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University of Rajshahi
Faculty of Science
Department of Information and Communication Engineering
Syllabus for Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Session: 2008-2009
Examination: 2009
Information and Communication Engineering
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) course in Information and Communication
Engineering is divided into two groups, namely General Group (Group A) and
Thesis Group (Group B). The course consists of total 800 marks (8 units, 32
credits) and its duration is one year.
General Group (Group A)
The M.Sc. (Final) Examination in Information and Communication Engineering
for General Group (Group A) comprises of six theoretical courses each of four
hours duration and each carries 75 marks. Practical examinations shall be of 24
hours (4 days; 6 hours a day). Marks for practical examination are 140.
Laboratory assessment carries 60 marks. Viva-Voce examination and
continuous assessment carry 100 marks and 50 marks, respectively.
The courses ICE-501, ICE-502, ICE-503 and ICE-504 are compulsory. Two
other courses from optional courses shall be taken with the prior approval of the
Chairman of the department.
Thesis Group (Group B)
The Examination of the Thesis Group (Group-B) comprises of six theoretical
courses out of which four courses are compulsory (ICE-501, ICE-502, ICE-503
and ICE-504) and two are optional courses, each of four hours duration and
each carries 75 marks. Marks on continuous assessment, General Viva-Voce
and Viva-Voce on Thesis are 50, 100 and 50 respectively. The Dissertation
carries 150 marks. Student opting for the thesis group must take prior
permission of the Chairman of the department.
Theoretical Courses
ICE-501: Information Theory and Coding
ICE-502: Advanced Wireless Communications and
ICE-503: Cryptography and Network Security
ICE-504: Multimedia Communication Engineering
ICE-505: Data Warehousing and Data Mining
ICE-506: Advanced Satellite Communication
ICE-507: E-Commerce System
ICE-508: Natural Language Processing
ICE-509: Software Engineering
Other Courses
ICE-510: Continuous Assessment and Study tour
ICE-511: Viva-Voce (General)
ICE-512: Practical (For Group-A)
(4 x 6 hours)
ICE-513: Thesis (For Group-B)
Marks Distribution of Practical ICE-512 (For Group-A)
Laboratory Assessment
(ii) Experiments (4 x 30)
(iii) Viva on Experiments
Marks Distribution of Thesis ICE-513 (For Group-B)
(ii) Viva-Voce on Thesis
ICE-501: Information Theory and Coding
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Entropy, Relative Entropy, and Mutual Information: Entropy, Joint Entropy and
Conditional Entropy, Relative Entropy and Mutual Information, Relationship between
Entropy and Mutual Information, Chain Rules for Entropy, Relative Entropy and Mutual
Information, Jensen’s Inequality and Its Consequences, Log Sum Inequality and Its
Applications, Data-Processing Inequality, Sufficient Statistics, Fano’s Inequality.
Asymptotic Equipartition Property: Asymptotic Equipartition Property Theorem,
Consequences of the AEP: Data Compression, High-Probability Sets and the Typical Set.
Entropy Rates of a Stochastic Process: Markov Chains, Entropy Rate, Entropy Rate of a
Random Walk on a Weighted Graph, Functions of Markov Chains.
Source Coding and Data Compression: Kraft Inequality, McMillan’s Theorem, Optimal
Codes, Bounds on the Optimal Code Length, Kraft Inequality for Uniquely Decodable Codes,
Huffman Codes, Shannon–Fano–Elias Coding, Universal Codes and Channel Capacity, RunLength Coding, Arithmetic Coding, Higher-Order Modeling, The Lempel-Ziv Algorithm.
Channel Capacity: Noiseless Binary Channel, Noisy Channel with Non-overlapping
Outputs, Binary Symmetric Channel, Binary Erasure Channel, Symmetric Channels,
Properties of Channel Capacity, Preview of the Channel Coding Theorem, Jointly Typical
Sequences, Channel Coding Theorem, Zero-Error Codes, Fano’s Inequality and the Converse
to the Coding Theorem, Equality in the Converse to the Channel Coding Theorem, Hamming
Codes, Feedback Capacity, Source–Channel Separation Theorem.
Books Recommended:
1. Elements of Information Theory
2. Fundamentals of Information Theory and :
Coding Design
T. M. Gover & J. M. Thomos
Roberto Togneri & Christopher J. S.
ICE-502: Advanced Wireless Communications and
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Statistical Multipath Channel Model: Time-Varying Channel Impulse Response,
Narrowband Fading Models, Wideband Fading Models, Discrete-Time Model, Space-Time
Channel Models.
Performance of Digital Modulation over Wireless Channels: AWGN Channels: Signal-toNoise Power Ratio and Bit/Symbol Energy, Error Probability for BPSK, QPSK, MQAM,
CPFSK, Error probability approximation for coherent and differential modulation, Alternate
Q function representation, Fading Channel: Outage Probability, Average Probability of Error,
Doppler Spread, ISI.
Equalization and Diversity: Fundamental of Equalization, Equalizers in Communication
Receivers, Fractionally Spaced Equalizers, Realization of Independent Fading Paths,
Receiver Diversity, Transmitter Diversity, Diversity analysis.
Speech Coding: Quantization Technique, ADPCM, Frequency Domain Coding of Speech,
Vocoder, LPC, GSM Codec.
Coding for Wireless Channels: Linear Block Codes, Convolutional Codes, Concatenated
Codes, Turbo Codes, Low Density Parity Check Codes, Coded Modulation, Unequal Error
Protection Codes, Joint Source and Channel Coding
Wireless Network Planning: Introduction, Wireless network topologies: Infrastructure
network topology, Ad hoc network topology, Comparison of ad hoc and infrastructure
network topologies, Cellular topology: the cellular concept, Cellular hierarchy, Cell
fundamentals, Signal-to-interference ratio calculation, Capacity expansion techniques,
Architectural methods for capacity expansion: Cell splitting, Using directional antennas for
cell sectoring, Lee's microcell method, Using overlaid cells, Using smart antennas, Channel
allocation techniques and capacity expansion: Fixed channel allocation (FCA), Dynamic
channel allocation (DCA), Hybrid channel allocation (HCA), Comparison of FCA, DCA and
HCA, Migration to digital systems, Network planning for CDMA systems, Issues in CDMA
network planning: managing the noise floor, cell breathing.
Books Recommended:
1. Wireless Communications
2. Principles of Wireless Communication
3. Principles of Wireless Networks-A Unified :
Andrea Goldsmith
T. S. Rappaport
ICE-503: Cryptography and Network Security
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Introduction: Overview of the various cryptographic services, Mechanisms and attacks, The
OSI security architecture, Model for Network Security, Foundation of Cryptography: Cipher
and Secret Messages, Security Attacks and Services.
Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques –
Caesar cipher, Monoalphabetic ciphers, Playfair cipher, Hill cipher, Polyalphabetic cipher,
One-time pad, Transposition Techniques, Modular Arithmetic, Euclid’s Algorithm, Finite
Fields, Polynomial Arithmetic.
Symmetric Ciphers: DES and the Strength of DES, Theory of Block Cipher Design, Block
Cipher Modes of Operation, The AES Cipher, Contemporary symmetric ciphers, Random
Number Generation.
Public-Key Encryption: Prime Numbers and Testing for Primality, Discrete Logarithms,
Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, the RSA Algorithm, Key Management, DiffieHellman Key Exchange.
Hashes and Messages Digests: Message Authentication, Hash Functions, Security of Hash
Functions and MACs, MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm, RIPEMD160, HMAC.
Digital Signatures and Authentication: Digital Signature, Authentication Protocols, Digital
Signature Standard, Authentication of Systems: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service.
Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extension (S/MIME).
IP and Web Security: IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication
Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, Key Management, Web Security Considerations,
Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security.
System Security: Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Password Management, Viruses and
Related Threats, Virus Countermeasures, Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems.
Books Recommended:
1. Cryptography and Network Security Principles and : William Stallings
Practice, 4th edition
: Bruce Schneier
2. Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition
3. Security in Computing Protocols, Algorithms, and : Charles P. Pfleeger & Shari
Source code in C, 3rd edition
Lawrence Pfleeger
ICE-504: Multimedia Communication Engineering
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Multimedia Communication: Multimedia Communication model, Elements of Multimedia
Systems, User and Network requirements, Multimedia Terminals, Fourier Transform,
Discrete Fourier transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Audio-Visual Integration,
Application of Multimedia communication Networks.
Wavelet and Media Digitization: Introduction to wavelets, Essence of Wavelet Analysis,
The continuous and The Discrete Wavelet Transformations, Concepts of Multiresolution
analysis, Digitization principles: Text, Image, Audio, Video, Digital media and SignalProcessing Elements, Data embedding and watermarking algorithms.
Text and Image Compression: Compression principles, Text compression, Limpel-ZivWelsh Coding, Image coding, Image Compression and Format, Digitized Documents and
Pictures, JPEG Multimedia System Design, multimedia input/ output technologies.
Multimedia Processing and Communication Standards: Audio Fundamentals, Transform
coding, Subband coding, Audio compression: Differential Pulse Code modulation, Adaptive
Differential PCM, Adaptive predictive coding, Linear predictive coding, MPEG Audio
Coder, Analog and Digital Video Formats, Video Compression Principles, H.261, H.263,
MPEG : MPEG-2, MPEG-4 MPEG-7, Standards for multimedia applications.
Multimedia Database and Distributed Multimedia Systems: MDBMS and its
Characteristics, Integration in a Database Model, DMS, Main features of DMS, Networking,
Multimedia OS, Distributed Multimedia server, Distributed Multimedia application.
Signaling Protocols and Networking for Multimedia: Protocols for multimedia
communication: RTP, RTCP Signaling protocols: SIP, RTSP, QoS issues in networked
Multimedia, QoS guarantees, Enhanced QoS: RSVP, DiffServ, Real-time multimedia
streaming techniques, Multicast and Rate Control, Network Traffic, Network queue
management, Scheduling,
Multimedia Communication Across Networks: Audio/ video packet in the Network
Environment, Video transport across generic networks, Multimedia across ATM networks,
Multimedia across IP networks and DSLs, IP-based Transport: UDP Vs TCP, Streaming
Media with TCP and UDP, Internet access networks and Multimedia Across Wireless.
Books Recommended:
1. Multimedia Communication Systems
Techniques, Standards and Networks
2. Multimedia Communications Applications,
Networks, Protocols and Standards
3. Multimedia Communications
4. Multimedia System Design
5. Multimedia Information Networking
6. Multimedia Making it work
: K. R. Rao, Zoran S. Boojkovic,
Dragorad A. Milovanovic
: Fred Halsall
Jerry D. Gibson
Andleigh, Thakrar
ICE-505: Data Warehousing and Data Mining
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Data Warehousing: Definition, The compelling Need for Data Warehousing, Data
warehouses: The Building Blocks, Trends in Data Warehousing.
Types of Data Warehouses: Host Based, Single Stage, LAN Based, Stationary, Distributed
and Virtual Data-Warehouses.
Data Warehouses Architecture: The Architectural Components, Infrastructure as the
Foundation for Data warehousing, Data warehousing Architecture Model, 2-Tier, 3-Tier and
4-Tier Data warehouses.
OLAP in the Data Warehouse: Demand for Online Analytical Processing, Major Features
and Functions, OLAP Models, OLAP Implementation Considerations.
Data Warehousing and the Web: Web-Enabled Data warehouse, Web-Based Information
Delivery, OLAP and the Web, Building a Web-Enabled Data Warehouse.
Data Mining: Process, Technologies and Rules, Platform, Tools and Tools Characteristics,
Data Mining Applications, Operational Vs. Information Systems, OLAP Technology for Data
Data Mining Primitives, Language and System Architectures: Data Mining Primitives:
Task-Relevant Data, The kind of Knowledge to be Mined, Background Knowledge, A Data
mining Query Language Architectures of Data Mining Systems.
Data Classification and Prediction: Knowledge Discovery through Statistical Techniques,
Knowledge Discovery through Neural Network, Fuzzy Techniques and Genetic Algorithms.
Books Recommended:
1. Building the Data Warehouse
2. Developing the Data Warehouse
3. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data
4. Data Warehousing, Data Mining and OLAP
W. H. Inmon
W. H. Inmon & C. Kelly
Fayyad, Usama M. et al.
Alex Berson & Stephen J. Smith
ICE-506: Advanced Satellite Communication
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Introduction to Satellite Communications: Origin, History, Current Technology State and
Overview of Satellite System Engineering.
Orbital Mechanics and Launchers: Orbital Mechanics, Look Angle Determination and
Orbital Perturbation, Orbit Determination, Launches and Launch Vehicles, Orbital Effects in
Communications Systems Performance.
Satellites/Space Segment: Satellite Subsystems, Altitude and Orbit Control System
Telemetry, Tracking, Command and Monitoring, Power Systems, Communication
Subsystems, Satellite Antennas, Equipment Reliability and Qualification.
The Earth Segment: Introduction, Receive-Only Home TV Systems, Master Antenna TV
System, Community Antenna TV System, Transmit-Receive Earth Stations.
The Space Link: Introduction, Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power, Transmission Losses,
The Link Power Budget Equation, System Noise, Carrier-to-Noise Ratio, The Uplink, The
Downlink, Effects of Rain, Combined Uplink and Downlink Carrier-to-Noise Ratio,
Intermodulation Noise.
Interference: Introduction, Interference between Satellite Circuits, energy Dispersal,
Propagation on Satellite-Earth Paths and Its Influence on Link Design: Absorbitive
Attenuation Noise by Atmospheric Gases, Rain Attenuation, Noise due to Rain, Rain
Depolarization, Tropospheric Multipath and Scintillation Effects.
Satellite Access: Introduction, Single Access, Preassigned FDMA, Demand-Assigned
FDMA, SPADE system, Bandwidth-Limited and Power-Limited TWT Amplifier Operation,
TDMA, Onboard Signal Processing for FDMA/TDM Operation, Satellite-Switched TDMA,
Code Division Multiple Access.
Types of Satellite Network: Fixed point Satellite Network, INTELSAT, Mobile Satellite
Network, INMARSAT, Low Earth Orbit and Non-Geostationary Satellite Network, VSATs,
direct Broadcast Satellite Systems, Satellite Navigation and the Global Positioning System.
Books Recommended:
1. Satellite Communications, John Wiley and :
Sons, 2nd Ed., 2001
2. Satellite Communications, McGraw Hill, 3rd :
Ed., 2006
3 Digital Satellite Communications, McGrawHill, 1990
T. Pratt & C. W. Bostian
Dennis Roddy
T. Ha
4. Mobile Satellite Communications, Artech
House, London, 1998
5. Satellite Communications, Sec Ed, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Inc., 1991
6. Radio Propagation, Peter Peregrinus Ltd.,
N.Y., 1989
7. Radiowave
Communications, Van Nostrand, N.Y., 1986
8. Satellite
Shingo Ohmori,
Seiichiro Kawase
R.M. Gagliardi
M. P.M. Hall & L. W. Barclay
L. J. Ippolito
Dr. D.C. Agarwal
ICE-507: E-Commerce System
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Introduction to E-Commerce: Traditional vs. Electronic Business Transactions, Ecommerce Definition, Infrastructure, Scope and Basic models of E-Commerce, Advantages
and Disadvantages, Value Chains in E-Commerce, Examples of E-Commerce Web Sites, ECommerce Software, E-Commerce Developers, Future Challenges of E-Commerce,
Comparison between E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Services.
NET Components and Terminology: Internet, Stability and Reliability of the Web, Client
and Browser, Server, URLs and HTTPS, Internet Protocol, Network Architecture (Hardware,
Software and Setup Phase), IP addresses, Zone and Domains, Language of the Internet,
Searching Online, Archie, Gopher, Telnet, FTP, IRC, BBSs (Bulletin Board System) and Pay
Services, Email Support.
Marketing Issues: Pros and Cons of Online Shopping, Internet Marketing Techniques,
Selling Products, Online and Offline Market Research, Data Collection, Launching A
Business on the Net, Hosting Web Site, Choosing an ISP, How ISP Really Works, Domain
Name Issues, Registering Domain Name, Spamming and Appropriate Email use, Web Blog
and Web Advertising Options, Search Engines, Web Directories, Newsgroups and Mailing
Lists, Creating Maximum Traffic for Web Site, Tracking Customers, Customer Service
Issues, Customer Discussion Forums, Feedback Forms, Legal Issues Involved in ECommerce.
Planning, Development and Maintenance: The Web Flow, Objective of the Web Site,
Planning Stages: Type of the Site, Defining the Audience and the Competition, Build Site
Content, Defining Site Structure, Visual Design, Web site Development: How to Build a
Web Site, Storefront Building Service, Navigation and Links within the Site, Creating User
Profiles, Web Design Criteria, Webmaster, Web Page Programming Tools, Web Publishing,
Web Site Evaluation, Cookies, Web Content Management: Test Plan, Stub Test, Quality
Assurance, Alpha and Beta Test, Site Performance, Issues, Disaster Planning and Recovery,
Backup, Risk Analysis, Staff Training, Maintenance Strategies – Upgrades, Bandwidth
Redesign, Controlling Costs, Web Site Monitoring, E-Commerce Components : Distributed
Applications, Three-tier Development, Databases, Electronic Forms, Shopping Carts,
Checkout Procedures, Shipping Options.
Payment Processing: Requirement of Internet Based Payment System, Taxation Issues,
Electronic Transaction System: Cybercash Payment, Net Bill, First Virtual Holdings and
Virtual PIN, Bank Network, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and Automated Clearing House
(ACH), Telephone and Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Electronic Payment Media- Credit
Cards, Debit Cards, Smart Cards, Future of Smart Cards, Digicash, E-Cash and the E-Wallet,
E-Cheque, Mobile Commerce.
Web Based Business to Business E-Commerce: Defining B2B, B2B vs. B2C, Merits and
Demerits of B2B, B2B Models, B2B Tools – EDI, How EDI Works, EDI Software and
Standards, development of EDI, Advantages and Drawbacks of EDI, Financial EDI, Value
Added Networks (VANs), Advantages and developments of VANs.
Security Technologies: Security Issues in E-commerce, Security Threats, Security Services:
Confidentiality, Integrity, Non-Repudiation, Authentication, Access Control, Availability,
Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Malicious Programs, Ciphertext, Role of Cryptography in ESecurity, Secret Key or Symmetric Encryption, Public Key or Asymmetric Encryption, RSA
Algorithm, DES, 3DES, RC4, IDEA, Digital Signatures, DSS, Hash Function, PKI (Public
Key Infrastructure), Digital Certificates, Certification Authorities (CA), Firewalls and Proxy
Servers, Internet Security Protocols and Standards: SSL, S-HTTP, SET, Secure Email
Protocol: PGP, S/MIME. MSP, Government Regulation Issues, Security Techniques on the
Intranet, Extranet.
Books Recommended:
Electronic Commerce
Managing Your E-Commerce Business
E-Security & You
Web Advertising and Marketing
Developing E-Commerce Sites
E-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and
Elias M. Awad
Sudeep Oberoi
ICE-508: Natural Language Processing
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing: Brief History of NLP Research, Current
Applications, Generic NLP System Architecture, Knowledge-Based Versus Probabilistic
Approaches, Lexicon and Morphology, Phrase Structure Grammars.
Finite-State Techniques: Inflectional and Derivational Morphology, Finite-State Automata
in NLP, Finite-State Transducers.
Prediction and Part-of-Speech Tagging: Corpora, Simple N-grams, Word Prediction,
Stochastic Tagging, Evaluating System Performance.
Parsing and Generation: Generative Grammar, Context-Free Grammars, Syntactic Parsing,
Parsing and Generation with Contest-Free Grammars, Top Down and Bottom-Up Parsing,
Weights and Probabilities, Parsing with Constraint-Based Grammars, Constraint-Based
Grammar, Unification.
Compositional and Lexical Semantics: Simple Compositional Semantics in ConstraintBased Grammar, Semantic Relations, Word Net, Word Senses, Word Sense Disambiguation,
Semantic Parsing.
Discourse and Dialogue: Anaphora Resolution, Discourse Relations.
Applications: Machine Translation, Question Answering System, Intelligent Information
Books Recommended:
1. Speech and Language Processing: An :
Introduction to Natural Language Processing,
Computational Linguistics, and Speech
D. Jurafsky & J. Martin
2. Developing Natural Language Interfaces :
Translation Engines: Techniques for Machine
S. Russell & T. Arturo
3. Natural Language Understanding
J. Allen
ICE-509: Software Engineering
0.75 Unit, 75 Marks, 3 Credit
Exam Duration: 4 Hours
There should be 8 questions in all. Question no. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This
question should be at least 5 short answer type questions. It should be of 15 marks. Student may be asked to
attempt 4 questions out of remaining 7 questions of 15 marks each.
Introduction: Role of Software, Software Characteristics, Software Components, Types of
Software Applications, Influence of the Internet on Software, Commercial Factors Affecting
the Software, Software Application Programming (SAP), Architecture of SAP, Generic View
of Software Engineering.
Software Development Life Cycle: Components of the Development Frame Work, Phases
of SDLC, Software Process, Software Process Models, Linear Sequential Model, Prototyping
Models, RAD, Incremental Model, Spiral Model and Fourth Generation Techniques (4GT).
Software Project Management and Project Planning: Project Management SpectrumPeople, Product, Process, Project, Structure of the Development Team, Coordination and
Communication Issues, Software Scope, Resources, Decomposition, Project Planning
Objectives, Software Metrics and Project Estimation, LOC Based and FP Based Estimation,
Empirical Estimation Model, The COCOMO Model, Risk Management.
Software Quality: Emergence of Modern Concept of Quality, Quality Control, Quality
Measures, SQA Plan and Activities, Formal Technical Review (FTR), Quality Function
Deployment (QFD), Cost of Quality, Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Standards
and their Compliance-ISO 9000, ISO 1400.
System Engineering and Requirement Specifications: System Engineering Hierarchy,
System Modeling Process, Overview of Information Engineering, Business Area Analysis
(BAA), Information Strategy Planning, Product Engineering, Software Requirement
Specifications, Requirement Engineering. Requirement Elicitation Techniques Like FAST.
Software Design Concepts and Analysis Principles: Software Design, Analysis Principles,
Functional, Behavioral and Data Modeling, Prototyping Methods and Tools, Elements of the
Analysis Modes, SADT, Requirement Analysis Using DFD, Data Dictionaries and ER
Diagrams, Basic Design Principles Important Design Concepts-Abstraction, Refinement,
Modularity, Portioning, Functional Independence, Classification of Cohesiveness and
Coupling, Architectural Mapping, Interface Design Considerations, Object Oriented Design,
Guidelines for User Interface Design, Design Documentation.
Software Testing, Reliability and Maintenance: Different Testing Philosophy and
Methods, Software Reliability and Availability, Software Reengineering, Maintenance
Process, Configuration Management, Development of an Application Using Software
Engineering Concepts.
Books Recommended:
1. Software
2. Software Engineering
Practitioner's :
R. S. Pressman
K. K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh