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Social Studies Review
Chapter 4 (pgs. 86-113)
Ancient Egypt
Know the following words from your notes:
goods brought in from other
specially treated body
wrapped in cloth for
trade route
followed by
rapids along a river like those
in the Nile
Egyptian writing system that
used picture symbols
tall, pointed,
4-sided pillar
triangle-shaped area of land
made from soil deposited by
series of rulers from same
paper-like material made from
with images
of dead
life after death
huge triangular-shaped tomb
Explain how the Nile River Valley promoted the development of the
Egyptian civilization. (Why did people live there? Why did they
Farmers developed an irrigation system – therefore they had a stable
food supply
Egyptians were able to grow crops which promoted trade
Created boats which further supported trade and transportation
Came up with a calendar due to the flooding cycle
The Nile River Valley had natural barriers like the seas and deserts
that kept invaders away
Developed kingdoms
What is papyrus used for? Why was it important to the Egyptians?
Papyrus = paper-like material made from reeds
Used for writing
Important to Egyptians because they were able to keep government &
historical records, science texts, medical manuals, stories, mythological
tales, The Book of the Dead for the afterlife, and stories about gods and
Know exactly how the Egyptians buried their dead. What was the
role of the ba and ka? What was the difference in your burial if you
were rich or poor? What are the specific steps that need to be taken
to make a mummy?
The ka is the person’s life force; after a person died the ka left the body
to become a spirit
The ka was linked to the body and could not leave the burial site and
had the same needs as the person when he/she was living
The ba travelled between the tomb and the outside world
Rich burial = mummification; poor burial = shallow graves in desert
Mummification steps:
o Remove internal organs except heart
o Cover body with natron
o Rub with special oils
o Wrap body head to toe in linen
Why did Egyptian pharaohs begin to build pyramids? Why did they
Began building them in Old Kingdom
Began building them because the Egyptians believed that burial sites
were very important, so they built spectacular monuments to honor
their rulers
Burial in a pyramid demonstrated a pharaohs importance and the
shape, pointing to the sky, symbolized the pharaohs journey to the
afterlife and if the spirit of the pharaoh was happy, all Egyptians
would have a happy afterlife as well
Pyramid building stopped because tomb raiders kept targeting the
pyramids for their riches.
Know the history of Nubia. How did trading begin there? How did
Nubia and Egypt influence each other? Know the types of goods that
were produced and traded in Nubia.
Nubia was rich in natural resources (minerals such as gold, copper,
and stone) and located along many cataracts of the Nile, therefore it
was able to set up a large trade network
Egypt and Nubia influenced each other because they traded goods;
they also changed power and ruled each other’s lands
Goods produced in Nubia were gold, pottery, iron tools, and ivory were
exported to other areas
Nubians imported fine jewelry and luxury items
Know the importance of the Rosetta Stone. When was it discovered?
Who decoded it? When?
Discovered in Egypt in 1799 by Napoleon’s French troops
Decoded by Jean Francois Champollion in 1822 (translated from
Allowed us to decode and learn/understand everything in Egypt’s past
by being able to decode all ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics
Know the major Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Amon-Re = most important god (sun god) who protected the rich and
poor; born in the morning in the east and died in the evening in the
Anubis = god of the dead
Osiris = god of afterlife
Horus – the falcon…god of the skies and god of pharaohs. Horus was
used as a title for pharaohs.
Know about the lives of Tutankhamen, Hatshepsut, and Ramesses II.
o very young ruler, believe to have died from an infection at age
o Death is a mystery, but many believe his uncle killed him
o Tomb discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter
o Many believe tomb is cursed
o Tomb was undisturbed and gave us many insights into Egyptian
burial practices and beliefs
o Married her half-brother, Thutmose II
o When he died, she crowned herself pharaoh and ruled because
her step-son, Thutmose III, was too young to rule (she was
appointed regent.)
o Wore a fake beard and men’s clothing so that Egyptians would
respect her more
o Built many monuments and temples during her reign
o When she died, her step-son erased all of her monuments
Ramses II
o Had one of the longest reigns in Egyptian history
o Conquered many different lands
o Expanded Egypt’s borders
o Built several temples/monuments to honor himself
o Fought fiercely with Hittites and eventually signed a peace