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Name _______________________________ Science Red/Gray
Date: _______________
A. Benefits of Being Multicellular:
1. Larger size means _______________________________________________________.
2. Longer life
3. Specialization—each type of cell has a job which makes organism more ________________.
B. Cells Working Together:
1. Tissue= group of ___________ what work together to perform a specific job.
2. Animals have _________ different types of tissues, while plants have ___________ different
types of tissues.
C. Tissues Working Together:
1. Two or more tissues working together to perform a specific function make up a(n) ___________.
a. Examples: In animals, a heart and stomach are two different organs that perform a specific
job. In plants, leaves, stems and roots are three different organs that perform specific jobs.
D. Organ System=A group of _________________ working together to perform a particular function.
1. Example: A digestive system is made up of several organs, including stomach and intestines that
work together to perform a certain function.
E. Organisms=Anything that can perform ___________
_____________________ by itself.
1. Unicellular—one celled, less complex, easier to adapt to environment since it is less complex.
2. Mutlicellular—multicelled, more complex, harder to adapt to environment since it is more
F. Summary: Cells form ____________, tissues form _____________, organs form _______________
__________________ and organ systems form ___________________ like you and me.
G. Structure and Function are related:
1. Structure is the _________________ or parts in an organism. (It includes its shape and material
from which it is made).
2. Function is the _______________ the part does.
a. The structure of the lungs is a large, spongy sac.
b. In the lungs, there are millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli.
c. Blood vessels wrap around the alveoli.
d. Oxygen from air in the alveoli enters the blood, which brings Oxygen to body tissues and
carbon dioxide leaves when we exhale.
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