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Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
• Define cardiorespiratory fitness.
• Discuss the structures and functions of the
cardiorespiratory system at rest and during exercise.
• Describe how the three metabolic systems work during
• Assess your cardiorespiratory fitness level.
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Objectives, continued
• Set appropriate cardiorespiratory fitness goals.
• Create a cardiorespiratory exercise plan compatible with
your goals and lifestyle.
• Describe how to prevent injuries during cardiorespiratory
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The Cardiorespiratory System and Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
The ability of your cardiovascular and respiratory
systems to supply oxygen and nutrients to large
muscle groups for continuous activity.
Respiratory System (Pulmonary System)
Air passageways and lungs.
Cardiovascular System
Heart and blood vessels.
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How the Cardiorespiratory System Works
Air Passageways…
warm, humidify, and filter incoming air, promoting
optimal gas exchange (delivering oxygen and
removing carbon dioxide).
facilitate the movement of oxygen into the blood
and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide,
which is called respiration.
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How the Cardiorespiratory System Works
four chambers that pump blood through two
different circulatory systems.
• Pulmonary System: Blood circulates from the
heart to the lungs and back.
• Systemic Circuit: Blood circulates from the
heart to the rest of the body and back.
Blood Vessels…
transport blood throughout your body via Arteries
(take blood away from the heart) and Veins (carry
blood back toward the heart).
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The Cardiorespiratory System
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The Heart
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Three Metabolic Systems Deliver Essential Energy
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
A cellular form of energy that must be constantly regenerated
from energy stored in your body and from the foods you eat.
1. Immediate Energy System: Quick access to energy for
“explosive” activities.
2. Nonoxidative (Anaerobic) Energy System: Breaks down
glucose without oxygen quickly for activity needs in the first 3
minutes of exercise.
3. Oxidative (Aerobic) Energy System: Utilizes oxygen to break
down fat, glucose, and protein for sustained activities.
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The Cardiorespiratory System at Rest
and During Exercise
• Resting Condition
Homeostasis: A stable, constant internal
environment that your body seeks to maintain
while at rest.
• Response to Exercise
Cardiac Output: The amount of blood exiting your
heart in 1 minute. Increased heart rate and
stronger contractions result from physical
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How Aerobic Training Conditions the
Cardiorespiratory System
• Increases oxygen delivery to muscles.
• Improves the transfer and use of oxygen.
• Improves the body’s ability to use energy efficiently.
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Cardiorespiratory Training Adaptations
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Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Fitness
• Decreases risk of disease, including those related to
metabolic syndrome (obesity-related risk factors).
• Helps control body weight and composition.
• Improves self-esteem, mood, and feelings of well-being.
• Improves immune function.
• Improves long-term quality of life.
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Assessing Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Monitor your resting heart rate.
• Reflects general fitness level
• Involves taking your pulse
Understand maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max).
• Measures body’s ability to use oxygen during activity
• Most accurate measurements are done in a lab setting
Test submaximal heart rate responses.
• Uses submaximal levels to compare to norms or predictions
• Generally safer and easier to conduct than maximal tests and
may be done in the field or in a lab
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Assessing Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Tests for cardiorespiratory fitness
in the field and classroom:
• Three-minute step test
• One-mile walking test
• 1.5-mile running test
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Creating Your Own Cardiorespiratory Program
Set appropriate cardiorespiratory fitness goals.
• SMART goals: specific, measurable, actionoriented, realistic, time-oriented
Learn about cardiorespiratory training options.
• Classes
• Indoor workouts
• Outdoor workouts
• Differing formats
– Continuous training
– Interval training
– Circuit training
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Creating Your Own Cardiorespiratory Program
Apply FITT Principles
• Frequency
• Intensity
• Assess your rate of perceived exertion (RPE).
• Determine your target heart rate.
• Measure your heart rate reserve (HRR).
• Take the talk test.
• Time
• Type
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FITT Training Guidelines
206.9 - (0.67 x age) = Max Heart Rate (MaxHR)
MaxHR - (resting heart rate) = Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
HRR x 50% = training range %
training range % + resting heart rate = low end of THR
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Target Heart Rate Guidelines
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Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale
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Creating Your Own Cardiorespiratory Program
Include Three Key Components
• The Warm-Up Phase
• The Cardiorespiratory Endurance Conditions Set
• The Cool-Down Phase
Plan for Proper Progression
• Follow the 10 Percent Rule...
Weekly increases in frequency, intensity,
and/or time should not exceed 10%.
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Sample Cardiorespiratory Progression
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Maintaining Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Understand the Stages of Progression
Start-Up Phase:
• “Listen” to your body.
• Lasts approx. 2–4 weeks.
Improvement Phase:
• Your body begins to adapt to greater activity.
• Lasts approx. 3–8 months.
Maintenance Phase:
• You have attained a higher fitness level.
• Not interrupting the program is key at this stage.
• Lasts indefinitely.
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Maintaining Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Track your progress through journaling.
• Helps identify patterns and problems.
Troubleshoot problems immediately.
• Don’t let temporary setbacks take hold.
Periodically reassess your fitness level.
• Use Lab 4.2 to help you reassess your needs.
Reassess goals and program as needed.
• Use your target dates to review your goals and make
adjustments that might be productive.
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Avoiding Injury in Cardiorespiratory Exercise
• Design a personalized, balanced program.
• Wear appropriate footwear and clothing.
• Pay attention to your exercise environment.
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke
Air quality
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Avoiding Injury in Cardiorespiratory Exercise
Drink Adequate Water
• Avoid dehydration.
Prevent or Treat Common Injuries, Including:
• Delayed-onset muscle soreness.
• Muscle and tendon strain.
• Ligament and joint sprains.
• Overuse injuries.
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Avoiding Injury in Cardiorespiratory Exercise
Treat Common Exercise and Sports-Related Injuries
Using the RICE Formula
• Rest
• Ice
• Compression
• Elevation
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