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Analysis and Design Considerations of Static CMOS
Logics under Process, Voltage and Temperature
Variation in UMC 0.18μm CMOS Process
Wei-Bin Yang, Yu-Yao Lin, Chi-Hsiung Wang,
Kuo-Ning Chang, Cing-Huan Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering
Tamkang University
Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[email protected]
Abstract—In this paper, we analyze the circuit characteristic of
static CMOS logics and provide the size ratio of PMOS to NMOS
transistors under process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations
in UMC 0.18um CMOS process. The threshold voltage of a MOS
transistor is influenced seriously under PVT variations with different
channel length setting. The performances of the static CMOS logics
are unstable in ultralow voltage. To find the best size ratio of PMOS
to NMOS transistors, NOT gate are simulated with various channel
length setting and PVT conditions. Five stages of NOT gate are
designed by different ratios respectively to compose the ring
oscillator. By examining oscillator output frequency, then we analyze
the change of current according to various channel length and PVT
conditions. By further analyzing the simulation results, if the channel
length of MOS transistors is shorter than 300nm, or the supply
voltage is lower than 0.9V, then the performance of MOS transistors
is unstable in UMC 0.18um CMOS process. Through the data and the
simulation provided by this paper, we can design the circuits with
different needs, and we can also understand how each different
section of PVT variations and channel length setting will affect the
circuit in UMC 0.18um CMOS process.
Keywords—UMC 0.18um CMOS process; size ratio; ProcessVoltage-Temperature (PVT) variations; threshold voltage; ultralow
In UMC 0.18um CMOS process, there are abnormal
performances when circuits operate at low voltage, subthreshold voltage operation region. In order to understand the
causes, we especially did a study for how PVT variations will
affect circuit performance [1]. After numerous simulation and
analog, we collected a huge database and then use these data
to do analysis and discussion. However, in many papers [2]
often discussed about the PVT variations effects and the
changing of the threshold voltage [3] , sub-threshold voltage
[4] , and frequency of oscillator [5] as process advances how
to change MOS transistor’s characteristics, these papers have
been used as reference for the analysis of this paper, through
these problems we simulate and analyze the results.
Yu-Lung Lo
Department of Electronic Engineering
National Kaohsiung Normal University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[email protected]
We know as the process advances, the size of the MOS
transistor is made smaller and smaller. As device dimensions
enter the generation of nanometer scale, there are a lot of
problems in terms of device physics and process. Three of the
biggest problems are short-channel effect, narrow-channel
effect, reverse short-channel effect [6]. Among them, the
greatest impact is made by the reverse short-channel effect.
However, there are still other effects such as channel carrier
mobility, process variation, and equivalent gate oxide
thickness scaling (EOT).
A. Short-channel effect
The charges in space charge region from source and drain
will extend into the channel at ideal channel length of MOS
transistor with no bias voltage applied, but in contrast with the
overall channel only occupy a small part of the whole.
Essentially, all charges in the space charge region can also be
controlled by voltage from gate. If the channel length become
narrow, charges by gate voltage controlled will decline,
charges in space charge region of drain will extend further into
the channel, amount of charge numbers by gate controlled will
decrease, so that threshold voltage roll-off, resulting in
leakage current increases when components cut off, this effect
make doping concentration in channel increase, and reduce the
junction depth of source and drain while the gate dielectric
layer thickness be lower [7]. In conclusion, the short-channel
effect are attributed to two physical phenomena, the limitation
imposed on electron drift characteristics in the channel and the
modification of the threshold voltage due to the shortening
channel length.
B. Reverse short-channel effect
Reverse short-channel effect is result of non-uniform
channel doping (halo doping) in modern processes. At short
channel length the halo doping of the source overlaps that of
the drain, increasing the average channel doping concentration,
and thus increasing the threshold voltage. This reduction in
average channel doping concentration means threshold
voltage initially is reduced as channel length increases, but
approaches a constant value independent of channel length for
large enough lengths.
threshold voltage while 0.1V supply voltage increasing of
NMOS under various of channel length setting and 27°C.
In this experiment, we use basic static logic circuit- NOT
gate to do the analysis of this chapter. We set the situation
under 27 ˚C in process of TT corner, set NOT gate’s NMOS
width at 500nm, the structure of NOT gate is shown in Fig.1.
And we set MOS transistor’s channel length at 180nm, 200nm,
300nm, 400nm, 500nm, respectively. In order to reach the
result in which the transitional voltage is just half of the
supply voltage, we design the best MOS width of PMOS at
various supply voltages (0.1V~1.8V) respectively, and then
calculate the PMOS width over the NMOS width (Wp/Wn).
So we can create an optimal dimensions database regardless of
which supply voltage applied and channel length we set, as
shown in Fig. 2. Through these simulations, we can conclude
the variation of these different size ratios is caused by reverse
short channel effect. In Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the threshold voltage
of NOT gate’s NMOS and PMOS are changed because of the
difference of sizes of channel length, and we can find out that
channel length plays an important role in the reason of
different size ratio. As the supply voltage increase, we find out
that the amount of changing threshold voltage decrease
seriously when the channel length is shorter than 300nm.
A. Threshold voltage of MOSFET under various of
temperature and channel length setting.
In Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, this simulation graph presents the
threshold voltage of NMOS and PMOS under various of
temperature and channel length setting with supply voltage
1.8V. Obviously, the performance of channel length shorter
than 300 nm shown and the performance of channel length
longer than 300 nm shown is completely different. And the
channel length at 300 nm or longer, these trends of threshold
voltage are decrease slowly with channel length increase. This
analysis proves that reverse short-channel effect change the
characteristic of threshold voltage while the channel length is
shorter than 300nm.
B. Threshold voltage of MOSFET under various of
temperature and supply voltage.
In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, this simulation graph presents
Threshold voltage of NMOS and PMOS under various of
temperature and supply voltage while channel length is set at
180nm. We can find out threshold voltage decrease as
temperature increase or supply voltage increase, and threshold
voltage increase as temperature decrease or supply voltage
decrease. Finally, we can get threshold voltage under various
of channel length and supply voltage at 27°C from simulation
results of database, as shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. Finally, we
can get the growth rate of |threshold voltage| of PMOS over
Fig. 1. Structures of NOT gate.
Fig. 2. Size ratio (Wp/Wn) of NOT gate under various of supply voltage.
Fig. 3. Threshold voltage of NMOS under various of supply voltage
(temperature 27°C).
Fig. 4. |Threshold voltage| of PMOS under various of supply voltage
(temperature 27°C).
Fig. 5. Threshold voltage of NMOS under various of temperature and channel
length setting (supply voltage 1.8V).
As mentioned above, we use the NOT gate with the best
size ratio design in the process of TT corner and under 27 ˚C,
respectively. The ring oscillator circuit is composed of NOT
stages as Fig. 12 shown. Then we set the temperature at -40, 0,
27, 75, and 125 ˚C in process of SS, TT, and FF corners, and
analyze the oscillator output frequency under a variety of
supply voltage. After creating a huge database of the oscillator
output frequency with different PVT variations, we can
explore the current changes with this database, because the
oscillator output frequency is positively related to the value of
operating current. In Fig. 13, Fig. 14, and Fig. 15, we get the
result of oscillator output frequency of this ring oscillator.
A. Analysis of the current and the oscillator output frequency
In a general way, the current flowing through the MOS
transistor will become smaller as the temperature get higher,
but from the simulation graphs below, we see the exact
opposite circumstance in low voltage operating region. In Fig.
10, under process of TT corner, as supply voltage is lower
than 0.8 volts, we find the temperature is higher, the higher the
oscillator output frequency will be, representing the operating
current will be higher with increasing temperature. As supply
voltage is higher than 0.9 volts, we find it a normal
phenomenon that the oscillator output frequency and the
current will become smaller with higher temperature. Finally
we can use this huge database analyze how PVT variations
effects and different channel length will affect the
characteristics of the MOS transistors, as the result in Table. 1.
Fig. 6. |Threshold voltage| of PMOS under various of temperature and channel
length setting (supply voltage 1.8V).
Fig. 7. Threshold voltage of NMOS under various of temperature and supply
voltage (channel length = 180nm).
Fig. 11. The growth rate of |threshold voltage| of PMOS over threshold
voltage of NMOS under various of channel length setting (27°C).
Fig. 8. |Threshold voltage| of PMOS under various of temperature and supply
voltage (channel length = 180nm).
Fig. 12. The ring oscillator circuit composed of NOT stages.
Fig. 9. Threshold voltage of NMOS under various of channel length setting
and supply voltage.
Fig. 13. Ring oscillator output frequency under process of FF corner and
various of temperature and supply voltage.
Fig. 10. |Threshold voltage| of PMOS under various of channel length setting
and supply voltage.
Fig. 14. Ring oscillator output frequency under process of SS corner and
various of temperature and supply voltage.
that you try to select MOS transistor’s channel length is longer
than 300nm, and the supply voltage is supplied at 0.9 volts or
higher, in order to avoid the unstable performance because
PVT variable effects and channel length generated in the
UMC 0.18um CMOS process. Conversely, we can use this
abnormal performance on the device, the higher the
temperature the greater the current of the circuit. Finally, we
can also use the final simulation to design the device that
current won’t be changed as the temperature increase or
decrease for immunity of PVT variations.
Fig. 15. Ring oscillator output frequency under process of TT corner and
various of temperature and supply voltage.
TABLE I. Characteristics of the oscillator output frequency and MOS
Temperature Increased
TT Corner
FF Corner
SS Corner
Freq. , Freq. , Freq. , Freq. , Freq. , Freq. ,
Voltage (V)
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.9 ↓
1.0 ↑
Channel 200
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
0.7 ↓
0.8 ↑
0.7 ↓
0.8 ↑
0.8 ↓
0.9 ↑
The authors would like to thank the National Chip
Implementation Center and National Science Council, Taiwan,
and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Taiwan for
simulating the result and supporting this work, respectively.
This paper presents the analysis of the circuit
characteristic of static CMOS logics and provide the size ratio
of PMOS to NMOS transistors under process, voltage and
temperature (PVT) variations in UMC 0.18um CMOS process.
Through this analysis we know the threshold voltage of a
MOS transistor is influenced more seriously under PVT
variations in ultralow voltages, and the performances of the
static CMOS logics are really unstable under those conditions.
In addition to designing the best size ratio for each logic
circuit with various PVT conditions, we also discussed the
performance of oscillator output frequency of the ring
oscillator. Followed by numerous simulations, we analyze the
data and discuss the conclusions how PVT variables and
channel length affect these circuits. Finally, we recommend
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