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Vesa Heiskanen
Developing an ellipsoidal reflector for
measuring otoacoustic emissions
School of Electrical Engineering
Thesis submitted for examination for the degree of Master of
Science in Technology.
Espoo 15.5.2015
Thesis supervisor:
Prof. Ville Pulkki
Thesis instructor:
Prof. Bastian Epp
Aalto University
School of Electrical
aalto university
school of electrical engineering
abstract of the
master’s thesis
Author: Vesa Heiskanen
Title: Developing an ellipsoidal reflector for measuring otoacoustic emissions
Date: 15.5.2015
Language: English
Number of pages:10+44
Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
Professorship: Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
Code: S-89
Supervisor: Prof. Ville Pulkki
Instructor: Prof. Bastian Epp
Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are faint sounds emanated by the eardrum. They
can be recorded and are used as an objective measure to monitor the health of the
inner ear. Conventional measurement methods use a miniature microphone housed
in a probe that is fitted to the ear canal.
In this thesis a novel method for measuring OAEs was experimented by
using a large one-inch-diameter microphone which has the benefit of very low
inherent noise. A modular ellipsoidal reflector was developed and used to collect
OAEs and focus them to the microphone. The applicability of a such reflector
for recording OAEs was studied. Response measurements were made to examine
the acoustical properties of the different reflector setups comprised of different
part-combinations. The results show that the reflector setups providing the most
gain could be employed for OAE measurements where the temporal response of
the measurement system is not overridingly critical such as distortion product
otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions
(SFOAEs) or spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs). This limitation is due
to reflections in the response that take over 10 ms to decay.
DPOAE measurements were made to two subjects to test the reflector
measurement system in practice. Succesful measurements were accomplished at
the two used stimulus frequencies which is a proof of concept that this kind of
measurement system can be used to record OAEs. Further investigations are
needed to be able to compare the properties of the reflector system to conventional
measurement probes.
Keywords: acoustics, ellipsoidal reflector, otoacoustic emission (OAE), DPOAE,
sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu
Tekijä: Vesa Heiskanen
Työn nimi: Ellipsoidin heijastimen kehittäminen otoakustisten emissioiden
Päivämäärä: 15.5.2015
Kieli: Englanti
Signaalinkäsittelyn ja akustiikan laitos
Professuuri: Akustiikka ja äänenkäsittelytekniikka
Koodi: S-89
Valvoja: Prof. Ville Pulkki
Ohjaaja: Prof. Bastian Epp
Otoakustiset emissiot (OAE) ovat kuulojärjestelmän tuottamia heikkoja ääniä,
jotka voidaan mitata. Mittausta voidaan käyttää sisäkorvan terveydentilan
tarkasteluun. OAE:t mitataan tavallisesti käyttämällä korvakäytävään sovitettavaa
anturia, joka sisältää pienikokoisen mikrofonin.
Tässä diplomityössä kokeiltiin uutta tapaa otoakustisten emissioiden mittaamiseen käyttämällä suurta yhden tuuman halkaisijan mikrofonia, jonka
etuna on todella pieni sisäinen kohina. Osista koostuva ellipsoidin muotoinen
heijastin kehitettiin kokoamaan OAE:t ja kohdistamaan ne mikrofoniin. Työn
tarkoitus oli tutkia tällaisen heijastinjärjestelmän soveltuvuutta OAE:iden
mittaamiseen. Vastemittauksilla tarkasteltiin eri heijastinkokoonpanojen akustisia
ominaisuuksia. Eniten vahvistusta tarjoavia kokoonpanoja voisi käyttää sellaisten
OAE-tyyppien mittaamiseen, joissa mittausjärjestelmän aikavasteen lyhyys ei ole
ensisijaisen ratkaiseva ja jotka voidaan tehdä esimerkiksi käyttämällä jatkuvaa
ja pitkäkestoista herätettä. Tämä rajoitus johtuu kokoonpanojen aikavasteissa
olevista heijastuksista, joiden vaimeneminen kestää yli 10 ms.
Järjestelmän testaamiseksi käytännössä, DPOAE-mittaus tehtiin kahdelle
koehenkilölle. Mittaukset onnistuivat kahdella käytetyllä herätetaajuudella, joka
osoittaa, että kehitettyä heijastinjärjestelmää voi käyttää OAE:iden mittaamiseen.
Heijastinjärjestelmän vertaaminen normaalissa käytössä oleviin OAE-antureihin
edellyttää lisätutkimuksia.
Avainsanat: akustiikka, ellipsoidi heijastin, otoakustinen emissio (OAE)
This work is carried out in Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto
University School of Electrical Engineering, during the year 2014.
I would like to thank my instructor professor Bastian Epp from the Technical
University of Denmark for providing knowledge, guidance and practical advice along
the course of this work. I express appreciation towards my supervisor Ville Pulkki
for the opportunity of doing this work as well as his ideas, guidance and comments.
I am thankful to Ilkka Huhtakallio for teaching me how to use laboratory equipment
and using his time and vision on helping me to build measurement setups. From
the process of building the reflector I am grateful to Hannu Paajanen from the
Department of Design for lending his know-how of manufacturing techniques. Also
thanks to Kari Kääriäinen from Design Factory and Tapani Honkavaara. Thanks to
Juha Backman and Benedict Slotte from Nokia for providing their knowledge and a
miniature speaker for use in the measurements. And thanks to Javier Gómez and
the rest of the staff in the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics for the
Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for all the love and support.
Otaniemi, 24.2.2015
Vesa Heiskanen
Abstract . . . . . . .
Abstract (in Finnish)
Acknowledgements .
Contents . . . . . . .
Abbreviations . . . .
List of Figures . . . .
List of Tables . . . .
. ii
. iii
. iv
. v
. vii
. viii
. x
1 Introduction
2 Otoacoustic emissions
2.1 Cochlear amplifier and otoacoustic emissions . .
2.2 Measurement of otoacoustic emissions . . . . . .
2.2.1 Transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions .
2.2.2 Distortion product otoacoustic emissions
2.2.3 Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions
2.2.4 Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions . . .
3 Microphones and reflectors
3.1 Inherent noise in condenser microphone systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Ellipsoidal reflectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Methodology and experiments
4.1 Design of a reflector used to measure
otoacoustic emissions . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 Design of the reflector . . . . .
4.1.2 Reflector gain measurements . .
4.2 Otoacoustic emission measurements . .
4.2.1 Organization of the experiments
4.2.2 Stimulus parameters . . . . . .
4.2.3 Data collection and analysis . .
4.2.4 System distortion measurement
5 Results
5.1 Reflector gain measurement results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.1.1 Focus to focus gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.1.2 Effect of offset from the focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1.3 Discussion of the acoustical characteristics of the reflector . . .
Otoacoustic emission measurement results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Comparison of open and sealed ear in DPOAE measurements
5.2.2 DPOAE growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.3 System distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.4 Discussion of the DPOAE measurement results . . . . . . . .
6 Conclusions
Charasteristic frequency
Distortion product otoacoustic emission
Evoked otoacoustic emission
Inner hair cell
Outer hair cell
Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emission
Signal-to-noise ratio
Spontaneous otoacoustic emission
Sound pressure level
Synchronized spontaneous otoacoustic emission
Transient-evoked otoacoustic emission
List of Figures
Structure of the ear. The outer ear is the part external to the tympanic
membrane featuring the pinna and the external auditory canal. The
middle ear is the portion internal to the tympanic membrane and
external to the cochlea. The inner ear is comprised of the cochlea and
the semicircular canals of the vestibular system. Picture adapted from
(46). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Illustration of the traveling wave motion along the basilar membrane.
The spiral appearance of the cochlea has been stretched out and the
displacement of the basilar membrane is greatly exaggerated. Figure
adapted from (49). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cross section of the cochlea featuring a schematic view of the organ
of Corti. Figure adopted from (42). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example response of a clinical TEOAE measurement. On the left
waveform of two time-locked averages are shown. There is a few
millisecond delay preceding the response. The right side of the figure
shows the levels of the emission divided into frequency bands (blue)
and noise levels in these given bands (red). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A spectrum of an DPOAE measurement from the ear of a 16-monthold child. Stimulus tones (f1 = 1.807 kHz; f2 = 2.002 kHz; L1 = 65 dB
SPL and L2 = 60 dB SPL) and resulting DPOAEs are labeled to the
figure. Several DPOAEs occur at frequencies below the primaries (4f1
– 3f2 = 1.222 kHz; 3f1 – 2f2 = 1.417 kHz and 2f1 – f2 = 1.612 kHz) and
one above the primaries ( 2f2 – f1 = 2.197 kHz). Figure adapted from
(35) [frequency component labels are redrawn due to low-quality copy
of the figure]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Equivalent levels of inherent noise (1/3 octave bandwidth) produced
by different elements of a microphone system equipped with a 1”
free-field microphone (sensitivity 50mV/Pa). The microphone, the
preamplifier and the measurement amplifier all contribute significantly
to the noise floor of the system in certain parts of the frequency range.
Figure adopted from (6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Comparison of 1/3 octave noise spectra of microphone systems equipped
with different size microphones. Figure adopted from (6). . . . . . . . 14
Inherent noise comparison between a conventional OAE probe microphone (ER-10B+) and a 1” low-noise instrumentation microphone
(G.R.A.S. 40HF) measured in an anechoic chamber. SPL is a 10s
average. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Principle of the focusing effect of an elliptical shape. A ray originating from one focal point (f1) reflects to the other focal point (f2)
independent of the part on the elliptical shape where it reflects. . . .
3.5 Principle of the focusing effect of a truncated elliptical shape. If a ray
originating from the other focus (f1) collides surface of this truncated
elliptical shape it reflects to the other focus (f2). . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Ellipse dimensions and ray travel distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General idea of using a truncated ellipsoidal reflector in recording of
otoacoustic emissions. The ear canal and the microphone capsule are
at the focal points of the reflector. The distance between the foci is
404 mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Different reflector assemblies with test subject and microphone positioning: (a) half reflector, (b) two-sided reflector, (c) two-sided
reflector with detachable end. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manufactured reflector parts: (a) all parts separately, (b) two halves
together and the detachable end alongside, (c) detachable end with
the microphone mounted in place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Picture of the setup used to measure the responses of the reflector.
The mobile device speaker element mounted in an enclosure made
out of a plastic tube, play dough and foam is on the left side of the
reflector. The measurement microphone is on the right side. . . . . .
The setup from preliminary measurements shows the equipment used
in the final measurements with the difference of speaker model and
placement. An artificial head is placed under the reflector to demonstrate the position of the test subject. The measurement microphone
is inserted inside the reflector from the other end. The reflector is
mounted to a three-legged stand featuring vibration isolating foam. .
Magnitude responses of the gain measurements between the two foci.
Gain responses of the different reflector setups plotted as a difference
to the free field response at the same distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Energy decay curves for different reflector setups. . . . . . . . . . . .
The effect of offsetting the sound source away from the axis going
through the focal points of the reflector. 1/12 octave smoothing was
employed in the curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The effect of offsetting the sound source along the axis going through
the focal points. 1/12 octave smoothing was employed in the curves. .
Sound spectra measured with the reflector with two loudspeakers
producing sinusoids at 3000 Hz and 3660 Hz and the subject lying
under the reflector with his ear canal approximately at the focal point.
Left: response with sealed ear canal. Right: response with open ear
canal, where most prominent otoacoustic emissions are marked with
red circles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sound spectra measured with reflector from all the subjects at f2 =
2745 and f2 /f1 = 1.22. The stimulus level was approximately L1 =
L2 = 65 dB. On the left the measurement with a sealed ear and on
the right the measurement with an open ear. (a) test subject S, (b)
test subject A, (c) test subject A with a different positioning of the
stimulus producing speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sound spectra measured with reflector from all the subjects at f2 =
3660 and f2 /f1 = 1.22. The stimulus level was approximately L1 =
L2 = 65 dB. On the left the measurement with sealed ear and on
the right the measurement with open ear. (a) test subject S, (b)
test subject A, (c) test subject A with a different positioning of the
stimulus producing speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Measured DPOAE levels from all the test subjects. Level of 2f1 – f2
distortion component, f2 /f1 = 1.22. Orange line: DPOAE levels, dark
line: linear growth reference, grey area height: noise levels. Red circles
denote that the emission level satisfies the 12 dB SNR criterion (sect.
4.2.3). (a) test subject S, (b) test subject A, (c) test subject A with a
different positioning of the stimulus producing speakers. . . . . . . . .
Comparison of speaker intermodulation distortion with two different
speaker positionings without a test subject. Left figure: speakers
positioned next to each other on the same stand. Right figure: speakers
positioned on a 2 m distance from each other. Red circles denote
second order intermodulation distortion componets, blue circles third
order components, a yellow circle a one fourth order component and
pink circles fifth order components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of speaker intermodulation distortion with two different
speaker positionings without a test subject. Red circles denote second
order intermodulation distortion components. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1
Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are faint sounds emanating from the ear. The level
of these sounds is usually too low to be heard, but they can be measured with a
sensitive microphone and techniques designed for the purpose. OAEs can be evoked
with a sound stimulus but they can be present also without a stimulus. They are
an objective measure to assess the function of the inner ear (23). The most familiar
test of hearing is pure-tone audiometry, where different-level pure-tone sounds are
reproduced to the test subject’s ears and the subject responds by pressing a button
when he hears the sound. Hearing thresholds are determined at different frequencies
according to the minimum levels of the pure-tones that the test subject is able to
detect. In a way this test offers the most accurate information about a persons’
ability to hear since it involves the whole process of hearing.
In addition to behavioural audiometric tests, objective physiological examinations
such as measurement of OAEs have been developed. OAEs have various applications.
OAE tests can be used to evaluate the functionality of the test subject’s inner ear
when he cannot be expected to respond in an anticipated manner. As an example of
this, OAE testing is widely used in newborn hearing screenings. OAEs are useful
in audiological diagnostics along with other physiological measures on monitoring
different stages of the auditory pathway (2). As information of the function of the
inner ear is retrieved with this measure, it is also of interest in science.
OAEs are commonly measured with a probe fitted to the ear canal. This probe
features a microphone and possibly loudspeakers for reproducing a stimulus sound.
Clearly the microphone has to be in miniature-size to fit in a such probe. Small
microphones have higher inherent noise compared to microphones larger in diameter.
This inherent noise limits the lower end of the microphone’s dynamic range. When
recording low level sounds such as OAEs, low inherent noise would be a truly
desireable quality for a microphone to achieve a good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
The motivation of this study is to investigate if a higher SNR compared to the common
method can be obtained employing a sensitive low-noise one-inch microphone at a
considerable distance from the ear canal opening and an acoustic reflector to collect
and focus the sound emerging from the ear canal.
An ellipsoidal shape for the acoustic reflector has the correct properties for this study.
To our knowledge a such reflector has not been used for recording OAEs. If the
intented technique is succesful it could offer better quality recordings compared to
the common method, e.g., higher SNR, and it could provide new information about
OAEs since the ear canal is not sealed with the microphone probe. The objectives of
this thesis is to answer the following questions:
• Is recording of OAEs possible by using an acoustic ellipsoidal reflector?
• What is the gain achieved with the reflector to be designed i.e. what is the
frequency response? What about temporal characteristics?
• What is the overall SNR achievable with this system including the lower noise
floor of the measurement microphone compared to a common OAE probe?
Comparing the levels of OAEs measured with the reflector setup and conventional
methods requires quantifying the relation between sound pressure level at the entrance
of the ear canal to the level which is measured with the reflector setup farther away.
Conventional OAE measurement probes are fitted to the ear canal and thus also
pick up body noises such as breathing or swallowing, which increase the background
noise of the recording. The reflector measurement system can be mounted without
touching the test subject’s body at all, and therefore benefit from lower body noise.
Due to the noise originating from the human body (accompanied by the inherent
noise from the miniature microphone) the low frequency limit of OAE recordings
is around 500 Hz with the conventional methods. An interesting question is if the
frequency range of OAE recordings could be extended towards low frequencies with
the reflector measurement setup.
OAEs have already been recorded without sealing the ear canal with a miniature
microphone that is not housed in a probe that seals the ear canal (4). Sealing the
ear canal alters it’s acoustic load and thus OAEs recorded from an open ear reflect
more natural characteristics of the emission. The reflector technique would also have
this advantage of an open ear.
The structure of this work is described as follows. Chapter 2 focuses on OAEs: the
mechanisms behind them is discussed briefly as well as methods how to measure them.
In chapter 3 the relevant attributes of key measurement tools in this study, condenser
microphones and ellipsoidal reflectors are explained in general terms. Chapter 4
presents the methodology used to answer the research questions and the organization
of the experiments. Details of the reflector designed for the study can be found in
this chapter. Results of the study are presented and discussed in chapter 5 and
finally the thesis is concluded in chapter 6.
Chapter 2
Otoacoustic emissions
Cochlear amplifier and otoacoustic emissions
Figure 2.1: Structure of the ear. The outer ear is the part external to the tympanic
membrane featuring the pinna and the external auditory canal. The middle ear is
the portion internal to the tympanic membrane and external to the cochlea. The
inner ear is comprised of the cochlea and the semicircular canals of the vestibular
system. Picture adapted from (46).
The structure of the ear is shown in figure 2.1. The sound entering the ear canal
causes the tympanic membrane (eardrum) to vibrate. Three small bones known
as the ossicles transfer the energy from the eardrum to the cochlea in the inner
ear. This results in pressure variations in the fluids of the cochlea that displace
the flexible cochlear partition composed of basilar membrane, organ of Corti and
tectorial membrane. The displacement takes the form of a wave pattern, that moves
from the base of the cochlea to the apex (7). A.k.a. the traveling wave. This means
that the flexible cochlear partition carries a transversal wave that is similar to the
waves formed in water. Figure 2.2 illustrates the traveling wave motion along the
basilar membrane. The amplitude increases as the traveling wave moves from the
base of the cochlea towards the apex and at a certain point the amplitude reaches a
maximum followed by a rapid decrease. The location of the maximum amplitude
peak along the cochlear partition is frequency dependent. High frequencies peak
close to the base of the cochlea and as the frequency is decreased the peaking occurs
closer to the apex in systematic order depending on the frequency. A frequency
corresponding to one certain place along the cochlear partition is referred to as the
charasteristic frequency (CF). (34)
Figure 2.2: Illustration of the traveling wave motion along the basilar membrane.
The spiral appearance of the cochlea has been stretched out and the displacement of
the basilar membrane is greatly exaggerated. Figure adapted from (49).
A schematic slice through the cochlea is shown in figure 2.3 displaying the flexible
cochlear partition in the center. The organ of Corti runs along the entire length
of the basilar membrane and contains inner hair cells (IHCs) and outer hair cells
(OHCs) (42). In the human cochlea IHCs form a single row of cells while OHCs are
arranged in three to five rows (31). The IHCs convert the vibration at a certain
place along the basilar membrane into a neural code in auditory nerve (31). The
OHCs seem to involve in an active process in hearing. The basic features of this
Figure 2.3: Cross section of the cochlea featuring a schematic view of the organ of
Corti. Figure adopted from (42).
phenomenon are provided next in this chapter.
Active biologic mechanisms have been measured in mammalian ears. Basilar membrane responses measured at the charasteristic place (peak of the traveling wave)
grow linearly at low stimulus levels but demonstrate compressive growth at high
stimulus levels in a healthy living cochlea. Death of the cochlea abolishes this
nonlinear behaviour (39). A healthy living cochlea also exhibits nonlinear behaviour
in the form of refined tuning at the CF (36). The influence of active mechanisms to
cochlear function is shown also in other measurements (33, 37).
These active biological mechanisms are often referred to as the ”active process” or
more specifically as the ”cochlear amplifier”. The cochlear amplifier is believed to be
responsible of the nonlinear behaviour and the exceptional sensitivity and frequency
selectivity in a healthy cochlea in comparison to a damaged or a dead cochlea
(17, 8, 9). Current evidence suggests that OHCs contribute to this amplification
process. The consequence to the loss of OHCs appers to be loss of the cochlear
amplifier (16, 35).
Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are intimately associated to the cochlear amplifier
(23). Somehow related to this amplification process hearing produces these faint but
measurable sounds which are utilized in clinical applications and research. OAEs
are vulnerable to acoustic trauma, hypoxia and ototoxic medications, all of which
cause hearing loss and damage to OHCs (35). There is a link between OHCs and the
production of OAEs similarly as OHCs are linked to the cochlear amplifier. However,
OAEs have been measured also from species without OHCs (29). Therefore OHCs
are unlikely to be the sole producer of OAEs.
For a long time all types of OAEs were thought to be caused by the same mechanism.
More recent knowledge suggests that mammalian OAEs arise from two fundamentally
different mechanisms: nonlinear distortion and linear coherent reflection (43). Emissions from nonlinear distortion are attributed directly to the action of OHCs, and the
source of this type of emissions is believed to follow the traveling wave envelope of
the stimulus that is used to evoke the emission. That means that the actual physical
place where the emission originates in the cochlea is dependent on the frequency
of the stimulus. The linear coherent reflection emissions or ”place-fixed” emissions
are proposed to originate from impedance perturbations in the mechanics of the
cochlea or impedance mismatches present at or near the largest displacement of the
traveling wave. These impedance perturbations could be for example variations in
hair cell number and geometry (20). Slightly changing the frequency of the stimulus
does not change the physical source of the emission – hence the name ”place-fixed”.
Changing the frequency of the stimulus alters the peaking location of the traveling
wave, but as the source point of the emission stays fixed this results in phase changes
due to the altered traveling time along the basilar membrane. OAEs measured in
the ear canal are likely a combination of energy from the two mechanisms. The
association between different types of OAEs and the two generation mechanisms will
be explained later in this chapter in the sections dedicated for different emission
types. (43, 35)
Measurement of otoacoustic emissions
A usual measurement setup for detecting otoacoustic emissios (OAEs) consists of a
minituare microphone housed in a small probe that fits the ear canal. The probe
is coupled to the ear by a foam or rubber tip. The probe can also contain one or
two speakers for providing sound stimuli. The microphone signal is amplified and
sampled via an AD-converter. The output is then appropriately analyzed depending
on the type of OAE that is being measured. (35)
OAEs have been traditionally divided to different types based on the type of stimulus
used or lack of it (35). Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) are recorded
without any external stimulus. Evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAEs) are measured
during or after presenting an acoustic stimulus to the ear. EOAEs are further
categorized by the type of stimulus used. Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions
(TEOAEs) are elicited by using transient stimuli such as clicks. Distortion product
otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) are present when a stimulus containing two pure
tones is reproduced to the ear. Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions (SFOAEs)
are elicited by one pure tone. Synchronized spontaneous otoacoustic emissions
(SSOAEs) use a transient stimulus as an averaging point, but the emission itself is
assumed to be spontaneous (38).
Figure 2.4: Example response of a clinical TEOAE measurement. On the left
waveform of two time-locked averages are shown. There is a few millisecond delay
preceding the response. The right side of the figure shows the levels of the emission
divided into frequency bands (blue) and noise levels in these given bands (red).
Transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions
Transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) are evoked by transient or brief
stimulus such as a click or a tone burst (35). A emission response is present after a
short time delay after stimulus onset. A single response is very low in level and hence
multiple measurements are required to accomplish a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) by using time-synchronous averaging. Commonly responses resulting from
about 200 stimulus repetitions need to be averaged to get a valid TEOAE response
A TEOAE from a healthy ear has a broad spectrum resulting from the transient
stimulus used to evoke the emission. Thus a TEOAE has a broad spectrum similarly
as transient signals do. The level of the stimulus in most clinical applications is
around 80 dB peak equivalent SPL or about 45 dB greater than perceptual threshold.
Figure 2.4 shows an example of the outcome from a clinical TEOAE measurement.
The left side of the figure shows two overlapping waveforms (green and blue) of the
averaged response. The two waveforms are from two distinct averaging buffers to
which multiple click responses are divided for extracting a single TEOAE response.
Similarity of the two averaged buffers (as in the figure) communicates reliability
of the measurement. It can be seen that the response starts around 3 ms after
the stimulus onset. The first few milliseconds are usually eliminated from the final
averaged waveform because energy from the stimulus may persist in the ear canal
long enoungh to obscure the onset of the TEOAE response (35). On the right side of
the figure 2.4 are shown the TEOAE response levels divided to half octave frequency
In general, TEOAE levels for humans are largest around 1–1.5 kHz, and decrease at
lower and higher frequencies. TEOAE levels are typically very small or immeasurable
below 0.5 kHz and above approximately 4 kHz particularly in adult ears. Middle-ear
effects and contamination by subject-generated noises such as breathing and body
movements are a likely cause for the decline below 1 kHz. The decline at high
frequencies likely reflects many factors: middle ear, frequency dependend latency
of the response and restrictions in the measurement equipment (e.g. the frequency
response of the loudspeakers built into measurement probes). (28)
Different frequency components of a TEOAE response have a different latency between
∼3 and 20 ms and on average the latency decreases with increasing frequency (21).
As usually the first few milliseconds are eliminated from a TEOAE response in order
to remove the stimulus artifact, some information at high frequencies is lost.
TEOAEs are present basically in every normally hearing subject (19). TEOAEs are
used in newborn hearing screening, which is a procedure for deciding whether further
examinations are advised. When it comes to the two different OAE generation
mechanisms in the cochlea, low-level TEOAEs arise predominantly through the linear
coherent reflection mechanism (43).
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) arise by stimulation with two
continuous pure tones simultaneously. DPOAEs are attractive as clinical tools
because the emission frequencies can be predicted exactly by the stimulus frequencies
(38). The two pure tones of the stimulus are designated by f1 (lower frequency) and f2
(higher frequency) and the emissions are elicited at frequencies which correspond to
two-tone intermodulation distortion components (35). This means that the emissions
are at different frequencies compared to the stimulus which allows to reproduce the
stimulus and to record the emission at the same time. On average the distortion
component 2f1 – f2 yields the highest amplitude in humans and other mammalian
ears (13). Therefore 2f1 – f2 is the component that is most extensively investigated
and well-suited for clinical purposes (15).
The two tones f1 and f2 also known as primaries, interact in the cochlea close to
the characteristic place of f2 (19). Thus, it has been suggested that DPOAEs could
be used as a frequency-specific assessment of cochlear dysfunction at the f2 place.
DPOAE responses are influenced by stimulus amplitude, relative amplitude between
the two primaries and frequency ratio between them (38). That is, the primaries
need to be reasonably close in frequency and at a reasonable level to elicit a notable
response – in addition these variables can be optimized to yield high response levels
(13). When considering the two emission generation mechanisms in the cochlea (sec
2.1) DPOAEs are a mixture of both, which have also succesfully been unmixed to
separate components (20).
The two stimulus frequencies are usually reproduced by separate transducers to avoid
Figure 2.5: A spectrum of an DPOAE measurement from the ear of a 16-month-old
child. Stimulus tones (f1 = 1.807 kHz; f2 = 2.002 kHz; L1 = 65 dB SPL and L2 = 60
dB SPL) and resulting DPOAEs are labeled to the figure. Several DPOAEs occur at
frequencies below the primaries (4f1 – 3f2 = 1.222 kHz; 3f1 – 2f2 = 1.417 kHz and
2f1 – f2 = 1.612 kHz) and one above the primaries ( 2f2 – f1 = 2.197 kHz). Figure
adapted from (35) [frequency component labels are redrawn due to low-quality copy
of the figure].
generating distortion and especially intermodulation distortion in the measurement
system itself. Intermodulation components would be at the same frequencies with
the DPOAE components. Time-synchronous averaging is used to reduce noise in the
measurement result.
Figure 2.5 shows an FFT analysis of a DPOAE response where both, stimulus and
emission frequency components can be seen. The two stimulus components clearly
have the highest amplitude while there are four DPOAE components at lower levels.
Detecting OHC impairment requires DPOAEs to be measured with stimulus levels
as close as possible to the hearing threshold where OHC function is maximal (25).
In practice this means DPOAE measurements to be done at various stimulus levels
from low to moderate or high, the range being about 20–65 dB. DPOAE level
input/output functions plot the levels of a DPOAE component measured at a fixed
stimulus frequency f2 as a function of stimulus level L2 . In an ear without hearing
impairment the slopes of DPOAE I/O functions are steep at low stimulus levels while
at higher stimulus levels the slopes decrease (19). This mirrors the high amplification
of the cochlear amplifier at low stimulus levels and decreasing amplification at
higher stimulus levels. This kind of a compressive behaviour is observed when using
an appropriate stimulus setting where the level difference L1 – L2 increases with
decreasing stimulus level (25). A similar stimulus setting has been suggested later
Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions
A stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emission (SFOAE) is a constant low-level pure-tone
that occurs at the same frequency and at the same time as the applied constant
pure-tone stimulus. Because the stimulus and the emission superimpose in time and
frequency, specialized measurement techniques must be used to extract the SFOAE
from the evoking stimulus. For example using a second stimulus slightly higher or
lower in frequency can be used to suppress the SFOAE (35). Then a measurement
can be made with and without the presence of the suppressor tone. The difference
of the two cases can be attributed to the SFOAE, or depending on the specifics of
the second tone, the portion that remains unsuppressed by the second tone. Other
measurement methods have been used that produce similar results (35, 5, 40, 41).
Out of the two OAE generation mechanisms in the cochlea, like TEOAEs low-level
SFOAEs arise predominantly through linear coherent reflection (43). The properties
of SFOAEs are also similar to those of TEOAEs. SFOAEs are present in nearly all
normally hearing human subjects, are strong at same frequencies where TEOAEs are
and demonstrate latencies and compressive nonlinearity similar to those of TEOAEs
(24). Charasteristics of SFOAEs in ears with normal hearing and ears with hearing
loss have not been extensively studied and therefore SFOAEs are not used clinically
(35). A laboratory experiment in 85 ears showed that SFOAEs identified hearing
loss at 0.5 kHz better than TEOAEs and DPOAEs while performing similarly to
other evoked emissions at higher frequencies except a slight performance reduction
at 4 kHz (11).
Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions
Spontaneus otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) are narrow-band, often almost tonal,
acoustic signals present in the ear canal withouth the presence of an external stimulus
(28). They are not present in all the human ears with normal hearing. Estimates
of the prevalence of SOAEs go from 40% (3) to about 70% (45, 3). They are more
commonly found in females compared to males and more common in the right ear
compared to the left ear (3).
SOAEs are presumed to be caused by the linear reflection mechanism (sec 2.1) via
multiple reflections within the cochlea (43). SOAEs have been hypotesized to result
from feedback to the generator of linear reflection emissions: the output of this
generator is reflected from stapes (a bone at the ’input’ of the cochlea) back to
the input of the generator (22). In (28) this process is described followingly: ”At
frequencies where this feedback is positive, self-sustaining oscillation results if the
loop gain is sufficient. The resulting self-sustaining oscillation is observed in the ear
canal as an SOAE. Thus, SOAEs can be thought of as continuously self-eliciting
evoked OAEs.”.
While no stimulus is used to record SOAEs there exists a variant, synchronized
spontaneous otoacoustic emission (SSOAE). They are recorded using a transient
stimulus as an averaging point with the goal to reduce background noise. Timelocked averaging is done over a ∼80 ms window after a click stimulus. As TEOAEs
persist roughly 20 ms after the click stimulus and are thus present at the start of the
averaging window, spectral analysis is done on the latter part of the ∼80 ms window
to reveal possible spontaneous emission(s). (14)
Chapter 3
Microphones and reflectors
Inherent noise in condenser microphone systems
The lower end of the dynamic range of a microphone system is limited by it’s noise
floor. In an electrical system such as a microphone system, noise is generated as a
result of physics of the devices and materials that make up the system (30). Thermal
noise and low-frequency 1/f noise are examples of noise types present in electronic
devices. In microphone systems parameters such as the size of the microphone’s
diaphragm have an effect on the noise floor.
Condenser microphones are used in acoustical instrumentation because of their
stability, flat frequency response, wide dynamic range, reasonable sensitivity and
remarkably low self-noise (27). These factors make condenser microphones a suitable
tool also for measuring OAEs. A condenser which is more commonly in electronics
know as a capacitor, is an electronic component which is used to store energy
electrostatically in an electric field. This electric field is usually created between two
electrodes such as metal plates insulated from each other so that electrons are not
able to move directly between them. The ability to store electrical energy, a charge,
is called capacitance. A condenser microphone is a capacitor where the microphone
diaphragm is one of the electrodes and a backplate is provided to function as the
other. These electrodes are insulated from each other by air. The movements of the
diaphragm cause changes in the capacitance which converts to voltage fluctuations
(27). This allows transducing acoustic signals to electric ones.
The capacitance of a capacitor is proportional to the surface area of the electrodes.
Therefore among condenser microphones a microphone with large diaphragm has
larger capacitance compared to a microphone with a small diaphragm. Capacitance
of condenser measurement microphones varies from about 3 pF for 1/8” microphones
to 70 pF for 1” microphones (6).
A condenser microphone is used together at least with a preamplifier and the
re. 20 µPa
a) Complete system
– 10
b) Preamplifier +Measurement Amplifier
– 15
– 20
c) Measurement Amplifier
– 25
– 30
31.5 k
16 k
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3.1: Equivalent levels of inherent noise (1/3 octave bandwidth) produced by
different elements of a microphone system equipped with a 1” free-field microphone
(sensitivity 50mV/Pa). The microphone, the preamplifier and the measurement
amplifier all contribute significantly to the noise floor of the system in certain parts
of the frequency range. Figure adopted from (6).
noise produced by the amplifier adds it’s part to the noise floor. Commonly also
a measurement amplifier is used which also increases the noise floor. Figure 3.1
illustrates the noise produced by different components in a microphone system. The
noise voltages of the preamplifier and the measurement amplifier are converted to
equivalent SPL by dividing the noise voltage by the sensitivity of the microphone.
Preamlifier produces most noise at low frequecies while the measurement amplifier
noise is strongest at high frequencies. Both are the same order of magnitude. The
noise produced by the microphone itself is dominating from about 200 Hz to 10 kHz.
The noise generated by the preamplifier is a significant noise source. It may be
regarded that the preamplifier noise is composed of two main parts. One source is a
re. 20 µPa
1/4" (4 mV/Pa)
1/2" (12.5 mV/Pa)
1/2" (50 mV/Pa)
1/1" (50 mV/Pa)
– 10
16 k
31.5 k 63 k
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3.2: Comparison of 1/3 octave noise spectra of microphone systems equipped
with different size microphones. Figure adopted from (6).
low frequency noise originating from the input circuit of the preamplifier. The voltage
of this noise is inversely proportional to both the frequency and the capacitance of
the microphone. The other noise source is related to the amplifier and has a flat
voltage spectrum in the entire operational range. (6)
Because the low frequency noise generated in the preamplifier is a function of
microphone capacitance, the bigger the microphone diaphragm the lower the noise
that is generated in the preamplifier. It can be noted that increasing capacitance
leads to higher sensitivity, and thus, the aforementioned relation can also be thought
in terms of sensitivity. For small microphones in sizes such as 1/4” and 1/8”, only
the preamplifier noise needs to be taken into account because it dominates over the
microphone noise. In large and most sensitive microphones the microphone noise is
most significant. A comparison of noise spectra for microphone systems equipped
with different size microphones is shown in figure 3.2. (6)
The miniature microphones used in common OAE measurement probes can be
electret consenser microphones, which unlike normal air condenser microphones, do
not require a polarizing voltage supplied from the measurement amplifier. Instead,
a permanently charged material provides the electric field between the diaphragm
and the backplate. The material can be used in the backplate or in the diaphragm
(10). In a study comparing different microphone types it was concluded that the
electret microphone type is slightly quieter at low frequencies than a comparable air
condenser microphone due to absence of a polarization voltage resistor (48).
In this work it was assumed that a remarkably bigger sized air condenser microphone
outperforms a miniature electret condenser microphone in terms of lower inherent
noise. Our experimentation with the noise levels between a 1” low-noise air condenser
microphone and one conventional OAE measurement probe microphone support this
claim. A plot of the noise levels from this experimentation made in an anechoic
chamber is shown in figure 3.3. The 1” air condenser has clearly lower noise at
most frequencies. The background noise of the anechoic chamber is included in the
plots and the inherent noise of the microphones can be lower at some frequecies.
Nevertheless the measurement conditions were similar for the both microphones.
G.R.A.S. 40HF
SPL, avg (dB)
10 2
10 3
10 4
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3.3: Inherent noise comparison between a conventional OAE probe microphone (ER-10B+) and a 1” low-noise instrumentation microphone (G.R.A.S. 40HF)
measured in an anechoic chamber. SPL is a 10s average.
Ellipsoidal reflectors
Ellipsoidal reflectors can be used to collect and focus acoustical waves in a similar
manner as a reflector of a spotlight focuses light. Ellipsoidal reflectors have been
used in acoustics for example in medical applications to focus pressure pulses to
break up, e.g., kidney stones (1, 47) and underwater acoustics (32).
Figure 3.4: Principle of the focusing effect of an elliptical shape. A ray originating
from one focal point (f1) reflects to the other focal point (f2) independent of the part
on the elliptical shape where it reflects.
The principle of the reflecting properties of an elliptical shape can be seen in figure
3.4. A ray originating from the other focus (f1 in picture) refclects to the other focus
(f2) independent of the part on the elliptical shape it collides and reflects from. An
elliptical object can naturally be truncated. Then all the rays originating from one
focus reflect to the other focus if they collide to the objects surface as seen in figure
3.5. Basically it is possible to truncate the elliptical shape where desired and the
remaining surface has the reflection properties of an elliptical shape. In practical
applications reflectors are naturally three-dimensional and most commonly axially
symmetric. Rotating the truncated ellipse in figure 3.5 around the axis going through
the two focal points would result in an axially symmetric ellipsoidal reflector.
In figure 3.6 an ellipse and it’s two axes are presented. The distance f from the center
of the ellipse to one of the focal points can be calculated by
f = a2 − b 2 ,
where a is the length of the semi-major axis and b the length of the semi-minor
axis. The distance a reflected ray originating from focus travels to the other focus is
constant. That is, in an ellipsoidal reflector every reflected ray from one focal point
to the other travel the same distance between the foci. Travel distance of a ray is
equal to the length of the major axis, i.e., semi-major axis times two
n + v = 2a.
This also means that rays with equal propagation velocity arrive to the other focus
at the same time. This is a good quality for a reflector because there will be no
Figure 3.5: Principle of the focusing effect of a truncated elliptical shape. If a ray
originating from the other focus (f1) collides surface of this truncated elliptical shape
it reflects to the other focus (f2).
Figure 3.6: Ellipse dimensions and ray travel distance.
cancellation of frequencies due to phase differences of the arriving waves. Therefore
there is no coloration in this sense. Only the small part of the waves that go directly
from one focus to another without reflecting come there at a different time. How
much sooner the direct part of waves arrive depends on the reflector’s dimensions.
Chapter 4
Methodology and experiments
Design of a reflector used to measure
otoacoustic emissions
Design of the reflector
A reflector was to be designed to collect and focus sound coming from the ear for
measuring otoacoustic emissions. Sound emanating from the ear canal will naturally
spread to all directions available limited by the head and the pinna. A reflector
should gather as much of this sound as possible. Frequency response of the reflector
should be flat and the impulse response as short as is conceivable. In an ellipsoidal
reflector all reflecting waves originating from one focal point arrive to the other focal
point at the same time if they have the same propagation velocity (see sect. 3.2).
This is a good feature for a reflector since there are no phase differences among the
reflected waves to cause coloration. Only the small amount of direct sound arriving
before the reflected sound can cause coloration. An ellipsoidal reflector was decided
to be made for measuring otoacoustic emissions. The ear canal opening would be
placed to the other focus and microphone to the other. The reflector would have the
shape of a prolate ellipsoid. A prolate ellipsoid is an ellipsoid of revolution respect
to the axis running trough the focal points, i.e. an axially symmetric ellipsoid.
An ellipsoidal reflector can be truncated to fit specific needs. Naturally this results
in less reflecting surface. If a minimally truncated ellipsoidal reflector is used the
sound will at least partly be reflected back to the ear canal and then back to the
microphone due to reflections from the subject and diffraction from the edge of the
reflector, as shown with dashed line in figure 4.1. This would result in longer impulse
response and create modes to the frequency response. If the reflector is truncated
more, less reflections going back and forth will result and therefore shorter impulse
response and milder modes in the frequency response can be obtained.
To test the effect of truncating the reflector in practice a modular structure was
ellipsoidal reflector
220 mm
ear canal
460 mm
Figure 4.1: General idea of using a truncated ellipsoidal reflector in recording of
otoacoustic emissions. The ear canal and the microphone capsule are at the focal
points of the reflector. The distance between the foci is 404 mm.
designed. The reflector was designed to break into three parts: two halves and a
detachable end. The two halves are boat-like shapes that would result from cutting
a prolate reflector in half lengthwise along the axis of symmetry. The detachable
end was a end cap to the microphone-side of the reflector to test how much the area
behind the microphone causes reflections. This kind of reflector functions also as
a resonator due to the sound reflecting back and forth as was shown in figure 4.1.
The amount of these reflections can be decreased by using the reflector without the
detachable end thus reducing the resonance.
Three reasonable reflector setups could be put together from the three parts. The
three setups are shown with microphone and test subject placement in figure 4.2.
The setup (a) was used to determine the gain achieved with the most truncated half
reflector, which would not reflect the sound back to the ear canal. The two other
setups were used to measure the gain with less truncation and to test the amount of
reflections that result from the detachable end of setup (c).
Many manufacturing techniques and materials were considered when designing a
reflector. These included vacuum forming of plastic, using a computer-controlled
cutting machine (CNC router) and 3D printing. Vacuum forming would have been
most likely done over a CNC router cut mold. At first a fairly small reflector was
decided to be made and possibly try with a different size later. Also the reflector was
decided to be small enough to fit above a test subjects shoulder while one ear would
be at the focal point of the reflector. Reflector’s inner surface length was decided to
be 460 mm and width 220 mm as seen in figure
√ 4.1. Distance between the two foci
now resulted to be approximately 404 mm (= 4602 − 2202 ).
The most reasonable manufacturing technique for this size model was to directly cut
the ellipsoid form to a material by a CNC router. 400 kg/m3 density polyurethane
foam model board was decided as the material which was believed to be hard and
dense enough for the purpose. It is also sufficiently stable material to avoid any
deformations. The surface of the milled parts were smoothed by sanding them. The
reflection coefficient of the surface was further increased by painting it with a glossy
black paint containing a hardening agent (the result is similar to a car paint surface).
The paint also gave a smooth and uniform coating to the porous material. The
Figure 4.2: Different reflector assemblies with test subject and microphone positioning:
(a) half reflector, (b) two-sided reflector, (c) two-sided reflector with detachable end.
manufactured reflector parts are shown in figure 4.3.
Reflector gain measurements
Measurements were made to study how much gain the manufactured reflector gives at
different frequencies. A swept sine method (12) was used to measure the impulse and
frequency response of the reflector. A small mobile device loudspeaker (diaphragm 9
x 14 mm) was placed to the other focus of the reflector and a 1/2” measurement
microphone (G.R.A.S 40 HT system) was place to the other focus. A photograph of
the measurement setup is seen in figure 4.4.
Measurements were made in the big anechoic chamber of the Department of Signal
Processing and Acoustics in Aalto University. Sweep measurements were done with
Fuzzmeasure software.
Impulse responses of three different reflector assemblies were measured. The three
assemblies were as in figure 4.2: a half reflector, a two-sided reflector and the twosided reflector with a detachable end. The measurement was done with both the
sweep reproducing speaker and the microphone at focal points for all the three
reflector assemblies. In addition the effect of displacing the speaker from the focus
was measured for all the reflector assemblies. The displacement was in the range
Figure 4.3: Manufactured reflector parts: (a) all parts separately, (b) two halves
together and the detachable end alongside, (c) detachable end with the microphone
mounted in place
between 1 to 3 cm and was done in two directions: along the axis going through the
focal points and perpendicularly to that axis. As a comparison a free field response
was measured at the distance of the focal points (404 mm) and at 3 cm distance.
A first order RC high-pass filter was employed in the speaker wiring to protect the
speaker due to limitations of specifying the frequency range of the measurement
sweep in the software. The cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter was approximately
at 200 Hz and the roll-off was 6 dB per octave.
Figure 4.4: Picture of the setup used to measure the responses of the reflector. The
mobile device speaker element mounted in an enclosure made out of a plastic tube,
play dough and foam is on the left side of the reflector. The measurement microphone
is on the right side.
Otoacoustic emission measurements
Organization of the experiments
The experiments were carried out by the author at the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics in Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. A
measurement setup was built to an anechoic chamber to achieve a minimal background noise. The measurement was done in a such way that a test subject could
lay down his other ear pointing upwards. The developed reflector was mounted
above the ear and the ear canal opening was positioned to one of the reflector’s
focal points. A low-noise large diaphragm microphone (G.R.A.S. 40HF system) was
positioned to the reflector’s other focal point. Stimuli were reproduced using two
active Genelec 8020B active speakers. The measurement equipment is shown in
picture 4.5. The stand holding the reflector featured vibration isolating foam to
mitigate noise originating from test subject’s body and movements from entering
the microphone.
A comparison measurement was made by sealing the ear canal of the test subject
with an earplug and repeating the measurement. This was done to examine if the
two tone distortion products originate from the ear or possibly from somewhere
else in the measurement setup. Also an additional measurement was done with
Figure 4.5: The setup from preliminary measurements shows the equipment used
in the final measurements with the difference of speaker model and placement. An
artificial head is placed under the reflector to demonstrate the position of the test
subject. The measurement microphone is inserted inside the reflector from the other
end. The reflector is mounted to a three-legged stand featuring vibration isolating
an alternate stimulus producing speaker positioning related to measurement of
distortion originating from the measurement system itself (see sec. 4.2.4). This
was done with the author as a test subject to observe the possible changes in the
results. The measurement procedure was identical to the principal measurement.
The given measurement was done without confirming the stimuli levels at the
destination position and thus the results are not directly comparable to the principal
Two male test subjects aged 28–30 participated the measurement which includes the
author. Letters A and S are used as identifiers for the author and the other test
subject respectively.
Stimulus parameters
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were evoked by two continuous
pure tones. f1 was the lower tone and f2 the higher. Selected frequencies were [f1 =
2250 Hz, f2 = 2745 Hz] and [f1 = 3000 Hz, f2 = 3660 Hz]. In this work a stimulus,
L1 [dB] L2 [dB]
Table 4.1: Levels of the primary tones f1 and f2 .
a tone pair, is repeatedly referred to by naming only the frequency of the higher
frequency f2 . The ratio of the frequencies f1 and f2 was 1.22 for the both stimuli.
Both primary tones were reproduced at four different levels. Levels of the tones f1
and f2 are referred to as L1 and L2 respectively. Levels were calibrated by placing a
G.R.A.S 46AF measurement microphone directly under the reflectors focal point and
measuring the sound pressure level of the stimulus tone. Speaker gains were adjusted
to meet the desired levels. The levels of the primary tones are shown in table 4.1.
These levels follow a paradigm L1 = 0.4 L2 + 39 dB used in other experiments in the
field (25, 18). Stimulus tones were generated using a LabView software controlled
National Instruments hardware. Length of the stimulus was 65 seconds of which
approximately a 60 second long window starting 2.5 s after stimulus onset was
Data collection and analysis
The microphone signal was fed from the microphone’s preamplifier to a National
Instruments PXI-4461 card controlled by LabView software and recorded with a
script programmed for the purpose. Further data analysis was done in Matlab
software environment.
Recordings were averaged in the time domain and then analyzed with an FFT
algorithm. The same size window was used for both the averaging and the FFT
analysis. The window size was selected so that an integer number of periods of
the both tones in the stimulus fit exactly to the window. This allowed the use of
rectangular window which enabled studying accurate levels and frequencies in the
FFT analysis. At stimulus frequency [f1 = 2250 Hz, f2 = 2745 Hz] the length of the
window was 6860 samples which is about 156 ms at the 44.1 kHz sample rate that
was used. At the other stimulus frequency [f1 = 3000 Hz, f2 = 3660 Hz] the length
of the window was 7350 samples which is about 166 ms.
Approximately a 60 second part of the 65 second long stimulus was analyzed starting
2.5 s after stimulus onset. 386 windows were averaged in the time domain at the
stimulus frequency f2 = 2745 Hz and 360 windows at the stimulus frequency f2 =
3660 Hz.
A signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) criterion was decided for accepting only otoacoustic
emissions at sufficiently high level above the background noise as valid emissions.
Noise level was defined as the mean value of the FFT bins surrounding the emission
bin at a 1/12–octave band. That is, the frequency of the emission was the center
frequency of the 1/12–octave band. Emission was accepted to be valid if the level of
the frequency bin containing the emission was 12 dB above the noise level.
System distortion measurement
Measurements conducted with exactly the same stimulus parameters as in the
DPOAE measurements, but without a test subject, were done to study the amount
of distortion in the measurement setup itself. Also analysis was done with the
same parameters as in the DPOAE measurements and are described in section
4.2.3. In addition, the effect of alternate loudspeaker positioning to the amount of
distortion was experimented. In the principal test setup the two stimulus producing
loudspeakers were placed side by side on the same stand. In the alternate test setup
one of the two loudspeakers was taken from the stand and placed 2 meters away from
the other speaker on a block of foam, while keeping the distance from the reflector’s
focus (’stimulus destination’) the same 2.5 m. Also the input gains of the stimuli
were kept the same.
Chapter 5
Reflector gain measurement results
Focus to focus gain
Measured and unsmoothed magnitude responses of different reflector setups are
presented in figure 5.1. All of the responses are divided piecewise with the free field
response measured at the distance of the focal points of the reflector, i.e. the difference
has been plotted to the graph. This subtracts the response of the loudspeaker (and
the microphone) from the plot. Hence the free field response is a straight line at 0
dB. Also a free field response at 3 cm distance is added as a comparison.
Full reflector with all parts has strong modes in the response at frequencies below 2
kHz, a strong notch with a depth of about 10 dB between 3.5 – 4.5 kHz and a rippled
response at frequencies above 7 kHz. The amplification between 100 – 2500 Hz and
above 4.5 kHz is 20 dB at minimun compared to free field at the same distance. The
strong modes below 2 kHz peak at frequencies of 172 Hz, 612 Hz, 1016 Hz, 1397 Hz
and 1778 Hz.
The two-sided reflector comprised of two halves has slightly less pronounced modes
than the full reflector and less amplification at frequencies below 2 kHz. The response
shows less ripples in general. There are some notches around 2.5 kHz and 6.5 kHz.
There is a double peak at [280 Hz, 360 Hz] and other mode peaks below 2 kHz are
at 744 Hz and 1188 Hz. The single-sided (i.e. half) reflector has overall lower gain
and less ripples in the magnitude response compared to the other reflector setups.
The full reflector gives higher gain compared to the 3 cm distance free field response
at nearly all frequencies above 5 kHz. The response of the two-sided reflector has
also higher gain than the 3 cm free field response at 5 kHz, but then has a notch
between about 6–7 kHz. From 7.3 kHz and above the two-sided reflector has higher
gain compared to the 3 cm free field response. The single-sided reflector response
reaches the amplification of the 3 cm free field response from about 11 kHz on.
Free field 3 cm
Free field focal distance
Relative level [dB]
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5.1: Magnitude responses of the gain measurements between the two foci.
Gain responses of the different reflector setups plotted as a difference to the free field
response at the same distance.
The energy decay curves measured for different reflector setups can be seen in figure
5.2. In the case of the full reflector the curve shows strong reflections spaced about
2.7 ms in time decaying only 6 dB between the first reflections. It takes 28.6 ms for
a reflection decayed by 40 dB. The reflections decay faster for the two-sided reflector
the first reflection being over 10 dB lower in level and decaying at slightly lower pace
from there on. In the case of the single-sided reflector the decay of the reflections
happen very fast within few milliseconds. The first reflection is already about 27 dB
lower in level and the second 50 dB lower compared to the direct sound.
Effect of offset from the focus
The effect of displacing the sound source perpendicularly away from the reflector’s axis
of symmetry (line going through the focal points) was measured. The measurement
microphone was always at the other focal point of the reflector. Figure 5.3 shows
gain measurements responses from the full reflector with the loudspeaker at focus
and with an sideways offset of 1, 2 and 3 cm (the diaphragm size of the loudspeaker
Energy [dB]
Time [ms]
Figure 5.2: Energy decay curves for different reflector setups.
is 9x14 mm). The curves are smoothed with 1/12 octave smoothing. The four
different responses are identical from 128 Hz to 2 kHz. The curve of 3 cm offset
starts to deviate from the others after 2 kHz, showing lower or similar gain compared
to the others from there on. The given response has a remarkably stronger notch
than other responses at 4 kHz and the gain decreases clearly from 10 kHz on with
an eminent difference compared to the other responses. Response from the 2 cm
offset shows similar behaviour to the 3 cm offset response, but with larger gain on
most frequencies. The 1 cm offset response starts to deviate slightly from the focal
response around 4 kHz and deviates more when reaching 10 kHz and frequencies
An offset of the sound source along the line going through the reflector’s focal points
was also measured. Responses of these measurements are shown in figure 5.4 with
focal response, an offset of 2.5 cm from the focus towards the microphone and an
offset of 3 cm to the other direction away from the microphone. At frequencies below
6.5 kHz the smallest distance between the sound source and the microphone results
in greatest gain although being offset from the focus. From 6.5 kHz on the in focus
response has the highest gain at most frequencies. The response measured with offset
away from the microphone features a larger gain between 7–9 kHz than the other
offset response, but has lower gain at all other frequencies compared to the other
two responses. This response also has a deep notch at about 4 kHz.
1 cm off sideways
2 cm off sideways
3 cm off sideways
Free field focal distance
Relative level [dB]
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5.3: The effect of offsetting the sound source away from the axis going through
the focal points of the reflector. 1/12 octave smoothing was employed in the curves.
2,5 cm offset towards
2 cm offset away
Free field focal distance
Relative level [dB]
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5.4: The effect of offsetting the sound source along the axis going through
the focal points. 1/12 octave smoothing was employed in the curves.
Discussion of the acoustical characteristics of the reflector
The results show that the full reflector expectedly yields the highest amplification.
The promiment reflections at about 2.7 ms intervals clearly limit the use of a such
reflector in time-domain measurements such as measuring TEOAEs. The travel time
of a sound wave from one focus to the other focus and back is 2.68 ms which matches
the reflection interval. Therefore the reflecting likely occurs between the sound source
and the microphone. To increase the interval between reflections the reflector’s
dimensions should be made larger. If 10 ms time window between reflections would
be desired, the reflector’s dimensions should be made four times larger. A 10 ms
time window already could be applicable for TEOAE measurements.
The two-sided reflector, which is the more truncated version, has faster decaying
temporal response, but still strong enough first reflections to make it unlikely
applicable in time-domain OAE measurements in this size. The response of the
single-sided reflector decays fast and would be in this respect perfect for time-domain
measurements, but unfortunately it has low gain at low frequecies, which limits it’s
applicability. 1–4 kHz being the common band in TEOAE measurements, at 1 kHz
the difference to the 3 cm free field response is about 12 dB and at 4 kHz 6 dB.
The full and two-sided reflector setups could be used in measurements where the
temporal response is not that critical such as DPOAE measurements, where two
continuous sinusoids are used as a stimulus and the stimulus and OAE are present
at the same time. The response of the full reflector has higher gain compared to the
3 cm distance free field response also at low frequencies due to resonance peaks, but
above frequencies about 5 kHz the gain is nearly always higher. DPOAEs seem to be
generally measured at frequencies up to little over 6 kHz, which means the frequency
of the higher stimulus tone f2 . DPOAE data exists also from measurements at f2 =
8 kHz in a research application (44). The optimum frequency ratio f2 /f1 in DPOAE
generation from humans being about 1.2 the 2f1 – f2 frequency component would
be at frequency 3.84 kHz with f2 = 6 kHz and at 5.33 kHz with f2 = 8 kHz. At
frequency 5.3 kHz the full reflector’s response has already about 3 dB higher gain
compared to the free field response at 3 cm distance. Other DPOAE components at
frequencies higher than the stimulus are evidently at the optimum frequencies to be
recorded with this kind of reflector. For example the third order component 2f2 – f1
is above 5 kHz for stimulus frequecies f2 = 4.3 kHz and above.
One could also utilize the gain provided by the strong resonance peaks at frequencies
below 2 kHz when measuring OAEs of which frequencies are accurately predicted
such as DPOAEs or SFOAEs. It has to be noted that in the given reflector design
placing the test subjects ear canal to the reflector’s focus brings the test subject’s
head close to the reflector’s opening and thus can alter the acoustic load and the
resonant frequecies. This may bring unwanted variability to the test conditions if
employing such a technique.
The offset of sound source away from the reflector’s axis of symmetry starts to affect
the frequency response above 2 kHz frequencies as seen in the results. Offset along
the reflector’s axis of symmetry affects the shape of the response above about 2 kHz
frequecies, while below this frequency the offset only causes a shift in gain for this
part of the response related to the distance from the microphone. These factors
have to be taken into account in the margin of error in measurements when absolute
values of emission level are of interest. However these measurements do not have
the information of the transfer function from the ear to the microphone to deduce
absolute SPLs emanating from the ear canal.
Otoacoustic emission measurement results
Comparison of open and sealed ear in DPOAE measurements
SPL [dB]
Sealed ear
Open ear
Frequency [kHz]
8 10
Frequency [kHz]
8 10
Figure 5.5: Sound spectra measured with the reflector with two loudspeakers producing sinusoids at 3000 Hz and 3660 Hz and the subject lying under the reflector with
his ear canal approximately at the focal point. Left: response with sealed ear canal.
Right: response with open ear canal, where most prominent otoacoustic emissions
are marked with red circles.
An FFT analysis from the DPOAE measurements for subject S is shown in figure
5.5. The case of an ear sealed with an earplug is shown on the left side and the case
of an open ear is shown on the right side. The frequency components of the stimulus
and distortion components from the speakers are shown in both cases. In the case of
an open ear, some otoacoustic emissions are clearly shown. Most prominent ones
of them corresponding to frequencies 2f1 – f2 and 2f2 – f1 . These are third order
two-tone intermodulation distortion components.
In figures 5.6 and 5.7 similar measured data as in the previous figure (5.5) is shown
from the two test test subjects at two different stimulus frequencies. Subfigures (b)
and (c) both show the data from subject A with different speaker positioning which
affected the distortion originating from the measurement system (see sec 5.2.3). This
was an additional experiment and the cases (b) and (c) are not strictly comparable
because it was not verified that in case (c) the speakers produce the same level
stimuli as in case (b). Yet, the speakers gains were kept intact and the distance of
the speaker is approximately the same.
DPOAE, f2 = 2745 Hz
SPL [dB]
SPL [dB]
SPL [dB]
Sealed ear
Open ear
6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
Figure 5.6: Sound spectra measured with reflector from all the subjects at f2 = 2745
and f2 /f1 = 1.22. The stimulus level was approximately L1 = L2 = 65 dB. On the
left the measurement with a sealed ear and on the right the measurement with an
open ear. (a) test subject S, (b) test subject A, (c) test subject A with a different
positioning of the stimulus producing speakers.
The FFT analysis of the measurements at a stimulus frequency of f2 = 2745 Hz in
figure 5.6 show frequency components of the stimulus and distortion components
from the speakers (or elsewhere in the measurement system) in the case of a sealed
ear on the left side. In addition to these frequency components DPOAEs are shown
in the case of the open ear on the right side. The stimulus level was the highest that
was used L1 = L2 = 65 dB. 2f1 – f2 frequency components are marked with a red
circle. The SNR of this component for subject S was 9.4 dB and did not satisfy the
set 12 dB SNR criterion. For subject A the SNR criterion for component 2f1 – f2
was met in both cases shown in the figure. Interestingly the frequency component
2f2 – f1 from subject S is shown also in the case of sealed ear. This indicates that
the component arose from the measurement system itself and is shown in section
5.2.3. The system distortion measurements showed also that the 2f1 – f2 distortion
can be produced by the measurement system itself when there is no test subject.
In figure 5.7 the FFT analysis from measurements at the highest stimulus level
at frequency f2 = 3660 Hz is shown. Frequency components on the right side
marked with red circles are third order intermodulation components corresponding
to frequencies 2f1 – f2 and 2f2 – f1 . They have emerged when there is no earplug
and are thus clearly DPOAEs. SNR values for these DPOAEs are 29 dB or greater
fullfilling the 12 dB criterion. For subject A the levels of the 2f2 – f1 components in
open ear case are similar to the levels of the noise around the given component in
the sealed ear case, and are thus neglected. Also other third order components and
one fifth order intermodulation component marked with blue circles were present
when the ear canal was open. The SNRs of these components were 17 dB or higher.
DPOAE, f2 = 3660 Hz
SPL [dB]
SPL [dB]
SPL [dB]
Sealed ear
Open ear
6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
Figure 5.7: Sound spectra measured with reflector from all the subjects at f2 = 3660
and f2 /f1 = 1.22. The stimulus level was approximately L1 = L2 = 65 dB. On the left
the measurement with sealed ear and on the right the measurement with open ear.
(a) test subject S, (b) test subject A, (c) test subject A with a different positioning
of the stimulus producing speakers.
DPOAE growth
DPOAE measurements were done at two different stimulus frequencies and both
frequencies were measured at four different stimulus levels which can be found in
table 5.1. Figure 5.8 shows the levels of 2f1 – f2 DPOAE component resulting
from the four different stimulus levels used at two different stimulus frequencies.
These input/output functions present the level of the given DPOAE component as a
function of growing stimulus level L2 . DPOAE levels are depicted with an orange
line while the height of the grey area presents the noise level. Red circles denote
that the DPOAE level satisfies the 12 dB SNR criterion. A dark line with a slope of
0.39 has been added as a reference for linear growth in every plot. The slope of the
given line is determined by calculating the slopes between the first two points of the
DPOAE growth functions obtained with the f2 = 3660 Hz stimulus and taking the
mean of these three slopes.
L1 [dB] L2 [dB]
Table 5.1: Levels of the primary tones f1 and f2 .
In the DPOAE measurements at frequency f2 = 2745 Hz only 1/3 of the measurement
points fullfill the 12 dB SNR criterion and are considered valid. The level functions
obtained are nonmonotonic for subject S and A in the normal test setup (figures a
and b), but both only contain one valid data point.The I/O function at frequency f2
= 2745 Hz increases monotonically for subject S with the alternate measurement
Out of the DPOAE measurements done at a frequency f2 = 3660 Hz there is one
nonvalid measurement at the lowest stimuli level for subject A with the alternate
measurement setup. All the other points fullfilled the 12 dB SNR criterion. At the
given stimulus frequency all the obtained I/O functions increase monotonically. For
subject S the slope of the I/O function decreases slightly after the second highest
stimulus level L2 = 52.5 dB, thus exhibiting compressive behaviour. For subject A
the slope decreases after the third highest stimulus level, but increases again on from
the second highest stimulus level. For subject A with the alternative test setup the
I/O function is roughly linear.
SPL [dB]
f 2 = 2745 Hz
SPL [dB]
SPL [dB]
f 2 = 3660 Hz
30 40 50 60
Stimulus level L2 [dB]
30 40 50 60
Stimulus level L2 [dB]
Figure 5.8: Measured DPOAE levels from all the test subjects. Level of 2f1 – f2
distortion component, f2 /f1 = 1.22. Orange line: DPOAE levels, dark line: linear
growth reference, grey area height: noise levels. Red circles denote that the emission
level satisfies the 12 dB SNR criterion (sect. 4.2.3). (a) test subject S, (b) test
subject A, (c) test subject A with a different positioning of the stimulus producing
System distortion
System distortion measurements were done with the exactly same measurement
setup and stimulus levels as in the DPOAE measurements but without a test subject.
Figure 5.9 shows an FFT analysis of the measurement at stimulus frequency f2 =
2745 Hz at the highest level L1 = L2 = 65 dB. The plot on the left shows the result
from the measurement with the loudspekers next to each other and the plot on the
right side shows the result after moving one of the speakers 2 meters away from the
other. Frequency components that arise from intermodulation distortion are marked
to the plot. Two second order intermodulation components at frequencies f2 – f1 and
Intermodulation distortion, f2 = 2745 Hz
SPL [dB]
Speakers next to each other
Speakers 2 m apart
4 6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
4 6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
Figure 5.9: Comparison of speaker intermodulation distortion with two different
speaker positionings without a test subject. Left figure: speakers positioned next
to each other on the same stand. Right figure: speakers positioned on a 2 m
distance from each other. Red circles denote second order intermodulation distortion
componets, blue circles third order components, a yellow circle a one fourth order
component and pink circles fifth order components.
f2 + f1 are marked with red circles; third order components at 2f1 – f2 , 2f2 – f1 , 2f1
+ f2 and f1 + 2f2 with blue circles; one fourth order component at 3f2 – f1 with a
yellow circle and fifth order components at 3f2 – 2f1 and 4f2 – f1 by pink circles.
The results show that the level of most of the given intermodulation components
decreased visibly when the speaker was moved further away, some of them disappearing completely to the noise floor. From the third order components 2f1 – f2 and
2f2 – f1 that are observed in our DPOAE measurements, the level of the component
2f1 – f2 reduced by over 17 dB being visibly indistinguishable from the noise floor
(SNR 3 dB) after placing the speakers further away from each other. The level of
the component 2f2 – f1 decreased over 15 dB but still has a SNR of 15 dB.
Figure 5.10 shows results of the system distortion measurement performed at stimulus
frequency f2 = 3660 Hz at the highest level L2 = 65 dB. The left side plot is the
result when stimulus producing loudspeakers are placed side by side and the right
side plot is the result when one of the speakers is moved away from the other to a 2
m distance. The third order distortion components 2f1 – f2 and 2f2 – f1 observed in
the DPOAE measerements do not emerge visibly from the noise floor in either case
with maximum SNRs of 2 dB.
Two second order intermodulation distortion components at frequencies f2 – f1 and
f2 + f1 are marked with red circles to both plots. The other frequency components
Intermodulation distortion, f2 = 3660 Hz
SPL [dB]
Speakers next to each other
Speakers 2 m apart
4 6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
4 6 8 10
Frequency [kHz]
Figure 5.10: Comparison of speaker intermodulation distortion with two different speaker positionings without a test subject. Red circles denote second order
intermodulation distortion components.
that have high levels above the noise floor are harmonic distortion components and
of course, the frequency components of the stimulus itself. The level of the second
order component f2 – f1 decreased almost 24 dB and disappeared to the noise floor
when one loudspeaker was moved further away from the other. The component f2
+ f1 decreased by 32 dB still having a SNR of over 8 dB after relocating the other
loudspeaker. It has to be noted that in the case of loudspeakers positioned further
apart, there is a remarkable 10 dB decrease in the level of the lower tone of the
stimulus entering the microphone inside the reflector. This likely has influence on
the levels of the intermodulation distortion components. It is also likely that there
is a similar difference between stimulus levels at the point where the ear canal of
the test subject is positioned, which should be kept in mind when interpreting the
results from the alternate test setup.
Discussion of the DPOAE measurement results
Taking into account the system distortion information, frequency components of
biological origin could be measured in these measurements, that is DPOAEs. While
the system distortion results at frequency f2 = 2745 Hz show that the 2f1 – f2
distortion component is present even without a test subject, it is present with subject
A also in the alternative speaker positioning where the given distortion component
does not arise from the measurement system itself. Therefore DPOAEs could be
measured at least with the alternative test setup at this stimulus frequency.
In the system distortion measurements at stimulus frequency f2 = 3660 Hz no notable
third order intermodulation components emerged. The third order component 2f1 –
f2 was measured in the DPOAE measurements from the both subjects and is clearly
a DPOAE. Also the component 2f2 – f1 was measured from subject S.
Although done with a small sample of subjects and some inherent distortion in the
system, these measurements serve as a proof of concept that recording of OAEs is
possible from a considerable distance by using an ellipsoidal reflector.
Chapter 6
A modular ellipsoidal reflector was developed and it’s applicability to measurements
of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) was examined. The response measurement data
from the reflector show that clearly the most gain is achieved with the least truncated
reflector setups that have the most closed structure and feature the most reflecting
surface. These setups are suitable for measurements where the temporal response is
not overridingly critical, because there are reflections in the response that take over
10 milliseconds to decay. The least truncated reflector setups could be usable for
the measurements of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), stimulusfrequency otoacoustic emissions (SFOAEs) and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions
(SOAEs). The frequency responses of these reflector setups have high resonance
peaks which may be inconvenient. The gain with the most closed reflector setup
compared to a 3 cm distance free-field response is nearly always higher above about
5 kHz, which makes measurements at this frequency region desireable. Yet, this
frequency region is at the very upper end of the frequency range where common
OAE measurements are made. With the more truncated setups a similar frequency
limit is at even higher frequencies.
To test the developed setup to its purpose, OAE measurements were performed
to two test subjects of which the author was the other one. DPOAEs could be
measured at two stimulus frequencies. These measurements serve as a proof of
concept that recording of OAEs from a considerable distance is possible with this
kind of a reflector.
The comparison of achievable SNR between the developed setup and conventional
OAE measurement equipment was not done due to limited time available. Further
studies are needed to answer this question.
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