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Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Unit 1: Concepts in Geography and Culture
Essential Question: How has climate and physical geography shaped the regions in the East?
7.3.1: Formulate a broad understanding of the location of countries of Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific
7.3.2: Formulate a broad understanding of the location of capital cities in Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific using latitude and longitude on maps and with
locational technology such as Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information Systems.
7.3.4: Identify major physical characteristics of the regions of Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific, such as deserts, basins, plains, mountains, and rivers, and
describe their formation.
6.3.3: Describe and compare major physical characteristics* of regions in Europe and the Americas.
7.3.5: Describe ecosystems of Africa’s deserts, Asia’s mountain regions, and the coral reefs of Australia and use multiple
information resources to discover environmental concerns that these ecosystems are facing today
7.3.6: Compare and contrast the distribution of natural resources in Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific
7.3.7 Describe the limitations that climate and land forms place on land or people in regions of Africa, Asia and the
Southwest Pacific.
Content Area Literacy Standards
6-8.LH.1.1: Read and comprehend history/social studies texts within a range of complexity appropriate for grades 6-8 independently and proficiently by the end of grade
6-8.LH.2.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
6-8.LH.3.1: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies
Suggested Target Questions:
How can technology help us locate and identify continents and major cities in the eastern hemisphere? 7.3.1, 7.3.2 (Google Earth, digital maps)
What are the main physical features and climate patterns unique to the eastern hemisphere? 7.3.4, 7.3.5, 7.3.6, 7.3.7
How do these features and patterns differ from the western hemisphere? 7.3.4, 6.3.3 (use comparative diagrams)
How does the physical geography of these regions influence where and how people live? 7.3.6, 7.3.7
How is culture defined and compared across time and space? 6.1.19, 6.3.10, 7.1.1, 7.1.2
In what ways did trade and other cultural contact develop growth in early civilizations across Africa and Asia? 6.3.10, 7.1.1, 7.1.3, 7.1.4
What were negative and positive outcomes of this growth? 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.3.9 (e.g. slavery – negative; scientific knowledge – positive)
Text-based Resource:
Pearson Online Access: (use code 94-71-66 to register)
World Studies: Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific (Prentice-Hall)
Read and review Chapter 4, Section 1 Understanding Culture, pp. 92-95
Complete Comprehension and Critical Thinking questions, p. 95
Web-based Resources:
Indiana Department of Education Grade 7 Pacing Resources by
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
IDOE Resources for Course:
IDOE Home page
IDOE-Social Studies page
IDOE-History/Social Studies Content Area Literacy Standards (linked through ELA page)
IDOE Online Communities of Practice (see “Middle Grades”)
IDOE-ISTEP Testing Information
IDOE-ISTEP+ Grades 3-8
General Resources for Historical Thinking and Assessment
Developing Essential Questions for American History
Stanford History Education Group – Introduction to Historical Thinking (Lessons)
Beyond the Bubble -- Integrating Historical Thinking into Classroom Assessment (assessments
Discovery Education Tech Book – World Geography and Cultures - Chapter
1 (login required)
Five Themes of Geography (on IPS Secondary Social Studies Group 20122013)
General Middle School Geography Resource
Creating Maps and Map Activities for the Classroom
GENI Geography Lesson Resource Site (many elementary level)
PPT Presentation on Timeline Construction (excellent for
elementary/middle school)
Map Puzzles
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Unit 2: Ancient Civilizations I
Essential Question: How did cultural innovation and population increase lead to cities?
7.3.6: Compare and contrast the distribution of natural resources in Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific
7.3.7 Describe the limitations that climate and land forms place on land or people in regions of Africa, Asia and the
Southwest Pacific.
6.1.19 Define and use the terms decade, century, and millennium, and compare alternative ways that
historical periods and eras are designated by identifying the organizing principles upon which
each is based.
6.3.10: Explain that cultures change in three ways: cultural diffusion, invention, and innovation.
6.3.11: Define the terms anthropology and archeology and explain how these fields contribute to our understanding of societies in the present and the past
6.1.1 Summarize the rise, decline, and cultural achievements of ancient civilizations in Europe and
7.1.1 Identify and explain the conditions that led to the rise of early river valley civilizations* and evaluate how the
achievements in art, architecture, written language, and religion of those civilizations influenced their
respective forms of government and social hierarchies.
6.1.1 Summarize the rise, decline, and cultural achievements of ancient civilizations in Europe and
7.1.2 Describe, compare, and contrast the historical origins, central beliefs and spread of major religions
Content Area Literacy Standards
6-8.LH.1.1: Read and comprehend history/social studies texts within a range of complexity appropriate for grades 6-8 independently and proficiently by the end of grade
6-8.LH.2.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
6-8.LH.3.1: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Suggested Target Questions:
Which regions of the western hemisphere do and do not lend themselves to human settlement? 7.3.6, 7.3.7
How is culture defined and compared across time and space? 6.1.19, 6.3.10, 7.1.1, 7.1.2
In what ways did trade and other cultural contact develop growth in early civilizations across Africa and Asia? 6.3.10, 7.1.1
What special ideas, innovations and practices led the emergence of larger human communities? 6.1.1, 6.3.10, 7.1.2
Compare and contrast patterns of cultural growth and adaptation across different regions over shared time periods? 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.3.9 (use and interpret
Text-based Resources:
Pearson Online Access: (use code 94-71-66 to register)
World Studies: Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific
Chapter 4, Culture/Culture Change, pp. 90-111
Chapter 5, Interacting with Our Environment, pp. 114-135
Chapter 7, African Beginnings/Kingdoms, City-States and Empires, pp. 174-183
Chapter 17, Southwest/South Asia, pp. 450-453
IDOE Resources for Course:
IDOE Home page
IDOE-Social Studies page
IDOE-History/Social Studies Content Area Literacy Standards (linked through ELA page)
IDOE Online Communities of Practice (see “Middle Grades”)
IDOE-ISTEP Testing Information
IDOE-ISTEP+ Grades 3-8
General Resources for Geographical and Historical Thinking and Assessment
NCSS – Position Paper on Social Studies in Middle School
Developing Essential Questions for World Geography
10 Ways to Teach Geography (NY Times Learning Network)
Web-based Resources:
Indiana Department of Education Grade 7 Pacing Resources by Standard
Discovery Education Tech Book – World Geography and Culture, Chapters
6.2, 7.2, 8.2 (login required)
Five Themes of Geography (on IPS Secondary Social Studies Group 20122013)
HyperHistory for timelines and maps – Compare Global Events and Cultural
Development & Government/Presentations (World
Ancient Egypt DBQ’s
(IPS Secondary Social Studies Group 2012-2013- 7th grade)
Annenberg Learner: Teaching Geography – Workshop 4
Anneberg Learner: Bridging World History – Units 1, 3 & 4
University of Chicago – Life in Mesopotamia (great visual
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago – Ancient Egypt—
Mummify Game!
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Stanford History Education Group – Introduction to Historical Thinking (Lessons)
Beyond the Bubble -- Integrating Historical Thinking into Classroom Assessment (assessments
The British Museum -- Online Learning Resources – Ancient Civilizations
World History for All of Us—National Center for History in the Schools
Example Unit Application
Unit Assessment Question: What special ideas, innovations and practices led the emergence of larger human communities?
Use the listed resources to identify and understand the eight key elements/features of ancient civilizations
Consider these categories and use inquiry research to find concrete examples of each in the regions of the unit
Create a chart, foldable or mini-museum display of these examples
Text book
8 Features:
Ancient Civilizations:
Use a Venn-Diagram to sort differences and similarities in how the features influenced culture or were used in daily life.
Write a summary of the findings.
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Unit 3: Ancient Civilizations II
Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between the first civilizations of the East?
7.1.1 Identify and explain the conditions that led to the rise of early river valley civilizations* and evaluate how the
achievements in art, architecture, written language, and religion of those civilizations influenced their
respective forms of government and social hierarchies.
7.1.3 Assess the development of sub-Saharan civilizations in Africa and the importance of political and trading centers.
6.1.4 Identify and explain the development and organization of political, cultural, social and economic
systems in Europe and the Americas.
7.1.7 Trace the rise, spread and influence of the Mongols.
7.1.15 Create and compare timelines that identify major people and events and developments in the history of civilization
and/or countries of Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific.
7.1.16 Analyze cause-and-effect relationships, bearing in mind multiple causation in the role of individuals, beliefs and
chance in history.
7.3.3 Use historical maps to identify changes in Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific over time.
Content Area Literacy Standards
6-8.LH.1.1: Read and comprehend history/social studies texts within a range of complexity appropriate for grades 6-8 independently and proficiently by the end of grade
6-8.LH.2.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
6-8.LH.3.1: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies
Suggested Target Questions:
In what ways did trade and other cultural contact develop growth in early civilizations across Asia? 6.3.10, 7.1.1
What special ideas, innovations and practices led the emergence of larger human communities in this unit’s regions? 6.1.1, 6.3.10, 7.1.2
Compare and contrast patterns of cultural growth and adaptation across different regions over shared time periods with patterns in the western hemisphere?
6.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.3.9 (use and interpret timelines)
Were the Mongols barbarians or innovators? 7.1.3, 7.1.7, 7.1.16 (see DBQ Project materials in World History)
How did the spread of other cultural ideas and innovations shape their earliest cultures of South and Southeast Asia? 7.1.1, 7.1.16, 7.3.3
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Text-based Resources:
Pearson Online Access: (use code 94-71-66 to register)
World Studies: Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific (Prentice-Hall)
Chapter 4, Culture/Culture Change, pp. 90-111
Chapter 5, Interacting with Our Environment, pp. 114-135
Chapter 17, Central Asia/South Asia, pp. 450-453; 466-470
Chapter 18, Southeast Asia, pp. 476
IDOE Resources for Course:
IDOE Home page
IDOE-Social Studies page
IDOE-History/Social Studies Content Area Literacy Standards (linked through ELA page)
IDOE Online Communities of Practice (see “Middle Grades”)
IDOE-ISTEP Testing Information
IDOE-ISTEP+ Grades 3-8
General Resources for Geographical and Historical Thinking and Assessment
NCSS – Position Paper on Social Studies in Middle School
Developing Essential Questions for World Geography
10 Ways to Teach Geography (NY Times Learning Network)
Stanford History Education Group – Introduction to Historical Thinking (Lessons)
Beyond the Bubble -- Integrating Historical Thinking into Classroom Assessment (assessments
Web-based Resources:
Indiana Department of Education Grade 7 Pacing Resources by Standard
Discovery Education Tech Book – World Geography and Culture, Chapters
9.2, 10.3 (login required)
Discovery Education Tech Book – World History, Chapters 6 & 7 (login
Five Themes of Geography (on IPS Secondary Social Studies Group 20122013)
Mongol DBQ’s
(IPS Secondary Social Studies Group 2012-2013- 7th grade)
Hyper History for timelines and maps – Compare Global Events and Cultural
Annenberg Learner: Teaching Geography – Workshop 4
Annenberg Learner: Bridging World History – Units 4 & 6
University of Chicago – Life in Mesopotamia (great visual
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago – Ancient Egypt—
Mummify Game!
The British Museum -- Online Learning Resources – Ancient Civilizations
(Interactive lessons)
Go Social Studies Go (World History – Essential Qs)
World History for All of Us—National Center for History in the Schools
Social Studies: 7th Grade Pacing Resource Document
Example Unit Application
Unit Assessment Question: Were the Mongols barbarians or innovators?
1) Read background on Mongols at!mongol-empire/c1zrz
2) View embedded video on Mongol influence “The Mongols”
3) Provide primary document accounts of the Mongols interaction with other societies (article with links “The Baghdad
That Was”)
Also use DBQ Project unit: How Barbaric were the “Barbarians”? (see IPS online “Secondary Social Studies Resources” if you
do not have the materials )
4) Write a three to five paragraph response defending your position with support of primary and secondary evidence