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4.1.7 Watersheds and
A Explain the role of the water
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Explain the water cycle. I
Explain the water cycle. I
Explain the water cycle. S
Explain the water cycle as it
relates to a watershed. I
Explain the water cycle as it
relates to a watershed. S
Explain the water cycle as it
relates to a watershed. S
Identify and explain what
determines the boundaries of a
watershed. I
Identify and explain what
determines the boundaries of a
watershed. S
Explain factors that affect water
quality and flow through a
watershed. S
Explain how water enters a
watershed. I
Explain how water enters a
watershed. S
Explain factors that affect water
quality and flow through a
watershed. I
Explain factors that affect water
quality and flow through a
watershed. S
Explain how water is necessary
for all life. I
Explain how water is necessary
for all life. S
cycle within a watershed.
B Understand the role of the
C Explain the effects of water on
the life of organisms in a
Explain how the physical
components of aquatic systems
influence the organisms that live
there I terms of size, shape and
physical adaptations. S
Describe the life cycle of
organisms that depend on water.
Explain how water is necessary
for all life. SS
D Explain ad describe
characteristics of a wetland.
Identify organisms that have
aquatic stags of life and describe
those stages. S
Identify specific characteristics
of wetland plants and (soils). P
(S, SS)
Identify specific characteristics
of wetland (plants) and soils. P
Recognize the common types of
plants and animals. P (S)
Explain the impact of watersheds Explain the impact of watersheds
and wetlands in (flood control,)
and wetlands in flood control,
wildlife habitats (and pollution
(wildlife habitats and pollution
abatement). I
Describe the different functions
of a wetland. (S)
Explain the impact of
watersheds and wetlands in
(flood control, wildlife habitats
and) pollution abatement.
Describe different types of
wetlands. P
Describe the different functions
of a wetland. I
E Describe the impact of
watersheds and wetlands on
Explain the influence of flooding
on wetlands.
Bellefonte SD 5-7
4.2.7 Renewable and
Nonrenewable Resources
Grade 5
A Know that raw materials come
from natural resources.
Grade 6
Identify resources used to
provide humans with energy,
food, housing and water.
Identify resources used to
provide humans with energy,
food, housing and water. (SS)
Compare means of growing or
acquiring food.
Explain how plants and animals
may be classified as natural
resources. I (SS)
Identify fiber and other raw
materials used in clothing and
shelter production.
Identify resources used to
provide humans with energy,
food, housing and water. (S,
Explain how plants and animals
may be classified as natural
resources. (S, SS)
Identify types of minerals and
fossil fuels used by humans. (SS) Compare means of growing or
acquiring food. (SS)
Identify types of minerals and
fossil fuels used by humans.
B Examine the renewability of
Grade 7
Identify fiber and other raw
materials used in clothing and
shelter production. (SS)
Identify renewable resources and
describe their uses.
Identify renewable resources and
describe their uses. (SS)
Identify nonrenewable resources
and describe their uses.
Identify nonrenewable resources
and describe their uses. (SS)
Compare finished projects to
their original raw materials. I
Compare finished projects to
their original raw materials. (SS)
Determine how consumption
may impact the availability of
resources. I (SS)
Determine how consumption
may impact the availability of
resources. (SS)
Compare the time spans of
renewability for fossil fuels and
Identify types of minerals and
fossil fuels used by humans. (S,
Identify renewable resources
and describe their uses. (S)
Identify nonrenewable
resources and describe their
uses. (S)
Identify the waste derived from
the use of renewable and
nonrenewable resources. (S)
(Make P)
Determine how consumption
may impact the availability of
resources. (SS)
alternative fuels. (SS)
C Explain natural resource
Distinguish between readily
available and less accessible
resources. (SS)
Compare the time spans of
renewability for fossil fuels and
alternative fuels. (S)
Distinguish between readily
available and less accessible
resources. (S, SS, R)
Identify the locations of different Identify the locations of
concentrations of fossil fuels and different concentrations of
mineral resources. (SS)
fossil fuels and mineral
resources. (S, R)
Analyze the effects of
management practices on air,
Analyze the effects of
land and water in forestry,
management practices on air,
agriculture, fisheries, wildlife,
land and water in forestry,
mining and food and fiber
agriculture, fisheries, wildlife,
production that is unique to
mining and food and fiber
different climates. I (S, SS)
production that is unique to
different climates. (S)
D Describe the role of recycling
and waste management.
Identify materials that can be
recycled in the community. (S,
Explain the process of closing
the loop in recycling. I (SS)
Compare the decomposition
rates of different organic
materials. I (S)
Describe the methods that could
be used to reuse materials for
new products. (S, SS)
Evaluate the costs and benefits
of disposable products. I (S)
Bellefonte SD 5-7
Explain the process of closing
the loop in recycling. (SS)
Compare the decomposition
rates of different organic
materials. (S)
Evaluate the costs and benefits
of disposable products. (S)
4.3.7 Environmental Health
Grade 5
A Identify environmental health
B Describe how human actions
affect the health of the
Identify alternative products that
can be used. (should do)
Grade 6
Grade 7
Identify various examples of
long-term pollution and explain
their effects on environmental
health. I (S, SS)
Identify various examples of
long-term pollution and explain
their effects on environmental
Identify alternative products that
can be used in life to reduce
pollution. I (SS)
Identify diseases that have been
associated with poor
environmental quality.
Explain how natural disasters
affect environmental health.
(should do)
Identify land use practices and
their relation to environmental
health. I (SS)
Identify residential and
industrial sources of pollution
and their effect on
environmental health. (S)
Explain the difference between
point and nonpoint source
pollution. (speakers)
Explain how natural disasters
affect environmental health. I
Explain how nonpoint source
pollution can affect the water
supply and air quality. (speaker)
Identify residential and industrial
sources of pollution and their
Explain how acid deposition
effects on environmental health. can affect water, soil, and air
I (SS)
quality. (S)
Explain the relationship between
resource use, reuse, recycling
and environmental health.
Explain how acid deposition can
affect water, soil and air quality.
I (S)
Explain the difference between
point and nonpoint source
pollution. (S)
Explain how nonpoint source
pollution can affect the water
supply and air quality. (S)
Identify land use practices and
their relation to environmental
Explain the relationship between
resource use, reuse, recycling
and environmental health. (SS)
C Explain biological diversity.
Explain the complex, interactive
relationships among members of
an ecosystem.
Explain how diversity affects
ecological integrity of the natural
Bellefonte SD 5-7
Explain the complex, interactive
relationships among members of
an ecosystem. I (S)
4.4.7 Agriculture and
A Explain society’s standard of
living in relation to agriculture.
Grade 5
Compare and contrast how
animals and plants affect
agricultural systems. I
Compare several technological
advancements and their effect(s)
on the historical growth of
agriculture. I
Compare different environmental
conditions related to agricultural
production, cost and quality of the
product. I
B Investigate how agricultural
science has recognized the
various soil types found in
Explain the importance of particle
sizes in different soil types. I
Grade 6
Grade 7
Compare and contrast
agricultural changes that have
been made to meet society’s
needs. (SS)
Compare and contrast
agricultural changes that have
been made to meet society’s
needs. (SS)
Compare several technological
advancements and their
effect(s) on the historical
growth of agriculture. (SS)
Compare several technological
advancements and their
effect(s) on the historical
growth of agriculture. (SS)
Compare and contrast how
animals and plants affect
agricultural systems. (S)
Compare different
environmental conditions
related to agricultural
production, cost and quality of
the product. (SS)
Determine how water has
influenced the development of
Pennsylvania soil types. S
Determine how water has
influenced the development of
Pennsylvania soil types.
Investigate how soil types have Investigate how soil types have
influenced the plant types
influenced the plant types used
usedon Pennsylvania farms. S
on Pennsylvania farms.
Analyze how soil types and
geographic regions have
impacted the profitability of
Pennsylvania farms.
C Explain agricultural systems’ use Analyze the needs of plants and
of natural ad human resources.
animals as they relate to climate
and soil conditions. I
Analyze the needs of plants
and animals as they relate to
climate and soil conditions.
Identify the plants and animals that Identify the plants and animals
can be raised in the area and
that can be raised in the area
explain why. I
and explain why.
D Explain the improvement of
agricultural production through
Identify natural resources
necessary for agricultural systems.
Identify natural resources
necessary for agricultural
Compare the need for crop
reduction to the need for animal
production. I
Compare the need for crop
reduction to the need for
animal production.
Define issues associated with food
and fiber production. I
Define issues associated with
food and fiber production.
Compare the technologies that
have advanced agricultural
Explain how energy sources
have changed to meet
agricultural technology.
Bellefonte SD 5-7
4.5.7 Integrated Pest
A Explain benefits and harmful
effects of pests.
B Explain how pest management
. affects the environment.
C Explain various integrated pest
management practices used in
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Identify different examples of
pests and explain the beneficial
or harmful effects of each. I
Identify different examples of
pests and explain the beneficial
or harmful effects of each.
Identify several locations where
pests can be found and compare
the effects the pests have on each
location. I
Identify several locations where
pests can be found and compare
the effects the pests have on
each location.
Explain issues related to
integrated pest management
including biological technology,
resistant varieties, chemical
practices, medical technology
and monitoring techniques. I
Explain issues related to
integrated pest management
including biological technology,
resistant varieties, chemical
practices, medical technology
and monitoring techniques.
Identify issues related to
integrated pest management that
affect the environment. I
Describe how integrated pest
management and related
technology impact human
Compare and contrast integrated
pest management monitoring
methods utilized in different
community settings. I
Identify issues related to
integrated pest management that
affect the environment.
Compare and contrast
integrated pest management
monitoring methods utilized in
different community settings.
Compare integrated pest
management to pas practices. I
Compare integrated pest
management to pas practices.
Compare and analyze the longterm effects of using integrated
Compare and analyze the longterm effects of using integrated
pest management products. I
Bellefonte SD 5-7
pest management products.
4.6.7 Ecosystems and their
A Explain the flows of energy and
matter from organism to
organism within an ecosystem.
Grade 5
Identify and explain the
characteristics of biotic and
abiotic. (S)
Grade 6
Describe and explain the
adaptation of plants and animals
to their environment. (S, R)
Describe and explain the
Demonstrate the dependency of
adaptations of plants and animals living components in the
to their environment. (S)
ecosystem on the nonliving
components. (S, R)
Demonstrate the dependency of
living components in the
Explain the importance of the
ecosystem on the nonliving
predator/prey relationship and
components. (S)
how it maintains the balances
within ecosystems. (S)
Explain energy flow through a
food web.(S)
Explain the importance of the
predator/prey relationship and
how it maintains the balance
within ecosystems. (S)
Understand the limiting factors
and predict their effects on an
organism. (S)
Identify niches for producers,
consumers and decomposers
within an ecosystem. (S)
Compare and contrast the major
ecosystems of Pennsylvania (S)
Identify the major characteristics
of a biome. (S)
Compare and contrast different
Grade 7
biomes and their characteristics.
Identify the relationship of
abiotic and biotic components
and explain their interaction in
an ecosystem. (S)
B Explain the concepts of cycles.
C Explain how ecosystems change
over time.
Explain how different soil types
determine the characteristics of
ecosystems. (S)
Identify and explain cycles
within an ecosystem. (S) I
Identify and explain cycles
within an ecosystem. (S)
Analyze the role of different
cycles within an ecosystem. (S) I
Explain how ecosystems change.
(S) I
Analyze the role of different
cycles within an ecosystem. (S)
Explain how an ecosystem
changes. (S)
Identify succession stages of a
given ecosystem. (S)
Explain how specific organisms
may change an ecosystem. (S)
Explain a change in an
ecosystem that relates to
humans. (S)
Bellefonte SD 5-7
4.7.7 Threatened, Endangered and
Extinct Species
Grade 5
A Describe diversity of plants and
animals in ecosystems.
Grade 6
Select an ecosystem and describe Select an ecosystem and describe Select an ecosystem and
different plant sand animals that different plant sand animals that describe different plans and
live there. (S) I
live there. (S)
animals that live there.
Identify adaptations in plants and Identify adaptations in plants and
animals. (S) I
animals (S)
B Explain how species of living
organisms adapt to their
Grade 7
Recognize that adaptations are
developed overlong periods of
time and are passed on from one
generation o the next. (S) I
Recognize that adaptations are
developed over long periods of
time and are passed on from one
generation to the next. (S)
Understand levels of ecosystem
organization (e.g., individuals,
populations, species). (S) I
Explain the role of individual
variations in natural selection.
(S) I
Understand levels of ecosystem
organization (e.g., individuals,
populations, species.). (S)
Explain the role of individual
variations in natural selection.
Explain how an adaptation is an
inherited structure or behavior
that helps an organism survive
and reproduce. (S) I
Explain how an adaptation is an
inherited structure or behavior
that helps an organism survive
and reproduce. (S)
Describe how a particular trait
may be selected over time and
account for a species’
adaptation. (S) I
Describe how a particular trait
may be selected over time and
account for a species’
adaptation. (S)
Compare and contrast animals
and plants that have very
specific survival requirements
with those that have more
general requirements for
survival. (S) I
Compare and contrast animals
and plants that have very
specific survival requirements
with those that have more
general requirements for
survival. (S)
C Explain natural or human actions
in relation to the loss of species.
Explain how living things
respond to changes in their
environment. I (S)
Explain how living things
respond to changes in their
environment. I (S)
Explain how one species may
survive an environmental change
while another might not. (S) I
Explain how one species may
survive an environmental change
while another might not. (S)
Identify natural or human impacts
that cause habitat loss. (S, SS)
Explain how habitat loss can affect
the interaction among species and
the population of a species. (S, SS)
Analyze and explain the changes
in an animal population over time.
(S, SS)
Explain how a habitat management
practice affects a population. (S,
Explain the differences among
threatened, endangered and extinct
species. (S, SS)
Identify Pennsylvania plants and
animals that are on the threatened
or endangered list. (S, SS
Describe state laws passed
regarding threatened and
endangered species. (S)
Explain why one species may be
more susceptible to becoming
endangered than another species.
Bellefonte SD 5-7
4.8.7 Humans and the
Grade 5
A Describe how the development of Locate and identify natural
civilization relates to the
resources in different parts of the
world. I
Explain how people use natural
resources in their environment. I
Compare and contrast how
people use natural resources
throughout the world. I
B Explain how people use natural
C Explain how human activities
may affect local, regional and
national environments.
Grade 6
Locate and identify natural
resources in different parts of the
world. (SS)
Grade 7
Explain how people use natural
resources in their environment.
(SS, S)
Explain how people use natural
resources in their environment.
Compare and contrast how
people use natural resources
throughout the world. (SS)
Describe how natural resources
are used for survival. I
Describe how natural resources
are used for survival. (SS)
Describe how natural resources
are used for survival. (SS)
Explain how natural resources
and technological changes have
affected the development of
civilizations. I
Explain how natural resources
and technological changes have
affected the development of
civilizations. (SS)
Explain how natural resources
and technological changes have
affected the development of
civilizations. (SS)
Explain how climate and
extreme weather events (e.g.,
drought, flood) influence
people’s lives. I
Explain how climate and
extreme weather events (e.g.,
drought, flood) influence
people’s lives. (SS)
Explain how climate and
extreme weather events (e.g.,
drought, flood) influence
people’s lives. (SS)
Describe what effect consumption
and related generation of wastes
have on the environment. I
Describe what effect
consumption and related
generation of wastes have on the
environment. (SS)
Explain how a particular human
activity has changed the local
area over the years. (SS)
Explain how a particular human
activity has changed the local area
over the years. I
D Explain the importance of
maintaining the natural resources
at the local, state and national
Explain how human activities
and natural events have affected
Explain how conservation
practices have influenced
Define the roles of Pennsylvania
agencies that deal with natural
Bellefonte SD 5-7
4.9.7 Environmenl Laws and
A Explain the role of environmental
laws and regulations.
Bellefonte SD 5-7
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Identify and explain
environmental laws and
regulations (e.g., Clean Air Act,
Clean Water Act, Recycling and
Waste Reduction Act, Act 26 on
Agricultural Education).
Identify and explain
environmental laws and
regulations (e.g., Clean Air Act,
Clean Water Act, Recycling and
Waste Reduction Act, Act 26
on Agricultural Education).
Explain the role of local and
state agencies in enforcing
environmental laws and
regulations (e.g., Department of
Environmental protection,
Department of Agriculture,
Game Commission)
(should do)
Explain the role of local and
state agencies in enforcing
environmental laws and
regulations (e.g., Department of
Environmental protection,
Department of Agriculture,
Game Commission)
(should do)