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Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 1 of 8
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONLY 50 QUESTIONS. Do not answer more than 50 questions. If you
answer more than 50 questions, then you will be graded on only the first 50 of these, regardless of whether the extra
questions are answered correctly. Choose any 50 questions on the basis of your knowledge of the material. A good
strategy is to first attempt to answer all 60 questions, but spend no more than 1 minute on any one. Then choose the 50
with which you are most confident, and then, and only then, transcribe your answers to the answer sheet. Be careful to
record your answers on the appropriate number of the answer sheet. Completely blacken the letter of your choice.
Completely strike out the number and all letters of the questions you choose not to answer. Turn in only your answer
sheet. Keep the questions for future study.
e.g. to indicate response "B", do this:
12) A B C D E ; don't do this:
e.g. to omit a question, do this
12) A B C D E
12) A B C D E ; don't just leave it blank
1) Which of the following pairs of skeletal elements articulate directly with one another?
A) eighth costa – sternal body
B) L1 – sacrum
C) ethmoid – palatine
D) right and left clavicles
E) triquetrum – pisiform
2) Which of the following structures transmits a nerve, artery or vein of the same name?
A) cubital tunnel
B) radial sulcus
C) transverse foramen
D) obturator foramen
E) Guyon’s canal
3) Which of the following does NOT transmit a branch of the trigeminal nerve?
A) foramen ovale
B) mental foramen
C) supraorbital foramen
D) foramen lacerum
E) foramen rotundum
4) Epicondyles are features of which of the following bones?
A) scapula
B) radius
C) fibula
D) humerus
E) calcaneus
5) In what plane does the hard palate lie?
A) parasagittal
B) transverse
C) frontal
D) coronal
E) midsagittal
6) Which of the following is an articulation or articular surface?
A) linea aspera
B) sternal angle
C) pterygopalatine fissure
D) clivus
E) iliac fossa
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 2 of 8
7) Which of the following is NOT an articular feature of the skull?
A) temporal line
B) coronal suture
C) pterion
D) bregma
E) sagittal suture
8) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the cranial cavity?
A) foramen lacerum
B) sella turcica
C) sphenoethmoid recess
D) crista galli
E) sulcus of the sigmoid sinus
9) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the temporal bone?
A) petrous portion
B) facial canal
C) zygomatic process
D) styloid process
E) orbital process
10) Which of the following seals fenestra ovale?
A) sesamoid
B) hamate
C) interosseous membrane
D) stapes
E) malleus
11) Which of the following is NOT a ligament of vertebrae?
A) nuchal
B) ligamentum flavum
C) intertransverse
D) annular ligament
E) anterior longitudinal
12) Which of the following is NOT a ligament of the pelvis?
A) glenoid labrum
B) anterior sacroiliac
C) inguinal
D) sacrotuberous
E) ligamentum teres
13) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the same bone as all the others?
A) trochanteric fossa
B) promontory
C) fovea capitis
D) adductor tubercle
E) intertrochanteric notch
14) Which of the following has points of attachment (i.e., origin and insertion) on two different bones?
A) patellar ligament
B) glenoid labrum
C) annular ligament
D) coracoacromial ligament
E) transverse ligament
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 3 of 8
15) Identify the INCORRECT statement.
A) the sacral canal transmits the spinal cord
B) the intertubercular sulcus transmits the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii
C) intervertebral foramina transmit spinal nerves
D) transverse foramina transmit vertebral arteries
E) the vertebral foramen transmits the spinal cord
16) Which of the following is NOT a passage for a cranial nerve?
A) foramen magnum
B) jugular foramen
C) cribriform plate
D) foramen lacerum
E) internal auditory meatus
17) Which of the following bones articulates with all of the others?
A) tibia
B) talus
C) calcaneus
D) fibula
E) navicular
18) Which of the following structures are correctly paired as parts of the same bone?
A) radial sulcus – radial fossa
B) trochlea – trochlear notch
C) coronoid process – coronoid fossa
D) talar head – sustentaculum tali
E) olecranon process – olecranon fossa
19) Which of the following is NOT the location of a bursa?
A) superficial to the olecranon process
B) superficial to the sternum
C) superficial to the temporal fossa
D) between the acromion and humeral caput
E) between the ischial tuberosity and the gluteus maximus
20) Which of the following terms specifically describes an arthrodial joint?
A) diarthrosis
B) synarthrosis
C) synchondrosis
D) syndesmosis
E) symphysis
21) Which of the following is NOT a diarthrosis?
A) costochondral joint
B) costovertebral joint
C) interchondral joint
D) costotransverse joint
E) sternocostal joint (excepting the first)
22) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) transverse foramen – vertebral artery
B) lesser sciatic foramen – sciatic nerve
C) Guyon’s canal – ulnar nerve
D) cubital tunnel – ulnar nerve
E) carpal tunnel – median nerve
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 4 of 8
23) Which of the following is the thinnest and weakest part of the neurocranium in adults?
A) bregma
B) pterion
C) nasion
D) asterion
E) lambda
24) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the sternal angle.
A) it is defines the boundary of the superior and inferior mediastina
B) it is at the level of the 4th thoracic intervertebral disc
C) it is a gomphosis
D) the second costa articulates with the sternum both above and below it
E) it is a symphysis
25) Which of the following terms do/es NOT correctly apply to the radiocarpal joint?
A) rotation
B) abduction
C) circumduction
D) extension
E) flexion
26) Which of the following is NOT associated with the tarsal region?
A) superior tarsus
B) superior extensor retinaculum
C) flexor retinaculum
D) peroneal retinaculum
E) deltoid ligament
27) Which of the following is a feature of the radius?
A) radial fossa
B) radial sulcus
C) radial notch
D) radial tuberosity
E) coronoid process
28) Which of the following are INCORRECTLY paired as parts of the same bone?
A) coronoid process – mandibular condyle
B) coronoid process – styloid process
C) intercondylar notch – intercondylar eminence
D) styloid process – mandibular fossa
E) coronoid fossa – olecranon fossa
29) Which of the following statements regarding the coracoid process is INCORRECT?
A) it is antero-inferior to the acromion
B) it is the origin of two ligaments to the clavicle
C) it is the origin of a ligament to the acromion
D) it is the origin of a ligament to the humerus
E) it is the origin of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle
30) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the nasal cavity?
A) septal cartilage
B) inferior concha
C) pharyngotympanic tube
D) sphenopalatine foramen
E) semilunar hiatus
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 5 of 8
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 6 of 8
31) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) arcuate line – sacrum
B) ala – sacrum
C) auricular region – sacrum
D) ala – ilium
E) auricular region – ilium
32) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding anatomical position.
A) the antebrachium is extended
B) the brachium is flexed
C) the crus is extended
D) the antebrachium is supinated
E) the femur is adducted
33) Which of the following does NOT insert on the intercondylar eminence?
A) anterior cruciate ligament
B) posterior cruciate ligament
C) patellar ligament
D) medial meniscus
E) lateral meniscus
34) Which of the following joints does NOT permit rotation?
A) intervertebral
B) humeroradial
C) coxofemoral
D) femorotibial
E) talocrural
35) Which of the following is formed by only a single bone?
A) jugular foramen
B) inferior orbital fissure
C) carpal tunnel
D) obturator foramen
E) maxillary sinus
36) Identify the INCORRECT insertion.
A) ligamentum teres – fovea capitis
B) lateral collateral ligament of humerus – annular ligament
C) fibular collateral ligament – fibular head
D) ligamentum flavum – lamina
E) stylohyoid ligament – greater cornu
37) Which of the following is NOT a palpable surface landmark of the skeletal system?
A) medial malleolus
B) pisiform
C) clavicle
D) patellar surface
E) iliac crest
38) Identify the INCORRECTLY associated feature.
A) pharyngotympanic canal – middle ear cavity
B) perilymphatic duct – bony labyrinth
C) nasolacrimal duct – lacrimal
D) hypoglossal canal – occipital
E) carotid canal – sphenoid
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
39) Which of the following is an articular surface?
A) subscapular fossa
B) radial fossa
C) pedicle
D) jugular notch
E) plafond
40) Which of the following bones do NOT articulate directly with one another?
A) clavicle – humerus
B) atlas – axis
C) sacrum – ilium
D) maxilla – frontal
E) clavicle – manubrium
41) The alar cartilages are features of which of the following?
A) sacrum
B) auricle
C) mandible
D) sphenoid
E) agger nasi
42) Identify the INCORRECT association.
A) nursemaid’s elbow – subluxation of the radial head
B) scoliosis – hyperlordosis
C) dislocated shoulder – glenohumeral joint
D) separated shoulder – acromioclavicular joint
E) slipped disc – herniated nucleus pulposus
43) Which of the following pairs of bones articulate directly with one another?
A) femur – fibula
B) tibia – calcaneus
C) trapezium – pollical metacarpal
D) ulna – pisiform
E) coxal – coccyx
44) Identify the INCORRECTLY paired feature and bone.
A) greater tubercle – costa
B) tuberosity – fifth metatarsal
C) sustentaculum tali – calcaneus
D) trochlea – talus
E) epicondyle – phalanx
45) Identify the INCORRECT statement.
A) the capitulum is lateral to the trochlea
B) the ischial spine is superior to the ischial tuberosity
C) the subscapular fossa is anterior to the infraspinous fossa
D) the pubic symphysis is antero-inferior to the sacroiliac joints
E) the lesser wing of the sphenoid is inferior to the greater wing
46) Which of the following joints is capable of adduction/abduction?
A) intervertebral
B) sternoclavicular
C) intertarsal
D) second through fifth metacarpophalangeal
E) tibiofibular
Fall 2015 page 7 of 8
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 8 of 8
47) Which of the following is/are NOT capable of rotation?
A) vertebrae
B) humerus
C) radius
D) ulna
E) femur
48) In which of the following pairs is the more superior feature NOT listed first?
A) atlas – axis
B) surgical neck – anatomical neck
C) false pelvis – true pelvis
D) greater trochanter – lesser trochanter
E) greater sciatic notch – lesser sciatic notch
49) Which of the following represents a thickening of the capsular ligament of the glenohumeral joint?
A) glenoid labrum
B) superior glenohumeral ligament
C) coracoacromial ligament
D) transverse ligament
E) coracohumeral ligament
50) Identify the INCORRECT association of movement and structure.
A) protraction – mandible
B) elevation – scapula
C) pronation – pes
D) flexion – vertebral column
E) elevation – hyoid
51) Which of the following is most susceptible to injury due to crural hyperextension?
A) tibial collateral ligament
B) posterior cruciate ligament
C) anterior cruciate ligament
D) ligamentum teres
E) lateral meniscus
52) If the following are listed from proximal to distal then which is out of place?
A) caput
B) intertubercular sulcus
E) trochlea
C) deltoid tuberosity
D) medial epicondyle
53) Identify the INCORRECTLY associated feature and bone.
A) mastoid air cells – temporal
B) head – tibia
C) pectineal crest – pubis
D) hamulus – hamate
E) lateral pterygoid process – sphenoid
54) Identify the INCORRECTLY stated relationship.
A) the humeral greater tubercle is lateral to the lesser tubercle
B) the tibial tuberosity is anterior to the intercondylar eminence
C) the cuboid is medial to the navicular
D) the radial notch is lateral to the coronoid process
E) the intertrochanteric line is anterior to the intertrochanteric crest
Biology 353
Pre-Professional Human Anatomy
Exam II
Fall 2015 page 9 of 8
55) Which of the following describes a pathological defect of pars interarticularis of the vertebral lamina?
A) slipped disc
B) spondylolysis
C) scoliosis
D) kyphosis
E) spondylolisthesis
56) If the following are listed from proximal to distal then which is out of place?
A) head
B) radial tubercle
C) radial tuberosity
D) anterior oblique line
E) styloid process
57) Identify the INCORRECT association of feature and bone?
A) demifacet – thoracic vertebra
B) lateral malleolus – fibula
C) odontoid process – atlas
D) supracondylar crest – humerus
E) supraglenoid tubercle – scapula
58) Identify the INCORRECT association of movement and joint(s).
A) dorsiflexion/plantarflexion – talocrural
B) inversion/eversion – intertarsal
C) abduction/adduction – femorotibial
D) pronation/supination – radioulnar
E) abduction/adduction – temporomandibular
59) If the following are listed from proximal to distal then which is out of place?
A) acetabular notch
B) fovea capitis
C) adductor tubercle
D) greater trochanter
E) linea aspera
60) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the scapula?
A) supraspinous fossa
B) coracoid process
C) sternal extremity
D) vertebral border
E) suprascapular notch