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Final Exam
HIST 1302 – U.S. History II
Example Assessment
This is an example of an assessment for HIST 1302. It will be completed in approximately 1
PART I – Multiple Choice
Select the best answer for each of the following questions, and mark the
corresponding letter on your Scantron. One (1) point each.
After World War II, Joseph Stalin's primary goal was to:
a) Remilitarize Germany
b) Partition Germany into three spheres of influence
c) Have governments friendly to the Soviet Union on its borders in Eastern Europe
d) Restrict Germany to an agricultural economy
European nations used most of the funds provided by the Marshall Plan to:
a) Develop their own atomic bombs
b) Stimulate their economies and buy American products
c) Counter the spread of communism throughout Western Europe
d) Oust oppressive, autocratic regimes
To deter the Soviet Union from attacking, the United States agreed to join
Canada and Western European countries in a peacetime military alliance
called the:
a) Civil Defense Commission
b) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
c) Warsaw Pact
d) Bretton Woods Agreement
The flight of the Chinese Nationalists from China in 1949:
a) Led to the establishment of Mao Zedong's Communist China Republic
b) Resulted in the Nationalist government's ruling in exile from Indonesia
c) Boosted morale among Nationalist officials
d) Coincided with the establishment of the People's Republic of China
© 2010 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
HIST 1302 Example Assessment
The GI Bill helped boost the United States economy after World War II by
giving veterans:
a) Their old jobs back
b) Job training, education, and low-interest home loans
c) And their spouses a free college education
d) Full medical benefits for life
In 1948, President Truman issued an executive order to:
a) Give blacks the right to fair housing
b) Guarantee blacks equal job opportunities
c) Guarantee blacks equal access to public facilities
d) Desegregate the armed services
The event that triggered United States military action in Korea in 1950 was:
a) The invasion of South Korea by troops from Communist North Korea
b) Mao Zedong's sending Chinese troops to North Korea
c) President Truman's firing of General MacArthur
d) Joseph Stalin's ordering the North Koreans to attack and capture Seoul
Anti-Communist zealot Senator Joseph McCarthy was finally discredited
when he:
a) Charged that President Eisenhower was a Communist
b) Insisted that thousands of federal employees were disloyal to the United States
c) Announced that Communists in the Republican Party outnumbered those in the
Democratic Party
d) Charged that there were Communists in the United States army
Key to President Eisenhower's “New Look” in foreign policy was:
a) A conventional army three times the size of the Soviet army
b) A smaller conventional army bolstered by strength in airpower and nuclear weapons
c) The dismantling of all United States nuclear weapons
d) A commitment to raise arms against all unfriendly nations
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10. The United States reacted to the Soviet Union's successful launch
of Sputnik in 1957:
a) With pride in the Soviets' scientific and technological knowledge
b) With a feeling of inferiority about United States scientific and technological
c) By initiating covert plans to infiltrate the Soviet missile agency
d) By initiating a plan for a satellite defense system
11. Levittown, New York, was:
a) An example of the assembly-line approach to producing affordable housing
b) One of the worst slums in America
c) A successful attempt at the racial integration of an American housing development.
d) A failed suburban housing development that contributed to the rebirth of cities across
the nation
12. In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan argued that:
a) The idealization of domesticity was pressuring women to seek fulfillment in serving
b) A woman's place was in the home.
c) Divorced fathers should never be given custody of children under age fourteen.
d) Women were not as intelligent as men.
13. Although Alfred Kinsey's books Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female sold well, they were criticized chiefly
a) The author had fabricated much of the information he used in the books.
b) The author refused to make moral judgments on his findings that sexual promiscuity
was more prevalent than had been thought.
c) The author did not use random samples in his research.
d) Distribution of the books was limited only to large cities.
14. The Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
overturned the doctrine of:
a) Concurrent equality established in Purvis v. Bergdorf (1882)
b) Civil segregation established in Chaney v. Gunderson (1906)
c) Separate but equal established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
d) Purposeful proximity established in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
15. The Montgomery, Alabama, police arrested Rosa Parks on December 1,
1955, because she refused to:
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HIST 1302 Example Assessment
a) Sit in the black section of the city bus
b) Give up her seat on the bus to a white man
c) Leave the bus and board it again through the rear door
d) Stop handing out flyers challenging the city's segregation ordinance
16. Among the factors that contributed heavily to John F. Kennedy's win in the
presidential election of 1960 were:
a) His willingness to speak out against McCarthyism and his record in Congress
b) The African American vote and Lyndon Johnson's strength in the South
c) His religion and his political experience
d) His record in Congress and Lyndon Johnson's strength in the South
17. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965:
a) Stopped all immigration from China
b) Extended the national-origins quota system
c) Removed all restrictions on immigration
d) Abolished the national-origins quota system
18. In 1961, the Congress of Racial Equality organized Freedom Rides to:
a) Transport African American voters to the polls
b) Commemorate the emancipation of slaves in the United States
c) Provide free transportation to poor people of all races in the South
d) Integrate interstate transportation in the South
19. At a massive civil rights demonstration in the nation's capital in August
a) Fighting broke out between whites and blacks.
b) Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I have a dream” speech.
c) An all-black crowd gathered together to demand civil rights.
d) Martin Luther King Jr. alienated the media and whites generally with an inflammatory
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20. By 1966, the principles espoused by Malcolm X had given rise to
a) "Black is beautiful" movement
b) "Vote black" movement
c) "Assimilate today" movement
d) Black power movement
21. The members of Students for a Democratic Society:
a) Had few concrete goals
b) Were idealistic young people with too much time on their hands
c) Wanted to mobilize a New Left around the goals of civil rights, peace, and universal
economic security
d) Hoped to convince more-radical organizations to work within the system
22. Phyllis Schlafly is most closely associated with:
a) The legal team that successfully argued for abortion rights before the Supreme Court
b) The conservative challenge to feminism in the 1970s
c) Advocates of the Equal Rights Amendment
d) The protest of the Miss America Pageant in 1968
PART II – Definitions
Given a definition of a key term, identify the term from the list of choices. Mark
the corresponding letter on your Scantron. One (1) point each.
23. Presidential assertion that American security depended on stopping
Communists from taking over any non-Communist government, even
undemocratic and repressive dictatorships, anywhere in the world. Beginning
in 1947 with American aid to help Greece and Turkey stave off Communist
pressures, this approach became a cornerstone of American foreign policy
during the cold war.
a) Eisenhower Doctrine
b) Nixon Doctrine
c) Roosevelt Doctrine
d) Truman Doctrine
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HIST 1302 Example Assessment
24. Secretary of State from 1947 to 1949 under Harry S. Truman. The former
general proposed the post-World War II European Recovery Program,
bearing his name.
a) Dean Acheson
b) George C. Marshall
c) Henry Kissinger
d) John Foster Dulles
25. Leader of the Nationalist government in China. The corruption and
incompetence of his government alienated many Chinese and helped bolster
the cause of the Communists. Despite substantial American aid, he was
unable to retain control of the government. The Nationalists fled to Taiwan
after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.
a) Chiang Kai-Shek
b) Ho Chi Minh
c) Mao Zedong
d) Syngman Rhee
26. Truman’s domestic agenda, which included reforms in civil rights, housing,
education, and health care. Opposition in Congress, particularly among
Republicans and disenchanted southern Democrats, limited the
implementation of his agenda.
a) Fair Deal
b) Great Society
c) New Deal
d) “Modern Republicanism”
27. Republican presidential nominee who was favored in the 1948 election.
Republicans had gained control of Congress in 1946 and were optimistic
about their prospects for capturing the White House. Nevertheless, he lost
to Truman, and Democrats regained control of Congress in the elections.
a) Earl Warren
b) Richard Nixon
c) Robert A. Taft
d) Thomas E. Dewey
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28. Report produced in April 1950, shortly before the start of the
Korean War. It called for tripling the defense budget and a massive military
buildup to protect the nation. The Korean War helped Truman realize these
objectives and greatly expanded the global power of the United States.
a) Fair Employment Practices Commission
b) NSC 68
c) Pentagon Papers
d) To Secure These Rights
29. Leader of the People’s Republic of North Korea, established by the Soviets in
the fall of 1948. In June 1950, he sent 90,000 troops into South Korea,
precipitating the Korean War.
a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Kim Il-Sung
c) Mao Zedong
d) Syngman Rhee
30. Soviet leader who assumed leadership after the death of Stalin in 1953. He
oversaw a slight thaw in relations between the Soviet Union and the United
a) Mikhail Gorbachev
b) Leonid Brezhnev
c) Nikita Khrushchev
d) Vyacheslav Molotov
31. Prime minister of South Vietnam who was backed by the United States as a
bulwark against communism. Fearing a Communist victory, he refused to
hold the elections prescribed by the 1954 Geneva accords, provoking guerilla
attacks on his government. The United States provided extensive support for
his government’s war against the insurgency backed by the government of
North Vietnam.
a) Duong Van Minh
b) Ho Chi Minh
c) Ngo Dinh Diem
d) Nguyen Van Thieu
32. Alliance committed to defending Cambodia, Laos, and South Vietnam. Its
members included the United States, Britain, France, Australia, New
Zealand, Thailand, Pakistan, and the Philippines.
a) ANZUS Treaty
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HIST 1302 Example Assessment
b) Central Treaty Organization
c) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
d) Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
33. Legislation that promoted the study of math, foreign languages, and science
by providing federal funding for student loans and scholarships. Eisenhower
supported the act as a means of helping the United States compete with the
Soviet Union.
a) Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
b) National Defense Education Act
c) National Security Act of 1947
d) Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill)
34. Builder who used assembly-line techniques to construct housing on site. His
suburban developments provided mass-produced housing at affordable prices
and helped stimulate suburban development.
a) Alfred Kinsey
b) Joseph R. McCarthy
c) Warren E. Burger
d) William J. Levitt
35. Lead lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People in Brown v. Board of Education. He succeeded in convincing the
Supreme Court to overturn its own precedent protecting segregated
educational facilities.
a) Emmett Till
b) Martin Luther King, Jr.
c) Medgar Evers
d) Thurgood Marshall
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36. African American woman and civil rights activist who in 1955
refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus.
Her action, which violated local segregation laws and resulted in her arrest,
initiated the first sustained protest against segregation to garner national
a) Ella Baker
b) Fannie Lou Hamer
c) Jo Ann Robinson
d) Rosa Parks
37. Civil rights organization made up mostly of black clergy, established in 1957
to coordinate local protests against segregation and disfranchisement.
Martin Luther King Jr. became its head and Ella Baker its key organizer.
a) Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
b) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
c) Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
d) Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
38. Republican senator from Arizona who opposed Lyndon Johnson in the 1964
presidential campaign. His attacks on the welfare state and other policy
suggestions were too radical to compete with Johnson, but his campaign did
energize a grassroots conservative movement.
a) Barry M. Goldwater
b) George C. Wallace
c) Richard M. Nixon
d) Ronald Reagan
39. Case in which the Supreme Court ruled that states must provide lawyers free
of charge to accused criminals who cannot afford to hire their own attorneys.
The 1963 decision reflected the Warren Court’s application of the
Fourteenth Amendment to the criminal justice system.
a) Abington School District v. Schempp
b) Baker v. Carr
c) Gideon v. Wainwright
d) Miranda v. Arizona
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HIST 1302 Example Assessment
40. Case in which the Supreme Court ruled that states must redraw their
electoral districts to reflect their growing urban populations. The 1963
decision, which Chief Justice Warren considered his most important,
established the principle of “one person, one vote” and forced most states to
redraw their electoral districts.
a) Abington School District v. Schempp
b) Baker v. Carr
c) Gideon v. Wainwright
d) Miranda v. Arizona
41. In March 1965, civil rights activists marched to the state capital to demand
voting rights. The march provoked such fierce opposition from local whites
that President Lyndon Johnson called up the National Guard to protect the
a) Freedom Rides
b) March on Washington
c) Selma march
d) Voter Education Project
42. Legislation that decisively invalidated southern policies of segregation and
discrimination by guaranteeing all Americans equal access to voting, public
education, public accommodations, and employment. Johnson capitalized on
the memory of Kennedy’s assassination and offensive scenes of violence
against peaceful demonstrators in the South to achieve passage of this farreaching civil rights law.
a) Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960
b) Civil Rights Act of 1964
c) Civil Rights Act of 1968
d) Voting Rights Act
43. Child of migrant workers who as an adult organized voter registration drives
among Mexican Americans. He helped found the United Farm Workers, an
organization dedicated to improving the desperate conditions of migrant
agricultural workers.
a) Cesar Chavez
b) John J. Herrera
c) Jose Lopez
d) Tomas Rivera
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44. Supreme Court decision that ruled that the Constitution protects
the right to abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. The 1973 decision
drew intense opposition from many Americans who believed abortion
constituted murder.
a) Baker v. Carr
b) Gideon v. Wainwright
c) Miranda v. Arizona
d) Roe v. Wade
45. Element of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 that banned sex
discrimination in all aspects of education, including faculty hiring, athletics,
and admissions.
a) Title VI
b) Title VII
c) Title VIII
d) Title IX
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HIST 1302 Example Assessment
PART III – Map Questions
Identify the letter from each map that corresponds with the given location. One (1)
point each.
Map #1
46. On Map #1, what letter represents the armistice line of July 1953?
a) Letter B
b) Letter C
c) Letter F
d) Letter G
47. On Map #1, what letter represents the 38th parallel?
a) Letter B
b) Letter C
c) Letter F
d) Letter G
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Map #2
48. On Map #2, what letter identifies where James Meredith integrated the
University of Mississippi under the protection of federal troops?
a) Letter A
b) Letter B
c) Letter C
d) Letter E
49. On Map #2, what letter identifies the origin of the Brown v. Board of
Education (1954) lawsuit:
a) Letter A
b) Letter B
c) Letter D
d) Letter F
50. On Map #2, what letter identifies where President Eisenhower sent federal
troops to enforce integration at Central High School:
a) Letter A
b) Letter B
c) Letter C
d) Letter E
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