* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
I TES Tedit. T edits. 445 Definiton of terms;aeyeaut Bioimpedance --The resistance to an altrntig, high frequen~cy current passed through the ietod theepbeen ofe boy. 4 eanh Cardia outpt-The amount of blood "pumnped" by heart rate and stroke volumne. Normal cardiac output is 5.0 liters per minute. Cardiac index -The cardiac output expressed in proportion to body surface areas as liters " minute-' " meter-'; normal 2.8-4.2. Diastoli blood pressure-The lowest pressure within the arterial system during each cardiac cycle; normal 50-90Omillmeters of Mercury (mmHg). End diastolic index-The ventricular end diastolic volume expressed in proportion to the body surface area as milliliters/meter'. Ejectionfratin-The difference between veiitricular end diastoli volume and ventricular end systolic volume as a percentage ofthe~vnrclar end diastolic volume, normal greater than Hleart nae- The number of tines the heart contracts each minute; normal 60-100 beats per minute. to the passage of an elecImpc-earisace trical current through a conducto. Stroke volume-The amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during each contraction; nor- n adoaclrsau rdtoalivaietcnqe lw riva~tivso h iuinlpicpesc indicator diuto sn lo e steFc main uptdtriain stay o ada fiberpiswti umnr reycteeshv enabled the prattinr to deemn cniuu hs O mixed venous oxge saturato n However risk mngmn ncsotimn anlto concens in~herent tocnrlvnu ahtrpaeethvn atr couraed4 the searc forlssivasie ardicutpt Additional reinmets inDppe moir. andpumnary echocardiogah ehooyhv rdcdtas cutaineous and trneohgaDplrmtod for deriningC.To oivsvemtos imeac ltymgapyadtasuaeu Doppler are urnl omrilyaalbe TrneohgaDplrCOdtmitosrespaga Dopplrprbe lcmnfa qur ungcricott a Cadicout ' ';~~ emaurdb aiu Mtinvasive inkvasive and noninvaivemehos Omtosuiiz cile. Three suc rn tedlto aitoso methodsar th Fik, indicator mal 70 milliliters (inL).diuinanthradito.Twnnnvse Stroke index -The stroke volume expressedas a~.proportion to the body surface area as mnilliliters/ mnethods, trnctaneousDplr(C)adto ra celctrical biipeac (E) Systemic vascular resistance-The resistance within ciples, ultasoundand impeanc plthsogapyprn h dilto o inta~ repevely, the arterial system which opposes the outflow< princile Fic The diluto princilth asfrte h ocnrto C faslt ehd ttsta .ovetcnb egt()o fte eerie i ovn r the solute n h o.m V fte knw.Tewih ivddbrhoue yild of blood from the~hert;normal 900-,500 dynes-seconds per centhnreter-5 va- sytei Systemic vascular reitac index-The..........~ cular resistance expresse. a a proporion to body surface area in dyesscodspr eti- .... mete-5 pr meter-2; normal 170260 th areilsse uigech cada ycle; sstli vlue-Th Vetrcuaren Swithin rsiua blood .the hart ater cotraction; normal 30-50 .... mL. Ventricular end diastolic volum.-Thevlueo blood within the heartatltheend of filling prior to contraction; niorm~al 100-120 mL. Eauton and maintenance of hemnodynamic staofthe fo aprpitaaeent biity iscrca critically ill patie. i.the perio~perative period. Thesepatients require cardiac.outpu CO)~ montoningthemt widel recogized method to ini446 ueDppler meter'; normal 30-65. h ,0 CWV.Teeoe ocnrto wiP yil a ocnrtono L ill 100 /L ueto be acltdi h thrtocnttet are known~ (V = W/) Agi sing the above exam pleasletwihn100 grm w'ith acoen yilsaoutwith a volumef trto of 1 g 1,00Qm4 The~ Fic pinciple eseially sasta h sbtanc ~that esta ora mn amonuntf{ qa tothora' eidi ovragvntm utilization of th usac o the gi~venime,~u whth.r it............gen t.&To determine ssoye4a h usac obne ihhmg oridctr().Oye CO h ikpicil Jora o h meia Ascaio fNus nsteit Table I Miscellaneous formulas Dilutional C=WN Fick (simplified) V/T=W.T-1 C-1 Fick Q=V02/(CaO2-CvO2) Mean arterial pressure MAP=DBP+1/3 (SBP-DBP) C = Concentration (arteriovenous oxygen content gradient in mL 02/100 mL of blood)* W = Weight (oxygen consumption inmL 02/min)* V = Volume (L/min)* Derived cardiovascular formulas T = Time interval (minutes)* Q = Cardiac output in L/min Stroke volume Ejection fraction End diastolic index Cardiac output Cardiac index Stroke index Ejection fraction (alternate) Systemic vascular resistance Systemic vascular resistance index Left cardiac work index V02 = Oxygen consumption in mL 02/min CaO2 = Arterial oxygen content in mL 02/100 mL blood Cv02 = Mixed venous oxygen content in mL 02/100 mL blood DBP = Diastolic blood pressure SBP = Systolic blood pressure * Information inparentheses indicates enclosed parameters to derive cardiac output by the simplified Fick. Table II BSA CVP EDV ESV HR MAP PAOP SV=EDV-ESV (mL/beat) EF=SV/EDV (percent) EDI=EDV/BSA (mL/m 2) CO=HR*SV (L/min) CI=CO/BSA (L-min-1*m- 2) SI=SV/BSA (mL/m 2) EF=SI/EDI (percent) SVR= [(MAP-CVP)/CO]*80 (dyne-sec/cm5) SVRI=[(MAP-CVP)/CI]-80 2 (dyne-seccm-5-m- ) LCWI= (MAP-PAOP)* CI*0.0144 (kg-m/m2) Body surface area in m2 Central venous pressure End diastolic volume in mL End systolic volume in mL Heart rate Mean arterial pressure Pulmonary artery occlusive pressure in mmHg 447 Table Ill Normal values Stroke volume Ejection fraction End diastolic index Cardiac output Cardiac index Stroke index Systemic vascular resistance Systemic vascular resistance index Left cardiac wrk index Index of contraction Acceleration index Systolic time ratio Thoracic fluid index Thoracic fluid conductivity 70-100 mL/beat 60%-75% 45-1 00 mL/m 2 5 L/min 2.8-4.2 L~minm- 2 30-65 mLm2 900-1,500 dyne-sec/cm5 1,700-2,650 dynesec~cm- 5 -m-2 3.7-5.7 kg-n/n 2 0.033-0.065/sec 0.5-1.5/sec 2 5%-30% 20-33 ohm (male) 27-48 ohm (female) 0.030-0.050 (male) 0.021-0.037 (female) Figure 1 Calculation of cardiac output (CO) by the Fick principle as a function of oxygen consumption divided by the arteriovenous oxygen difference. Lungs Oxygen used=250 mLmin 02= CO=5,ooo mL/min 200 mL/L Left heart heart Direction of blood flow 1 Movement of oxygen into blood 250 mL oxygen/min CO = 5 mL oxygen/i 00 mL of blood CO = 5,000 mL /min or 5 1/min - 2 150 mL/L02 Right Figure 2 This drawing Indicates the proper placement of TEB electrodes 5 cm Current '--___injecting Current injecting 5 cm Frontal view Posterior view Reproduced with permission from BoMed Medical Manufacturing Ltd.11 ,OU-Kg 100-kg ~body 's, car-face, a Ieffu- these 449 Figure 3 Figure 4 Thoracic fluid index (F) as a function of time. - 40 . Time relationship of electrocardiograph (ECG), pressuretimpedance change (API/.Z), and the rate of impedance change, dZ/dL ECG 0.020 Standing Supine -0.033 - 0.050 I * AZ TmI U I BtXZ/d~max.IC -. 00 10_ / 0 0 lime - 4 IReproduced with permission from BoMed Medical Manufacturing Ltd.11t conditions resolve or worsen, TFI woukt or decrease, respectively. Three factors influence impedance v 1. Physical motion. 2. Respiration. 3. The blood pumping action. Variation associated with physical n fleets artifact, while variation associated ration reflects thoracic cavity dimensioi and the modulation of venous return. 'I tion associated with the pump action, puil vi (dz/dt) max IC AP B x F 0 sure PF - Maximum rate of Impedance change Index of contractility Change inimpedance Change inpressure Aortic valve opening Aortic valve closure Pulmonic valve closure Reflected wave Mitral opening snap Peak flow Acceleration index Pre-ejection period Ventricular ejection time - Heart rate period - - - PEP VET HRP - Reproduced with permission from BoMed Medical Manufacturing Ltd.11 Table IV Bioimpedance-deiiwd formulas Stroke volume SV=VEPT*VET-IC (mLlbeat) tme rtio sec)face SR=PENET Systoic (c) ST=PEPNE."TR fratio Sysc time t monitop.AOne model, NC.k P (1 $ed Modical Manfaturing td., Irvine, California), has an optal oftware pakg with a computer interfor usewit IBM-comnpatible cotnputen .Using th asoitdcmue option facilitates interpre- Ejecionfracion EF=O84-.64*TR mL/bat)tatin, presentation, and storage ofidata. A segment of the software is devoted to recommended theraIne(fCotatohCmd/et)mx petxtic modlities for treatment based on the inferAceeainindex (ohm/sec/)ma/~ ACI=(dZ/dt 2 maxIT mation prvided.i (ohm/ec 2 )TEB compares favorably with CO determina- VEPT = Algorithm for the mass of the thoracic tissue participating inthe resistivity tionls derived. by thermal dilution pulmonary ar- VET = PEP dZP = = Ventricular ejection time ICcntrationevaluating = ndexof Prdeejecontpraiod Changjectiniperidncetigatos = = = = Change in time Thoracic fluid index Rate of change indZ Rate of change in dt "close agreement" with thermal dilution COs when the accuracy of TEB and Doppler derived COs in intensive care patients.4 Other inexamined severely ill surgical patients the intensive care unit and measured their CO with TEB and Doppler methods. Bioimpedance CO determinations compared very favorably with Doppler, correlation coefficient of r=0.83. 5 These findings are similar to those obtained when TEB has been compared to radionuclide and MUGA dt WI d2Z dt2 =Chane dZ inimpeancein asina. Therefore, a decrease in impedance will irror an increase in velocty Additionally, TEB provides a measure of the te of change of blood flow (acceleration) identi- !d as the 'acceleration index (AUI); ACI _(d2Z/ a)/TFI. the ACI correlates with peak accelera>n, a paramneter often measured by Doppler ultraand and used to describe the inotropic state of the art. This factor can be used to prescribe treatent modalities in the clinical setting. Frointhis information, stroke volume and ejecn fraction are derived and CO calculated. Stroke lume is the product of a complex TEB equation volvng: 1. Index of contraction (IC). 2. Time duration of mechanical systole (VET). 3. The physical volume of electrically particiting tissue (VEPT), with.consideration given to e,sex, height, weight, and an algorithm for differg metabolic rates of tissue (See Table IV). Multiplying the stroke volume times the heart :e yields the CO. In an effort to provide unifor~ty, these parameters are body surface area, indendent and reported as indexed parameters, such cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance index VTRI), index of contraction, acceleration index, t cardiac work index (LCWI), stroke index, endistolic inidex, and ejection fraction. Additionally, SVRI and LCWI can be deterned by TEB; however, these parameters require pressure determination and assume a central rious pressure of 8 mmflg. Blood pressure deter- )od tery cat)heterization.-' Wong, and associates found (multiple-gated acquisition) scanning-, Addition- ally, Davies, (cited in Sramek) found good correlation between the Fick method and TEB.1 However, one must remember that correlation factors only express the agreement between two methods and not the accuracy of either. Gotshall and colleagues compared thermal dilution and bioimpedance-derived cardiac index.9 Thes authors criticized the use of TEB in normal subjects as TEB tended to overestimate stroke index and cardiac index; however, their sample was limited to seven subjects and did not address the individual variability associated with thermal dilution-derived output and pulsatile flow. 0 In alitically ill patients, however, these authors found good correlation with thermal dilution and bioixnpedance-derived cardiac index. LUftatons Thoracic electrical bioimpedance isrecognized to be less accurate in certain situations. Severe dysrhythmics, tachycardia, and pacemaker spikes interfere with the correct determination of systolic time intervals and ultimately heart rate determination, thereby yielding inaccurate COs. Valvular insufficiency with regurgitant blood flow impairs TEB determination of CO. Hyperdynamic sepsis is reportedly associated with overestimated COs. Additionally, signal acquisition is impaired by electrode adherence problems and electrocautery. And lastly, SVRI and LCWI, being derived parameters using a formula which incorporates the mean blood pressure and central venous pressure with an assumed Test Yourself 1. Describe Ohm's law and the relationship to thoracic electrical bioimpedence (TEB). 2. What are the disadvantages of pulmonary artery catheter insertion. 3. What are the advantages of TEB. 4. Describe the limitations of TEB. 5. Describe the factors influencing impedance variation. Test Yourself Answers 1. Ohm's law states that for a given conductor there is a linear relation between voltage and current, V = IR. Bioimpedance is the resistance within a biological circuit. 2. The disadvantages of pulmonary artery catheter insertion are that it is invasive, expensive, and requires specialized training for insertion and use. 3. The advantages of TEB are that it is noninvasive, continuous, low cost, clinically accurate, easy to use, and has good interoperator reproducibility. 4. TEB is recognized to be less accurate in situations which interfere with the measurement of systolic time intervals such as severe dysrhythmias, pacemaker activity, and tachycardia. Additionally, valvular insufficiency and hyperdynamic sepsis are reported to impair accuracy. Finally, problems with electrode adherence or electrocautery can impair cardiac output determinations. 5. There are three components to impedance variations. They are physical motion, respiration, and the blood pumping motion, pulsatile component.