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Genesee Bird And Pet Clinic
Conventional and Alternative Medicine and Surgery
5621 Balboa Ave. # San Diego, Ca 92111
# Ph (858) 278-1575 # FAX (858) 278-1551
Robert Smatt, DVM, MS
History of Ozone in Medicine
The discovery of the chemical known as ozone gas in 1840 is
credited to Christian Schonebein, a professor of physics and chemistry at
the University of Basel. Professor Schonbein also invented guncotton
(methylcellulose) and explored the use of hydrocyanic acid to stop meat
putrefaction, demonstrating the possibility that meat could be preserved for
long periods of time. This was a large leap forward in our thinking about
oxidative processes. During the time of his studies of meat preservation, he
contracted anthrax. He died on August 28, 1868. While he also advocated
the use of ozone as a possibility for the control of infectious diseases, he
was unable to use it to stop his own ultimately deadly infection.
Some eleven years after Schoenbein’s death the chemist Werner von
Siemens invented and patented the ozone “super induction tube”, a means
of generating ozone. This was an important step forward in the use of
ozone gas because it recognized the fact that because the gas is unstable,
unstorable, and highly reactive, it needs to be generated ozone immediately
before its use.
Among the first uses of ozone was the disinfection of water. Today
more than 2500 cities throughout the world use ozone in the water
purification process. These cities include Los Angeles, Montreal, Moscow,
Kiev, Paris, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Florence to name a few.
The first ozone generator devised for medical use was made several
decades after Siemens invention. It was devised by a physicist named
Joachim Hansler (1908-1981). His company’s device greatly enhanced the
spread of the use of ozone in medicine.
Another critical step in the use of ozone in medicine is that of a
photometric device for measuring the concentrations of ozone. Without
such a device, the safety of various concentrations of ozone could not have
been established.
Born in 1871, the Austrian surgeon, Edwin Payr, became acquainted
with ozone when it was used on him by his dentist, E.A. Fisch. Dr Fisch
applied for a patent on an ozone generator called “Cytozon,” now used in
medical ozone generators today. Dr Payr became so enthusiastic about
medical ozone that he ultimately published a 290 page book entitled, “On
Treatment with Ozone in Surgery,” which he presented to the German
Surgical Society in Berlin. This was the beginning of the use of ozone in
medicine as we know it today.
Medical ozone was used during the First World War to treat
gangrenous wounds of German soldiers.
Dr P. Aubourg, a French physician was the first to publish a paper in
1936 on infusion of ozone rectally in the treatment of chronic colitis and
In the 1940’s autohemotherapy, the administration of a small
quantity of the patient’s ozonated blood began.
The use of medical ozone was developed and is accepted in
Germany. It is tolerated by France, England, Italy, and Canada, and 14
states in the United States. There is still some concern as to the legal status
of medical ozone with regard to the United States Federal laws.
Today the use of ozone in medicine and most of the research in
medical ozone takes place in Cuba and Russia. In fact, ozone therapy is in
the medical mainstream in Russia, and especially Cuba.
II Why oxygen and ozone therapy?
Before we can talk about ozone (O3), we must talk first about oxygen
(O2), from which ozone is formed.
The oxygen we breath originates primarily from two places—the
plankton of the sea and the new growth of forests.
An oxygen molecule (the smallest amount of a chemical substance
that can exist without further breaking down) is composed of two oxygen
atoms, called O2.
Fossils encased in amber, many thousands of years old, contained
bubbles which when analyzed, were found to contain 30% O2. Presently,
our atmosphere contains 21% O2. In cities that are badly polluted this
percentage is reportedly around 15%. Oxygen content of the air in Gary,
Indiana with its steel mills and blast furnaces has been measured at 9-11 %.
At 7% O2 mammalian life ceases.
Oxygen carries and ultimately stores the sun’s energy so that all life
can feed on it.
Oxygen is the most abundant element of the earths crust. It easily
dissolves in water. Oxygen compounds form a major part of the elements in
the oceans, rocks, and all living things. Oxygen makes up 65% of the
elements of our body tissues such as blood, organs, tissues, and skin.
All organisms (microbes, animals, and plants) have spent countless
centuries swimming and evolving in or are contained in a sea of water and
oxygen. It is these two molecules, oxygen and water, which support the
milieu of all the chemicals which make up all the cells held together to
interact and react to create and maintain life.
Oxygen is absolutely essential for the health of cells. It removes
toxins from the body and is the key element in the “combustion” of glucose
molecules (the primary mammalian energy source) to produce energy in
the form of ATP, the bodies primary form of stored energy at the
biochemical level. When glucose is metabolized to ATP anaerobically, six
ATP molecules are produced. When the same molecule of glucose is
metabolized in the presence of O2, thirty eight molecules of ATP are
Our personal energy can suffer from lack of exercise. The brain,
comprising 2% of human body mass, requires 20% of the bodies oxygen
needs. Exercise increases circulation and therefore the delivery of oxygen
to cells. Many centuries ago Chinese physicians proclaimed stagnation to
be the root of all ill health. It is of interest to note that the effectiveness of
treatment modalities in Chinese medicine such as cupping, moxibustion,
and bleeding is due to the fact that they bring increased circulation of blood
and therefore increase oxygenation of tissues.
In a room full of people, we know how uncomfortable we get, and
seek larger open spaces or moving air for relief from this discomfort. This
discomfort is due to excessive amounts of CO2 in the air. Many temporary
maladies, such as headache, fatigue, eye, nose, and throat discomfort have
been shown to be caused by high CO2 levels in airplane cabins. These
same symptoms promptly disappear upon departing the aircraft and
breathing more oxygenated air.
In 1966 the Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg demonstrated that the
key condition for the formation of cancer is lack of oxygen at the cellular
Almost every virus, fungus, parasite, and many bacteria such as
Lactobacilli, Campylobacter, Clostridium, and Bacteroides are facultative
or strictly anaerobic----they do not thrive in oxygenated environments. As
time goes on, we are finding more and more microorganisms associated
with cancer. These are bacterial, viral, and parasitic forms of life.
Water is the other basic element which contributes to stagnation and
lack of oxygen. It takes adequate hydration of the body to transport oxygen,
especially to the brain. Again, stagnation, which translates into lack of
oxygen, is the major cause of disease.
Naturally Occurring Ozone A single
molecule of oxygen, also known as singlet
oxygen (one oxygen atom with a negative
charge) is highly unstable, only able to
exist for microseconds in nature. When two
single oxygen unite to share electrons, they
unite to form the very stable O2 molecule
found in nature. When O2 molecules are
exposed to an energetic force such as
electricity or ultraviolet light, they
temporarily split apart and reform into O2 molecules but now with a small
percentage of oxygen molecules forming ozone gas.
This new O3 gas is unstable and interacts with other ozone molecules, and
breaks down into more stable oxygen O2 molecules once again. The half
life of ozone is 45 minutes in glass, 30 minutes in plastic.
Chemical Structure of Ozone
Ozone occurs naturally in the atmosphere, and at about 20 Km (12
miles) above the earths surface, the concentration of ozone in the ozone
layer is about 10 parts per million according to Velio Bocci, the foremost
researcher in the field of medical ozone.
Renate Viebahn-Haensler, another authority on medical ozone, states
that at a height of 20-30 Km the concentration of ozone is 1000mcg/cubic
meter. If we could maintain a constant temperature of 273 degrees K and a
pressure of 101 kPa, the thickness of the ozone layer would be only a few
millimetres thick.
It has been estimated that a 10% drop in the concentration of the
ozonosphere would result in a 25% increase in skin melanomas and
carcinomas. This protective aspect of ozone is because it acts as a shield.
This shielding effect is due to the UV light acting upon oxygen, O2, to form
ozone, O3. While ultraviolet light favours the formation of ozone, nitrogen
oxides and chlorine, air pollutants, destroy significant amounts of ozone.
The knowledge that chlorine destroys ozone dates back to 1900. The
concern then was because of chlorides from volcanoes. In 1974, the
problem of chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFC’s) was discovered. CFC’s are
transported into the stratosphere where they are acted on by UV light
releasing free chlorine which destroys the ozone layer. The hole now over
Antarctica is 3.5 times larger that the United States. During winter in
Antarctica temperatures as low as minus 80 degrees C allow formation of
thin ice clouds which activate chlorine, which in turn destroys ozone more
efficiently than anywhere else.
Hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica
At street level, the situation is reversed. Man made atmospheric
emissions such as carbon monoxide, nitric and nitrous oxide, methane, and
sulphur compounds, act as catalysts in the production of ozone. At the
earth’s surface, the troposphere, the ozone concentration should be lower
than 40 parts per billion. In many large metropolises such as Mexico City,
Florence and Milan Italy, ozone reaches toxic levels, especially during the
The Safety of Ozone There is no doubt that ozone is very toxic to the
respiratory tract, because respiratory tract lining fluids have little protective
capacity from ozone. Ozone, however, has come to be emphasized as the
major cause of lung damage due to air pollutants even though other air
pollutants such as sulphur and nitrous oxides do far more damage than
ozone. This is because atmospheric ozone concentration, being very easy to
measure, has become the standard measure by which we monitor air
The World Health Organization states that it is permissible to work
for 8 hours in an ozone concentration of 0.6 ppm (120mcg/cubic meter or
0.12 mcg/litre). There is a wealth of literature available on the health
hazards of ozone, but almost every reference refers to the toxic effects of
ozone on the respiratory system.
The medical use of ozone has a safety history that is unprecedented
in modern medicine. Dr Bocci states that from 1950 to 1986 in central
Europe there were no “untoward effects” in 340,000 ozone treatments. In
an article by M. Jacobs (Ozonachrichten 1986; 5:1-5), the records of
384,775 patients treated with different ozone modalities for a variety of
medical conditions were examined. There were 5,579,238 treatments
administered to these 384,775 patients with an incidence of “accidents” of
0.0007%, or 39 “accidents” in absolute numbers. This is a safety margin far
greater than that of aspirin. Most of these treatments were major
autohemotherapy, the intravenous auto infusion of ozonated whole blood, a
technique which we will describe later. Four of these accidents were
fatalities, all of which resulted from infusion of ozone gas directly
Direct IV therapy of ozone should never be used. It results in free
radical damage, pulmonary embolism, bronchial constriction, pulmonary
failure, cardiac arrhythmia, phlebitis, and hypoglycaemia. Needless to say
this form of administration of ozone is forbidden. These phenomena have
been well documented in dogs and humans, pre and post mortem. In horses,
however, ozone gas has been introduced directly intravenously, reportedly
without any of these adverse effects, at least on a gross pathophysiological
The following is a summary of the toxic effects of ozone in humans
according to Dr Velio Bocci, the foremost researcher in the use of medical
ozone. At 0.1ppm lachrymation and irritation of upper respiratory airways
occurs. At 1.0-2.0 ppm we see rhinitis, cough, headache, occasionally
nausea and retching. From 2.0-5.0ppm for 10 to 20 minutes of exposure
(inhalation) progressively increasing dyspnoea, bronchial spasm and
retrosternal pain occur. Breathing 5.0 ppm (0.01 gamma) for 60 minutes
causes acute pulmonary edema and occasionally respiratory paralysis.
Breathing 10ppm (0.02 gamma) for four hours will result in death.
Breathing 50ppm (0.1 gamma) ozone will cause death in minutes.
Frank Shallenberger, M.D., a pioneer in the use of medical ozone in
America, states that one must inhale an ozone concentration of 20 gamma
for over one minute to cause permanent lung damage. Just one breath or
even a sniff of 20 gamma ozone will lead to severe coughing spasms. More
than one inhalation is physically impossible, let alone a 60 second
Our ozone perception level (the concentration at which we can smell
it) is 0.02mg/cubic meter = 0.02mcg/l or 0.0002mcg/ml (gamma) or
0.1ppm. The average therapeutic concentration of medical ozone used in
treatments is 37gamma or 37 mcg/ml. It is obvious that medical ozone
treatments must be carried out in a well vented facility.
Concentration Calculations Some ozone concentration
conversions are given below for those wishing to calculate ozone
concentration numbers in mcg/ml or gamma.
0.1ppm=0.2mg/cubic meter=0.2mcg/l=0.0002mcg/ml
Another way to state ozone concentrations is that 0.5% ozone is
equal to 7 mcg/ml, 1.0% is equal to and so on up the scale.
Micrograms per millilitre or gamma, is the common unit used in
determining proper treatment concentrations of medical ozone.
Concentrations of ozone used in therapy commonly range from 20 to 80
The bottom line however, is that as long as ozone is used according
to the guidelines previously mentioned and described later under forms of
therapy, it is one of the safest modalities in medicine.
III How ozone works in the body
The gaseous substance we call medical ozone is actually a mixture of
primarily pure oxygen (95.0 to 99.5%) and a small amount of ozone (0.55.0%). Hereafter when we use the term ozone, we are referring to medical
It is well accepted that many
diseases, whether acute or chronic, are characterized by free radical oxidant
stress, causing patients to suffer from poor energy production and fatigue.
Consequently, all patients with chronic oxidant stress are observed to
improve when oxidant therapy is administered. Then how does the
introduction of ozone become a positive therapeutic event?
Organs and cells affected by ozone therapy
Free Radical Production- a review of the processes of oxidation and
reduction and the production of free radicals. Most biological molecules
have two electrons in their outer orbit and are stable. Free radicals are
substances that contain one electron in the outer orbit and are unstable and
reactive. There are three ways a free radical can react with other chemicals.
It can extract an electron from another molecule (be reduced), it can react
with another free radical forming a stable covalent bond, or it can donate its
electron to another molecule (become oxidized).
As a consequence, the new molecules formed in turn become free
radicals and must in turn go about extracting or sharing electrons, thus
forming still more free radicals. These reactions are enhanced by ions of
iron, cobalt, copper and nickel (commonly increased for instance in the
haemolysis of blood).
Sources of free radicals are viruses, bacteria, parasites, normal
respiration and metabolism, exposure to pollutants, exposure to the sun, xrays, injury, and stress to name a few. Naturally occurring free radicals are
nitric oxide (NO), hydroxyl ions (OH-), and the oxygen anion (O-), also
known as singlet oxygen, the latter resulting from the breakdown of the
ozone molecule.
Oxidative Stress and Imbalances
1) Normal conditions of health and Rest
2) Decreased Antioxidant Production without Increased ROS
3)Marked Increase in ROS Overwhelms Normal Antioxidant System
4) Both a Reduction in Antioxidants and Increase in ROS
5) Excess intake of
vitamin c can lead to oxidative stress.
The site of free radical production takes place at the mitochondrial
level from either ischemia (less O2) or excessive functional demand on the
cells (again poor oxygen utilization).
When ozone enters the water fraction of plasma, its first order of
preference is to attack lipids, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFA’s). Second it is neutralized by antioxidants such as vitamin E, C,
glutathione, bilirubin, cysteine rich proteins and carbohydrates. PUFA’s
are found in cell walls and membranes, lipoproteins, triglycerides, and
chylomicrons. As a result of this ozone-lipid reaction, ozonides, peroxides,
aldehydes, and other free radicals are formed.
These free radicals damage cells by literally punching holes in them
(damaging the cell membrane), and damaging DNA.
Ozone, not a free radical itself, does not cause significant free
radical damage when introduced into the body because 1) Ozone is
introduced in small quantities relative to the amount of tissues present in
the body (blood is considered a tissue) 2) Immediately upon entering the
body, ozone reacts with tissue chemicals such as PUFA’s, vitamin C,
glutathione, etc mentioned above. 3) Ozone is never administered directly
into the bloodstream. 4) The byproducts of ozone-tissue chemical reactions
are readily metabolized by the liver and kidneys. The ozonides and
peroxides formed by ozone-lipid contact are not toxic as is ozone when
directly contacting tissues. It is for this reason that ozone bubbled through
olive oil by a diffuser can be used in inhalation therapy without causing
damage to the respiratory system.
5) As mentioned above, ozone itself is not a free radical, for it has paired
electrons in its outer orbit. It is, like water, a magnetic dipolar molecule,
represented by the chemical picture O=O-O, involving an ionic bond. The
magnetic potential of a dipolar molecule prevents the formation of free
radical in aqueous environments of pH less than 8, a pH not found in the
However, as the ozone molecule reacts with substances in the body,
such as reduced glutathione, it gives rise to an unstable O3 molecule which
ultimately results in the generation of a hydroxyl radical, the most potent
oxidant known in chemistry.
A general synopsis of the positive effects of the introduction of ozone
into biological systems
Paracelsus was the first physician to observe that like cures like. For
example, vaccines (the injection of microbes) kill microbes by stimulating
a process that allows the body to eradicate the offending microbes. And so
it is with ozone.
The Arndt-Schultz phenomenon states that a substance is stimulating
in a small dose, modulating in a larger one, and suppressive in a still larger
dose. And again, so it is with ozone.
Finally, the state of free radical oxidant stress is caused by a lack of
free radical buffering ability that is really the cause of the build-up of
excess free radicals. Ozone “turns on” the free radical buffering systems
and remedies this problem.
When we take these three statements together, we find that ozone
therapy offers a very effective solution to health problems. When correct
doses of ozone are given, it stimulates free radical buffering systems, it can
kill bacteria (bactericidal), viruses(virostatic), fungus(fungicidal), and
parasites(parasiticidal), and it stimulates the production of all the cytokine
systems of the body, specifically interleukin -2 ( secreted by T helper
cells), interferon, and tumour necrosis factor, and stimulates the production
of white blood cells. Thus, it eliminates microbes by direct kill and
indirectly as in the vaccine example.
In a paper published in early 2004 in the journal “Science”, a group
of researchers from Scripps Institute in San Diego, California, has
demonstrated that all antibodies appear to make ozone.
In addition to being valuable in antimicrobial therapy, ozone breaks
down petrochemicals, increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood
cells, and oxidizes arterial plaque. Very importantly, it increases the red
blood cell enzyme 2, 3 DPG, which catalyzes the release of oxygen from
red blood cells into tissues, and very importantly, accelerates the Krebs or
citric acid cycle. We will discuss this last and very important benefit of
ozone below.
Ozone and the Production of Energy The feature characteristic to all
chronically ill patients is that they produce insufficient energy. This is seen
as a lowered core body temperature, decreased ATP production, and
lowered basal metabolic rate. Assuming that there is normal
cardiopulmonary function and no anaemia, possible causes of deficient
energy metabolism are 1) increased fibrin accumulation in capillaries due
to abnormal clotting from immune causes 2) decreased cellular uptake of
substrates of fat and glucose, due to chronic insulin excess secondary to
insulin resistance. (This is always a problem in diabetics and persons over
50 years of age.) 3) Mitochondrial dysfunction, where glucose metabolism
takes place.
Energy in the body is derived
from fats, carbohydrates (glucose), and proteins, but no matter the source,
products of their metabolism ultimately end up in the citric acid cycle.
The amount of energy released from one mole (180 grams) of
glucose is 686,000 calories. Of these, 230,000 calories are used for heat
and 456,000 calories can be stored in the form of ATP, adenosine
triphosphate, the primary energy currency of the body. ATP is present
everywhere in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of cells. Essentially all
physiological mechanisms that require energy obtain it from ATP and
another high energy phosphate, guanosine triphosphate. There are two high
energy phosphate bonds per ATP molecule, and the energy released from
one of these high energy phosphate bonds under normal body conditions is
12,000 calories.
There are four phases of glucose metabolism in the production of energy
in the form of ATP.
Two Forms of the Glucose Molecule
The first stage is glycolysis, which yields pyruvic acid and 2
molecules of ATP from each molecule of glucose and releases four
hydrogen atoms.
The next stage is the formation of acetylcoenzyme A, accomplished
by combining the pyruvic acid with coenzyme A, a derivative of
pantothenic acid. This reaction forms no ATP but releases four hydrogen
atoms, which later are used to create more ATP in the citric acid cycle and
electron transport chain.
Citric Acid Cycle
Acetylcoenzyme A initiates the citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle
releases sixteen hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms must be
transferred through the eight steps of the citric acid cycle. This is carried
out by nicotinic adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Each NAD+ is converted to
NADH in three steps of the citric acid cycle. FAD is converted to FADH2
in step six of the cycle similar to the production of NADH. Buildup of
pyruvic acid (caused by inadequate oxygen) and NADH stop the glycolytic
process. For each molecule of glucose the citric acid cycle occurs twice,
giving the net production of two more molecules of ATP.
Electron Transport System
FAD and NAD are supplied by oxidative phosphorylation, the major
source of energy production in the body. This catalyzes the reduction of
hydrogen and formation of water, releasing ATP. NADH and FADH2 are
supplied by the citric acid cycle, and thus oxidative phosphorylation and
the citric acid cycle are mutually dependent. When one system slows down,
so must the other. In chronically ill patients it is found that there is a
lowered NAD/NADH ratio signifying a blockage, so to speak, at the level
of oxidative phosphorylation. By using ozone to oxidize NADH to NAD
and FADH to FAD increased levels of coenzyme A are available to fuel the
citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Some studies have shown a
total increase of 40% in ATP production after ozone therapy and an
increase in lowered NAD/NADH ratios found in all ill persons.
It should be noted that the best source of acetyl CoA is from fat
metabolism. Acetyl CoA only lasts 2 hours in the system. As we grow
older, fat metabolism becomes more inefficient and we burn glucose
instead to form acetyl CoA. Glucose is more easily exhausted and thus so is
the older patient who complains of brain fatigue. Also, the brain can only
generate acetyl CoA from glucose, not from fat.
Decreased mitochondrial function may be caused by insufficient
coenzyme A production from glucose resulting in the accumulation of
excess lactic acid responsible for the tiredness and acidosis of the
chronically ill. There may also be decreased coenzyme A production via fat
metabolism. Insufficient coenzyme A leads to the suppression of the citric
acid cycle. Also, a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation can be initiated
by viruses, heavy metals, pesticide and petrochemical sensitivity, and
autoantibodies. By oxidizing NADH and FADH2 to NAD and FAD,
medical ozone can correct all these mitochondrial lesions. This process is
best carried out by Major AutoHemoTherapy (MAHT).
During glucose breakdown from glycolysis through citric acid cycle,
24 hydrogen molecules are released. Twenty of these hydrogen molecules
are converted to ATP by oxidative phosphorylation in the chemiosmotic
process of the electron transfer system. During this process, up to 3 ATP
molecules per each 2 hydrogen molecules are released, generating an
additional 30 ATP molecules.
The remaining four hydrogen molecules are also released into the
chemiosmotic system to generate 4 more ATP molecules. In total, from
glycolysis, acetylcoenzyme A production, the citric acid cycle and the
electron transfer system, 38 molecules of ATP are formed from each
molecule of glucose being processed by this four step process. The citric
acid cycle also is oxygen dependent. Without oxygen the citric acid cycle
cannot be completed. More importantly, without oxygen, the initial step of
acetylcoemzyme A production from pyruvate cannot happen. In the
absence of sufficient oxygen, pyruvate is turned into lactic acid instead of
forming acetylconezyme A, a process which to generates only 6 molecules
of ATP and does not allow the utilization of glucose to proceed through the
citric acid cycle and the electron transport process.
Another way in which ozone exerts its therapeutic effect is the
activation of the immune system. Here we see the physiological release of
cytokines (interferones, interleukins, and tumour necrosis factor). It has
been shown that the dose of ozone responsible for maximum release of
cytokines is 78 gamma. This suggests that ozone has an indication for
diseases accompanied by an immune deficiency, such as an additional
therapy for types of cancer.
Ozone also activates red blood cells by increasing ATP and 2, 3
diphosphoglyerate which more readily allows oxygen to be released from
haemoglobin and thus more available to tissues. Here the indication for
ozone could be for any circulatory disorder, peripheral or central (e.g.
cerebral arterial).
Another group of chemicals activated by ozone are enzymatic
antioxidants and radical scavengers such as super oxide dismutase,
catalase, and reductase, are induced and activated, thus increasing the
organisms antioxidative capacity. The mechanism of this process has been
shown to be the enhancement of the glutathione peroxidase system. The
glutathione peroxidase system is primarily responsible for the antioxidant
buffering system of the body, although we also have superoxidases,
catalases, and reductase. Increased production and enhancement of these
systems is stimulated by treatment with ozone. In this scenario, vitamin E
and C can only support these antioxidant buffer systems but by themselves
cannot correct the basic lesion. Therefore ozone is beneficial for treating
inflammatory processes such as arthritis, strained muscles, trigger points,
vascular diseases, and aging.
Ozone also directly kills microorganisms, as already mentioned.
I have been asked the question, “Could these phenomena be due to
oxygen alone?” The answer is no. Research has shown that only the
addition of ozone will cause or enhance the above mentioned phenomena.
IV Techniques in the Administration of Medical Ozone
Major Autohemotherapy
Major autohemotherapy is the major form of systemic ozone
application. The reaction mixture of ozone and the patient’s whole blood
takes place extracorporeally and is infused back into the patient, containing
activated and lysis resistant enhanced red blood cells and activated
immunocompetent cells.
Blood is removed from the patient, 50 to 250 ml in humans, 25 to 100ml in
dogs and cats, and 250 to 1000 ml in the horse. Most practitioners use an
aliquot of blood collected in heparin. Calcium chloride is added to the
heparinized blood as calcium ions enhance the action of ozone. The
heparinized blood is combined with an equal amount of medical ozone at
70 to 80 gamma concentration. (Hemolysis of only 0.2-0.5 percent of total
red blood cells occurred when human whole blood was exposed to
100gamma ozone.) This solution is then mixed by gentle inversion.
According to Dr Velio Bocci, the period of mixture of blood and ozone
should be done for at least five minutes to be most effective. This blood-
ozone mixture is infused back into the patient as with any other blood
infusion or transfusion.
Collection and administration of blood is best done in glass bottles or
syringes. It has been shown that the number of plastic particles is increased
dramatically in ozonated fluids collected in plastic containers. In dogs and
cats, I often infuse the ozonated blood back into the patient by injecting it
intraperitoneally instead of intravenously. This route of administration
seems to be equally effective. This procedure is repeated every one to
seven days depending upon the condition. This procedure should greatly
enhance surgical healing and anesthesia recovery when done before and
after surgery. In general, an obvious and immediate increase in vitality,
appetite, and competitiveness is noted in people, dogs, cats, and horses
Case History: Beth Lang, 6 years old Malamute, Hepatic cirrhosis and
cadmium intoxication resolved using major autohemotherapy
(Returned to internist 8/1)
Case History: Angel Kahn - 10 year old female sheltie
Treatment: Rectal Insufflation only
Cushing’s Disease + Terminal Kidney Failure
Pre O3/5-25 Post O3/5-29
Creatinine 9.1
Phosphorus 8.6
Rectal Insufflation
Equipment needed: a rectal inflation bag or a large 12 to 150 cc
syringe depending upon the size of the animal patient to act as ozone
reservoirs or delivery systems, and polyvinyl female urethral catheter(12
gauge 18 inch works well for humans) again depending upon the size of the
patient. Most small animals take a 12 gauge, 8-16 inch polyvinyl urethral
catheter. Small cuffed endotracheal tubes and various diameter Foley
catheters also work well in small animals. Ozone concentration should be
20-30 gamma. Dogs will take 20 to 150 ml volumes of ozone comfortably,
depending on their size. Infusion is best preceded by an enema, although an
enema is not entirely necessary. Cats comfortably take up to 25 ml. Ozone
should be retained for 40 minutes to be effective. We use rectal infusions
for 80% of our small animal and equine patients, and could easily justify its
use in 100% of all medical and surgical problems. It is very well tolerated
(accepted by both animals and their human companions). Invariably there
is an immediate increase in vitality and appetite after the first
Vision Map of Retina with Retinitis Pigmentosa
Minor Autohemotherapy
Fill the syringe with a volume of 37 gamma ozone equal to the
amount of blood to be injected. Draw the blood into the syringe with gas
and mix them gently for at least 30 seconds (I try for at least one minute
and have gone up to five minutes without the blood clotting). Remove the
dead space left by the gas and inject the blood only intramuscularly. Inject
3 to 12 cc of blood in cats and dogs, depending upon the size of the patient.
I have also injected the blood intraperitoneally. By the intraperitoneal route
the amount of blood injected can be much larger and the blood and gas can
mix longer without danger of causing clotting problems.
Limb Bagging
Extremities are placed in limb bags specially made for this process or
standard trash bags can be used to encase the limb being treated. The bag is
wrapped from distal to proximal with an ace bandage to expel air and
sealed at the top with tape. The ace bandage is removed and the bag is
filled with ozone (80-90 gamma for infection, 40 gamma for wound
healing. The gas is retained for 30-40 minutes. Treatments are one to two
times per day.
Ozone in Water
Ozone is very soluble in water. Eighty gamma ozone is bubbled
through a column of double distilled water with a diffuser at a flow rate of
125ml per minute for 25 minutes. This will give a concentration of 30mcg
ozone per ml of water. At room temperature it has a half life of 10 hours.
Refrigerated it has a half life of 24 hours. Using mono-distilled water will
decrease the half life to only a couple of hours. The latter is great for
Ozone in Saline
Using the diffusion technique, as above for water, higher
concentrations of ozone can be achieved in saline. This is advantageous
because physiological saline is kinder to tissues and can be used to instil
into the bladder, vagina, ears, rectum, and eyes. It can be used for irrigation
of large surface wounds to vastly increase healing rates. It can also be
injected into necrotic tissue. This solution can also be given intravenously.
Ozonated saline is excellent for flushing chronically infected nasal
passages and sinuses in cats following viral infections to abort chronic
sinusitis. 37 gamma ozone is used for sensitive tissue surfaces.
Ozone Directly into Joints
Thirty seven gamma ozone is injected directly into the joint via a 25
ga ¾ or 1 ½” needle depending upon the size of the animal. The injection is
directed even more point specifically if the ozone is to act as a proliferative
agent for prolotherapy. For instance in the case of cruciate ligament tears or
patellar luxations the specific targets for injection are the cruciate
ligaments, the femoropatellar ligament, and the medial and collateral
ligaments. These injections can be preceded by 2% lidocaine which will
cause little to no pain reaction when the ozone is introduced. Immediately
after injection the patient may favor the involved limb for a few hours
followed by improvement in the condition. Pet owners should be made
aware that this will occur. Cruciate ligament tears should be treated once to
twice weekly for two to three weeks.
37 gamma ozone should be used as a proliferative agent for
sclerotherapy. The treatment may or may not be preceded by a local
anaesthetic depending upon the sensitivity of the patient.
Acupuncture (ozone-puncture)
Ozone used at acupuncture points has given me better results than
aqua puncture using vitamin B12 at the same points for the same condition.
For instance, K3, UB 60, Du 1, Ren 1, Ren 3, UB40, UB 36, and the ba liao
points work much better to control urinary incontinence in dogs using
ozone gas injections than does the same treatment using vitamin B12.`37
gamma ozone is used.
Trigger Point Injection and Muscle Spasms, especially Quadratus
lumborum and Iliopsoas muscles
Inject one to two cc’s of 37 gamma ozone into trigger points, motor
points, and along the entire length of palpable muscle spasms. There is no
more pain than experienced with the injection of local anaesthetics into a
muscle; therefore, no preinjection with local anaesthetics is necessary.
There will be only momentary pain immediately after the injection. One to
two injections two to three days apart should be all that is necessary to
resolve these myofascial pain regions.
Ozone in Olive Oil
Ozonated olive oil is very effective when used topically for any skin
condition such as eczema, herpes, fungal dermatitis and paronychia. For
topical application it is best made by bubbling 40 gamma ozone through
olive oil in a column via a diffuser at the bottom for 36 hours until it
reaches the consistency of Vaseline. Eye drops which are used for treating
corneal ulcers and conjunctivitis can be made by bubbling 40 gamma ozone
through olive oil for about one hour.
While ozone is very toxic to the respiratory mucosa, it can be
bubbled through olive oil which causes the production of peroxides and
ozonides that are non toxic to the respiratory epithelium.
Subconjunctival injection
Twenty gamma ozone is injected into the sinuses or
subconjunctivally for chronic conjunctivitis and as an aid in the treatment
of indolent corneal ulcers.
One injection of 37 gamma ozone usually resolves chronic(or
acute)tonsillitis. The patient must be anesthetized. For some reason,
probably the embryonic connection of stomodeal and proctodeal
membranes, Injecting tonsils with 37 gamma ozone will usually resolve
chronic colitis.
Gingival and Tooth Apex Injection
This is the area where the gingival meets the buccal mucosa. First
inject ½ to 1 cc of an appropriate local anaesthetic into the area
corresponding to the root of the tooth you are treating. This is followed by
one to five cc of 33 gamma ozone into the same area. Here we are treating
osteomyelitis and are essentially eliminating the need for root canals.
Osteomyelitis is readily controlled and eliminated with ozone therapy.
Urinary Bladder Insufflation
The empty urinary bladder is filled with 37 gamma ozone over a
period of 1-2 minutes. The ozone is retained for twenty minutes.
Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar disc protrusions
The “Discosan” method refers to a mode of treatment of herniated
discs developed by an Italian orthopedic surgeon in 1984. He has since
treated more than 6000 cases, with a 95% success rate.
Chronic and acute disc problems are treated in the same way
injecting about 3-5 cc’s of 37 gamma ozone via a 25 gauge 1 or 1 ½ inch
needle in dogs. Inject the areas just lateral to the posterior edge of spinous
processes of the disc space involved, the one anterior and the one posterior
to it. Aim for and try to touch the bone of the articular facets of the
vertebrae mentioned above. I also inject the interspinous spaces.
Treatments are repeated twice to three times weekly until resolution, which
will be 2 weeks to 2 months. As an alternative, injections can also be done
into the paravertebral muscles at the level of the disc problem. If one has
access to imaging equipment for needle placement and ozone injection
directly into the disc, resolution of the problem is much accelerated. Go
lightly on the local anaesthetics if you precede the ozone injections with
local anaesthetics. Too large a quantity of local anaesthesia in the region of
the spinal foraminae can lead to temporary or pseudo paralysis.
Plate above shows disc protrusion: Plate below after 12 O3 treatments
Tumour cells have a high intolerance to peroxides. These inhibit
tumour growth by about 40-60% although do not ultimately seem to be
curative. Ozone can be injected directly into the tumours but works just as
well by injecting around the tumour. I use 37 gamma ozone.
V Conditions for Which Ozone Has Been Used and Case Histories
The literature is filled with treatments for so many common and
many not so common problems, that I will simply list some of these (in
addition to those already mentioned) and suggest that the bibliography or
the reader’s imagination be consulted for specific treatment protocols.
Coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, angina, Reynard’s disease,
Buergers disease, microvascular disease such as those associated with
diabetes, gangrene, burns(chemical and thermal), intermittent claudication,
macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, chronic infections including
herpes I and II, hepatitis B and C, Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, HIV,
mycoplasma, TB, cytomegalovirus, Lymes Disease, mycoses, Giardiasis,
non healing wounds, osteomyelitis, cystitis, proctitis, dental and gum
disease, tonsillitis, osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia, ischemic
cerebrovascular disease, an adjunct to cancer treatment, antiaging/cerebral
atrophy, gynaecological disease especially if infectious, osteoporosis,
Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, peritonitis, silicon induced
immune dysfunction, snakebite, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia,
enhancing brain function and athletic performance.
VI Summary
Medical ozone is an effective and safe treatment modality when used
properly. The only way one can get into trouble is by administering the gas
directly intravenously. Never use room air, only pure oxygen, to generate
medical ozone. Room air will generate highly toxic nitrous and nitric
The only known contraindications in medical syndromes are
uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, and fauvism (deficient G-6-PD enzyme, the
oxidant protection system of red blood cells), thrombocytopenia, and
serious cardiovascular instability. We always, in addition, like so many
other treatment modalities, list pregnancy under this heading, although
personal communications suggest an enhancement of foetal development
and birth processes by the use of ozone.
Always use an ozone generator from a reputable company. No
homemade versions please. The machine should be able to be calibrated
and its ozone output periodically checked for reliability.
Use concentrations of 80 gamma for disinfection only once or twice
for direct introduction into tissues for disinfection purposes. This
concentration inhibits tissue regeneration. Then use lower concentrations of
around 37 gamma or less to effect tissue healing. This concentration will
also be effective in disinfecting tissue. Use ozone in any and all disease
conditions to enhance whatever modalities you are already using.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein.
1. Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe, Energy
Publications 6th edition, 2003
2. The Use of Ozone in Medicine by R. Viebahn-Haensler, Karl F
Haug, publisher, 1999
3. Oxygen-Ozone Therapy, a Critical Evaluation by Dr Velio Bocci,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002
4. Oxygen Healing Therapies by Nathaniel Altman, Healing Arts Press,
5. Second International Symposium on Ozone Applications Abstracts,
1997, Havana, Cuba
6. Principles of Medical Biochemistry by Meisenberg and Simmons,
Mosby Publications, 1998
7. The Extraordinary Chemistry of Ordinary Things by Snyder, John
Wiley and Sons Publishers, 2003
8. Fundamentals of Organic and Biological Chemistry by McMurray
and Castellion, Prentice Hall Publishers, 1999
9. Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton and Hall, W.B.
Saunders Publishers, 1996