENCY WITH MEASUREMENT: Understand
attributes, units, and systems of units in measurement; and develop and use techniques,
tools, and formulas for measuring
MA.5.4.1 – Convert simple units within a system
of measurement (feet to yards, quarts to gallons,
MA.5.4.2 – Use metric tools to measure angles
MA.5.4.3 – Use map scales to measure the
distance between locations on a map
MA.5.4.4 – Estimate and measure the size of an
Standards and Benchmarks
Math, Grade 5
MA.5.4.5 – Apply a formula to determine the area
and perimeter of a triangle, use known
measurements to calculate desired measurements
of triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids
MA.5.4.6 – Measure rectangular solids
Standard 5: Geometry and Spatial Sense: PROPERTIES AND RELATIONSHIPS:
Analyze properties of objects and relationships among the properties
MA.5.5.1 – Student can sort three dimensional
figures into groups and describe properties shared
MA.5.5.2 – Can find the measure of the unknown
angle of a triangle when 2 angels are known
MA.5.5.3 – Can classify angles as acute, right,
obtuse, or straight
Standard 6: Geometry and Spatial Sense: TRANSFORMATIONS AND SYMMETRY:
Use transformations and symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
MA.5.6.1 – Student can predict results of
combinations of flips, turns, and slides
MA.5.6.2 – Identify 3 dimensional objects that
have rotational symmetry and locate the axis
Standard 7: Geometry and Spatial Sense: VISUAL AND SPATIAL SENSE: Use
visualization and spatial reasoning to solve problems both within and outside of
MA.5.7.1 – Student can use 2 dimensional net of a
rectangular solid to determine surface area
Standard 8: Geometry and Spatial Sense: REPRESENTATIONAL SYSTEMS: Select and
use different representational systems, including coordinate geometry
MA.5.8.1 – Determine the distance between points
along horizontal and vertical lines
Standard 9: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: PATTERNS AND FUNCTIONAL
RELATIONSHIPS: Understand various types of patterns and functional relationships
MA.5.9.1– Can analyze data in a table and make
predictions based on the trends revealed
Standards and Benchmarks
Math, Grade 5
MA.5.9.2 – Student can create a problem that
involves one quantity getting larger and the other
Standard 10: Standard 10: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra: SYMBOLIC
REPRESENTATION: Use symbolic forms to represent, model, and analyze mathematical
MA.5.10.1 – Student can use a variety of
strategies to solve for an unknown number
MA.5.10.2 – Student can make a table or graph to
model a problem situation and interprets the trend
in data
MA.5.10.3 – Student can describe situations with
constant or varying rates
Standard 11: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability: FLUENCY WITH DATA: Pose
questions and collect, organize, and represent data to answer those questions
MA.5.11.1 – Collect and display data in circle
MA.5.11.2 – Can recognize the difference in
numeric and categorical data and select an
appropriate representation to display each type of
Standard 12: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability: STATISTICS: Interpret data
using methods of exploratory data analysis
MA.5.12.1 – Determine the range, median, mode,
and mean for a data set
MA.5.12.2 – Student can compare 2 different
representations to display same data
Standard 13: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability: DATA ANALYSIS: Develop and
evaluate inferences, predictions, and arguments that are based on data
MA.5.13.1 – Student can design a new study to
test the conclusions he or she has made from the
data collected
Standard 14: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability: PROBABILITY: Understand
and apply basic notions of chance and probability
MA.5.14.1 – Student can use fractions, decimals,
and percent to indicate the probability of events
MA.5.14.2 – Student can determine all possible
outcomes of a simple compound event (coin toss,
spinning top)