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Basics of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Aerobic Activities and the Body
Aerobic activity is continuous activity that requires large amounts of oxygen (aerobic means with oxygen).
Doing regular aerobic activity strengthens the heart and lungs. Aerobic activity also makes your working muscles use
oxygen more efficiently. Before you can understand how aerobic activities work, you need to have some knowledge of
the circulatory and respiratory systems. The circulatory system (sometimes called the cardiovascular system) consists of
the heart, blood, and blood vessels and is responsible for circulating blood throughout the body. The oxygen that your
blood carries comes from the air around you. Oxygen is introduced into your body by means of your respiratory systemthe body system that exchanges gases between your body and the environment.
In contrast, anaerobic activity (without oxygen) is activity that requires high levels of energy and is done for
only a few seconds or minutes at a high level of intensity. Anaerobic fitness may be defined as higher levels of muscular
strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. The heart and lungs cannot pump enough oxygen rich blood to the muscles
in order to meet the high demand of activity.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
One long-term result of regular aerobic activity is cardiorespiratory endurance. This is the ability of the body to
work continuously for extended periods of time (also known as cardiovascular fitness). People who have a high level of
cariorespiratory fitness have lowered risks of adult lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and
obesity. Fitness experts generally measure cardiorespiratory endurance in terms of maximal oxygen consumption, or
VO2max. This is the largest amount of oxygen your body is able to process during strenuous aerobic exercise. This is
measured in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight (ml/kg). The more aerobically fit you are the higher your
Many factors contribute to one’s cardiorespiratory endurance—heredity, age, gender, body composition, and level
of conditioning. Your heredity, or genetic makeup, affects your cardiorespiratory fitness because some are born with a
greater proportion of slow-twitch to fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are muscle fibers that contract
at a slow rate, allowing for greater muscle endurance. These fibers are associated with an increased ability to do aerobic
work (with oxygen). Fast-twitch muscle fibers, in contrast, contract rapidly, thus allowing for greater muscle strength.
Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Physical Fitness: Lower resting heart rate; Better ability to maintain comfortable breathing rates during physical
activity; Increased aerobic fitness and endurance
Emotional Health: Reduces stress hormones; Improves self-image; Releases endorphins-mood elevating brain
chemicals which produce a feeling of pleasure
Physical health: Lower cholesterol and blood pressure; Reduces risk of lifestyle diseases (diabetes, heart
disease, and some cancers)
Applying the FITT Principle to Cardiorespiratory Workouts (Teens)
Be aerobically activity most days of the week (3-7 days/week)
Target Heart Rate (THR): 60-80% of your Maximum Heart Rate
Formula: 60%=(220-age)x.60 TO 80%=(220-age)x.80
Units are beats per minute (bpm)
Beginners: 20-30 minutes; May accumulate time in 10-15 minute intervals
Advanced: 30-60 minutes; Continuous or longer intervals
Walking, jogging, roller-blading, dancing, stair climbing, kickboxing, cross-country
skiing, swimming, water aerobics, biking, aerobic exercise classes
Basics of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
My resting heart rate is__________bpm 2. My maximum heart rate is-MHR (220-age)_______bpm
60% of my MHR is__________bpm
4. 80% of my MHR is________bpm
My target heart rate (THR) is_________bpm-__________ bpm
My favorite type of aerobic activity is_______________________________________
My mile time is_________min:sec
This is a __________(high, medium, low) level of cardiorespiratory fitness
Crossword Puzzle
1. Mood elevating brain chemicals which produce a feeling of pleasure
4. Maximal oxygen consumption; The largest amount of oxygen your body is able to
process during strenuous aerobic exercise
5. Muscle fibers which contract rapidly, thus allowing for greater muscle
7. System that consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels and is responsible
for circulating blood throughout the body (sometimes called the cardiovascular
2. Muscle fibers that contract at a slow rate, allowing for greater muscle
3. Body system that exchanges gases between your body and the environment
6. Continuous activity that requires large amounts of oxygen (with oxygen)
8. Activity that requires high levels of energy and is done for only a few
seconds or minutes at a high level of intensity (without oxygen)