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A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Chapter 8
Windows on a Network
Physical Network Architectures
• Elements providing an overview of networks
– The different sizes of networks
– The different technologies used by networks
– Some networking terms
• Network types commonly encountered
Wireless networks
Telephone networks
Mostly outdated token ring and FDDI networks
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Sizes of Networks
• A network links two or more computers
• PAN (personal area network)
– Consists of personal devices at close range
• LAN (local area network)
– Covers a small local area such as a home, or office
• MAN (metropolitan area network)
– Covers a large campus or city
• WAN (wide area network)
– Covers a large geographical area; e.g., the Internet
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Additional Terms Used in Networking
• Node (host): one device on a network; e.g., server
• Network adapter: interfaces a PC with a network
– Network interface card (NIC): fits in a PCI slot
• Adapter (MAC, physical, or hardware) address:
– 48-bit (6-byte) id number hard-coded on card
– Example: 00-0C-6E-4E-AB-A5
• Network protocols: rules of communication
• Packets (datagrams or frames)
– Basic unit of data transmitted on a network
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Introducing Ethernet
• Ethernet types (categorized by speed):
10-Mbps Ethernet
100-Mbps or Fast Ethernet
1000-Mbps or Gigabit Ethernet
10-Gigabit Ethernet
• Types of cabling used:
– Two kinds of twisted-pair
• Unshielded twisted pair (UTP): four pairs of twisted wire
• Shielded twisted pair (STP): protected from EMI
– Coaxial cable: single copper wire with braided shield
– Fiber-optic: glass strands inside protective tubing
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Wi-Fi Wireless Networks
• Use radio waves or infrared light to connect PCs
• Popular in places where cables are difficult to install
• 802.11wireless (Wi-Fi or Wireless Fidelity)
Types: 802.11g (most popular), 802.11b, 802.11a
Two new standards: 802.11k and 802.11r
Ad hoc mode: directly links two wireless devices
Access point (AP): connects wireless device to LAN
• WiMAX (802.16 Wireless/802.16d and 802.16e)
– Used in public hot spots and as a last mile solution
• Bluetooth: short range standard; e.g., optical mouse
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Figure 8-5 Nodes on a wireless LAN connect to a cabled network by way
of an access point
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
VoIP Telephone Networks
• VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
– Uses packets of data to communicate
• Need broadband Internet connection
• Can use a VoIP digital phone
• Newer WiFi phones can use a WiFi hotspot to send
and receive VoIP wirelessly
• Some think WiFi phones will replace cell phones
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Figure 8-5 This VoIP digital telephone connects to a local network and on
to the Internet by way of a network cable
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Windows on a Network
• Major software components on a network
• An operating system installed on each PC
– Network operating system (NOS) for larger networks
• Peer-to-peer network (workgroup)
– Each PC has the same authority on the network
• Client/server model (domain)
– Access to network resources controlled by an NOS
– Server is called a domain controller
• A few network operating systems
– Windows 2003 Server, Novell NetWare, Linux
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Four Suites of Protocols
• TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
– Primary protocol used on the Internet
• IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced
Packet Exchange)
– Designed for use with Novell NetWare
• NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface)
– Supports NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System)
• AppleTalk
– Proprietary networking protocol suite for Macs
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Four Suites of Protocols (continued)
• Using a protocol on the network
– Install a NIC card in the computer
– Connect network cable to network device; e.g., a switch
– NIC card binds to higher level protocol; e.g., TCP/IP
• How to identify which protocols are used in Windows
– Look at the properties of a network connection
• More than one OS protocol can be used on a network
• New protocols may be installed
• Network printers can be accessed in various ways
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Figure 8-9 Three Windows XP network protocols are installed and two protocols
are bound to this network card
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Addressing on a Network
• Four methods used to identify devices and programs
Using a MAC address
Using an IP address
Using character-based names (host, domain, NetBIOS)
Using a Port address
• IP addresses
Used in TCP/IP to identify any device on the network
4 bytes (octets) separated by dots; e.g.,
System allows for up to 4.3 billion IP addresses
First part identifies network, last part identifies host
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Addressing on a Network (continued)
• Classes of IP addresses
Class A: first octet for network, remainder for host
Class B: two octets for network, remainder for host
Class C: three octets for network, remainder for host
Class D: reserved for multicasting
Class E: reserved for research
• Subnet mask
– Octets used to identify if PCs are in same network
– Ex: if subnet is, the first octets must match
– Two types: classful and classless (CIDR)
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Table 8-1 Classes of IP addresses
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Addressing on a Network (continued)
• IP address categories
Public IP address: available for use on the Internet
Private IP address: only used on a private intranet
Static IP address: permanently assigned to a node
Dynamic IP address: assigned for current session
• Solutions for IP address shortages
– 1. Private IP addresses
– 2. Dynamic IP addressing (may be combined with 1)
• DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server
– Manages dynamically assigned IP addresses
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Figure 8-16 A DHCP server has a range of IP addresses it can assign to
clients on the network
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Addressing on a Network (continued)
• Network address translation (NAT)
– Presents public IP address for PC with private address
– A proxy server makes the IP address substitutions
• Proxy server: node between the network and the Internet
Router can act as proxy server, DHCP server, firewall
Name resolution: links a name to an IP address
DNS (Domain Name System): tracks host names
WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service)
– Tracks NetBIOS names; e.g., joesmith, Workstation12
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
How Computers Find Each Other on a
• PC must acquire IP address of another PC for a link
• Methods for discovering IP address of another PC
The computer checks the NetBIOS name cache
If WINS server address is known, PC queries server
Computer uses broadcast to query nodes on LAN
The computer checks a file named LMHosts
The computer checks the file named Hosts
If DNS server address is known, PC queries server
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Configuring a NIC and Connecting to a
• Components needed to connect a PC to a network
– NIC and network port or wireless NIC card in the PC
– Patch cable
– Device for the PC to connect to, such as a router
• NIC card selection criteria
– NIC should match type of bus on motherboard
– NIC should match speed and type of network
– Wireless NIC should match network technology
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Installing a NIC Using Windows
• Overview of installation steps
Determine whether driver or NIC is installed first
If NIC precedes driver, install NIC and turn on PC
Follow instructions in Found New Hardware Wizard
Verify driver installation using the Device Manager
Update the driver if necessary
Connect patch cable to NIC port and network switch
• Configuring Windows 2000/XP to use a network
– Name computer in System Properties dialog box
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Installing a NIC Using Windows
2000/XP (continued)
• Questions to ask before configuring TCP/IP
– Will the PC use dynamic or static IP addressing?
– What are the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway?
• A question to ask if static IP addressing is used
– Do you use DNS?
• If so, what are the IP addresses of your DNS servers?
– Is a proxy server used to connect to other networks?
• If so, what is the IP address of the proxy server?
• Gateway: device that connects two networks
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Installing a NIC Using Windows
2000/XP (continued)
• Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box
– Used to configure TCP/IP under Windows XP
– Dialog opened from Properties of Local Area Connection
• NWLink or NetBEUI protocol
– Used for network communication (excluding the Internet)
– Can be used in combination with TCP/IP
– Installed from Properties of Local Area Connection
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Installing a NIC Using Windows 9x/Me
• Overview of installation steps:
– Physically install the NIC and turn on the PC
– Follow instructions of the Wizard
– Verify the installation using Device Manager
• Assigning a computer name
– Access Identification tab in Network dialog box
– Enter names of computer and workgroup
– Verify assignment in Network Neighborhood window
• Installing and configuring TCP/IP using Windows 98
– Use functions in the Network window
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Installing a Wireless Adapter in a
• Wireless adapter uses a USB port or PC Card slot
• Installation package includes a CD and accessories
• Overview of steps for installing a Linksys adapter
– Install the software from the setup CD
– Plug the wireless adapter into a USB port
– Launch Found New Hardware and follow instructions
• Managing the issue of an unsigned driver
– Find approved driver or continue installation
• Deciding which installation utility to use
– Choose manufacturer’s utility over Windows XP’s
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Installing a Wireless Adapter in a
Notebook (continued)
• Information displayed about a current connection:
– MAC address of access point device used by adapter
– The current channel the connection is using
– Transfer rate, throughput, link quality, signal strength
• Configuration changes you can make:
Mode or network type
The SSID (service set identifier)
Encryption settings
Tx rate
TCP/IP configuration
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Figure 8-45 Enter the SSID of a hot spot to which you want to connect
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Sharing Files, Folders, and
• PCs in same workgroup or domain share resources
• How to makes network shares available
– Use My Network Places in Windows 2000/XP
– Use Network Neighborhood in Windows 9x/Me
• Windows components required for sharing resources
– Client for Microsoft Networks
– Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
• Creating a network share in Windows
– Use Sharing tab in Properties dialog box of target
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Network Drive Maps
• Make the client PC appear to have a new hard drive
– Physical hard drive space is on the host (the server)
• Network File System (NFS)
– Manages network drive maps between client and server
– Is a type of distributed file system (DFS)
– Provides more for highly reliable file sharing
• Overview of steps to create a network drive map:
– Create a network share on the host
– Access network using remote computer (client)
– Use Map Network Drive to map host drive to client
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
What If You Don't Want To Share?
Disable File and Printer Sharing
Hide PC from others looking at My Network Places
Hide a shared folder
Make your personal folders private
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Security on a Wireless LAN
• Methods for securing a wireless connection:
Disable SSID broadcasting
Filter MAC addresses
Data encryption; e.g., WPA (WiFi Protected Access)
Change firmware default settings
Update firmware
Use a firewall
Virtual private network (VPN)
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Configure and Test Your Wireless
• Installing the hardware
– Position device and plug it in
– Connect the device using a network or USB cable
• Access point configuration is saved on firmware
• Configuring the access point
Change default password to the administrative utility
Select basic wireless settings, such as the channel
Set up data encryption
Choose whether to filter MAC addresses
Save the settings and test the connection
A+ Guide to Software, 4e
Troubleshooting a Network
• Some symptoms indicating a faulty NIC:
– You cannot make a connection to the network.
– My Network Places does not show any other PCs
– An error message displays during driver installation
• Displaying TCP/IP connection information
– Use Ipconfig under Windows 2000/XP
– Use Winipcfg under Windows 9x/Me
• Ping (Packet Internet Groper) diagnostic tool
– Sends a signal to a remote computer
– If remote PC is online and senses signal, it responds
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