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Fascism in Europe
Fascism is a militant political movement that emphasizes on loyalty
to the state and obedience to its leader. Promises to restore
economy, punish those who created the problems and return
national pride!!
 Often held mass rallies, uniforms and special salutes
 Limited personal rights
 State was supreme
 Conservative, right wing party that grows from the middle
Italy- Benito Mussolini
Post WWI problems:
 Rising inflation (prices)
 Social unrest
 Unemployment
 Anger over small land gains from the treaty ( they thought
they should get more)
The Answer??
Benito Mussolini promised to save Italy- create a stable economy,
make Italy great again through a strong army, save middle/ upper
class Italians from a Communist revolt.
1919- the Fascist party is formed, gains power as things get worse
1922- 30,000 fascists march on Rome, insist Mussolini be put in
charge. King Victor Emmanuel III out of fear gives the govt. to
Germany- Adolf Hitler
1920- Hitler joins the National Socialist German Workers Party,
Nazi. Brownshirts -private militia.
1920- 1923- Hitler becomes powerful force in Nazi party, known
for his great speeches. Nazi party grows in popularity.
1923- Beer Hall Putsch- tries to gain power in Munich- jailed for 9
months. Hitler writes Mein Kampf
 Talks about his beliefs and his plan for Germany.
 Aryans (blonde, blue eyed) the master race,
 Jews, Slavs and Gypsies are inferior.
 Treaty of Versailles an outrage and plans to take back lost land
 Germany is overcrowded and needs lebensraum, living spaceget it by conquering Asia and Europe
Until the Depression Hitler is largely ignored.
The Depression- When America loans were pulled from Germany
their economy collapsed by 1932 30% were unemployed.
1932Nazi is the strongest political party. Conservatives use
Hitler’s popularity to defeat communism, they think they can
control him. Hitler was named Chancellor. New elections,
Nazis won a majority in the parliament. Takes absolute power,
bans all other political parties.
1934- Hitler creates the SS, a special police force, that arrests/
murders people who challenged him. Took control of the
economy, banning strikes, and labor unions; put millions to
work improving the country and lowered unemployment to
Hitler takes total control. He turns to _____________,
_____________, _____________
He used radio, film, press, literature, and painting. Kids joined
Hitler Youth, German Girls. Used the ideas of Fredrick Nietzche to
justify actions.
Moving Towards War
1920’s- 30’s
- Japan develops industry, military. Military Dictator takes over,
wants empire. Takes Manchuria (N. China), then E ½ of China.
League of Nations does nothing
- Italy invades Ethiopia, calls for help ignored
- Germany ignores Treaty of Versailles, rebuilds army, occupies
- Rome, Berlin, Tokyo Axis- military alliance
- Spanish Civil War- Fascists send support defeat democracy,
practice war
- Appeasement- League of Nations tries to avoid war, US is
Germany takes Austria, then Sudetenland, then all of
Czechoslovakia (calls for help ignored) Munich
Conference- Chamberlain (Britain), Hitler is only uniting
Germans, promises not to take more land.
Non- aggression Pact- Soviets and Hitler (one front war)
Invasion of Poland- Blitzkrieg- Britain,France declare war
(Soviets take land lost in WWI)
Phony war, wait for attack. April- Hitler takes Denmark,
Norway, May- Belguim, Holland, June- FRANCE (goes
around Maginot line, through Ardennes)- Dunkirk, French
evacuation- Vichy govt, S. of France controlled by Nazis
Battle of Britain, air war, Luftwaffe vs. RAF- bombing
cities, never invade, Churchill (prime minister)
Italy attacks Egypt (Suez Canal) fight British back/ forth
across desert, Germany pulled in to help (General
Germany attacks Balkans, S.E. Europe, Hungary,
Bulgaria, Romania join Axis, others fall to Hitler
Hitler invades Soviet Union, scorched earth policy, retreat
500 miles, Germany caught in winter, Leningrad, Moscow
The US- previously Isolationism, Neutrality Acts, FDR (president
Roosevelt) supports allies. Cash/ Carry, Lend/ Lease Acts provide
supplies to allies, Meet w/ Churchill (Atlantic charter), Undeclared
Naval warfare w/ Germany, economic sanctions on Japan
Total War- factories produce war supplies, women join work force,
rationing, all supplies go to war effort, propaganda, govt control,
support for war
Tide of War Turns
1942 US bombed at Pearl Harbor by Japanese, (Japanese want
to get rid of US navy fleet in Pacific) enters the war.
fight and defeat Germany 1st in N. Africa
- Hitler invades USSR again, trapped by winter, defeated
at Stalingrad, USSR pushing Germany back
1943 US, Britain invades Italy, Mussolini thrown out
June 6
1944 D-day- invasion of France, biggest in History (Normandy,
3.5 million troops prepare) Push through France, Belgium,
Holland, Germany (Battle of Bulge, Germans defeated)
British, US, French, Soviets circle Berlin, Hitler commits
Suicide, surrender May 8.
Fighting in Pacific
1939-41 Japanese take islands in S.E. Asia (Philippines, defeat US
troops, Bataan Death March)
1942-43 US stops them, Coral Sea, defeats them, Midway, pushes
them back, Island hopping, Douglas Macarthur (Guadalcanal)
retakes Philippines, destroys Japanese Navy, pushed back
to home islands, prepare for attack
Avoid invasion death toll, drop atomic bombs, Hiroshima,
Nagasaki. War is over
Anti- Semitism- Grew in Germany, Jews were blamed for all of
Germany’s problems.
1933- Nuremburg laws against Jews were passed.
Nov 9, 1938- Kristallnacht- Nazis attacked Jews on the streets, in
their homes and destroyed their businesses. Jews rounded up, sent to
- Hitler tries to deport Jews, no one will take them
- Separates them in ghettos
- Sends them to work camps, 1933-1938
Final Solution
Genocide- systematic killing of a whole people group
Targets poles, gypsies, homosexuals, disabled, mentally ill, Jews
- taken to isolated spots, gunned down,
- concentration camps become extermination camps, work to
death, starved, sickness, shot, hung, burned, gassed- 11 million
killed, 6 million Jews