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Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
page 1 of 8
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONLY 50 QUESTIONS. Do not answer more than 50 questions. If you
answer more than 50 questions, then you will be graded on only the first 50 of these, regardless of whether the extra
questions are answered correctly. Choose any 50 questions on the basis of your knowledge of the material. A good
strategy is to first attempt to answer all 60 questions, but spend no more than 1 minute on any one. Then choose the 50
with which you are most confident, and then, and only then, transcribe your answers to the answer sheet. Be careful to
record your answers on the appropriate number of the answer sheet. Completely blacken the letter of your choice.
Completely strike out the number and all letters of the questions you choose not to answer. Turn in only your answer
sheet. You may keep the questions.
e.g., to indicate response "B", do this:
e.g., to omit a question, do this
12) A B C D E ; don't do this:
12) A B C D E
12) A B C D E
; don't just leave it blank
1) Identify the INCORRECT description of muscle function.
A) tensor veli palatini – opening pharyngotympanic tube
B) subclavius – clavicular depression
C) gracilis – femoral adduction
D) soleus – plantarflexion
E) vastus medialis – femoral adduction
2) Identify the INCORRECT description of muscle function.
A) levator scapulae – scapular elevation
B) iliopsoas – femoral flexion
C) tibialis anterior – inversion
D) supraspinatus – medial humeral rotation
E) flexor carpi ulnaris – carpal/manual adduction
3) Which of the following muscles does NOT insert by or include an aponeurosis?
A) palmaris longus
B) internal abdominal oblique
C) biceps brachii
D) triceps
E) respiratory diaphragm
4) Which of the following muscles does NOT insert on the humerus?
A) biceps brachii
B) coracobrachialis
C) latissimus dorsi
D) deltoideus
E) teres major
5) Which of the following muscles is/are NOT directly innervated by segmental spinal nerves?
A) splenius (cervicis and capitis)
B) epicranius (occipitofrontalis)
C) external intercostal
D) levators costarum
E) longus (colli and capitis)
6) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the pectoralis major muscle.
A) it is superficial to all other muscles in its region
B) it is a brachial extensor
C) it originates from the clavicle, sternum, and costae
D) its insertion is the anterior proximal humerus
E) it is innervated by both the medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
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7) What is circumscribed by the vertebral margin of the scapula, inferior portion of the trapezius, and superior margin
of the latissimus dorsi?
A) inguinal canal
B) deltopectoral triangle
C) rectus sheath
D) femoral triangle
E) triangle of auscultation
8) Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the oculomotor nerve?
A) levator palpebrae superioris
B) medial rectus
C) superior rectus
D) lateral rectus
E) inferior rectus
9) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding all muscles of the deep posterior compartment of the crus?
A) they insert in the plantar pes
B) they are innervated by the deep peroneal nerve
C) their tendons pass posterior to the medial malleolus
D) the flexor hallucis longus muscle is lateral to the flexor digitorum longus muscle
E) they all originate within the crus itself
10) Which of the following muscles does NOT originate on costae?
A) subclavius
B) sternocleidomastoid
C) serratus anterior
D) pectoralis minor
E) external intercostal
11) What is the innervation of the quadriceps?
A) femoral nerve
B) tibial nerve
C) obturator nerve
D) sciatic nerve
E) common peroneal nerve
12) “Ape hand” or “papal hand” may be symptomatic of which of the following?
A) entrapment of the ulnar nerve in Guyon’s canal
B) entrapment of the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel
C) entrapment of the radial nerve in the spiral sulcus
D) entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel
E) entrapment of the musculocutaneous nerve in the glenohumeral joint
13) Identify the INCORRECT description of muscle function.
A) pectoralis minor – brachial flexion
B) deltoideus – brachial abduction
C) triceps – antebrachial extension
D) gastrocnemius – plantarflexion
E) coracobrachialis – brachial adduction and flexion
14) Which of the following is/are NOT innervated by the ulnar nerve?
A) adductor pollicis
B) extensor carpi ulnaris
C) flexor carpi ulnaris
D) hypothenar muscles
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
E) interossei of the manus
Exam III
Fall 2015
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Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
15) Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the plantar region?
A) quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius)
B) abductor hallucis
C) flexor digiti minimi brevis
D) peroneus brevis
E) flexor digitorum brevis
16) Identify the INCORRECT insertion.
A) biceps brachii – radial tuberosity
B) external abdominal obliquus – linea alba
C) peroneus brevis – tuberosity of fifth metatarsal
D) deltoideus – greater tubercle of humerus
E) Achille’s tendon - calcaneus
17) Which of the following muscles share the same insertion?
A) teres minor and teres major
B) sartorius and vastus medialis
C) gastrocnemius and soleus
D) flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum longus
E) flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus
18) Which of the following statements about the flexor digitorum profundus muscle is INCORRECT?
A) its innervation is the both the median and ulnar nerves
B) its tendons insert on the distal phalanges II-V
C) its origin is the medial epicondyle of the humerus
D) its chief antagonist is the extensor digitorum communis
E) it is located in the deep layer of the anterior antebrachial compartment
19) Identify the pair of synergistic muscles.
A) stylohyoideus and sternohyoideus
B) adductor magnus and gluteus medius
C) pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi
D) biceps brachii and triceps
E) supraspinatus and infraspinatus
20) Which of the following muscles does NOT traverse the knee?
A) gastrocnemius
B) plantaris
C) soleus
D) gracilis
E) popliteus
21) Which of the following muscles does NOT originate from the scapula?
A) omohyoideus
B) biceps brachii
C) coracobrachialis
D) trapezius
E) deltoideus
22) Which of the following muscles is NOT a femoral rotator?
A) popliteus (relative to stationary crus)
B) tensor fasciae latae
C) pectineus
D) obturator internus
E) sartorius
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Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
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23) Which of the following does NOT insert on the tibia?
A) iliotibial tract
B) biceps femoris
C) gracilis
D) semitendinosus
E) sartorius
24) Identify the INCORRECT association of muscle to group, region, or compartment.
A) iliocostalis – erector spinae
B) piriformis – (deep gluteal) lateral femoral rotators
C) adductor pollicis – thenar
D) peroneus tertius – anterior crural
E) soleus – triceps surae
25) Identify the INCORRECT association of muscle(s) to region or compartment.
A) scalene – anterior cervical (hypaxial)
B) tensor fasciae latae – anterior femoral
C) adductor longus – medial femoral
D) brachioradialis – posterior antebrachial
E) gastrocnemius – sural
26) Identify the pair of synergistic muscles.
A) serratus posterior superior – serratus posterior inferior
B) sartorius – gracilis
C) palmar interossei – dorsal interossei
D) biceps brachii – biceps femoris
E) semitendinosus – semimembranosus
27) Muscles of the anterior compartment of the brachium are innervated by which of the following nerves?
A) axillary
B) musculocutaneous
C) radial
D) median
E) ulnar
28) Identify the INCORRECT association of tendon and retinaculum by which it is restrained.
A) flexor pollicis longus – flexor retinaculum
B) pronator teres – flexor retinaculum
C) tibialis anterior – extensor retinaculum
D) peroneus longus – peroneal retinaculum
E) tibialis posterior – flexor retinaculum
29) Which of the following is NOT innervated by the trigeminal nerve?
A) temporalis
B) buccinator
C) medial pterygoideus
D) masseter
E) digastric
30) Identify the INCORRECT innervation.
A) serratus anterior – long thoracic nerve
B) deltoideus – axillary nerve
C) respiratory diaphragm – spinal nerve T1
D) palmaris longus – median nerve
E) trapezius – spinal accessory nerve
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
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31) Which of the following muscles is/are NOT innervated by the facial nerve?
A) platysma
B) levator anguli oris
C) risorius
D) orbicular oculi
E) levator palpebrae superioris
32) Which of the following muscles does NOT traverse two joints?
A) quadriceps
B) sartorius
C) gracilis
D) semitendinosus
E) adductor magnus
33) Identify the INCORRECT association of passage and structure.
A) carpal tunnel – palmaris longus
B) arcuate ligaments – psoas minor
C) lesser sciatic foramen – gemellus muscles
D) between anterior and middle scalenus – spinal nerve roots of brachial plexus
E) intertubercular sulcus or canal – long head of biceps brachii
34) Which of the following muscles is NOT an epaxial muscle?
A) splenius
B) levators costarum
C) spinalis
D) short rotatores
E) innermost intercostal
35) Which of the following muscles is an ocular rotator (i.e., rotating on axis of vision, not direction of gaze)?
A) superior ocular oblique
B) orbicularis oculi
C) risorius
D) levator palpebrae superioris
E) lateral rectus
36) Which of the following muscles does NOT originate from the pelvis?
A) gluteus maximus
B) rectus femoris
C) psoas major
D) biceps femoris
E) adductor magnus
37) Which of the following muscles does NOT insert on the greater trochanter?
A) gluteus medius
B) piriformis
C) obturator internus
D) gluteus maximus
E) gluteus minimus
38) Identify the INCORRECT origin.
A) temporalis – temporal fossa and temporal line
B) trapezius – superior nuchal line, nuchal ligament, and spines of all thoracic vertebrae
C) brachioradialis – medial epicondyle of humerus
D) respiratory diaphragm – costal margin
E) quadriceps – anterior inferior iliac spine and femoral diaphysis
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
39) Which of the following muscles is responsible for lingual retraction?
A) genioglossus
B) hyoglossus
C) digastric
D) orbicularis oris
E) risorius
40) Identify the INCORRECT association of passage and structure.
A) deltopectoral triangle – cephalic vein
B) inguinal canal – spermatic cord
C) femoral triangle – great saphenous vein
D) urogenital diaphragm – anus
E) adductor hiatus – femoral artery
41) Identify the INCORRECT relationship.
A) the coracobrachialis is proximal to the pectoralis minor
B) the semimembranosus is posterior to the adductor magnus
C) the quadratus lumborum is deep to the latissimus dorsi muscle (and thoracolumbar fascia)
D) the levator scapulae is deep to the trapezius
E) the transversospinalis is deep to the erector spinae
42) Winged scapula is symptomatic of a deficit of what?
A) pectoralis minor
B) serratus anterior
C) thoracodorsal nerve
D) teres major
E) subscapularis
43) Which of the following pairs of muscle compartments or regions share the same innervation?
A) anterior brachial and anterior antebrachial
B) posterior femoral and posterior crural
C) anterior femoral and medial femoral
D) thenar and hypothenar
E) anterior femoral and anterior crural
44) If the following muscles were listed from superficial to deep, then which is out of place?
A) trapezius
B) subscapularis
C) serratus anterior
D) supraspinatus
E) external intercostal
45) Identify the pair of antagonistic muscles.
A) brachioradialis and supinator
B) brachialis and biceps brachii
C) pectoralis minor and rhomboideus major
D) flexor digitorum superficialis and extensor digitorum longus
E) infraspinatus and teres major
46) Which of the following movements does NOT correctly apply to the mandible?
A) flexion
B) depression
C) protraction
D) adduction
E) lateral movement
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Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
47) Which of the following pairs of muscles have the same innervation?
A) pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi
B) gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae
C) flexor digitorum longus and flexor digitorum superficialis
D) tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior
E) serratus anterior and serratus posterior superior
48) Which of the following is NOT a rotator cuff muscle?
A) subscapularis
B) supraspinatus
C) teres minor
D) deltoideus
E) infraspinatus
49) Which of the following muscles is NOT a flexor?
A) pectoralis major
B) palmaris longus
C) biceps femoris
D) rectus abdominis
E) erector spinae
50) Which of the following muscles does NOT share the same innervation as the others?
A) triceps
B) extensor digitorum communis
C) extensor pollicis longus
D) flexor carpi ulnaris
E) supinator
51) Identify the INCORRECT insertion.
A) superior rectus – superior tarsus
B) temporalis – coronoid process
C) brachialis – coronoid process
D) masseter – lateral mandibular ramus and angle
E) stylopharyngeus – thyroid cartilage
52) What is the function of the vastus muscles?
A) crural extension
B) crural flexion
C) femoral adduction
D) femoral flexion
E) femoral circumduction
53) The hypoglossal nerve innervates which of the following muscles?
A) digastric
B) sternocleidomastoid
C) intrinsic muscles of the tongue
D) orbicularis oris
E) scalene muscles
54) If the following muscles were listed from medial to lateral, then which is out of place?
A) supinator
B) extensor carpi ulnaris
C) extensor digitorum communis
D) extensor carpi radialis brevis
E) brachioradialis
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Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam III
Fall 2015
55) Identify the INCORRECT description of muscle function.
A) puborectalis – continence
B) lateral pterygoideus – mandibular protraction
C) respiratory diaphragm – inhalation
D) latissimus dorsi – vertebral extension
E) sternocleidomastoid – cervical flexion and cranial rotation
56) Identify the INCORRECT innervation.
A) tibial nerve – gastrocnemius
B) peroneal nerve – extensor digitorum longus
C) superior gluteal nerve – tensor fasciae latae
D) obturator nerve – adductor magnus
E) femoral nerve – biceps femoris
57) Identify the INCORRECT description of muscle function.
A) trapezius – scapular elevation and rotation
B) transversospinalis – vertebral rotation
C) teres major – lateral humeral rotation
D) subscapularis – medial humeral rotation
E) tensor fasciae latae – ‘locking the knee’ in crural extension
58) Which of the following muscles is/are NOT located in the abdominal region?
A) iliacus
B) transversus abdominis
C) quadratus lumborum
D) latissimus dorsi
E) pectineus
59) Unilateral paralysis or drooping of facial expression is symptomatic of a deficit of what nerve?
A) oculomotor
B) trigeminal
C) facial
D) vagus
E) spinal accessory
60) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the triceps muscle.
A) its long head separates the teres major and teres minor muscles
B) it inserts on the olecranon process
C) its innervation is by the radial nerve
D) its medial head is deep to its lateral head
E) its primary function is brachial extension
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