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Tongji Univesity
School of Medicine
2011-2012 the 2nd term
Question paper for human anatomy
Name :
edition: B
Total cores
Select the one letter answer that is best in each case (one choice one score,
1 When the superficial peroneal nerve is severed near its origin by a deep gash as a result of a fall
from a motorcycle, which of the following muscle is paralyzed?
(A) Peroneus longus
(B) Extensor hallucis longus
(C) Extensor digitorum longus
(D) Pectineus
(E) Semitendinosus
2 A patient walks with a waddling gait that is characterized by the pelvis falling toward one side at
each step. Which of the following nerves is damaged?
(A) obturator nerve
(B) nerve to obturator interus
(C) superior gluteal nerve
(D) inferior gluteal nerve
(E) femoral nerve
3 Lesion of the femoral nerve results in which of the following conditions?
(A) Paralysis of the psoas major muscle
(B) Loss of skin sensation on the lateral side of the foot
(C) Loss of skin sensation over the greater trochanter
(D) Paralysis of the vastus lateralis muscle
(E) Paralysis of the tensor fasciae latae
4 A patient is unable to prevent anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia when the knee is
flexed. Which of the following ligaments is most likely damaged?
(A) Anterior cruciate
(B) Fibular collateral
(C) Patellar
(D) Posterior cruciate
(E) Tibial collateral
5 To avoid damaging the sciatic nerve during an intramuscular injection in the right gluteal region,
the needle should be inserted in which of the following areas?
(A) Over the sacrospinous ligament
(B) Midway between the ischial tuberosity and the lesser trochanter
(C) Midpoint of piriformis
(D) Upper right quadrant of the gluteal region
(E) Lower right quadrant of the gluteal region
6 The great saphenpus vein runs
(A) Posterior to the medial malleolus
(B) Anterior to the medial condyles of the tibial and femur
(C) Into the poplitea vein
(D) Superficial to the fascia lata of the thigh
(E) Along with the femoral vessels
7 The inability to extend the leg at the knee joint indicates paralysis of which of the following
(A) Semitendinosus
(B) Quadriceps femoris
(C) Gracilis
(D) Sartorius
(E) Biceps femoris
8 Which of the following muscle is damaged if a patient experiences weakness in dorsiflexing and
inverting the foot?
(A) Peroneus longus
(B) Peroneus brevis
(C) Tibialis anterior
(D) Extensor digitorum longus
(E) Tibialis posterior
9 A 35-year–old man has difficulty everting the foot, which of the following muscles is most
(A) Tibialis posterior
(B) Flexor digitorum longus
(C) Tibialis anterior
(D) Peroneus longus
(E) Extensor digitorum longus.
10 The obturator and femoral nerves both innervate which of the following muscles?
(A) Semitendinosus
(B) Biceps femoris
(C) Pectineus
(D) Adductor magnus
(E) Adductor longus
Question 11-13
A 17-year-old boy suffers a fracture of the shaft of the humerus as the result of an automobile
11 Which of the following arteries may be damaged?
(A) brachial artery
(B) Posterior humeral circumflex artery
(C) deep brachial artery
(D) Radial artery
(E) ulnar artery
12 Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged?
( A) Axillary nerve
(B) Radial nerve
(C) Musculocutaneous nerve
(D) Median nerve
(E) Ulnar nerve
13 After this accident, supination is still possible through contraction of which of the following
(A) Supinator
(B) Pronator teres
(C) brachioradialis
(D) Biceps brachii
(E) Supraspinatus
14 Injury to which of the following muscles most likely causes weakness in flexing both the thigh
and leg?
(A) Rectus femoris
(B) Semitendinosus
(C) Sartorius
(D) biceps femoris
(E) Adductor longus
15 Medial thigh muscles consists of the following muscles except
(A) pectineus
(B) Satorius
(C ) adductor longus
(D) Gracilis
(E) Adductor magnus
16 Which of the following condition is most likely to cause a loss of the axillary nerve function?
(A) Injury to the lateral cord of the brachial plexus
(B) Fracture of the anatomical neck of the humerus
(C) Knife wound on the teres major muscle
(D) Inferior discocation of the head of the humerus
(E) A tumor in the triangular space in the shoulder region
17 Which of the following nerves innervates quadriceps femoris?
(A) Sciatic nerve
(B) Obturator nerve
(C) Saphenous nerve
(D) Femoral nerve
(E) lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
18 Which of the following muscles extends thigh, flexes and laterally rotates leg?
(A) Biceps femoris
(B) semimembranosus
(C) adductor magnus
(D) Tensor fasciae latae
(E) Piriformis
19 Which of the following muscles is able to do the following: (1) flex the wrist and
metacarpophalangeal joint, (2) flex the interphalangeal joint of the fingers?
(A) Flexor digitorum profundus
(B ) Flexor digitorum superficialis
(C ) Flexor carpi ulnaris
(D ) brachioradialis
(E) Flexor carpi radius
20 a patient is incapabel of adducting the arm because of paralysis of which of the following
(A) serratus anterior
(B) infraspinatus
(C) deltoid
(D) Teres major
(E) Latissimus dorsi
21 Which of the following is proper?
(A)triceps brachii is innervated by axillary nerve
(B) biceps brachii is innervated by median nerve
(C ) Deltoid is innervated by axillary nerve
(D) Flexor carpi radius is innervated radial nerve
(E ) pronator teres is innervated by ulnar nerve
22 A lesion of which of the following muscles most likely causes weakness in flexing the hip joint
and extending the knee joint?
(A) Sartorius
(B) Gracilis
(c) Rectus femoris
(D) Vastus medialis
(E) Semimenbranosus
23 a patient is unable to flex the proximal interphalangeal joints as a result of paralysis of which
of the following muscles?
(A) brachioradialis
(B) extensor digitorum longus
(C) flexor carpi ulnaris
(D) Flexor digitorum superficialis
(E) pronator teres
24 Which of the following is not true about description of the popliteal fossa?
(A ) it contains tibial nerve
(B) it is bounded by lateral head of the gastrocnemius inferomedially
(C) it contains popliteal lymph nodes
(D) popliteal artery lies superficial to tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa
(E) It contains a popliteal vein
25 Which of the following is not true about description of elbow joint?
(A) it is formed by the distal end the humerus, and proximal end of the radius and ulna
(B) the anterior and posterior parts of the capsule are thick and strong
(C ) annular ligament encircles and holds the head of the radius in the radial notch
(D) elbow joint permits flexion and extension
(E) collateral ligaments strengthen the joint capsule
26 Which of the following is NOT involved in rotation of the forearm?
(A ) pronator teres
(B) Supinator
(C) proximal radio-ulnar joint
(D) distal radio-ulnar joint
(E) wrist joint
27 All the lingual papillae have taste buds, EXCEPT (
(A) Vallate papillae
(B) Foliate papillae
(C) Filiform papillae
(D) Fungiform papillae
(E) None of all above
28 Which paranasal sinuses are the largest? (
(A) Frontal sinuses
(B) Ethmoidal sinuses
(C) Sphenoidal sinuses
(D) Maxillary sinuses
(E) None of all above
29 The parotid glands are the largest of the major salivary glands, which empties into the
(A) Vestibule of the oral cavity opposite the second maxillary molar tooth.
(B) Each side of the lingual frenulum.
(C) The floor of the mouth alongside the lingual folds.
(D) Each side of the sublingual papillae
(E) None of the above.
30 Patient presents with infection localized to the nasopharynx, upon physical examination which
of the following findings are most likely to be noted.
(A) inflamation of the palatine tonsils
(B) impaired deglutition
(C) inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils
(D) lymphoid nodules on top of tougue
(E) all of the above
31 The investing layer of deep fascia in the neck:
(A) extends behind the viscera of the neck
(B) surrounds the neck like a collar
(C) forms the anterior boundary of the parapharyngeal space
(D) forms the floor of the posterior triangle
(E) encloses scalene muscles in its layers
32 The cervical plexus innervates the
(A) sternocleidomastoid muscle
(B) trapezius
(C) diaphragm
(D) diagastric muscles
(E) all of the above
33 All of the following are located in the posterior triangle of the neck EXCEPT the
(A) accessory nerve
(B) subclavian artery
(C) brachial plexus
(D) transverse cervical artery
(E) external jugular vein
34 Which of the following statements about the nerves in the root of the neck is NOT correct?
(A) the vagus nerve is in the carotid sheath
(B) the recurrent laryngeal nerve runs in the groove between the trachea and esophagus
(C) the phrenic nerve runs on the anterior surface of the anterior scalene
(D) the cervical sympathetic trunk lies anterior-medial to the vagus nerve
(E) the supraclavicular nerve pieces the investing fascia
35 If accessory nerve in the posterior triangle of the neck is cut, which of the following is NOT a
sign of the injury?
(A) paralysis of the trapezius
(B) weakness in elevating the shoulder
(C) difficulty in abducting the shoulder joint above 90 degrees
(D) partial paralyses of the levator scapulae
(E) weakness in retracting the scapula
36 Which of the following does not describe the laryngopharynx,
(A) lies posterior to the larynx
(B) narrows and becomes continuous with the esophagus
(C) is related to the bodies of the C4-C6 vertebrae
(D) is surrounded and formed by larynx muscles and mucosa
(E) contains the piriform fossa, a part of laryngopharynxs
37 The structure(s) which is(are) located between anterior and middle scalene muscles:
(A) brachial plexus
(B) phrenic nerve
(C) subclavian vein
(D) suprascapular artery
(E) all of the above
38 Like all endocrine glands, the thyroid is highly vascular, all descriptions are correct, EXCEPT
(A) thyroid ima artery is from brachiocephalic trunk
(B) thyroid plexus of veins are on the surface of it
(C) superior thyroid artery is from external carotid artery
(D) inferior thyroid artery is from thyrocervical trunk
(E) middle thyroid vein drains into external jugular vein
39 The right common carotid and right subclavian arteries arise from .
(A) aortic arch
(B) left common carotid artery
(C) brachiocephalic trunk
(D) thyrocervical trunk
(E) none of the above
40 Which of the following does NOT describe the vocal folds,.
(A) are formed by the thickened free edge of conus elasticus covered by mucosa
(B) extend between the laminae of thyroid cartilages and muscular process of arytenoid
(C) produce vibrations to control phonation
(D) adducted folds can prevent entry of air
(E) all of the above
41 After surgery of the neck, patient develops a hoarse voice, which is the most likely caused by.
(A) injury of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
(B) trauma of the internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
(C) damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve
(D) impairment of the phrenic nerve
(E) none of the above
42 Which artery does not originate from the first part of subclavian artery?
Superior thyroid artery
Thyrocervical trunk
Vertebral artery
Internal thoracic artery
Ascending cervical artery
43 Which of the following does NOT describe the larynx ,.
(A) is located at C3-C6
(B) has unpaired thyroid , cricoid and epiglottic cartilage
(C) connects oropharynx with esophagus
(D) connects to the hyoid bone via thyrohyoid membrane
(E) maintains a patent airway
44 The retropharyngeal space
(A) is found anterior to the trachea
(B) is a common site for objects to get lodge while passing through the esophagus
(C) is a primary pathway for the spread of infection
(D) is between trachea and esophagus
(E) none of above
45 Which of the following is NOT cutaneous branch from the cervical plexus?
(A) Lesser occipital
(B) ansa cervicalis
(C) great auricular nerve
(D) transverse cervical nerve
(E) supraclavicular nerve
46 Which of the following structures may not be found in the superior mediastinum
(A) esophagus
(B) vagus nerve
(C) aortic arch
(D) inferior vena cava
(E) left and right brachiocephalic vein
47 Cervical pleura
(A) is a part of visceral pleura, adherent to apex of lung
(B) extends to the root of the neck higher than the 1st rib posteriorly
(C) is posterior to subclavian artery and vein
(D) is a part of parietal pleura, a cup-shaped dome
(E) is a part of endothoracic fascia, called Sibson fascia
48 Thoracic part of esophagus, the following descriptions are correct EXCEPT
there are the trachea , the left main bronchus, left atrium and the left vagus nerve anteriorly
the thoracic duct lies on the left side of it and deep to aortic arch.
it inclines to the left side when downwards
it is surrounded by the spine and the right subclavian artery
it has a close relationship with the spine posteriorly
49 The structures adjacent to aortic arch include the following EXCEPT
(A) pulmonary artery
(B) left principal bronchus
(C) right recurrent laryngeal nerve.
(D) superficial cardiac plexus
(E) arterial ligament
50 Sternal angle corresponds with the structures except
the lower border of 4th thoracic vertebra
the connection of 4th costal cartilage laterally
the bifurcation of trachea in the adult
the esophagus crossed by the left main bronchus
the dividing line of superior and inferior mediastinum
51 The lymph of the breast drains to the.
axillary lymph nodes
parasternal lymph nodes
abdominal lymph nodes
supraclavicular lymph nodes
all of above
52 The atrioventricular node is located.
(A) deep to the epicardium
(B) in the interatrial septum near coronary sinus
(C) at the junction of superior vena cava and right atrium
(D) anterior-inferior to sinuatrial node
(E) all of above
53 Typically, the left coronary artery supplies:
The left atrium
Most of the left ventricle
Part of the right ventricle
most of the interventricular septum
All of the above
54 The ligamentum arteriosum lies between.
(A) right ventricle and pulmonary artery
(B) aorta and pulmonary vein
(C) right atrium and left atrium
(D) trunk of pulmonary artery and aortic arch
(E) anterior aspect of esophagus and left subclavian artery
55 The conus arteriosus lies in the .
(A) right ventricle
(B) right atrium
(C) left ventricle
(D) left atrium
(E) interventriclular septum
56 From superior to inferior the structure arrangement of right root of lung is.
pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, bronchus
bronchus, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery
pulmonary vein, bronchus, pulmonary vein
bronchus , pulmonary artery,, pulmonary vein
(E) pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, brochus
57 What is the function of cartilage located in the epiphyseal plates?
(A) Serves as a model for bone formation
(B) Provides passageway for blood vessels
(C) Forms articular surface
(D) Supports soft tissues
(E) Provides flexibility for bending
Concerning the structure of bone, the FALSE description is:
the bones substance include compact and spongy bone.
the whole of the bone is covered by periosteum
the bone marrow includes red and yellow marrows
the red marrow is able to produce blood cells
the yellow marrow is unable to produce blood cells
The bone which has the diaphysis and epiphysis is
short bone
flat bone
long bone
irregular bone
sesamoid bone
Which of following description about typical spinal nerve is FALSE?
It arises from the spinal cord by nerve rootlets
The motor fibers arise from the anterior horn of gray matter
The afferent fibers convey sensory impulses to the lateral horn of the spinal cord.
The sensory fibers form posterior root of spinal nerve
Anterior and posterior roots unite to form a spinal nerve
61 The right description of internal structure of the spinal cord include as the following EXCEPT
(A) the white matter may be divided into 3 columns
(B) the grey matter is a butterfly-shaped
(C) from the first thoracic to the first lumbar segments, there is a lateral columns
(D) the white matter surrounds the grey matter
(E) the lateral horn of grey matter has somatic neurons
Which of the following is biaxial joint?
hinge joint
saddle joint
plane joint
pivot joint
(E) socket joint
Please fill the blanx. (one blanx one score, 31)
1 cephalic vein originates from
on the dorsum of the hand,runs along the
surface of the forearm and arm, finally joins the
2 Long thoracic nerve innervates
muscle; muscles of posterior compartment of
forearm is innervated by
3 adductor canal contains
4 The nerve passing deep to flexor retinaculum is
flexor retinaculum is
; the nerve passing superficial to
5 the nerve and artery which pass throgh the anterior compartment of leg are
respectively. The muscles of the anterior compartment of leg include
6.The essential structures of a synovial joint are
drains lymph from most of the body to the left venous angle at last.
8 At the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage,
divides into
the internal and external carotid arteries. At this bifurcation, the
baroreceptor and the
9 Pericardium is composed of the
right ventricle is composed of
is a
is a chemoreceptor.
; Tricuspid valve complex in the
; Tributary branches of coronary sinus contain
What do 2-8 stand for in the following pictures? ( one blanx one score, 7)