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1. Why is understanding Islam so important to the West? Because we are part of the
community, it is the fastest growing religion. More people are converting to Islam. With
more of us around they need to understand our beliefs and understand us. There are more
than 2000 mosques in North America.
2. What signs have there been to show Islam is beginning to enter mainstream America?
With more than 2000 mosques, bakery and halal markets more and more available, more
women are wearing their hijabs, U.S post office printing Eid and Ramadan stamps.
3. Approximately how many Muslims are there in the world?
Over 1 billion 20% of them are Arab 80% are non Arab.
4. What is the proper name to refer to someone who is a follower of Islam? Muslim.
5. What factors have been used to spread Islam? Immigration and conversion. Voice of
popular people or organization such Malcolm X and nation of Islam people converting to
the religion due to marriage. Missionary efforts where people go spread the word of Allah.
Colonialism is another way was when the British was looking for a cheaper labor in the
colonial plantations in the 1700’s & 1800 when the British imported many Muslims from
India to South America, South Africa, and the Caribbean.
6. Why has the Muslim world become more prominent to the west? The west has a different
idea of what Muslims look like they think of the covered woman, a man with a long beard
and a language they don’t understand.
7. Define Islam?
8. Define Muslim?
9. Define Masjid?
1-Belief in Allah
2-Belief in the Angels
3-Belief in the revealed Books of Allah
4- Belief in God’s many prophets Specific belief in the 25 prophets named in the Qur'an:
(1)Adam, (2)Nuh, (3)Idris, (4)Saleh, (5)Ibrahim, (6)Hud, (7)Lut, (8)Yunus, (9)Isma'il, (10)Ishaq, (11)Ya'qub, (12)Yusuf, (13)Ayub, (14)Shu'aib, (15)Musa, (16)Harun, (17)Alyas', (18)Dhu
Al-Kifl, (19)Daud, (20)Zakariya, (21)Sulaiman, (22)Ilyas, (23)Yahya, (24)Isa, and
(25)Muhammad, prayers and salutations of Allah be upon him and upon all the messengers of
5-Accepting that there will be a Last Day
6-Belief in Devine measurement of human affairs –Allah knows everything we do before we
do it.
7-Belief in a life after death.
2. Define the meaning of ALLAH? Comes from the Arabic language and means the one and only
God. Quran declares that Allah is the same God that spoke to the Jews and Christians. So
when Muslims speak of Allah he spoke to Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
3. What four areas does the Qu ran provide to prove that Allah exists?
1. The natural world with its complexity and beauty. This is a sign of intelligence in the
universe because only one with a designing mind could have constructed it.
2. The human abilities and capacities for thought, belief, invention, creativity and moral
choices. No animals or plants are capable of doing what the human mind can do.
3. The Revelation of Gods guidance and the existence of religion. They show the right and
wrong way to live a life. Prophets, holy books all show as proof of that guidance is real
and there is a purpose behind it.
4. Inner feelings. We humans seek the meaning in things that show us that we do have a soul
or spirit to seek harmony between nature the universe and most importantly with a Higher
power. It is human nature to seek answers and be curious rather than exist.
5. Why do Muslims prefer to use the name Allah rather than God? Allah can not be made
plural or altered in any grammatically in Arabic.
6. Please explain this statement: “Qur’an states that the entire physical universe is Muslim”?
7. What are the two sources where Islamic teachings come from?
The Qur’an and the Hadith or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.(think of all the Quran
like Allah’s words and the Prophets saying as the living application of the Book.
8. What are the Angels made of? Angels are made of light energy and can be made into any
form. They are made of no gender. They only sole purpose to serve Allah. They are very
intelligent. They are like Allah’s robots and Allah is not dependent on them.
9. Name the top four angels and their functions?
1. Jabra’il- Brings revelations to the Prophets
2. Azra’il- Angel of Death
3. Maka’il-Angel that controls the weather
4. Israf’il- Angel who will blow the horn signals the end of the universe.
Mala’ika is the Arabic word for angels It literally means ones with power. Islam does not accept the
idea that angels are manifestations of people who have died. There are many angels that are assigned
to many other jobs. There is an angel to watch over people and watch what they do. Other angels who
watch people who praise Allah and to join them.
10. What is Fitra?
Fitra is a Moral compass or natural inclination to help guide them through life. It steers you to seek
out religious experience and ultimately direct you to accept the existence of Allah. As human we have
the ability to know what is right and what is wrong no matter what religion is practiced. Think of Fitra
as that little voice in your head that takes you to task when you do something wrong or that makes you
look at someone that performs a selfless act to sacrifice for the greater god.
1. What is Iman?
Iman is the Arabic word for faith or belief. It comes from the root word Amuna which means
to believe to rust and to feel safe.
2. List and define the three levels of personal spiritual development that humans go through in
life? 1)The Animal Self –which is the basic instincts and desires, in this stage our basic desires
for food, creature comfort and wealth guide our life choices. People living and remain stuck in
this stage are usually living for themselves and please only themselves. Think of people who
indulge in materialistic items. People in this stage come from all kinds of backgrounds rich,
poor, educated, non-educated, famous or unknown. We are all tempted by earthly desires for
self satisfaction. This is a stage also known as the big party. 2)The Accusing Self- When we
start to begin to pay attention to our fitrah(inner moral compass) there is a flash of insight or
deep thought. This is the beginning of the Enlightenment stage. This is the stage we start to
question Why am I here? What’s it all for? Is what I’m doing right? What happens to me when
I die? Is there a next life? Islam believes that that any spiritual path is better than none. We
also become less attached to the life of this world and more soul searching and spiritual
searching. We become more introspective and less irritable and stressed. If one is lucky to
find Islam there’s more refection, prayer, fasting and study of the Qu’ran our heart become
more and more at ease. 3)The Restful Self. Through devoted efforts we may achieve complete
peace and tranquility in our heart. Nothing in the world has a hold on us any longer. We
realize we die and return to Allah and this whole life is a test for us. Its not that we become
feeling less but put things in perspective. This stage we are waiting for the Creator. In this
stage we have a normal life with a job and families. However, in this stage we are no longer
living only to satisfy ourselves but now we realize that there is higher purpose of life. In this
stage charity, self sacrifice truth and simple beauty
of life there’s peace and wisdom around people around us.
3. What is the Arabic word for Satan and what is his role? Shaytan. Which means to pull away
from. Shaytan seeks to pull us away from God. He does this by prompting us into seeking ever
greater physical pleasure and ignoring our fitrah(inner moral compass) to seek our Creator.
4. What does the term “Surrender to God” mean?
In Islam, it to believe in Allah to follow a lifestyle that encourages harmony on Earth and
among people, to follow personal code of morality that can lead to an ever hgher understand of
Allah’s nature.
5. Name three major sins in Islam? Committing idolatry, stealing from an orphan, committing
adultery, disobeying parent, collecting interest on investments, accusing a chaste woman
falsely, giving false testimony, committing murder or suicide, committing infanticide (killing
of an infant), enslaving a free person, engaging in slander and gossip.
6. Name 3 virtuous deeds in Islam? Speaking the truth, being kind to family, honoring parents,
giving in charity, feeding the poor, fighting against injustice, freeing slaves, returning
borrowed property, studying and learning, being kind to animals.
7. Define Tawba? When a person commits a bad deed or sin in Islam it is when repentance which
is to ask for Allah’s forgiveness for our sins throughout the day.
8. What are the four step processes for tawba? 1) Must feel remorseful about the sin, 2) repent of
your action to Allah by saying “My lord forgive me, 3) make compensation for the sin if
possible 4) Resolve sincerely never to do the sin again.
9. How does Salvation differ in Islam from Christianity? In Islam is believing in and surrendering
you will to Allah. You avoid sin and lead a righteous life is proofs of your faith. Good deeds
are considered the hallmark of our true faith. Christianity believes you earn your way to
1. What is Monotheism and why is it so important to Muslims?
Monotheism is a doctrine or belief that there is one God. All ah is so important to Muslims
that we say the Shadah 17 times a day in our daily prayers.
2. How do Muslims feel about movies and they way they portray prophets and them? Muslims
dislike the idea the way Christians and Muslims are portrayed in movies because most of the
information is false. They also dislike the way the face of prophets are shown because it gives
people a false idea about what the prophets looked like. People become less interested in the
Prophets teachings and are interested in the person’s charisma and their looks.
3. Which prophet asked to see Allah? Explain how did Allah materalized his power to this
prophet? The Quran says that Prophet Moses asked Allah if Moses could see Allah. Moses
was in Mount Sani Allah asked Moses to keep his eyes on the next mountain then he would see
Him. Allah began to materialized his power on the mountain which shook, however Moses
couldn’t withstand the sight and passed out without seeing Allah.
4. Define Tauhid? Is the Islamic term for oneness. It comes from the word Ahad which means
one. Tauhid implies that Allah is alone in His divinity with no divisions, partners or children.
5. What is the Kalimah or defining statement in islam? La ilaha ill Allah there is no Allah other
than Allah. This is also the Shadah the first pillar of Islam.
1. Who are the Pagans? Pagans were the idol worshippers. They considered Allah to be too
powerful and remote to make any difference in their lives.
2. Who were the hanifs? People who believed in God but did not use the idols as their god, they
also shunned Christianity.
3. What is “Shirk” ? To hold something else as equal to God. It one of the greatest Sins in Islam
because it goes against the fundamental truth about Allah, name that He is One.
4. What is the Original Sin? That Adam and Eve Sinned.
5. How do Muslims view the original Sin? According to Christianity that Adam and Eve sinned
all humans will go to the hell fire. Islam say Adam and Eve were forgiven by God after eating
from the trees and passed on no taint of sin to their descendants. Quran says that Allah forgave
them when they asked for his mercy and no sin was passed on to their descendants. Quran
declare that Allah can forgive any sin He want to Whenever He want do, Quran says Allah has
no children nor any need for them to act as sacrifice.
6. How does Islam address Allah’s absolute power? Islam says that we build a personal
relationship with Allah because he can hear all of our thoughts, knows our feelings. He is not
far away and cold. He is as close as our jugular vein.
7. Define “Atagullah”? Be aware of Allah in your heart.
8. Define “taqwa”? It means the consciousness or awareness of Allah in your life. It implies that
self-control, knowing that Allah is watching you. The more taqwa you have in your hear the
closer you are to Allah.
9. Name ways that Islam teaches us to increase taqwa to grow in us? Islam teaches us that prayer,
fasting, reflection on life and how short life is, and selfless actions can cause one’s taqwa to
grow in us.
10. How does a Muslim imagine Allah? Although human have a need to rely on appearance
instead Islam focus on Allah physical forms we look to his “qualities.” What does Allah do?
What is His nature? What is He like? These are called Allah’s Names and attributes. We use
adjective to describe the nature of Allah and through studying them and reflecting on them we
come closer to understating of who Allah really is.
11. How many Names does Allah have? 99 names or other wise known as Asma ul Husna which
means the “most beautiful names of Allah”