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Tested by
Kiss & Tell: Saliva Glucose Testing
1) Load test strip to cassette
Kiss & Tell Monitor blood glucose levels Without blood, pain, and wound
Make sure the blue end of the
strip is close to the hinge side
2) Let the saliva flows to the
collection well at the rounded
end of the device.
3) Wait for 5 minutes for the
~ Optional ~
4) Obtain a digital value of the
test result and store in cloud
server, which can be shared
with family members:
For Android device
Please download eNanohealth
APPS in Google Play.
For non-Android device,
Please access the webbrowser version using the QRcode.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is
affecting almost 8% of world population.
Approximately 50% of them are still undiagnosed.
People with diabetes have an increased risk of
developing a number of serious health problems
leading to death and disability. For example, in the
United States, diabetes causes more deaths a year
than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Other
common complications of diabetes may lead to
blindness, kidney failure, and leg amputation. Early
detection and proper management of the disease
may help to prevent or delay the disease and its
associated complications.
'Frequent body glucose monitoring, together
with healthy lifestyle, for example diet control
and exercise, may be the best medicine in
preventing or treating pre- or early stage
- Dr. Patrick LEUNG,
Chief Scientist, eNano Health Limited
Daily High Glucose Monitoring
Doctors often recommend diabetic patients to test
their blood sugar several times a day at home.
Current home-based blood glucose testing systems
require finger pricking in order to draw blood for the
test. Even though the finger pricking is “almost
painless”, only a limited percentage of the patients
are compliant with the recommendation. Performing
the test multiple times a day can still be painful, time
consuming, can cause calluses and sensitive
fingers, and is difficult if you have visual or dexterity
limitations. The safety concern with breaking the
skin barrier also makes the current product not
desirable for wellness screening use at home,
schools or corporations.
‘Kiss & Tell’ is our award winning product that tests
for high blood glucose levels using saliva instead of
blood. Due to the non-invasive and painless nature
of using saliva to test for blood glucose levels, users
are more receptive to performing the tests multiple
times a day. As a result, users can personally
become more aware of how diet, exercise, stress,
or other lifestyle choices may affect their glucose
health levels, thus encouraging them to adopt a
healthier lifestyle that is best suited for them. The
product is ideal for Type II diabetic patients to
monitor their high glucose conditions.
Gestational Diabetes
Some women became diabetic during their
pregnancy. Once diagnosed, the mother-to-be
needs to monitor her glucose level multiple times a
day during her term of pregnancy. She may adjust
her lifestyle or even take medications to maintain
her glucose at healthy levels. Many of the
gestational diabetic patients are not used to the
blood or pain of finger pricking. Some may be
concerned with the risk of breaking their skin barrier
when conducting the tests.
'Kiss & Tell' offers these patients a choice
alternative by using saliva instead of blood to
monitor their high glucose levels.
Pre-diabetic or Undiagnosed Screening
Diabetes is sometimes called the “silent killer”
because often there is no obvious symptom. While
overweight or age may increase the risk of diabetes,
many Type II diabetic patients are at normal weight
and diagnosed as early as at their 30’s.
Approximately one in two diabetic patients is
unaware of the disease. There are two to four-fold
more people that are pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetic
people have high blood sugar level, but not high
enough to be classified as Type II diabetes.
Although it may take years for the progression of
pre-diabetic to diabetic, the long term damage of
diabetes to the heart or other systems may have
already started. Most of these risks can be
prevented or minimized with early detection, and a
combination of healthy diet, regular physical activity,
maintaining a normal body weight, and avoiding
tobacco use. ‘Kiss & Tell’ offers a simple, safe
solution for individuals to perform diabetic risk prescreening on a regular basis to monitor for the
potential or gradual onset of high glucose disorders.
Frequently Asked Question
What is the correlation between saliva glucose and blood glucose?
1) Saliva glucose concentration is highly correlated with blood, especially when the glucose level is above normal. Such
Product Specifications
correlation has been studied in the past 30 years and published in multiple international academic publications. In our
laboratory, we have also tested such correlation ourselves. 2) The change of glucose levels due to diet or exercise is
Detection Limit
reflected in saliva, in a pattern similar to blood. The key differences are that there may be a time lag between the saliva
95 to 300uM of salivary glucose
and blood and the absolute amount of glucose is much smaller in saliva than blood. Saliva is “fresher” than urine, easier
to get than tears or sweat.
(100 mg/dL);
Is 'Kiss & Tell' accurate in measuring blood glucose?
Galactose (5 mg/dL);
'Kiss & Tell' has been tested with thousands of samples in the laboratory and with people. It has demonstrated high
(10 mg/dL);
percentage of accuracy in the detection of normal to high glucose levels. Kiss & Tell is not suitable for testing glucose
(120 mg/dL);
levels below normal. Therefore it is not intended for Type I diabetic patients or patients using insulin.
(20 mg/dL);
We have also tested to show other types of sugars (non-glucose) do not interfere with the test results unless the
Vitamin C
(6 mg/dL);
concentration is exceptionally higher than the normal physiological levels. Please refer to the Interference table on the
(30 mg/dL)
Can 'Kiss & Tell' be used to diagnose diabetes?
Keep in a cool and dry place. Do not
Home-based blood glucose monitoring (e.g., Kiss & Tell or any other finger pricking blood glucose monitors) are
place the strip in excessive heat.
intended for health screening or routine monitoring to increase the self-health awareness of the users. It allows an
Use the strip immediately (within 1
individual to better understand the relative changes within his/her body. It is not meant for disease diagnosis. A person’s
hour) after removing from the
blood glucose level goes up and down all day. The blood glucose test will only show the result of the glucose level at
protective pouch.
that one point in time. For example, if you prick two different fingers at the same time, the results may vary too. That is
why physicians encourage patients to test multiple times a day to get a better estimation of the glucose levels of the
patient. For clinical valuation, physicians usually use another laboratory test called hemoglobin A1c to support the
prognosis of the patient. Hemoglobin A1c represents the average blood glucose levels over the last three months.
(Hong Kong) +852 2210-5022
When will be the best time to test body glucose using 'Kiss & Tell'?
(US) +1 (626) 821-0030
For type II diabetic or gestational diabetic patients, we recommend testing 7 times a day, similar to the doctor’s
Email to [email protected]
recommendation. When this is done consistently on a daily basis, the results will be able to generate an average
number which is an index that may be a closer estimate of the hemoglobin a1c number.
For health management or screening purpose, we recommend the user to test once or twice every day. Our suggestion
Unit 333,
is to test two hours after dinner. If the result is high, engage in some exercise that evening to consume the extra glucose
Building 16W,
before going to bed.
No. 16 Science Park West
If I drink water prior to 'Kiss & Tell' test, will this affect the precision of the test?
Hong Kong Science Park,
Drinking plain water will not affect the performance of 'Kiss & Tell'. In fact, if the user does not have enough saliva in the
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
mouth, the user should drink some water; wait for a few minutes for the “new” saliva to replenish naturally before using
the test.
What should I do if I see a pink color after the test?
The test strip shows a pink color in 5 minutes after the test when the glucose concentration in the saliva sample is
higher than normal. The higher the glucose level, the darker will the pink color be. If the results show a dark pink color
on the strip and if the user just has had food or sweet drink taken in the last two hours, the positive result is probably
due to the food or drink. If the test is taken at least two hours after meals or before breakfast and the result shows a pink
color, we suggest the user to re-test his / her saliva glucose again later (2 hours after another meal). If the results are
consistent, the user should contact his / her physician for medical consultation. The user could also consider making
changes to their lifestyle (e.g., exercise and reduced carbohydrates or sweets) and continue to use Kiss & Tell to closely
monitor his/her glucose levels.
Who we are ... ...
Kiss & Tell – Health testing
can be as simple as a Kiss!
ISO 13485 : 2003
Certificate No.: CC5967
Our motto:
We are a team of entrepreneurs braving
new technological frontiers to deliver
affordable, smarter, and better solutions to
support the next generation healthcare:
Personalized, Predictive, and Preventive