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Current Opinion in Allergy & Clinical Immunology.
Clinical Phenotypes of asthma should link up with disease mechanisms
Kian Fan Chung and Ian M Adcock
Experimental Studies, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London
& Royal Brompton NIHR Biomedical Research Unit, London, United Kingdom.
Corresponding Author:
Professor Kian Fan Chung
National Heart and Lung Institute,
Imperial College London,
Dovehouse St,
London, SW3 6LY, UK.
Tel. + 44 (0)20 7349 7594
Email: [email protected]
Running title: Asthma phenotypes and mechanisms
Purpose of review: Asthma is a common disease with a complex pathophysiology which
presents in various clinical forms and levels of severity. The current ‘one size fit all’
approach to treatment is suboptimal. Unbiased cluster analysis has unravelled several
asthma phenotypes. Understanding the underlying mechanisms driving these clusters may
lead to better patient orientated medicines.
Recent findings: Clustering was initially performed on clinical features only but the addition
of biomarkers that characterise sputum and blood cellular profiles have enabled the
prediction of responses to targeted therapies. Clusters of severe asthma include those on
high dose corticosteroid treatment associated with severe airflow obstruction and those
with discordance between symptoms and sputum eosinophilia. Sputum eosinophilia can
predict therapeutic responses to Th2 cytokine blockade. Further molecular phenotyping or
endotyping of asthma will be necessary to determine new treatment strategies. Low Th2expression is been predictive of poor therapeutic response to inhaled corticosteroids but
much less is known about this form of asthma.
Summary: Phenotype-driven treatment of asthma will be further boosted by the integration
of genetic, transcriptomic and proteomic technologies to defining distinct severe asthma
phenotypes and biomarkers of therapeutic responses. This will pave the way towards
personalised medicine and healthcare for asthma.
Key words: Th2 high, sputum esoinophils, neutrophilic asthma
Asthma is a group of ‘diseases’ caused by different pathophysiological mechanisms. Asthma
has been classed as a single disease because its diagnosis is based on the presence of an
intermittent wheeze, dyspnea and cough which are the signs of inflammation and airway
obstruction irrespective of cause. Clinicians have long been aware that the presentation and
natural history of the disease varies for example, asthma improves in some adolescents,
some patients have more severe disease, some are non-atopic and others have aspirinsensitive asthma resulting in the concept of asthma as a complex disease.
The concept of eosinophils as being an important component of the disease as it could
predict response to treatment with corticosteroids was noticed very early on and the
concept of corticosteroid-resistant asthma was coined in 1961 (Grant IWB BMJ 1961). Thus
early on a phenotype responding to steroid therapy was known but with the introduction of
ICS, this was hailed as a uniform treatment for all asthmatics. However, the notion that only
40% of asthmatics responded well, at least in terms of an improvement in FEV1, was
The next phase of the complexity of asthma was when it was possible to biopsy the airways
and the development of the examination of sputum samples as a window on the
inflammatory process in asthma. The eosinophil remained centre stage because it was seen
to be prominent in these samples, but there is the later realisation that neutrophils also
could be a prominent feature or that the eosinophil was absent. Indeed, there is a higher
percentage of sputum neutrophils in some patients with severe asthma (REF - 2013). In
parallel, high sputum or blood eosinophils indicates a good better response to agents such
as anti-IL5 or anti-IL13 (REF).
Thus, asthma is a complex multifaceted disease with varied presentation and differences in
responsiveness to currently-available treatments. However, despite this, the treatment
Guidelines indicate uniform application irrespective of the ‘type’ of asthma. The fact that
many severe asthmatics with diverse presentations do not respond to existing therapies (1,
2) has driven interest in using unbiased approaches to better phenotype these patients in
terms of essential clinical and physiologic features. This review will examine the recent
literature where phenotypes of asthma has been described
Defining phenotypes by clinical criteria
Phenotyping of asthma has commonly used hierarchical clustering based on distance
connectivity or the k-means algorithm to group patients together according clinical
parameters (3, 4) (5). Adult and paediatric cohorts from the Severe Asthma Research
Program (SARP) and the UK Leicester adult cohort used hierarchical cluster analysis whilst
the European cohorts of Epidemiological Study on the Genetics and Environment of Asthma
(EGEA2) and the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHSII) used a latent
model approach (6) across a range of asthma severities. Despite differences in clinical
variables used for analysis, these studies report phenotypes that have common features
that are readily recognised by the clinician (Table 1). Thus, age of onset of disease, lung
function and atopic state featured highly in these clusters or phenotypes. Similar clusters
have also been reported from Korean and Japanese cohorts (7, 8). In the Outcomes and
Treatment Regimens (TENOR) cluster analysis, five clusters distinguished by sex, atopic
status, non-white race were reported in an adolescent and adult cohort and in a paediatric
cohort, but while passive smoke exposure was a distinguishing feature in children, it was
aspirin sensitivity in the adolescent and adult cohort (9).
There were also clusters related to more severe disease. For example, clusters 4 and
5 of the adult SARP cohort described patients on high dose ICS, often taken together with
oral corticosteroids associated usually with severe airflow obstruction. In the TENOR study,
a cluster described in adolescents and adults was associated with aspirin sensitivity, in
primarily white, female, and atopic with late-onset asthma and these patients were more
likely than any patient in the other 4 clusters to experience exacerbations (9). The Childhood
Asthma Research and Education (CARE) Network replicated the SARP childhood clusters (8)
and found that one cluster characterised by early-onset asthma with severe-lung function
was associated with the best response to the combination fluticasone and salmeterol
therapy (10).
New clinical groups have also been defined such as those associated with obesity,
defined in both the SARP and Leicester cohorts. This has now been confirmed in other
analyses that have specifically examined the contribution of obesity (11, 12). Two clusters of
obese individuals were described: obese uncontrolled and obese well-controlled, and these
asthma clusters differed from one another with regard to the age of asthma onset,
measures of asthma symptoms and control, exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) levels and airway
hyperresponsiveness but were similar with regard to measures of lung function, airway
eosinophilia and serum IgE (11). A group of obese women with late onset asthma and
frequent symptoms with high healthcare use but with low sputum eosinophil counts has
also been described (13).
Phenotyping/endotyping and responsiveness to corticosteroid therapies
Inflammatory markers are being increasingly used to define and understanding the
pathophysiological mechanisms underlying each phenotype (with the hypothesis that each
phenotype is different in terms of its underlying pathophysiological mechanisms). This
approach of defining mechanistic phenotypes is termed endotyping (3, 4) and is critical for
defining therapeutic targets for well-defined phenotypes of asthma. The drive for predicting
therapeutic responsiveness has been driven by the established observation that asthma
characterised by eosinophilia is usually responsive to ICS. Increased sputum eosinophil has
been associated with decreased asthma control and exacerbations in some asthmatic
subjects (14).
Cluster analyses that include sputum eosinophilia and/or neutrophilia have been
useful in defining corticosteroid-sensitive and -insensitive groups. In the Leicester cohort of
patients with refractory asthma, there was discordance between symptoms and the
presence of sputum eosinophilia (5). In the Amsterdam analysis of adult-onset asthma, the
cluster associated with severe eosinophilic inflammation had persistent airflow obstruction
with low symptom scores, while the low sputum eosinophil scores was seen in obese
women with frequent symptoms and high health care utilisation (13).
A SARP cluster analysis has included sputum eosinophil and neutrophil counts found
mild-to-moderate allergic asthma with minimal or eosinophil-predominant sputum
inflammation and moderate-to-severe asthma with neutrophil-predominant or mixed
granulocytic inflammation, indicating the potential importance of neutrophils in
determining severity (15).
An important proportion of mild-to-moderate asthma subjects either do not respond
to or respond poorly to a middle dose of ICS in terms of improvement in FEV 1 (16).
Increased sputum neutrophilia may indicate CS insensitivity (17) and smoking asthmatics
and obese asthmatics are more likely to develop CS insensitivity (18, 19). In the SARP cohort,
the group of patients with severe asthma on systemic corticosteroids that could be
considered to have CS-insensitivity were more likely to report a diagnosis of recurrent
bronchitis, to have an FEV1 of <60% and a higher FeNO (20). Work on cells from patients
with CS-dependent asthma has pointed out some of the mechanisms that be involved in CSinsensitivity including modulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity (21, 22),
inability to recruit glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-associated co-factors such as histone
deacetylase 2 (23), reduced GR ligand binding (24) and increased expression of the GR
spliced variant GR-β (25). Further characterisation of this phenotype is required.
What is the significance of eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic asthma?
Sputum eosinophilia occurs in 36% of subjects with asthma not taking an ICS and
17% of ICS-treated asthmatics (26). ICS resulted in significant improvements in airflow
obstruction in eosinophilic asthma, but not in persistently non-eosinophilic asthma. Noneosinophilic asthma was more predominant in mild-to-moderate asthma, just as
neutrophilic asthma is also predominant in severe refractory asthma (17, 27).
Eosinophil and neutrophil sputum numbers show wide variability in severe asthma
with patients demonstrating none to very high levels of either cell (17, 27). Expression
profiling of induced sputum and unsupervised hierarchical clustering of these profiles
reveals 3 phenotypes: (i) chronic airflow obstruction and less well controlled asthma,
increased FeNO, and sputum eosinophils (ii) airflow obstruction and higher sputum
neutrophils and (iii) higher sputum macrophages and lower eosinophils and neutrophils, and
lung function in normal range (28). Genes in the IL-1 and TNF-α/NF-B pathways correlated
with clinical parameters and neutrophilic airway inflammation.
Severe asthma patients with mixed neutrophilia and eosinophilia have been shown
to be linked with lower lung function, higher frequency of daily wheeze and health care
utilization (29). The mechanisms behind these diverse inflammatory profiles are likely to be
complex but a neutrophilic response may signify a non-Th2-driven mechanism and most
likely, non-steroid-responsive asthma perhaps driven by bacterial colonisation (30, 31) as a
result of defective phagocytosis of bacteria or apoptotic cells by macrophages (32, 33). CSs
themselves can contribute to the neutrophilia and Th1 factors may also play a role (34, 35)
along with Th17-associated immunity (36).
Woodruff et al divided mild-moderate asthmatics into Th2-high and Th2-low groups
according to the degree of expression of the IL-13-induced periostin, chloride channel
regulator 1 and serpin peptidase inhibitor from airway epithelial brushings (37). The Th2high asthmatic patients had greater bronchial hyperresponsiveness, serum IgE levels, blood
and airway eosinophilia, subepithelial fibrosis and airway mucin gene expression and
responded well to ICS (38). Asthmatics with a low Th2 signature showed little or no
response to ICS. These ‘Th2-gene signatures’ can also be detected in sputum cells (39). The
extent by which sputum eosinophilia indicates a high-Th2 signature is unknown and needs
to be answered.
Phenotype-driven treatment, systems biology and personalised medicine
Clustering of patients according to clinical features has classified asthmatics into
clinically recognised groups but has not advanced our knowledge of mechanisms or
subphenotypes. However, the ability to generate diverse molecular profiles from patient
specimens is gathering pace and will no doubt increase the reality of phenotype-driven
treatment and ultimately leading towards personalised or stratified care in asthma. The
ultimate aim is to develop a cheap dip-stick or desk-top assay that would measure several
biomarkers concurrently to aid phenotyping.
Demonstration of efficacy of new therapies will depend in part on the precision by
which patients can be stratified for specific therapies (40). To date, endotyping has been
confined to measurements such as sputum eosinophils, FeNO and blood periostin or
eosinophils (41). Sputum eosinophils and serum periostin could define a particular subset of
patients that may respond well to anti-IL5 or anti-IL-13 approaches whereas the
periostin/CLCA2/SERPIN2B signature may select patients who would respond to ICS therapy
and FeNO could be used as a marker for corticosteroid responsiveness (42). Serum periostin
has been shown to correlate with airway eosinophilia (43) and also to denote those with
chronic airflow obstruction in a Japanese asthma cohort on ICS (44). This highlights the need
to confirm biomarker studies in independent cohorts. There are no validated markers for
non-eosinophilic asthma since even sputum neutrophils are not predictive. Raised levels of
sputum hydrogen sulphide has been proposed as a potential marker for neutrophilic asthma
associated with chronic airflow obstruction (45).
Analysis of clinical, physiologic and genetic, transcriptomic, lipidomic, proteomic and
imaging data will provide a more complex but more definitive phenotypic representation of
the patient’s disease. Analysis and integration of these datasets will reveal the role of
specific biologic processes involved in inflammation, immunity, cell cycle, apoptosis, or
metabolism with selected asthma phenotypes. Furthermore, epigenetic mechanisms may
mediate the effect of environmental factors such as road traffic pollution and cigarette
smoking on the development and course of asthma (46). For example, severe asthma is
associated with specific changes non-coding RNA species in blood CD8+ T-cells (47) and with
changes in >1800 proteins linked to acute phase response signalling, cell-to-cell signalling
and tissue development in bronchial biopsies (48). Mathematical modelling of these
protein-protein interactions have been used to predict new drug targets in asthma (49). The
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)-funded project on Unbiased Biomarkers of Respiratory
Diseases (UBIOPRED) is using a systems biology approach to phenotype severe asthma and
find new targets for therapy (50). It is clear that the collection and analysis of clinical and
physiologic parameters along with genetic, transcriptomic, lipidomic and proteomic analyses
can be used to predict disease onset and therapy at a personalised level (51) and to
subphenotype different cancers and indicate responsiveness to specific interventions (52).
A number of important issues remain to be resolved including (i) the need to include
biomarkers in future cluster analysis to aid endotyping, (ii) biomarkers that predict
therapeutic responses, disease course and exacerbation rates and (iii) wider use of various
‘omics data in cluster analysis and the computational tools required to enable this approach
(51). The challenge of delivering the benefits of personalised medicine to the patient
remains high (53) but this is the roadmap by which the right medications will be delivered to
the right patient.
Clinicians have always placed a high value on individualised treatments, and the time
has come for more personalised medicine in a disease as complex as asthma. In the field of
asthma, there has been a conventional ‘one size fit all’ approach in terms of the treatment
of asthma. However, we are now getting more tools to approach personalised medicine for
asthma such as the definition of severe asthma using control measures of asthma (55). The
recent addition of biomarkers that characterises the eosinophilic phenotype and that
predicts response to specific therapies will add to the increasing confidence of delivering
more personalised management for asthma, particularly for severe asthma.
The author has no potential conflict of interest to declare in relation to the contents of this
review. The authors are funded through the Innovative Medicines Initiative in terms of the
UBIOPRED project which is looking into a systems biology approach to severe asthma. No
funding was obtained for the writing of this manuscript.
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slightly longer annotation. These annotations should comment on the importance of the
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Table 1
Subphenotypes or clusters of asthma by cluster analysis
Severe Asthma
Research Program
Adult Cohort (Ref 7)
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4 & 5
Primary care
cohort (Ref 9)
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
secondary care
(Ref 9)
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
ECRHS II (Ref 10)
Phenotype A
Phenotype B
Phenotype C
Phenotype D
EGEA 2 (Ref 10)
Phenotype E
Phenotype F
Phenotype G
Phenotype H
Early onset atopic asthma with normal lung function treated with two or
fewer controller medications and minimal health care utilization.
Early-onset atopic asthma and preserved lung function but increased
medication requirements and health care utilization.
mostly older obese women with late-onset nonatopic asthma, moderate
reductions in FEV1, and frequent oral corticosteroid use to manage
Severe airflow obstruction with bronchodilator responsiveness but differ in
their ability to attain normal lung function, age of asthma onset, atopic
status, and use of oral corticosteroids.
Early-onset atopic asthma, with airway dysfunction and eosinophilic
inflammation; increased number of hospitalisations.
Non eosinophilic inflammation. Obese, female predominant.
Benign asthma with little evidence of active disease. No significant airway
hnyperresponsiveness in 58%.
Early-onset atopic asthma, with airway dysfunction and eosinophilic
inflammation; increased number of hospitalisations.
Non eosinophilic inflammation. Obese, female predominant.
Early onset, symptom predominant with minimal eosinophilic disease.
Eosinophilic inflammation-predominant with few symptoms, late-onset disease.
Active-treated allergic childhood-onset asthma. Atopic asthnma, active disease,
greater bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
Active treated adult onset asthma. Older subjects with adult onset asthma.
Female, active disease. Asthma attack in previous 12 months
Inactive/mild untreated allergic asthma
Inactive/mild untreated non-allergic asthma
Active treated allergic childhood onset disease
Active treated adult onset asthma
Inactive/mild untreated allergic childhood-onset asthma
Inactive/mild untreated allergic adult-onset asthma