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LECTURE 10 THE PLATE TECTONIC SETTING OF STRUCTURES AND DEFORMATION LECTURE PLAN Arc volcanoes 1) SITES OF CRUSTAL DEFORMATION 2) STRUCTURES AT CONSTRUCTIVE PLATE BOUNDARIES 3) STRUCTURES AT DESTRUCTIVE PLATE BOUNDARIES 4) STRUCTURES AT CONSERVATIVE PLATE BOUNDARIES intra-plate thrusting trench indent-linked strike-slip faults tear faults (transfer) trench-linked strike-slip fault c c c back-arc basin c c c c c c o c o o c continental crust arc o o o o boundary strike-slip fault continentcontinent collision 1) SITES OF CRUSTAL DEFORMATION o c ridge transform ridge oceanic crust o = oceanic crust and lithosphere c = continental crust and lithosphere Global seismicity is generally confined to very thin zones known as plate boundaries. The seismicity tells us where deformation and the formation of new structures is occurring today. The zones of seismicity occur within four main areas:- Back to text a) the centres of oceans (ocean ridges) marked by shallow earthquakes down to around 65km. Vulcanicity produces new crustal material which forms "new magnetic stripes". b) between convergent plates such as:- areas of continental collision which have distributed seismicity with shallow earthquakes from detachment faults and deep earthquakes from basement culminations. - subduction zones. Deep earthquakes of over 0-600km. Zone of earthquakes defines a zone known as a Benioff Zone. Course Homepage Lecture 1 2 3 4 Contact Staff 5 6 7 8 9 10 Practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 71 8 9 10 c) s ome s eis micity occurs within continental areas in the world's intra-continental rifts . S hallow earthquakes (<15-20 km) and s ome volcanic activity is common. We know that tectonic activity has not res ulted in intens e deformation of the s table areas as thes e areas contain longlived geological features which have maintained their s hape s ince Trias s ic times . - T he link between s eis micity and pres ent-day tectonic activity s ugges ts that s eis mic zones mus t repres ent the boundaries to the s table, s lowly-deforming areas . T he areas bounded by the zones of s eis micity and vulcanicity are plates . T he zones of s eis micity and vulcanicity are termed plate boundaries . Pacific Plate So uth Cocos Plate East African Rift Somali Plate Nazca Plate South American Plate T eas t In Arab ian Plate African Plate Tre nch Indian-Austalian Plate dian hw ut So dia t In es n Antarctic Plate Spreading centre with divergence directions Subduction zone with convergence directions Schematic earthquake epicentres Transform fault This is a cartoon and is a guide to approximate positions of earthquakes. All intraplate areas occasionally experience earthquakes and we have shown a few schematically. Refer to specialised web-sites to get accurate information on earthquake locations. For example: http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/ Back to text Eurasian Plate Aleutian Trench Pacific Plate Philippine Plate va So uth Tre nc h African Plate Cocos Plate Nazca Plate Indian-Austalian Plate eas t In Anatolian Plate Caribbean Plate Gorda Plate Marianas Trench Eurasian Plate North American Plate Juan de Fuca Plate Ja b) T he magnetic s tripes in the oceans have maintained their s hape for upto 180Ma. Philippine Plate Anatolian Plate Caribbean Plate Gorda Plate Marianas Trench Mid dian -In Examples:a) T he oppos ing coas tlines of Africa and the America s till fit together after 180Ma and 4000km of drift, s o that the interiors of the continents mus t als o be undeformed. Juan de Fuca Plate va Eurasian Plate North American Plate Aleutian Trench Ja Away from thes e zones , s table areas (cratons ) exis t with s pars e tectonic activity. Eurasian Plate Mid dian -In d) along cons ervative plate boundaries s uch as , - oceanic trans form faults ; thes e are really part of the midocean ridge s ys tem. - continental s trike-s lip faults at plate boundaries or within plates . T hes e are marked by s hallow earthquakes which may include normal, revers e and s trike-s lip focal mechanis ms . Back to text East African Rift South American Plate Arab ian Plate Somali Plate T hw ut So dian Antarctic Plate Subduction zone with convergence directions Spreading centre with divergence directions Start of this Lecture Transform fault dia t In es n Eurasian Plate Juan de Fuca Plate Philippine Plate Pacific Plate Cocos Plate Ja East African Rift Somali Plate Nazca Plate South American Plate T eas t In Arab ian Plate African Plate Tre nch Indian-Austalian Plate So uth Anatolian Plate Caribbean Plate Gorda Plate Marianas Trench va Eurasian Plate North American Plate Aleutian Trench dian hw ut So dia t In es n Antarctic Plate Spreading centre with divergence directions Subduction zone with convergence directions Schematic earthquake epicentres Transform fault This is a cartoon and is a guide to approximate positions of earthquakes. All intraplate areas occasionally experience earthquakes and we have shown a few schematically. Refer to specialised web-sites to get accurate information on earthquake locations. For example: http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/ Back to text Eurasian Plate Aleutian Trench Pacific Plate Philippine Plate Ja va So uth Tre nch Indian-Austalian Plate eas t In Anatolian Plate Caribbean Plate Gorda Plate Marianas Trench Eurasian Plate North American Plate Juan de Fuca Plate Mid dian -In However, the edges of the continents are not the edges of the Earth’s Plates. The global distribution of earthquakes shows where the the crust is being deformed. Areas of rapid deformation are marked by concentrations of earthquakes, which reveal the edges of the plates. Thus, the mid-ocean ridges are plate boundaries, as are the deep ocean trenches around the Pacific. The areas between the zones of earthquakes are rigid, lacking deformation related to earthquakes. These are the Earth’s tectonic plates. For example, the African plate is composed of African continental crust plus ocean crust from the eastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans. Back to text Mid dian -In Surface features: Maps showing global topography of the Earth show that elevations fall into two main areas (see next page). The oceans are generally low in elevation whilst the continents are higher in elevation. The reason for this is that the crust has a different composition and thickness in these 2 areas. The ocean crust is basic in composition.This ocean crust is quite thin, ranging between 5-15 km in thickness. The continental crust is thicker, with a normal thickness of 35 km, but having greater thickness in mountain ranges (e.g. 70 km under the Tibetan Plateau). It is composed predominantly of the minerals quartz and feldspar, so that it is said to be acid in composition. Acid crust is less dense than basic crust. The lower density and greater thickness of continental crust, and the fact that it is floating on the mantle, means the continental crust floats higher than ocean crust, explaining the higher topography of the former. (Note, as an aside, the high, and smooth topography of Greenland and Antarctica which are to due to the presence of thick icesheets). African Plate Cocos Plate Nazca Plate East African Rift South American Plate Arab ian Plate Somali Plate T hw ut So dian dia t In es n Antarctic Plate Subduction zone with convergence directions Spreading centre with divergence directions Transform fault Start of this Lecture Uniformitarianism suggests that the styles of structures that characterise modern plate margins may also characterise ancient plate margins. Thus, by comparison, we may be able to characterise the ancient tectonic setting of areas by examining their structures. This is one of the major goals of structural geology. Plate boundary Constructive plate margins: Mid-Ocean Ridges Pillow lavas with overlying ocean sediments Sheeted Dolerite dykes Magma chamber Gabbros Cumulates Moho Mantle Peridotite er e Mantle Peridotite Lit ho sp h Asthenosphere So we will now examine the structures found at modern-day plate margins and compare them with ancient examples. Back to text 2) CONSTRUCTIVE PLATE BOUNDARIESDead Sea Transform Plates are moving apart. Called constructive as new material in the form of volcanic and igneous rocks infiltrate the boundary to fill the gap and form new crust. 2 main types:- Red Sea ARABIA a) Mid-Ocean Ridges exist within ocean crust. Basalt dykes, gabbro intrusions and ocean floor basalt pillow lavas. AFRICA Bathymetry of a mid-ocean ridge Gulf of Aden Modern examples- Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Iceland Hot Spot. Features include normal faulting and fissuring (dykes), seismicity, high heat flow (magma chambers) and basaltic lava flows. The Carlsberg Ridge in the Indian Ocean. Owen Transform INDIA The Carlsberg Ridge is a mid-ocean ridge (submarine mountains) which has developed during the break-up of Gondwanaland, the southern portion of the super continent Pangaea. India has moved away from Africa and Madagascar due to ocean spreading on the Carlsberg Ridge. The ridge is situated about half-way between India and Madagascar. The NW end of the spreading centre is the Owen Transform Fault which has allowed India to move c. NE relative to Arabia. This transform now appears to have been abandoned with the Carlsberg Ridge propagating west to open the Gulf of Aden. Arabia has rifted away from Africa and the extending Red Sea and right-lateral (dextral) Dead Sea Transform have formed in response. Carlsberg Ridge Madagascar Ancient example- Now seen in obducted ophiolites such as the Lizard Complex or the Semail Ophiolite of the Oman. Start of this Lecture Back to text Ocean crust is everywhere less than c. 180 Ma due to subduction of older ocean crust. Gravity The strike of the ridge can be oblique to the spreading direction. Transform faults form to accommodate these motions. Plate motion vectors are parallel to transform faults which form small circles about the Euler poles of rotation of each plate (see earlier lectures). Oceanic Fracture Zones (Oceanic Transforms) • offset of the ridge by strike-slip fault movement • faults penetrate the Moho • typical of slow-spreading ridges They form to accommodate lateral variations in spreading rates. The East Pacific Rise is an example of a fastspreading centre (upto 80mm/yr). It shows the typical axial uplift morphology (sonar data). The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a slow-spreading centre (<22 mm/yr). It has the typical axial depression (rift) morphology. Overlapping Spreading Centres (OSCs) • the geometry of OSCs is unstable, one rift tip will eventually link with the other … A. B. C. D. overlap basin The old OSC is preserved as a discontinuity in the crust Hydrothermal Activity Ocean waters circulate through the oceanic crust due to convection and become enriched in sulphides and causing metasomatisation of the ocean crust (serpentinites form). The sulphide enriched waters emerge as black-smokers. Vents at Black Smokers on Earth have fauna that derive their energy from the hydrothermal activity rather than the sun. NASA believes that such fauna may have developed on other planets/moons where ice blots out the sun and where large gravitational forces cause tidal heating and volcanism, e.g. on Europa, where they intend to drill through ice to access underlying oceans. b) Continental rift-zones are incipient constructive boundaries which are the first stage of continental break-up. They have varied vulcanicity because rising magmas interact with continental crust of widely varying composition. Modern example- Afro-Arabian Rift System. The Gulf of Aden has been opening over the last 20Ma along a continuation of the Carlsberg Ridge spreading axis. Gulf of Suez lies at the NW end of the Red Sea. Tilted fault blocks occur associated with large normal faults and sedimentary basins. Rifts may be associated with out-pourings of tholeitic basalts and dyke swarms situated above "mantle hot spots" e.g. East African Rift. An ancient exampleNorth Sea Basin. Periods of rifting occurred from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. Doming and uplift in mid-Jurassic times was related to high heat flows and a volcanic centre. Note:- thinned continental crust characterises the area. The structures of continental rifts may become stranded on the opposing sides of a new ocean. These continent-ocean junctions are no longer areas of seismicity and therefore cannot be plate margins. They are known as passive continental margins. Modern example- The Atlantic coastlines. Contain tilted faultblocks bound by normal faults. Ancient examples- These are commonly found on the telescoped margins of former oceans which are now preserved in continent-continent collision zones. The former passive margin on the NW side of Tethys now lies within the telescoped Western Alps. Start of this Lecture The East African Rift System (shown dashed) is an incipient plate boundary that may eventually develop into a mid-ocean ridge between the NE horn of Africa and the rest of the continent. At present, rifting is extending and thinning the African Continent along a series of linear extensional fault systems. The Lake Malawi Rift is one of a number of rift segments composed of normal faults. Gulf of Suez Rift Red Sea Lava plateau post-dating rifting ARABIA East African Rift System Bathymetry of a mid-ocean ridge Gulf of Aden Owen Transform INDIA Carlsberg Ridge Lake Malawi Madagascar Back to text There are two models for the structure of rifts (and sedimentary basins in general). 1) the pure shear model was proposed by McKenzie (1978), and involves brittle failure of the upper crust and ductile stretching of the lower crust and lithospheric upper mantle. The rift takes on a symmetrical geometry. The amount of stretching in the lithosphere is called the β factor. β factors of 1.5 - 2.0 are computed for several aulacogens and basins, e.g. Central Graben of the North Sea. 2) the simple shear model proposed by Wernicke (1985) who considered that the whole of the lithosphere is stretched by simple shear along low-angle detachment faults. This model was applied to the Basin and Range Province (W USA) and to the East African Rift system. Symmetical McKenzie Style Extension Thinning in the green and red layers (lower crust and lithospheric mantle) occurs through distributed flow without large shear zones. The deformation is bulk pure shear. Thinning in the upper crust is through normal faulting. Brittle-ductile transition Upwelling asthenosphere Back to text Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary Asymmetical Wernicke Style Extension Back to text Brittle upper crust 65km Crust 35km Mantle Half-graben complex Brittle-ductile transition Ductile lower crust Back to text MOHO (a) Mantle Flow (a) (b) Flow (b) Sediments Crust-mantle boundary (a) Venning Meinesz's hypothesis for the formation of a rift valley. (b) isostatic equilibrium of a wedge and a parallel sided block of the same thickness. (C) Development of a rift valley by faulting in the upper crust and ductile flow in the lower crust. Detachment fault Upwelling asthenosphere Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary Start of this Lecture 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° Back to overview 160-190 60° Back to overview 30° 0-21 0° 30° 60° The Basin and Range is characterised by normal faulting focal mechanisms The age of the ocean basins (in millions of years) 0-5 5-21 21-38 PleistocenePliocene 38-52 Eocene Miocene 52-65 Paleocene Oligocene 65-140 Cretaceous 140-160 Early Jurassic The Basin and Range extensional province lies inboard of the San Andreas fault which is a transform fault. GPS data show rates and directions of extension that indicate that extension is due to the drag of the Pacific Plate as it passes to the NW past North America. Rifting is induced by lateral forces from the transform. The northward continuation of the East Pacific Rise lies beneath the Basin and Range (a subducted ridge). Perhaps the heatflow was enough to weaken the continental lithosphere facilitating the distributed extension. (see Bennett et al. 2003) Back to overview Figure 2. GPS velocities of sites in the Sierra Nevada – Great Valley microplate, northern Basin and Range, and Colorado Plateau regions with respect to North America. Error ellipses represent the 95% confidence level. Deformation is evident as far east as the WFZ (Figure 1a). Also shown are selected Quaternary faults (broken black lines). The green square shows the average geographic location of sites on the Colorado Plateau and represents the origin of the horizontal axes in Figure 4. The Basin and Range - Shaded digital elevation model from the Space Shuttle (SRTM) data. Back to overview Back to overview The c.N-S ridges are active normal faults that are spaced tens of kilometres apart. Extension is distributed across 600-800 km of the North American Continent. Active volcanism is relatively minor compared to East Africa. 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° Back to text 160-190 60° 30° 0-21 0° 30° 60° The age of the ocean basins (in millions of years) 0-5 5-21 21-38 PleistocenePliocene 38-52 Eocene Miocene 52-65 Paleocene Oligocene 65-140 Cretaceous 140-160 Early Jurassic The East African Rift System lies where the Carlsberg Ridge spreading centre comes onshore. It has therefore formed due to upwelling mantle at a constructive plate boundary. It has caused continental break-up as Arabia is now a separate plate. Extensive volcanism accompanies the rifting due to upwelling mantle. East African Rift System Back to overview The Afar regions lies at the junction of the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, and the East African Rift system. The Gulf of Aden appears to have propagated into this region to form the triple junction. Note how localised the rift systems are (especially individual branches of the East African Rift. The rifting is accompanied by extension volcanism. The high resolution of this digital elevation model allows one to see individual rift faults in the coastal region of Djibouti. See next page for more detail. Offshore, the rift is extremely localised (<40 km across), whilst onshore tens of small-scale faults are spaced only a few kilometres (<10 km) apart. (From Manighetti et al. 1997). The rift has propagated onshore during its evolution, rifting continental crust. 3) DESTRUCTIVE PLATE BOUNDARIESPlates are converging. Termed destructive as crust is subducted reducing the surface area of the plate. 3 main types:a) Ocean-Ocean Subduction. A section of oceanic crust intervenes between the subduction zone and the nearest continent. Composed of:- a partially submerged volcanic mountain chain 50-100km wide which a deep ocean trench around 50 to 250km away on the convex side of the arc. A VO TRE N LC CH AN OES BACK ARC BASIN Features include:i) Oceanic crust with a cover of pelagic sedimentary rocks descending into a deep oceanic trench. RC JAPAN FOREARC BASIN ii) Accretionary complex or accretionary prism which is offscraped sedimentary cover of the subducted crust which has compressional thrusts and folds. iii) Fore-arc basin formed between the topographic highs of the growing pile of off-scraped sediment in the accretionary complex and the magmatic arc. Back to text iv) The magmatic arc where magmas derived from the subducted slab travel upwards to form volcanic islands. + + v) Back-arc basin where subsidence and sedimentation are controlled by extensional faults which form due to the gravitational effects of the subducted slab. + + + + Extensional back-arc basin + + + + C o n+ t i n +e n t a l c ru s t + + Trench Sea-level + + + + Volcanic Arc Fore-arc basin overlying off-scraped ocean sediment of the accretionary complex + extension + Back to text Start of this Lecture B The scale of subuction zones (Stern 2002) Figure 1.Subduction zones and convergent plate margins. (a) Location of convergent plate margins onE arth (modified afterLallemand[1999]). Active back arc basins are also shown. (b) Schematic section throughth e upper 140 km of a subduction zone, showing the principal crustal and upper mantle components and theirint eractions. Note that the location of the“mantle wedge”(unlabeled) is that part of the mantle beneath theoverri ding plate and between the trench and the most distal part of the arc where subduction-related igneousorfluid activity is found. MF stands for magmatic front. (c) Schematic section through the center of the Earth,which sh ows better the scale of subduction zones. Subducted lithosphere is shown both penetrating the 660 kmdisconti nuity (right) and stagnating above the discontinuity (left). A mantle plume is shown ascending fromthe site o f an ancient subducted slab. Dashed box shows the approximate dimensions of the shallow subductionzone of Figure 1b. The effects of the age of subducted material (Sterns 2002). Figure 4. End-member types of subduction zones, based on the age of lithosphere being subducted (modified afterUyeda and Kanamori [1979]). The fate of subducted slabs of oceanic crust is largely to dehydrate and melt, and leave a residue of very dense eclogite (metamorphosed basalt) and harzburgite (oceanic lithospheric mantle), which slowly absorbs heat from the surrounding asthenosphere and heats up until equilibrium with the surrounding mantle has been achieved. Most earth scientists think that this occurs above the 670km discontinuity, and that slabs do not normally penetrate through this level. However, seismic tomography has shown that in some instances, the cold slab can be imaged passing through the discontinuity into the lower mantle. This debate has profound implications for the nature of convection in the mantle. Many geochemists consider that convection is of a "two-layered" type, with the regions above and below the 670km discontinuity convecting separately. The only material which passes between the two is considered to be (in an upwards direction) heat and primordial helium gas, associated with very large mantle plumes such as Hawaii. The return flow may be via these very deep subduction zones and may enrich the lower mantle in an unusual mixture of strongly depleted mantle and eclogitic-facies basic rocks and even sediments. Reading Kearey, P. and Vine, F. Global Tectonics. Chapter 8. Wilson, M. Igneous Petrogenesis, Chapters 6 and 7. Doglioni, C. et al. 1999. Orogens and slabs versus their direction of subduction. Earth Science Reviews, 45, 167-208. Start of this Lecture 660km Enhanced seismic tomographic imaging of a descending slab apparently deflected at the 660km discontinuity. A cooler descending slab (darker colours) approaching the 660km discontinuity would transform to a more dense structure through phase transformations later (lower) than the surrounding (hotter) material. Thus at 660km, less dense (untransformed slab material) is adjacent to denser (transformed) material. The result is buoyancy in the slab and thus a resistance to penetration of the slab through 660km, which appears to result in a deflection of the slab on some seismic tomographic sections. Back to text 660km Enhanced seismic tomographic image showing a subducting slab penetrating the 660 km discontinuity. Back to text Figure 2.Structure of subducted slabs as inferred from mantle tomography (fromKa´rason and van der Hilst[2000]). Red lines show the surface projection of each section. The base of each section is the core-mantleboundary (CMB); dashed lines show the location of mantle discontinuitie s at 410, 660, and 1700 km. Red andblue colors in each section denote regions where thePwave velocities are relatively slow and fast, respectively, compared to average mantle at the same depth. Fast regions are most easily interpreted as relatively cool areascorresponding to the subducted sla b and its viscous mantle blanket. This allows the cool, subducted slab to betraced well below the deepest earthquake. Note that some slabs pe netrate the 660 km discontinuity anddescend into the lower mantle (e.g., Central America, central Japan, and Indonesia), while other slabs see mto stagnate in the upper mantle (such as Izu-Bonin). The subducted slab beneath Tonga seems to stagnate atthe 660 km discontinuity for a w hile, then cascade into the lower mantle. (Sterns 2002) JAMAICA El Pilar Fault C rawl e Riv er TRINIDAD Caval iers P l a n ta South Coast Fault VENEZUELA i n F a u lt Yallahs Basin (active) Or i e n t e transform fault Transform Hispaniola Fold Thrust Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Puerto Rico Transform Jamaica Swan Mid-Caymen spreading centre Back-arc extensional basin r A n till e s V o l c a n o CARIBBEAN SEA Central America Strike-slip fault 100 km Strike-slip fault Earthquake Epicentre Thrust Normal fault transform fault Trinidad Venezuela PACIFIC OCEAN Ancient examples are often complexly deformed, have a low preservation potential and are difficult to recognise. Some possible examples have been found along the suture zones in the Himalayas (see below). TOBAGO MARGARITA 40 km Duanv ale Faul R io Minho- se Les Modern example- The Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone where the Atlantic ocean crust passes beneath the small Caribbean Plate. The Barbados ridge is the accretionary complex associated with the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc and the Grenada back-arc basin. The subduction zone passes into c. east-west oriented strike-slip transform faults in the north and south. Areas close to the transform faults experience strike-slip deformation. Back to text Motion of North American Plate San Andreas Fault Caribbean Plate b) Certain subduction zones border a continent Sub duc ti on Modern example- Peru Trench associated with the South American Cordillera exposed within the Andes Mountains, west side of south America). Volcanic belt situated within the continent such as in the Andean Granites and volcanoes. Motion of Pacific Plate Motion of Northern part of Nazca Plate Back to text Ancient example- Southern Uplands Accretionary Prism, U.K., is composed of imbricated Lower Palaeozoic Rocks such as the Moffat Shales. The Lake District is probably an ancient magmatic Arc. South American Plate Pacific/Nasca Plate Start of this Lecture Back to text 200 km 42 F NA 40 38 36 Back to text 10 12 14 16 18 Neogene Oceanic Crust Ocean-Continent Subduction Tethyan Oceanic Crust Continent-Continent Collision Approximate limits of thinned or thinning continental crust. Crustal/lithospheric thickness contours and pre-existing thrusts are sub-parallel to the limit line. Continental crust below sea-level Motion of African Plate Transform Fault Areas of active extensional faulting Motion of Anatolian Plate The surface area of the African Plate is being reduced by subduction beneath Eurasia along the Hellenic and Calabrian Subduction zones. Extension occurs in the over-riding plate. Back to text Back to text c) Continental Collision Zones are the result of continued plate convergence after the subduction of all the oceanic crust which exists between two continents. This results in the deformation and shortening of the continents involved. Imbrication of the two continents involved leads to the development of thickened crust which can achieve thicknesses of 50-70km e.g. Tibet, with high mountains. Lake Baikal Tibetan Plateau ARABIA INDIA Owen Transform Modern example- Central Asian Collision Zone which form the Himalayan Mountain Chain. Collision between Indian and Eurasian Plates occurred from the Eocene to Recent. Pre-collision velocities of 1018cm/year existed with movement towards the NNE. At 38Ma the rate slowed to 5cm/year and rotated towards the north. This probably indicates the initiation of collision of the two continents at 38Ma. 1500km of convergence has taken place since then indicated by the ocean floor magnetic stripes. Carlsberg Ridge Back to text Northward motion of India after collision has thickened the crust and produced the high topography of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. Several lineaments in the topography demarcate strikeslip faults that transfer motion towards the subduction zones bordering the western Pacific Ocean. Collision may have produced the extension around Lake Baikal. Evolution of the Himalayas Tethys India + + + + + + + + + + N. Tibet + + + + + + + ++ S. Tibet + ++ + + + + c. 140 Ma Tibetan Plateau Tethys Plate Boundaries include:- + + + + + + + + ++ + + c. 100 Ma Back to text + Tibetan Plateau + + + + + + + + + + + + Imbrication of India (a)End-Jurassic (c) Mid-Cretacous (Turonian) (b) End-Cretaceous-Palaeogene 30 N 10 S 10 N ARABIA ARABIA 20 S GRE AT E ARABIA OB RI ND IA 0 30 S 10 S AFRICA M AFRICA SB S 0 of Bay MB 30 S Somali Basin 10 S MAD MAD. MB ANTARCTICA 40 S S al Beng S MB 60 CR 20 S INDIA S S INDIA Arabian Sea 10 N AFRICA INDIA Somali Basin 40 S MAD 50 M 20 N M ? Start of this Lecture Ophiolites + + + + + + + + + c. 38 Ma -Recent DFZ a) Indus Suture is the southern boundary to the Eurasian Plate, which marks the former position of the subduction zone which existed between the converging plates. The ocean between the continents was called Tethys and remnants of Tethyan Oceanic Crust exist just south of the Indus Suture such as basic and ultra-basic igneous complex associated with pillow lavas and greywackes of the Kohistan Complex. Remnants of accretionary complexes appear to be located along these boundaries. c ti c B a sin A n tar ia nInd CR CR 20 S Revised plate-tectonic reconstruction for the south-east margin of Arabia and adjacent areas in the Cretaceous. (a) At the end of the Jurassic, rifting along the eastern margin of the Arabian and African Plates formed the Owen Basin (OB), Somali Basin (SB) and Mozambique Basin (MB). The spreading centres were oriented E-W and India and Madagascar (MAD) moved southwards relative to Arabia/Africa along the Davie Fracture Zone (DFZ). Masirah oceanic crust (M) formed at a spreading centre in the north Somali Basin at approximately 38o S. (b) In the mid-Cretaceous, initiation of spreading along the Proto-Carlsberg Ridge (CR), caused India to move north away from Madagascar along a series of left-lateral transform faults. (c) At the end-Cretaceous the Seychelles (S) micro-continent rifted from India, and the consequent anticlockwise rotation of India, combined with ongoing left-lateral strike-slip along the major transform boundary, caused the emplacement of the Masirah Ophiolite. Back to text b) Indian Plate is bound to the east and west by two major strike-slip faults, the Quetta-Chaman strike-slip fault and a major strike-slip fault running through Burma. Deformation of the Eurasian Plate involves thrust fault systems and strike-slip fault systems. Local extensional basins occur. Examples- Himalayan Frontal Thrust, the Red River Strike Slip Fault and the Baikal Rift System. Indentation Tectonics:- Deformation of the continental interiors by strike-slip fault systems due to the collision of a rigid continental indentor may occur. The strike-slip faults arising in the Himalayas and continuing into S.E. Asia may be examples of this. An ancient example- of a continental collision zone would be the Moine Thrust Belt of NW Scotland formed during closure of the Iapetus Ocean. Start of this Lecture 4) CONSERVATIVE BOUNDARIESMediterranean Sea Plates are moving horizontally past each other with a strike-slip sense of movement. Material is neither created or destroyed but conserved. Steep strike-slip faults zones. 2 main types:a) Transform Faults- Offset mid-ocean ridges, and therefore separate neighbouring plates. Modern example- Discovery Fracture Zone along the East Pacific Rise. Ancient examples exist within obducted ophiolites. Restraining bend Sea of Galilee b) Continental Strike-Slip FaultsExample- The Dead Sea Transform Fault Example- San Andreas Fault System which separates the Pacific Plate from the North American Plate. This is a strikeslip fault systems which is composed of anatomising fault strands which form zone 100km wide zone. Parallel faults exist such as the Imperial Valley, San Jacinto and Elsinore Faults. Faults are associated with en echelon folds such as in the Santa Maria Oilfields. Local bends in strike-slip faults are associated with localised areas of thrust faulting and growing highland topography (e.g. Near Santa Barbara) and localised extensional "pull-apart" basins containing extensional faults which are the site of subsiding lowland areas. Dead Sea Back to text Left-lateral motion on the Dead Sea Transform has produced subsiding areas where extensional jogs occur (Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea) and uplifted areas where a restraining bend occurs in the north. Start of this Lecture FURTHER READING AVAILABLE FROM THE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY Yasuto Itoh, 2001. A Miocene pull-apart deformation zone at the western margin of the Japan Sea back-arc basin: implications for the back-arc opening mode, Tectonophysics, 334, 235-244 S. Lallemand, C. -S. Liu, J. Angelier and Y. -B. Tsai, 2001. Active subduction and collision in Southeast Asia, , Tectonophysics, 333, 1-7 Marc-André Gutscher, 2001. An Andean model of interplate coupling and strain partitioning applied to the flat subduction zone of SW Japan (Nankai Trough), Tectonophysics, 333, 95-109 O. Dauteuil, P. Huchon, F. Quemeneur and T. Souriot, 2001. Propagation of an oblique spreading centre: the western Gulf of Aden, Tectonophysics, 333, 423-442 Christoph Gaedicke, Boris Baranov, Nokolay Seliverstov, Dmitry Alexeiev, Nikolay Tsukanov and Ralf Freitag 2000, Structure of an active arc-continent collision area: the Aleutian¯Kamchatka junction, Tectonophysics, 325, 63-85 Y. Rolland, A. Pêcher and C. Picard, 2000, Middle Cretaceous back-arc formation and arc evolution along the Asian margin: the Shyok Suture Zone in northern Ladakh (NW Himalaya), Tectonophysics, 325, 145173