Download (Practice Test Booklet 2005) The United States entered World War II

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Unit 4
Topic: From Isolation to World War (1930-1945)
The isolationist approach to foreign policy meant
U.S. leadership in world affairs diminished after
World War I. Overseas, certain nations saw the
growth of tyrannical governments that reasserted
their power through aggression and created
conditions leading to the Second World War. After
Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War
II, which changed the country’s focus from
isolationism to international involvement.
Chapter 1: United States
Content Statement: During the 1930’s, the U.S.
government attempted to distance the country from
earlier interventionist policies in the Western
Hemisphere as well as retain an isolationist approach
to events in Europe and Asia until the beginning of
Expectations for Learning: Analyze the reasons for
American isolationist sentiment in the interwar
Section 1: Good Neighbor
Content Elaboration: Following World War I, the
United States was reluctant to become entangled in
overseas conflicts that would lead to another war.
Although it had used the Monroe Doctrine and the
Roosevelt Corollary to justify intervention into Latin
American affairs, the U.S. retreated from these
policies during the 1930’s with the Good Neighbor
Post WWI Foreign Policy
• Review:
– Monroe Doctrine: Early 19th Century. President
Monroe tells European countries they can not colonize
or interfere in the Americas or it would be seen as an
act of aggression. Likewise, the U.S. would not
interfere in European affairs
– Roosevelt Corollary: Early 20th Century. President
Teddy Roosevelt adds this to the Monroe Doctrine,
basically re-stating to European countries that the U.S.
will take care of things in the Americas
U.S. Isolationism
• After the War and especially in the 1930’s,
the United States had a policy of
isolationism: take care of ourselves and not
get involved in foreign affairs.
Good Neighbor Policy
• The policy's main principle was that of nonintervention and non-interference in the domestic
affairs of Latin America. It also reinforced the idea
that the United States would be a “good neighbor”
and engage in reciprocal exchanges with Latin
American countries. Overall, the Roosevelt
administration expected that this new policy would
create new economic opportunities in the form of
reciprocal trade agreements and reassert the
influence of the United States in Latin America.
Good Neighbor Policy
• This was an example of the U.S. wanting to
be isolated from foreign affairs.
Section 2: The Rise of
Dictators and the Neutrality
Content Elaboration: Content Elaboration: The
Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were attempts to isolate
the country from the problems erupting in Asia and
When FDR took over in 1933,
world prospects were grim.
Europe was again in shambles
and close to war. Europe did
not like democracy or the
ideals that the United States
was trying to promote.
The Rise of Hitler
1. Hitler: Rose to power in Germany in the years between the
World Wars.
2. Wrote Mein Kampf—became the bible of the Nazis
3. Wanted to create a “Third Reich”—the next great German
4. Master Race—everyone else was inferior
C. The Nazi Party
• 1. Hitler’s party
• 2. Millions joined
•3. Resented
Treaty of
D. Reasons for Resentment of
Treaty of Versailles
• 1. Too harsh
– a. Took away German land (EX: Poland and Czechoslovakia
formed; Alsace-Lorraine region returned to France; German coalmining region given to France for 15 years)
– b. Gave up colonies in Africa and all over the world
– c Pay war reparations—payments for losing a war
– d. Decrease Germany’s military (no more than 100,000 soldiers)
– e. Germany not allowed to make or import war materials
– f led to depression in Germany
– g. led to high inflation in Germany
Hitler Comes to Power
• A. Germany
1. Economy was
2. Weak gov.
3. Who will help?
4. Who is to
• B. Hitler
1. Blamed Jews
2. Great speaker
3. great organizer
4. Others didn’t take
Hitler serious
5. killed innocent
6. started
camps—places to
exterminate Jews and
Hitler Comes to Power, Cont.
• C. “Heil Hitler!”
• D. Concentration camps
1. Jews
2. anti-Nazi
and Catholics
3. gas chambers
4. extracted gold
teeth of
5. ashes = fertilizer
• E. other countries
1. Soviet UnionJoseph Stalin
2. Japan--Tojo
3. Italy--Benito
Concentration Camps
For More on the Holocaust, Click
on the Link Below
The Looming Threat of War
• A. Italy, Japan and Russia
1. WWI = ally
2. WWII = enemy
• B. Germany
1. building great army and weapons
• C. Beginning
1. Italy invades Ethiopia (1935)
2. Germany invades Rhineland (1936)
3. Hitler and Mussolini support Francisco
Franco in Spain
a. Civil war in Spain
• WAR IS BREWING!!!!!!!!!
Japanese-American Relations
• A. Military taking over Japan
1. Japan seized Manchuria (1931)
2. Attacked weak China (1937)
3. Sank U.S. Panay (1937)
4. U.S. worried, but no war
• B. Japan bought weapons from U.S. since 1911
1. using them on China
2. we ended this 1937
FDR and Neutrality
A. Neutral—not choosing sides
B. FDR: can’t stay neutral if fighting continues
C. Many people want peace
1. pacifists
2. isolationists
3. German Americans
D. 1935-1936--Neutrality Acts passed
Neutrality Acts
• The Neutrality Acts were passed by the United States
Congress in the 1930s, in response to the growing turmoil
in Europe and Asia that eventually led to World War II.
They were spurred by the growth in isolationism and noninterventionism in the US following its costly involvement
in World War I, and sought to ensure that the US would
not become entangled again in foreign conflicts.
• The legacy of the Neutrality Acts is widely regarded as
having been generally negative: they made no distinction
between aggressor and victim, treating both equally as
"belligerents"; and they limited the US government's
ability to aid Britain and France against Nazi Germany.
The acts were largely repealed in 1941, in the face of
German submarine attacks on U.S. vessels and the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Hitler on the March
***Refer to the Map on page 661
A. Germany’s “Third Reich”
1. Austria
2. Czechoslovakia
3. Poland
B. 1938 Germany takes over Austria
C. Germany takes over the Sudetenland (Czech)
D. Munich Pact (Sept. 1938)
1. P.M. Chamberlain (G.B.)
2. Premier Daladier (France)
3. Hitler (Germany)
Munich Pact
• deal between Great Britain/France and
Germany that appeased Hitler by allowing
him to take the Sudetenland in return for
promising to take no more land
Hitler on the March, continued
• ***Appeasement!!!!--to yield or concede to the
belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a
conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or
other principles G.B. and France appeased Hitler by
giving him Czechoslovakia!!!!!
• ***If they would have been tough, Hitler would
have been ousted!!!!!!!!
• Now, Hitler is on a high and getting more and
more power!!!! Did the appeasement work?
War Comes to Europe
• A. Russia--non aggression pact with Ger.
(1939): deal made between the Soviet Union and
Germany in 1930 where each promised not to attack
one another
1. Germany gets West Poland
2. S.U. gets Finland, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, and East Poland
3. Germany = no 2 front war!
4. S.U. = buffer zone from Germany
War Comes to Europe, continued
B. Hitler attacks Poland
1. Sept. 1, 1939--invasion begins
2. Sept. 3--France and England declare war
on Germany
3. Sept. 17--Stalin (S.U.) invades E. Poland
4. Sept. 29--Poland gives in
a. Germany = West Poland
b. Soviet Union = East Poland
The attack on Poland is the official
beginning of World War II in Europe.
The U.S. Reacts
• A. FDR wants to help the Allies
***(No neutral this time!!!!)
• B. If wait, bad guys may win.
• C. 1939--Congress allows U.S.
to sell arms to Allies
OGT Multiple Choice
• A political organization that many Germans,
unhappy with conditions in their nation after
World War I, joined was Hitler’s
• A. Communist party
• B. Nazi party
• C. Fascist party
• D. German Christian party
OGT Multiple Choice
• In the 1930’s, the U.S. government passed
laws that were designed to keep us out of
war. These laws were known as the
• A. Axis Acts
• B. World War II Acts
• C. Neutrality Acts
• D. Hitler Acts
OGT Multiple Choice
• _____ A place invented by the Nazis to
hold and dispose of Jews was a(n)
• A. German district
• B. quarantine camp
• C. concentration camp
• D. isolation district
OGT Multiple Choice
• (Practice Test Booklet 2005) One of the
goals of the Holocaust during World War II
was to
• A. eliminate the Jewish population
• B. achieve greater diversity of the
population of Germany
• C. create a new nation for the Jewish
• D. eliminate the German population
OGT Multiple Choice
• The event that started World War II in
Europe was Germany’s invasion of
• A. the Soviet Union
• B. Belgium
• C. Poland
• D. France
OGT Multiple Choice
• (Practice Test Booklet 2005) One of the causes of
World War II is considered to be the policy of
appeasement of German demands. This was
evidenced by which of the following events?
• A. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in
northeast China in 1931
• B. The Soviet Union sending troops to fight in the
Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
• C. The British and French declaring war on
Germany after it invaded Poland in 1939
• D. The British and French agreeing to Hitler’s
demands for the Sudetenland in 1938
OGT Multiple Choice
(2005 Practice Test) In what way did the Treaty of Versailles
establish conditions that led to the outbreak of World War II?
• A. It called for dissolving the League of
Nations, thus removing an organization
for resolving future conflicts.
• B. It gave Germany too much power by
letting Germany keep the Alsace-Lorraine
region of France.
• C. It imposed harsh reparations payments
on Germany, which led to economic and
political instability.
• D. It weakened the Allied countries by
making France, England, and Russia
reduce the size of their armies.
OGT Multiple Choice
• (Practice Test Booklet 2005) Which of the
following was not a military dictator who
rose to power in the years between the
two world wars?
• A. Hitler--Germany
• B. Napolean--France
• C. Tojo--Japan
• D. Mussolini--Italy
OGT Multiple Choice
• The agreement to appease Hitler and
give the Nazis the rest of
Czechoslovakia was done in the
• A. Versailles Peace Treaty
• B. Platt Amendment
• C. Neutrality Act of 1937
• D. Munich Pact
OGT Multiple Choice
• Adolf Hitler wrote a book that was the
Bible of the Nazi Party. This book was
• A. The Nazi Struggle
• B. The World According to Hitler
• C. Mein Kampf
• D. Communist Belief
OGT Multiple Choice
• Which was not part of the non aggression
pact between the Soviet Union and Germany
in 1939?
• A. Germany would get West Poland
• B. The Soviet Union would be forced to
declare war on the United States
• C. Each would promise NOT to attack each
• D. The Soviet Union would get Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and East Poland
OGT Multiple Choice
• Hitler’s goal of uniting all of the German
areas together into one empire was known
as the
• A. 1st Reich
• B. 2nd Reich
• C. 3rd Reich
• D. 4th Reich
OGT Multiple Choice
• All of the following were examples of
aggression by the Axis Powers prior to 1939
A. Germany invading the Rhineland
B. Italy invading Ethiopia
C. The United States invading France
D. Japan invading Manchuria
OGT Extended
(Practice Test Booklet 2005) Analyze how the terms of
the Treaty of Versailles, at the end of World War I,
helped lead into World War II. (4
OGT Short Answer
(Practice Test Booklet 2005) Explain how economic,
political, and social unrest led to the rise of militaristic
regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan during the 1920’s
and 1930’s. (2 points)
Section 3: The War in Europe
Expands and the End of U.S.
Content Elaboration: The United States tried to
maintain its isolationist approach when war broke
out in Europe. But to aid countries fighting against
fascist aggression, the United States introduced the
cash-and-carry policy, negotiated the destroyer-forbases agreement and enacted the Lend-Lease Policy.
It also helped write the Atlantic Charter. The
expansionist policies of Japan and the bombing of
Pearl Harbor ended U.S. isolationist policies.
The Battlefield is Everywhere
 A. For 6 months = no war “Phony War”
1. British moving troops to France
2. French sat behind Maginot Line
a. 350 mile line of tunnels, concrete forts,
and antitank fields
3. Headlines: “phony war”
 B. Nov. 1939
1. Soviet Union attacks Finland
2. Finns were brave
 C. April 1940-- “Blitzkrieg”
The New Warfare
• A. Blitzkrieg “Lightning
1. strike quickly
(Much different than
2. air power
3. use fast vehicles
a. planes,
tanks, trucks,
• B. Hitler on the move
1. April 9, 1940-Denmark and Norway
2. May, 1940-Netherlands, Belgium,
and Luxembourg
3. Went around the
Maginot Line into France
4. June 14, 1940-Paris,
• ***France surrenders by end
of June
The U.S. Prepares for War
• A. FDR feared the Nazis
1. 50,000 planes/year starting in 1941
2. two-ocean navy
• (Read fireside chat on 667--left hand column)
• B. Some still want “NEUTRALITY!”
1. FDR: If we don’t help GB, Nazis would
The Battle of Britain
A. Great Britain all
1. 1940: Hitler bombs
2. Wants to win before
U.S. joins
B. Decoding
1. Britain decoded many
German secrets
a. able to move
RAF around
 “Radar”= ra(dio) + d(etecting)
+ a(nd) + r(anging)
 C. Devastation
1. GB still devastated
2. many died
 D. RAF saved GB
1. held off Germany
until U.S. enters
Winston Churchill
• the prime minister of Great Britain
during World War II
World Affairs and the
Presidential Campaign of 1940
• A. Wendell Willkie (Rep)
1. Hated New Deal/Gov. aid
2. TVA competed against him
3. Wanted to help Great Britain
• B. FDR (Dem)
• C. WINNER: FDR. 3rd Term as
Blue = Wendell Wellkie
Red = Franklin D. Roosevelt
Helping the British
• A. Neutral laws! GB needs our help now!
Cash-and-Carry Policy
• a policy requested by FDR at a special session of the US
Congress on September 21, 1939. It replaced
the Neutrality Acts of 1939. The revision allowed the sale
of material to belligerents, as long as the recipients arranged
for the transport using their own ships and paid immediately
in cash, assuming all risk in transportation.
Destroyers for Bases
• In the Destroyers for Bases Agreement between
the United States and the United Kingdom on September 2,
1940, fifty mothballed destroyers were transferred to
the Royal Navy from the United States Navy in exchange
for land rights on British possessions.
• a plan of President Roosevelt’s to help Great Britain. The
United States would be able to lend anything to Great
Britain to help them vs. the Germans.
• Passed March 11, 1941: The U.S. would lend or lease war
materials to the allied countries. These items were to be
returned to the US after the lease was over, but that rarely
OGT Multiple Choice
• The type of warfare used during World War I was
that of trench warfare. In World War II, Germany
used a new type of warfare that was lightning
warfare, a very fast paced method of fighting. The
name of this new warfare was
• A. thunder fighting
• B. lightning bombing
• C. blitzkreig
• D. nuclear warfare
OGT Multiple Choice
• The system of French defenses built to
defend themselves from Germany was
called the
• A. Maginot Line
• B. Ultra defense
• C. Sea Lion plan
• D. buffer zone
OGT Multiple Choice
• Which person was the 1st to win election to
the Presidency for a 3rd term (1940)?
• A. Wendell Willkie
• B. Theodore Roosevelt
• C. Winston Churchill
• D. Franklin Roosevelt
OGT Short Answer
The New Deal helped lower
unemployment and get our economy
back on its feet. However, it did not
totally get us out of the Great
Depression. Describe how World
War II finally got the United States
completely out of depression. (2
War Comes to the United States
***U.S. getting closer
to war. We didn’t want to send troops,
were winning everywhere!!!!!!!!!
The War Spreads
• A. FDR extends the zone “necessary to
the defense of the United States
1. Greenland
2. Iceland
• B. Seize German ships
The War Spreads, continued
• C. Hitler’s blunder
1. June 22, 1942--attacks Russia
a. broke non-aggression pact
2. (Tell Napoleon story--pg. 670 bottom left col.)
3. Germany 15 miles from Moscow
a. Russian winter
• D. The continued use of U-Boats: German submarines
1. sank one of our ships (The Greer)
2. (Tell Greer story pg. 670 right column)
3. Convoys--armed merchant ships
4. The Kearny and The Reuben sunk
a. U.S. in an undeclared war already
Trouble in the Pacific
o A. Japan taking over in Asia
1. took many weak countries
2. now they wanted China
3. U.S. embargo
o B. U.S. and Japan fight
1. Japan wants us to stop helping China
2. U.S. tells Japan to stay out of China
***Japan faces a decision.
1. Give up hopes of an empire
2. Go to war
Trouble in the Pacific, continued
• C. General Hideki Tojo--leader of Japan
HE CHOOSES WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• D. U.S. breaks Japan code
1. we knew when they would attack
2. we DID NOT know where
3. We thought they would attack:
a. Thailand
b. Indonesia
c. Philippines
4. Japan ended up attacking.....................
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
A. Sunday, December 7, 1941 at 8am
1. Japan diplomats at White
House to discuss peace
2. 191 Japanese warplanes
attack PH airfields
3. dropped bombs on our ships
4. 1 hour later:
a. 170 more warplanes
The Attack on Pearl Harbor,
• B. Total surprise to U.S.
1. Greatest military disaster in
U.S. history
2. 150 U.S. warplanes destroyed
3. Most ships destroyed
4. Over 2000 killed
Next day: FDR
announces the “Day that
will Live in Infamy” has
put us into war. Three
days later, Germany and
Italy declared war on the
OGT Multiple Choice
• According to many historians, Hitler’s
greatest military blunder was
• A. taking the Rhineland
• B. speaking badly about FDR
• C. attacking the Soviet Union
• D. invading France
OGT Multiple Choice
• The “Day of Infamy” refers to the
• A. German bombing of Great Britain
• B. Japanese surprise attack on Pearl
• C. signing of the Munich Pact
• D. German seizure of Czechoslovakia
OGT Multiple Choice
• (Practice Test Booklet 2005) The
United States entered World War II as
a result of
• A. Japan attacking Pearl Harbor
• B. Japan invading Manchuria
• C. Germany bombing Great Britain
• D. Germany invading Poland
OGT Multiple Choice
• The most effective factor in slowing the Nazi
drive into the Soviet Union in 1941 was
• A. the Soviet air force
• B. winter weather
• C. the breaking of the Nazi code
• D. United States helping the Soviet Union
OGT Short Answer
Describe the changes in the foreign policy of the United
States from one of isolation during the late 1930’s to a
full-fledged combatant in World War II in December,
1941. (2 points)