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Who Are We? – Name the Pests of the Week:
There are two closely related introduced species often
mistaken for each other. One originates in southcentral Eurasia and the other from the Mediterranean
Figure 2. Pest 1 flower with linear leaves
Figure 1. Infestation in field peas
Biology: Both species are perennials spreading by
seed and creeping roots. The leaves of Pest 1 are
linear, alternate and stalkless. The leaves of the Pest 2
will be ovate to lanceolate, clasp the stem and appear
slightly waxy. For each of these pests the flowers
resemble those of a snapdragon. The flowers are
bright yellow with an orange throat and spur at the
base of the flower.
Keys for Identification: The leaf shape and
attachment to the stem are key distinguishing
characteristics. Pest 2 will tend to form less dense
patches and be taller at 50 to 80 cm versus Pest 1 at 20
to 60 cm. In the spring seeds may germinate earlier
from Pest 2 then from Pest 1.
Issue Date: August 3, 2016
Figure 3. Stem and leaves of Pest 2