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David Franks
Welcome to Principles of Technology!
Our technology changes and improves continuously; For example manual
typewriters were replaced by electric typewriters which were then replaced by
computers. Cassette tapes replaced 8-track and LP records. Cassettes were replaced
by Compact Discs. Compact Discs are being replaced by Digital Video Discs and
MP3s. In industry, much muscle power was replaced by the steam engine. Steam
engines were replaced by internal combustion engines. Fuel cells are beginning to
replace internal combustion engines.
In all areas of technology, however, there are certain fundamental Physics
principles at work. This course is designed to teach those scientific principles by
focusing on how they are used in the world today.
The course is divided into five units. They are:
a) Force
b) Work
c) Rate
d) Resistance
e) Energy
Approximately 50% of the class will be spent doing lab activities.
Course Goals: The primary goals of this course are:
1. Understand the Physics principles behind various forms of technology and
apply those principles in modifying and using technology.
2. Be able to identify and accurately measure quantities which are used in
various forms of technology.
3. Understand the impact of technology and technological change on
individuals and society.
Course Materials: The primary text for the class is “Principles of Technology” second
edition. A classroom set of books is used when there are reading assignments.
Students can check out individual books to take home if they choose. A calculator with
trigonometric functions will be very useful in this class. A programmable calculator is not
necessary and may be problematic. If a student brings a programmable to class it
is with the understanding that the teacher has the right to remove any programs
stored on the calculator. Each student must have paper and a pencil or pen each
day. Each student will be assigned a mailbox in the room. They should keep all graded
homework papers and labs in their mailbox. They may also keep their Unit book and a
notebook there if they wish.
Course Policies
Grading: Forty five percent (45%) of your grade will be based upon subunit tests and
quizzes. We typically have a subunit test about every ten days. Thirty percent (30%)
of the grade will be based upon written lab reports, class activities, etc. Ten percent
(10%) will be based upon the end of term exam. The remaining fifteen (15%) will be
based upon class participation. The letter grade will be based upon the following
grading scale:
94 % - 100 %
90 % - 93 %
87 % - 89 %
83 % - 86 %
80 % - 82 %
77 % - 79 %
73 % - 76 %
70 % - 72 %
67 % - 69 %
63 % - 66 %
60 % - 62 %
below 60 %
Class Participation: Students will often work in groups to meet the goals and
objectives of the course. Usually this means that the group will work together to
accomplish a specific goal such as collecting and analyzing data from an experiment
and then each member will hand in their own lab report. Occasionally students will be
required to do a project in which one report or project is handed in for the entire group.
Each member will receive a separate participation grade on such projects. Tests will
always be taken individually.
Make up work: Students will receive a zero for anything missed due to an unexcused
absence. Labs and class activities can be made up after school anytime before the
test over the next subunit. Tests will be made up during class time as soon as the
student returns or after school.
Classroom rules: This is an active class. It is rare when you will just be sitting at a
desk and listening to the teacher talk. Most of the time you will be working with a group
of 3 to 4 other students. This situation makes it vital that students follow certain rules.
They are:
1. Follow directions the first time they are given. Many of the labs will involve
using expensive equipment or materials with which safety precautions must
be taken.
2. No talking without permission. Usually you will be working in situations where
talking is permitted and even encouraged. Sometimes it will be necessary for
everyone to be quiet so that everyone can hear what one person is saying.
3. Treat yourself, others, and the equipment that you use with respect.
4. Do not violate any section of your safety contract.
If a rule is broken these are the consequences.
First Offense- warning
Second Offense - 15 minutes classroom detention
Third Offense - 30 minutes classroom detention
Fourth Offense - referred to principal’s office
Severe Classroom disruption/safety violation- referred to principal’s office.
Safety: During the course of the year students will be doing many labs using electricity,
high pressure fluids, mechanical devices, etc. It is extremely important that all
safety rules are followed. Before any student is allowed to do a lab involving
PT equipment, they must pass a safety test on lab rules with a score of 90% or
better. They and their parents must also sign a contract stating that they are
aware of the safety rules and abide by them. In addition, they acknowledge
that they are financially responsible for any equipment damage caused by
misuse or abuse. Any student who violates any safety rule will lose lab
privileges for that lab. Repeated violations will result in permanent loss of lab
privileges. Students who lose lab priveleges will be given alternative
VII. Personal Statement
This school year is my twentyninth year in education and my eighteenth year teaching
Principles of Technology. In addition to teaching Principles of Technology, I also teach
AP Physics and have also taught courses for Lincoln University and the University of
Central Missouri. I love teaching students about technology because I see it as one of
the most important areas in making a viable future for all of us.
I believe students learn best by doing and are more likely to learn topics if they see the
relevance of the information to their lives away from school. In order to help me better
be able to bring this relevance to students I have taken many jobs during the summer
with the goal of observing how the principles we lean in class are used in real life. I
have spent summers at KRCG-TV, ABB, the Biological Control of Insects Lab, and the
Missouri University Research Reactor to name a few.
I hope the semester is enjoyable, useful, and informative for each student.
Principles of Technology I
Unit Objectives
Unit 1 Force
Unit 1: Subunit 1 Force in Mechanical Systems
1. Define force in one or two sentences.(2,2,B,a)
2. Describe the use of common devices used to measure force.(7,1,B,a)
3. Name the units of force used in the SI and English measuring system.
4. Describe what happens when forces on an object are balanced.(2,2,b,d) (2,2,,D,a)
5. Describe what happens when forces are unbalanced.(2,2,B,d) (2,2,D,c)(2,2,D,d)
6. Use scale diagrams to determine the resultant force when two or more forces act on an object.(2,2,A,a)
7. Define the terms: scalar, vector, weight, mass, torque
8. Describe how torque is similar to force.(2,2,E,a)
Unit1: Subunit 2 Pressure in Fluid Systems
1. Differentiate between hydraulic pneumatic systems.
2. Find the density of a substance when given weight and mass.
3. Define buoyant force in one or two sentences.
4. Define pressure.(1,1,D,C)
5. Explain where atmospheric pressure comes from and be able to convert from one pressure unit to
6. Use the equation P=f/a to find any quantity when given the other two.(1,1,D,c)
7. Describe the difference between absolute and gage pressure.(1,1,D,c)
8. Explain how pressure of a fluid depends on the depth of the fluid.(1,1,D,c)
9. Given a fluid system, be able to predict the direction of fluid flow.
10. Use a manometer to measure pressure.
Unit1: Subunit 3 Voltage in Electrical Systems
1. Differentiate between AC and DC voltage.
2. Identify the most common source of DC voltage.
3. Connect DC voltage sources so that the voltages add
4. Draw schematic diagrams for parallel and series circuits using the correct symbols.
5. Describe how voltage can be considered a force-like quantity.
6. Describe how frequency and hertz relate to AC current.
7. Identify three types of meters used to measure voltage.
Unit 1: Subunit 4 Temperature Difference in Thermal Systems
1. Identify the direction of heat flow in a thermal system when temperature information is known.
2. Define temperature in one or two sentences.
3. Describe the relationship between heat and molecular motion.(1,1,D,a)
4. Describe the difference between heat and temperature.(1,2,A,a)
5. Convert Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
6. Describe when the degree symbol (˚) should follow or precede the F or C.
Unit 2--Work
Unit 2: Subunit 1 Work in Mechanical Systems.
1. Define work done by a force in a mechanical system.
2. Explain the relationship between work, force and displacement.(2.2.F,a)
3. Identify the effects of work in a mechanical system.
4. Solve work problems for linear and rotational mechanical systems and express answers in the appropriate units.
5. Determine the efficiency of a machine from input work and output work.(1,2,F,b) (2,2,F,b)
6. Measure angles in radians.
7. Convert angle measurements between degrees, radians and revolutions.
Unit 2: Subunit 2 Work in Fluid Systems
1. Describe differences between open and closed fluid systems.
2. When given any two of work, pressure, and volume find the third.
3. Express fluid work in the appropriate SI and English units.
4. Identify the effects of work done on a fluid.
Unit 2: Subunit 3 Work in Electrical Systems
1. Describe work in electrical systems in terms of the equation W = V x q.
2. Define a coulomb.
3. Use W = V x I x t
4. Identify workplace applications where electrical work is done.
Unit 3: subunit1 Rate in Mechanical Systems
1. Distinguish between linear and rotational rate.
2. Use the relationship v = d/t to solve motion problems.(2,1,A,c)
3. Be able to define acceleration and use the equation below to solve acceleration problems.
a = Vf - Vo /t (2,1,A,a) (2,1,A,b)
4. Be able to determine the angular speed (w) of an object from angular distance (o) and time.
5. Graphically represent and analyze the motion of an object.((1,2,A,a)
6. Measure rates in rotating and linear mechanical systems.(7,1,B,a)
Unit 3: subunit 2 Rate in Fluid Systems
1. Distinguish between mass flow rate and volume flow rate.
2. Be able to measure mass flow rate and volume flow rate.
3. Explain the flow rate equations and use them to find an unknown quantity.
Qv = V / t
Qm = m/t
Unit 3: subunit 3 Rate in Electrical Systems
1. Describe charge flow rate (I) as quantity of charge moved (q) per unit time (t), or I = q/t
2. Explain the meaning of rate in electrical systems. Use electrical rate equations to find an unknown.
3. Distinguish between AC and DC current.
4. Recognize that changing magnetic forces can produce electrical current and electric currents can produce
magnetic forces.(2,1,A,a)
5. Distinguish between frequency and period.
6. Measure current in a circuit.(7,1,B,a)
7. Measure frequency and period of an AC wave with an oscilloscope.(2,2,C,b)
8. Use engineering notation correctly
9. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control Electrical rates.
Unit 3: subunit 4 Rate in Thermal Systems
1. Describe heat flow rate Qh as heat energy (H) moved per unit time (t).
2. Define rate units for thermal systems using both English and SI units .
3. Define heat capacity.(1,2,A,d)
4. Use the thermal rate equation to solve for an unknown. (Q h = H/t)
5. Explain the difference between sensible and latent heat.
6. Measure heat flow rate in a thermal system in a laboratory setting.(7,1,B.a)
7. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control thermal rates.
Unit 4: subunit 1 Resistance in Mechanical Systems
1. Identify sources of resistance in mechanical systems.
2. Distinguish between static and kinetic friction.
3. Explain what causes kinetic friction.
4. Explain the relationship between frictional force (f), the coefficient of friction (m) and the force pressing two
surfaces together (N).
5. Use the equation f=µN to calculate and unknown.
6. Describe drag force as resistance to objects moving through fluids.
7. Show that a drag force obeys the unifying concept of being a “force” divided by a rate.
8. Describe ways to reduce or increase friction in mechanical systems.
9. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control resistance.
Unit 4: subunit 2 Resistance in Fluid Systems
1. Describe resistance in fluid systems.
2. Distinguish between streamlined or laminar fluid flow and turbulent flow.
3. Identify sources of resistance for fluid moving through a pipe.
4. Identify the effects of resistance in a fluid flowing through a pipe.
5. Show that fluid resistance obeys the unifying principle of being a “force” divided by a rate.
6. Use the equation Rf = ∆P/Qv to find an unknown.
7. Explain how the following factors affect fluid resistance: pipe cross sectional area, pipe length, viscosity of fluid.
8. Describe ways to reduce fluid resistance.
9. Measure fluid resistance in a lab and express it in the proper units.(7,1,B,a)
10. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control fluid resistance.
Unit 4: subunit 3 Resistance in Electrical Systems
1. Describe the cause of resistance in electrical systems.
2. Show that electrical resistance can be understood in terms of the unifying principle of “force” divided by rate.
3. Use a graph of voltage compared to current to find resistance.
4. Use the equation Re = V/I to solve for an unknown.
5. Explain how the resistance of a wire is affected by the following variables: length of wire, cross sectional area of
the wire, and the material the wire is made of.
6. Define resistivity.
7. Find total resistance of two or more resistors in parallel and series hookups.
8. Distinguish between conductors, semiconductors, and insulators.
9. Measure electrical resistance in a lab situation.(7,1,B,a)
11. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control Electrical resistance.
Unit 4: subunit 4 Resistance in Thermal Systems
1. Describe the cause of resistance in thermal systems.
2. Identify the effects of resistance in a thermal system.
3. Define thermal conductivity.
4. Explain the resistance between: thermal resistance, ∆T, and heat flow rate.
5. Show that thermal resistance follows the unifying principle of being a “force” divided by a rate.
6. Use the equation Rt = ∆T / Qh to find an unknown.
7. Use the equation Rt = l/kA to find an unknown.
8. Explain the meaning of the term R-factor as a measure of relative thermal resistance.
9. Measure thermal resistance in an lab.(7,1,B,a)
10. Identify what can be done to increase or decrease thermal resistance.
11. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control Electrical rates.
Unit 5 Energy
Unit 5: subunit 1 Energy in Mechanical and Fluid Systems I.
1. Distinguish between gravitational and elastic potential energy.(1,2,A,e)
2. Calculate gravitational potential energy using the equation E p = wh.(1,2,B,b)
3. Calculate elastic potential energy using the equation Ee=1/2 k d2.(1,2,B,c)
4. Calculate a spring constant using the equation k = F/D
5. Measure potential energy in a variety of mechanical and fluid situations in a lab.(1,2,F,a)
6. Classify the forms of energy that can be observed as energy is transformed in a given scenario.(1,2,F,c)
6. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control potential energy.
Unit 5: subunit 2 Energy in Mechanical and Fluid Systems II
1. Distinguish between linear and kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy.
2. Calculate linear kinetic energy using the equation LKE= 1/2 mv 2.(1,2,B,a)
3. Describe what is meant by the moment of inertia of a rotating object.(2,2,D,b)
4. Calculate rotational kinetic energy using the equation RKE = 1/2 Iw2.
5. Describe the relationship between work done and mechanical energy.(1,2,B,d)
6. Measure kinetic energy of moving objects in the lab.(7,1,B,a)
7. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control kinetic energy.
Unit 5: subunit 3 Energy in Electrical Systems
1. Describe the nature of potential energy in electrical systems.
2. Describe how a capacitor is constructed and how they are used.
3. Define capacitance.
4. Use the equation Ec = 1/2 CV2 to find the electrical energy stored in a capacitor.
5. Describe how an inductor is constructed and how they are used.
6. Define inductance.
7. Use the equation Ei = 1/2 L I2 to find the electrical energy stored in an inductor.
8. Describe the relationship between work and electrical energy.
9. Measure the energy stored in a capacitor in a lab.(7,1,B,a)
10. Measure the energy stored in an inductor in a lab.(7,1,B,a)
11. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control energy in electrical systems.
Unit 5: subunit 4 Energy in Thermal Systems
1. Describe the relationship between thermal energy and work.(1,2,A,h)
2. Define the mechanical equivalent of heat.
3. Use the equation H=mc∆T to find how much heat energy is transferred between two objects at different
4. Describe three ways by which heat moves.(1,1,D,a)
5. Describe how heat energy causes changes in state of matter.(1,1,D,b)
6. Describe the role of energy in the law of conservation of energy.
7. Measure the transfer of heat in the lab.(7,1,B,a)
8. Identify workplace applications where technicians measure or control thermal energy.