Download Energy Harvesting Using Nano Fibers PVDF\ Graphene Composite

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Nazar Fadhil1, Dleer Saber1, Paris Cox3, Kripa Vanashi3 and Prabir Patra1,2
1Departmentof Biomedical Engineering
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering
1,2University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06604
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
Self powering implanted devices
have been the main goal for most
miniature devices. Harvesting
bioenergy is a remarkable method that
can utilize a natural energy such as
heart beat by converting the
mechanical energy into electric power
that can charge or even power
implanted devices such as pacemaker.
This project is demonstrated the novel
idea of using dual layers Nano-scale
film of polyvinyildin defloride
(PVDF) and Graphene composite
laying on each others that are
embedded into self curling
silicone cuff. Each
PVDF\ Graphene layer which has
dimension Wp=8mm,Lp=28mm,and
Hp=17µm. Additionally, the Nano
fibers film can be attached to
vibrating transmitting plate
harvesting heart beat energy and
encapsulating the whole device with a
biocompatible material as PDMS.
Far field electrospinning (FFES) experiments were conducted to obtain PVDF
Nano fibers with Graphene composites . The fibers were collected randomly
with controlled parameters.
Multilayer of PVDF/ Graphene film can be used and the total harvested power
is calculated with the equation as shown below
Ø  Implanted devices such as internal
defibrillator therapy (IDT) and
pacemaker are battery powered,
PVDF/ Graphene Nano fibers
could be utilized to generate an
energy by transforming heartbeat
to an electric signal as depicted in
figure (1).
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The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file.
Electrospinning machine
PVDF Nano fibers film
The PVDF\Graphene Nano fibers composite exhibited less non polar of αphase and enhancing formation of β-crystalline for the PVDF compared to the
absolute PVDF Nano fibers as shown by the X-ray diffraction in Fig.3
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Figure 3: XRD analysis for PVDF and PVDF\ Graphene composite
The average power is inversely proportional to the PVDF thickness with
assuming resistance of mock artery is constant at 125MΩ. At PVDF thickness
of 17µm, the corresponding average power of 30nwatt is calculated as in Fig.4
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The image part with relationship ID rId4 was not found in the file.
Figure 4: Relationship between average power with PVDF thickness
Figure1: PVDF\Graphene Nano fibers attached
to a Pacemaker
Ø  Silicon cuff enclosed with dual
layer PVDF\ Graphene Nano fiber
can convert hemodynamic
movement (expansion and
contraction) of the aorta artery to
corresponding voltage. and deliver
to a shown in Fig
Electronic circuit
Embedded PVDF\
Graphene thin film
electrode PANI
Figure 2: PVDF\Graphene Nano fibers
embedded within silastic cuff
The investigation and analysis are
undergoing to estimate the best
parameters that can be selected
through the experiment in order to
enhance the β - crystals formation.
PVDF/ Graphene Nano fibers with
size of 170nm or less can be grouped
together to boot the power output up
to three order than conventional one.
Furthermore, several experiments
must be conducted
in vitro to
enhance the device affectivity ad
reduce external artifacts to assess the
validation of assembly. Supper
capacitor is another key element
would be used in future to enhance
electrical storage output . Table below shows an obvious difference of harnessed power when the PVDF\
Graphene film thickness enhanced to 17µm. Power is calculated theoretically
and approximately is twice order than achieved in vitro. The produced Nano
fibers film is embedded into silicon 0.30 cm3 cuff .The device is calculated to
get average peak voltage of 3.8 v
V peak (v)
Power (w)
R load (Ω)
The cuff was placed around the mock artery connected to a high input
impedance voltmeter. The tube was compressed and relaxed to generate time
varying wave form correspond to blood pressure.
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Figure 5: PVDF response with applied pulsatile pressure input1
Battery limitations have been a
barrier for long-term device operation
due to their limited lifespan and
therefor necessitating for periodic
replacement. Energy harvesting has
the potential to provide selfgenerating power for implanted
medical devises and that would
eliminating the need for battery
recharging and replacement. This
work initiates an evidence
utilizing PVDF Nano scale which can
yield significant electric power from
internal organs such an artery energy
for self depended implanted devices.
Nano PVDF / Graphene has
tremendous applications due to their
capabilities of power harvesting.
Nano fibers film used to harnesses
mechanical blood pressure from an
artery/ harvesting energy or from
heart beat by using vibration
transmitting plate. Shielding the
assembly with PDMS makes a
brilliant biocompatible, sustainable
device. With the Nano-scale fiber we
expect least two orders of magnitude
higher power harvesting that result in
producing peak voltage of 3.8 and
60nw for double layers enough to
charge or power a pacemaker..
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4. Xudong Wang , Piezoelectricnanogenerators—
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