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Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
T he I nter na t io na l J o ur na l o f I n no v a tiv e R es ea rch i n
B io s cie nc es
Awa n , Kh u r sh id , a n d Me h mo o d (2 0 1 7 ), 1 (1 ), 9 - 2 2
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Review Article
Plant Growth Regulators and Their Role in Abiotic Stress Management
Fahad Karim Awan1*, Muhammad Yasir Khurshid2, and Atif Mehmood2
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Agronomy, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
For correspondence: [email protected]
Plant confronts several abiotic stresses during their growth cycle and tries to manage them
with the help of phytohormones, often called growth regulators. Phytohormones are chemical
messengers that regulate the normal development of plants and their response to environmental
stimuli. They regulate tissue growth and differentiation, determining when plants grow and mature.
Plant growth regulators such as Abscisic acid, ethylene, and Jasmonic acid are essentials in the
abiotic stress plant response. In addition, plants can detect unfavorable environmental conditions
through hormones. Biosynthesis of phytohormones by the plants equips them with a mechanism to
adapt themselves according to the prevailing situations. Abscisic acid help the plant to confront
drought and salinity stress, whereas ethylene helps the plants in drought, over-watering, cold, and
salinity. Jasmonic acid aids plant to recover from mechanical injuries and drought stress. Abiotic
stress like water deficit, salinity, and heat triggers production of enzymes depending upon the
genetic makeup of the plants, to produce the plant growth regulators that may ultimately help them
to show resilience against stress or mitigation.
Keywords: Phytohormones, Abiotic stress, Abscisic acid, Jasmonic acid, Ethylene
a detailed understanding of the mechanisms
The abiotic stress, which includes factors
involved in the tolerance of plants against
adverse factors.
temperatures, causes tremendous losses in
It has been found that a complex network of
agricultural production at the global level
hormonal signals controls the plant’s response
(Mickelbart, Hasegawa & Bailey-Serres, 2015).
to abiotic stress (Bartsch & Bednarek, 2010;
Plants have a varied degree of responses to
Lumba et al., 2010). The Abscisic acid (ABA),
abiotic stresses (Hassan et al., 2015). It is
ethylene, and Jasmonic acid (JA) are plant
growth regulators with a well-documented plant
biotechnological tools for genetic enhancement
response to abiotic stress (Grobkinsky, van der
to increase the tolerance to abiotic stress in
Graaff & Roitsch, 2016). The ABA is the
plants (Mittler & Blumwald, 2010). It requires
central molecule involved in response to stress
To cite this paper Awan, F.K., Khurshid, M.Y., & Mehmood, A. (2017). Plant Growth Regulators and Their Role in Abiotic Stress Management. The International
Journal Of Innovative Research In Biosciences, 1(1), 9-21.
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
by drought and salinity (Suzuki et al., 2016).
then oxidized at the cytosol to ABA-aldehyde,
The action of these hormones in response to
a reaction catalyzed by xanthoxine oxidase,
situations of stress can be developed through
and then this aldehyde is converted to ABA by
synergistic or antagonistic activities (Fujita et
al., 2006). Therefore, the objective of present
(Wasilewska et al., 2008).
work is to address briefly some aspects related
The efficacy of the enzyme adjustment, its
to the biosynthesis and the role of the plant
release, and the quantity of ABA contributes
growth regulators to cater abiotic stress.
towards signal strength (Jiang & Hartung,
2008). The rupturing process can activate the
The ABA is a phytohormone discovered in
ester of glucose as the first line of defense
young fruits of cotton in 60 years, since then it
against the changing environment. It supports
has been reported in numerous species of
the fact that Arabidopsis mutants deficient in
plants and mosses. The ABA described
ß-glucosidases, contains lower levels of ABA
functions are related to the maturation
in the leaves and develops phenotypes sensitive
processes, the acquisition of tolerance to
to stress. Vacuole or the apoplast stores the
desiccation and seed dormancy (Wasilewska et
ABA-glucose ester and dehydration results in
al., 2008). It is also very important in the
development of the plant as well as in response
reticulum, where it denatures to produce the
to biotic and abiotic stresses (Klingler, Batelli
ABA (Lee et al., 2006).
& Zhu, 2010).
ABA and the Response of the Plant to
ABA Biosynthesis
Abiotic Stress
The ABA biosynthetic pathway is known
ABA is the main hormone that provides
with accuracy (Marion-Poll & Leung, 2006).
tolerance to abiotic stresses, especially to
The Arabidopsis thaliana plant has been used
salinity and drought (Hossain et al., 2010). It is
as a model for the identification of the main
known that the salinity, as well as the drought
enzymes involved in the metabolic pathway
and low temperatures, ameliorates the ABA
biosynthesis. The activated genes that encrypt
diphosphate is the precursor of ABA which is
the enzymes mandatory for the biosynthesis of
primarily synthesized in plastids (Yu &
this growth regulator may be catabolized at the
Assmann, 2014). Isopentenyl pyrophosphate
end of the stressful time (Chavez & Gonzalez,
leads to the formation of zeaxanthin, then the
2009). Within abiotic stress; drought, low
anteraxanthin, then the trans-violaxanthin, then
the 9-cis-neoxanthin and finally xanthoxin.
dehydration. Plants respond to stress by
The 9-cis-neoxanthin is then cleaved to form a
exhibiting a wide variety of responses that
15C compound called Xanthoxine. This step is
involve rapid physiological changes such as
the limiting step of the route. The xanthoxin is
stomatal closure to avoid plant water loss;
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
changes in the development patterns; or
of Arabidopsis
biochemical changes in the expression and
mutants deficient in ABA, appointed aba1,
accumulation of various response proteins that
aba2, aba3 (Koornneef et al., 1998), and aba4
are speculated to perform a function in stress
(North et al., 2007). ABA-deficient transgenic
tobacco, tomatoes, and corn have also been
In higher plants, ABA is involved in the
reported (Liotenberg, North, & Marion-Poll,
control of various physiological processes
1999). The role of the ABA in the osmotic stress
including development of seed and adaptations
tolerance is well known (Roychoudhury, Paul
of a plant according to different types of
environmental stress. Under conditions of water
Yamaguchi-Shinozak, 2014), and there is some
and saline stress, the ABA allows to maintain
evidence of the role of the ABA in the control
the water balance in the plant through the
of ion homeostasis. For example, the contents
regulation of the degree of opening of the
of ABA increased slightly only in the leaves of
the rice cultivars tolerant to salinity versus
concentrations in the leaves increases. This
sensitive cultivars. This increase in the content
increase in the ABA acts as a signal that can
of ABA was accompanied by a better
amplify the initial signal and start another
relationship Na+ /K+ (Bohra, Dorffling &
signaling cascade (Chavez, & Ramirez, 2010).
Dorffling, 2015; Wei et al., 2015). Also, the
The production of ABA in the roots and its
transport and the accumulation of K+ in roots of
transportation to the leaves is a mechanism of
higher plants is regulated by the ABA.
response to soil water deficit. It is a well-known
Many plants respond to the high salt levels
role of ABA in the closure of stomata to prevent
abducting ions within the vacuole (Deinlein et
desiccation (Schachtman & Goodger, 2008).
al., 2014). This process is mediated by a
From tolerance to salinity and other types of
vacuolar antiporter Na+/H+ that uses the proton
stress, the role of the ABA appears to be the
gradient to concentrate ions against their
regulation of water balance in the plant and the
gradient (Bassil & Blumwald, 2014). A
characterization of five Antiportes of Na+/H+
experiments indicate that there are dependent
showed that two transcripts of them, AtNHX1
and independent pathways of ABA for the
induction of the genes associated with abiotic
However, this accumulation does not occur in
stress (Li et al., 2010). The prompted
mutant aba1-2, which indicates that the stress
expression mostly depends on the presence of
response of these genes depends on the ABA
opens, to which bZIP transcription factors are
(Yokoi et al., 2002). Numerous complementary
attached known as proteins that bind opens
genes have been isolated that encode ion pumps
(RAEB) or factors RAEB (Wasilewska et al.,
such as membrane ATPases and V-ATPase
(Eisenach, Baetz & Martinoia, 2014). The
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
accumulation of these transcripts is triggered
stem and the root and leaf expansion, the
due to salinity; some of them are regulated by
formation of the flower, the development of the
the ABA (Zhang et al., 2014). It is also
hairs and nodulation of the root, leaf abscission,
important for the ion homeostasis, which is the
senescence, and the ripening of the fruits
increase in cytoplasmic free Ca++ that is
(Kumar, Parvatam & Aswathanarayana, 2009).
induced by the ABA, an event covered by the
The synthesis of ethylene oxide can be induced
cyclical ADP-ribose (Jiao, Yang & Gu, 2016).
by an environmental stress such as hypoxia,
The identification of mRNA induced by stress
wounds, and attack by pathogens (Das et al.,
or by the ABA, which encodes a membrane
2015). In agriculture, the ethylene is very
protein that binds to calcium (Kosová, Prášil, &
important in the post-harvest stage of a great
Vítámvás, 2013), and a specific phospholipase
variety of fruits and vegetables (Ansari &
Tuteja, 2015).
in A.
thaliana (Hirayama et al., 1995), respectively.
Ethylene is the simplest plant hormone
The insulation of the gene RD20, a protein that
(relative to the chemical composition) and
binds calcium that is induced by the ABA and
stands from others to be a gas. This
the saline stress, suggests a link between the
characteristic masked for many years its effect
saline stress, the ABA, and calcium signal
on plants. Studies on the physiological role of
pathways (Chavez & González, 2009).
ethylene in the various development stages of
Many salt tolerant plants share common
the plants were carried out after the '60s (Abels
genes that may help them to confront stress by
et al., 1992; Wang et al., 2002). In 1934,
the production of Proline, Glycine betaine, and
ethylene was considered a natural plant product
the pinitol/ononitol (Debnath, Pandey & Bisen,
capable of influencing and modulating many
2011). The gene P5CS (proline carboxylate
physiological processes during the entire cycle
synthase), responsible for proline biosynthesis
vital expounding its effect at very low
in Oryza
concentrations, in the order of nanomoles. This
sativa and A. thaliana in response to salt stress
trend can be observed in the different organs of
and ABA (Kishor, Polavarapu & Sreenivasulu,
a growing plant
Biosynthesis of Ethylene
The ethylene synthesis begins with the
Ethylene (C2H4) is the natural gas belonging
amino acid methionine and proceeds via S-
to hydrocarbons, which occurs in the majority
of tissues and cells of plants. It plays a
Aminocyclopropane-l-Carboxylic Acid (ACC)
significant role in physiology and development
(Mao et al., 2015). The conversion of the ACC
is carried out by the enzyme ACC oxidase
physiological processes such as the germination
(ACO). The SAM is also used in the synthesis
of the seed, the inhibition of elongation of the
of certain polyamines by the enzyme SAM
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
decarboxylase. Multigene families encode both
(HCN). Ethylene production can be easily
enzymes, the ACC synthase, and ACC oxidase
modulated, given the availability of a wide
in many plants. The expression of the ACS and
range inhibitors of both biosynthesis and action
ACO genes is regulated and shows different
(Mensuali-Sodi et al., 2005). The plants during
patterns of expression and response to biotic
the phase of development and differentiation
and abiotic stress. The regulation of these genes
are characterized by a production of ethylene
may occur beyond the level of gene expression
high; then it decreases when they reach matured
(Yoo, Cho & Sheen, 2009).
authority and increases again during senescence
In plants, Ethylene has not a preferred site
(Wheeler et al., 2004).
of biosynthesis but is produced by all the
Ethylene and the Response of the Plant
organs. However, the biosynthetic capacity and
to Abiotic Stress
the amount produced varies from tissue to
Synthesis of ethylene increases due to
tissue, from organ to organ, from plant to plant.
numerous stress factors such as injuries, salinity
The biosynthesis is mainly induced by stress
(Zhang et al., 2016), drought (Larrainzar et al.,
biotic and abiotic factors, so it is often called
2014), cold (Klay et al., 2014), the ozone layer
Hormone stress. Physiological studies on the
(Das et al., 2015), and the waterlogging
interaction hormone and plant have shown that
(Steffens & Sauter, 2014). In mature plants of
the productivity of a plant is inversely
wheat, changes in the biosynthesis of ethylene
proportional to the concentration of ethylene in
differ in terms of the tolerance of the variety,
the environment. Usually, a sharp decrease is
and the degree of water deficit imposed
visible when the concentration ethylene ranges
(Grzesiak et al., 2013). In the drought-tolerant
from 50-100 nmol mol-1 air (Klassen & Bugbee,
varieties, ACC oxidase activity increases in the
2004). The biosynthesis of this hormone is
first 24 hours of stressful treatment, while in
characterized by three key enzymes which
sensitive varieties, it decreases. There are
catalyze sequential reactions. The ethylene
variations in the biosynthesis of ethylene in the
formation begins with the methionine which it
susceptible and tolerant varieties of wheat
is converted into S-adenosine methionine by of
(Valluru et al., 2016).
an enzyme called S-adenosine methionine
The radical level oxygen deficiency can be
a good physiological and biochemical model
adenosine Methionine is converted into acid 1-
for com- take the correlation between the
amminociclopropa- no (ACC) via the 1-
abiotic stress and pro- ethylene production. In
amminociclopropano synthase (ACC synthase).
fact, in asphyxia radical for water excess or
Finally, the last step is catalyzed 1st-
amminociclopropano oxidase (ACC oxidase)
production of ethylene. Their first observation
which leads to the formation of ethylene
was determined in roots and stems Tomato
releasing animal carbon dioxide and cyanide
under hypoxic conditions (Bradford & Dilley,
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
1978). In conditions of oxygen deficiency,
be about 8-15 times higher than the level normal
ACC cannot be oxidized but is translocated in
them. Molecular biology studies have shown
the shoots where it is rapidly transformed into
that the low oxygen conditions determine the
AT- ACC synthase activation of specific stress-
Production of ethylene increases with
dependent both in tomato than in rice
temperature within determined intervals under
(Zarembinski & Theologis, 1993). These results
water stress conditions (Morgan & Drew,
show that the end, i.e. the production of
1997), salt (Kamei et al., 2005), mechanical
ethylene, does not vary, but the activated genes
injury (Morgan et al., 1993) and in the presence
coding for the same route. This genetic
of pollutant ozone (Vahala at al., 1998).
organization probably gives the plant flexibility
However, in some cases, it was also observed a
which makes it able to respond in a specific way
decrease in production, as in conditions of
to every type of stress.
thermal excesses (Field, 1981), and prolonged
Jasmonic Acid (JA)
water shortage conditions (Morgan & Drew,
The Jasmonic Acid Methyl Ester (JAME)
1997). Other authors suggest that ethylene may
was first isolated from the essential oils
not play a major role in the plant's response to
of Jasminum grandiflorum in 1962 (Demole et
al., 1962). Jasmonates are phytohormones
accumulations were observed in the content of
lipid-derived oxygenated fatty acids, linoleic
this regulator in sorghum (Cao et al., 2007), or
and linolenic acids mainly, that act as signaling
in wheat plants of six weeks (El-Khallal et al.,
molecules the plant’s reaction to numerous
2009). Recent studies have elucidated almost
situations of biotic and abiotic stress and
completely the role of ethylene in the plant have
participate in various processes of the
been identified the receptors with which it
development of the plant (Avanci et al., 2010).
and some transcription factors
The conditions of stress that regulate are the
mediated by ethylene were characterized (Guo
injuries (biotic or mechanical), exposure to
& Ecker, 2004. There have been no reported
ozone, drought and the attack by pathogens and
alterations in the signaling of ethylene in plants
pests. Jasmonates plays a significant role in the
affected by saline stress. A homolog of the
growth and development of roots and tubers,
ethylene receptor gene NTHK1 of tobacco,
the maturation of fruits, senescence (Sudan et
suggests sensitivity to salinity of Arabidopsis
al., 2014), and development of pollen
plants by phenotypic transformation, the
(Wasternack et al., 2013).
electrolyte equilibrium, and the comparative
Biosynthesis of Jasmonic Acid
growth of the root under saline stress (Zahra et
The Jasmonic Acids are compounds that
al., 2011). The physiological and biochemical
possess structural and functional homology
responses to conditions anoxia and hypoxia are
with steroids and prostaglandins originated in
very rapid, and the production of ethylene can
animals from arachidonic acid (Kazan &
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
Manners, 2008). The Jasmonic Acid is a
reductase (OPDA reductase) OPR catalysis the
cyclopentenone (C₅H₆O) that has a string and a
reduction of cyclopentenone ring (Strassner et
Carboxylic pentenyl glucosinolate. Vick and
al., 2002).
Zimmerman (1984) explained the biosynthesis
Except for the steps of ß-oxidation, which
of Jasmonic acid. Fatty acids esterified
take place in peroxisomes (Strassner et al.,
membrane, the phosphatidic acid (PA) and
2002), the specific enzymes for the biosynthesis
inositol triphosphate (IP3) are involved in
of Jasmonic Acids (13-LOX, AoS, and AOC)
calcium signaling in response to stress
have been cloned (Schaller, Schaller & Stintzi,
(Bargmann & Munnik, 2006). Fatty acid
2005). The three proteins, “acyl-CoA oxidase
residues such as the oxylipins include the
(ACX),” “the multifunctional protein (MFP),”
Jasmonates which comprises the Jasmonic
and “the L-3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (CAT)”
acids, JAME, conjugates of Jasmonic acids
catalysis the ß-oxidation. Possibly the activity
with amino acids, and other metabolites of
of an additional Thioesterases would be
Jasmonic acids. Lipoxygenase (LOXs) initiates
involved in the release of jasmonic acid of
the production of oxylipin form hydroperoxides
AJCoA, final product of the ß-oxidation
of linolenic acid or the linoleic acid (Feussner
(Schaller, Schaller & Stintzi, 2005). Therefore,
& Wasternack, 2002).
the biosynthesis of JA and metabolism occurs
The conversion of the 13HPOT in an oxide
in the chloroplast, the peroxisome, and the
of unstable Allene, catalyzed by the enzyme 13
cytoplasm where they occur and various
AOS initiates the biosynthesis of the JA
(Bargmann & Munnik, 2006). The Allene oxide
hydroxylation, and conjugation (Li et al., 2005).
cyclase AOS belongs to CYP74A enzymes. It
Biosynthesis of Jasmonic acid is inducible
exhibits a low affinity for the CO2 and uses the
through the genes responsible for their
hydrogen peroxide as oxygen source and
production (Wasternack et al., 2006), and the
reduction equivalent (Brash et al., 2013). The
analyzed promoters increase their activity after
enzyme, Allene oxide cyclase (AOC), is also
treatment with JA. The biosynthesis of JA not
located in the plastids (Hause et al., 2003). The
is induced by the endogenous JA, which
AOC establishes a structure in the enantiomeric
suggests that the perception of the JA is
cyclopentenone ring that appears in the
Jasmonic Acid. Lack of AOC results in the
The JA and the Plant Response to Abiotic
development of the racemic OPDA and the
cleavage to α- and γ-ketol (Wasternack, 2015).
The Jasmonic acid and its derivatives are
The product of the AOC, cis 12 Oxo-
phytodienoic acids (OPDA) is the end product
of the part of the synthesis of Jasmonic acid that
mechanisms of the plants and increases have
takes place in the chloroplasts. Peroxisomal
been recorded in their endogenous levels in
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
plants subjected to water stress (Fonseca, Boy
salt stress and drought. In soybean leaves
& Solano, 2009). They induce the expression of
subjected to the loss of 15% of the fresh weight,
genes that encode specific proteins, which may
the levels of JA increased five times after two
include protease inhibitors, enzymes involved
hours of stress, while it decreased the levels of
in the biosynthesis of flavonoids, osmotics, and
control around four hours. In this research, it
lipoxygenase, and different proteins associated
was noted that the implementation of the
with the pathogenesis (Andrade et al., 2005). In
methylated JA, had no effect on the rate of
relation to the role played by the JA and its
transpiration. Creelman and Mullet (1995)
derivatives in the responses to stress, there is
concluded that the rapid induction of JA levels
evidence that tolerant plants have higher levels
observed in the leaves with water deficit is due
of these compounds than the sensitive ones
to the loss of turgor and changes related to the
(Boex-Fontvieille et al., 2016). In tomato, the
transport of ions, while it had no influence on
cultivar Pear tolerant of salinity presented
the closure of stomata (de Ollas & Dodd, 2016).
higher endogenous levels of JA and its
On the other hand, other authors like Reinbothe
precursor, 12- Phytodienoic Acid (cis-OPDA),
et al. (1992) and Wasternack (2014) noted that
several peptides induced by the methyl ester of
hellfrucht. In addition, both cultivars responded
the JA share homology with the proteins read
to salt stress by changing their levels of JA. On
(late embryogenesis abundant) that are induced
the other hand, in response to the saline
by the stress or the ABA.
treatment, the accumulation of enzyme proteins
The Jasmonic acid and its cyclic precursors
involved in the synthesis of JA, such as
or derivatives are found in different stages of
lipoxygenase (LOX) and Allene oxide synthase
the biological cycle of a plant; from the
(AOS), and protein induced by JA, the protease
development of seeds and pollen, the elongation
of the roots. Moreover the Jasmonic acid forms
accumulation of LOX was pronounced in plants
in response to stress chemical or physical and
of Fruhstamm hellfrucht under stress. On the
attacks of pathogens. JA is involved in the
other hand, the accumulation of mRNA of
regulation of some genes responsible for
Allene oxide synthase (AOS- mRNA) and
defense mechanisms such as chitinase B,
protease inhibitor mRNA (Pin2- mRNA) was
thionine 2.1 and others. In the promoter of the
observed with treatment with NaCl and JA,
gene encoding PDF1.2 in A. thaliana was
indicating that the saline stress causes a
demonstrated the presence of reasons GCC
differential response in sensitive and tolerant
plants (Pedranzani et al., 2003).
Jasmonate (Brown et al., 2003). Some of these
Hashimoto et al. (2004) found a pathogen-
genes are used as markers for the study of the
related protein PR10 in rice, RSOsPR10, who’s
response of defense mediated by JA (Kunkel &
mRNA was induced rapidly in the roots due to
brooks, 2002).
Awan, Khurshid, and Mehmood (2017), 1(1), 9-22
also against the attack of pathogens. As part of
The plants can perceive environmental
a strategy in the development of tolerant plants
stimuli and adapt to various environments.
under these kinds of stress, it is important to
However, the degree of adaptability and
know specific mechanisms that allow tolerance,
tolerance to different stresses environmental
as well as resistance. The application of plant
varies from species to species. The process of
growth regulators would enable horizontal as
adaptation to stress involves most of the pro-
well as vertical plant production. However, it is
metabolic processes of plants, but generally is
necessary to have the detailed knowledge of the
considers that plant hormones play a key role,
and among these, the most important are
physiological processes that regulate the
Abscisic acid (ABA). The levels of this
development of plants in relation in terms of
hormone significantly increase under stress and
stress tolerance.
changes in endogenous ABA levels stimulate a
in many situations of stress play a primary role
of other hormones, such as ethylene, whose
biosynthesis can be considered a real the plant
health status indicator, Plant growth regulators
regulation of the plant response to abiotic stress.
These plant growth regulators can interact in
Ansari, M. W., & Tuteja, N. (2015). Postharvest quality risks by stress/ethylene:
mitigate. Protoplasma, 252(1), 21-32.
like ABA, JA, and ethylene are involved in the
Andrade, A., Vigliocco, A., Alemano, S.,
Miersch, O., Botella, M. A., & Abdala, G.
(2005). Endogenous jasmonates and
octadecanoids in hypersensitive tomato
mutants during germination and seedling
development in response to abiotic stress.
Seed Science Research, 15(04), 309-318.
leading the acquisition of tolerance. However,
series of metabolic and physiological events
Avanci, N. C., Luche, D. D., Goldman, G. H.,
& Goldman, M. H. S. (2010). Jasmonates
are phytohormones with multiple functions,
including plant defense and reproduction.
Genet Mol Res, 9(1), 484-505.
depending on the stressor. Regarding stimuli
such as environmental stress and disease stress,
plants regulate the concentration of each plant
Bargmann, B. O., & Munnik, T. (2006). The
role of phospholipase D in plant stress
responses. Current opinion in plant biology,
9(5), 515-522.
hormone at the cell/tissue level and think that it
can exert various physiological actions by the
fluctuation of the balance of the plant hormone
Bartsch, M., Bednarek, P., Vivancos, P. D.,
Schneider, B., von Roepenack-Lahaye, E.,
Foyer, C. H.,... & Parker, J. E. (2010).
Accumulation of isochorismate-derived 2,
3-dihydroxybenzoic 3-O-β-D-xyloside in
Arabidopsis resistance to pathogens and
aging of leaves. Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 285(33), 25654-25665.
as a result. The selection of the most appropriate
answer to each of these stimuli is determined in
part by the interaction, positive or negative, that
is established between these hormones and their
signaling pathways. The ABA has importance
as a regulatory mechanism in defense of the
Bassil, E., & Blumwald, E. (2014). The ins and
outs of intracellular ion homeostasis: NHX-
plant not only to abiotic stress situations but
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type cation/H+ transporters. Current
Opinion in Plant Biology, 22, 1-6.
stress. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 92(10), 4114-4119.
Boex-Fontvieille, E., Rustgi, S., Von Wettstein,
D., Pollmann, S., Reinbothe, S., &
Reinbothe, C. (2016). Jasmonic acid
protects etiolated seedlings of Arabidopsis
arthropods. Plant
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(2015). Ethylene signal transduction and
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(1995). Salinity tolerance of rice (Oryza
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