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The Rise of the Franks
Chapter 13 Section 1
Pages 288-293
Before you read:
Think back to the reasons the Roman Empire fell. Write down these reasons below.
-Germanic invasion, weak leadership, capital moved to Constantinople, economic weaknesses
Vocabulary to define and identify while you read:
 Middle Ages-medieval period, time period between the classical period and the modern era. 400-1500
Medieval-describes the period of western European history known as the middle ages
Magyars-nomadic group who invaded Europe; eventually settled in what is now Hungary
Vikings-Germanic people from Scandinavia who often raided western Europe during the 800-900’s
As you read, answer the following questions:
1. Explain Europe after the break-up of the Roman Empire.
Widespread disorder and change, barbarian invasion, new customs and lifestyles
2. Describe the type of leader Clovis was (where did he stretch the empire?)
Good military leader, conquered and absorbed other Frankish tribes, controlled all of Northern Gaul (France)
3. Explain the connection Clovis had to the Christian Church.
Christian Church supported Clovis in his ventures. Made it easier to do what he did
4. Who was Charles Martel?
Ruled after Clovis. Known as Charles the Hammer, his cavalry defeated the Spanish Moors in 732 BATTLE OF
TOURS. Halted the Muslim advance in Western Europe
5. Explain the relationship that Pepin had with the Church.
The Pope gave him his blessing and title which streghntened his legitimacy, helped the Pope defeat the
Lombards in Italy, Franks were able to gain control of Rome and gave it to the Pope as a gift, became known
as the Papal States. Alliance made stronger by this action
6. How did Charlemagne bring order to Europe during the 800’s?
Reigned for 46 years, worked to build a “new Rome” in France and Germany. Spread church teachings and
Christian beliefs, his rule helped to bring civilization, order, and learning to the area
7. Identify the conquests of Charlemagne.
Defeated the Lombard’s in Italy, Saxons in Germany, Avars in central Europe, tried but failed to conquered
Muslim Spain, drove the Moors (Spanish Muslims) back over the Pyrenees
8. What was the Spanish March?
Due to Charlemagne’s victory over the Moors, he was able to create a strip of Spanish land, a buffer, to his
empire. This created a division between the Christian and Muslim Empires
9. What distinction did the Pope give Charlemagne? How did this show a relationship between the Church and
Emperor of the Romans-Roman empire did not exist anymore, but it indicated his importance, showed close
ties between the Franks and the Christian Church
10. Explain how Charlemagne’s empire was divided:
Divided into regions
Governed by a count (worked on behalf of the emperor)
Used oaths of loyalty to ensure people working for him were honest and did their jobs
Appointed officials helped to run the empire
11. Explain Charlemagne’s opinion of education
Although he was not formally educated, he believed it was very important. Scholars were invited from all
around the world to educate the people-emphasized grammar, logic, math, music, and astronomy. Produced
a readable Bible. Encouraged or sometimes forced people to convert to Christianity
12. What happened to Charlemagne’s empire when he died?
Died in 814-stregnth declined rapidly
Louis the Pious (Charlamagnes son) inherited-smart and religious, but short sighted
Louis’ sons split it when he died
13. What was the Treaty of Verdun? Who did it involve?
Charlemagnes grandsons
Lothair, Charles the Bald, Louis the German-split it between themselves, fought against each other
Split into Western, Middle, and Eastern Kingdoms
14. Look at the maps on page 291, how do they compare?
Under Pepin and Charlemagne the empire was united,
Under the grandsons of Charlemagne the empire was divided into three separate empires
15. Who were the Vikings?
Most feared invaders during the 800-900s. Germanic invaders from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden,
government was surprisingly democratic, savage and cruel when they would invade towns, used axes and
large dogs, known for their sturdy ships, used the boats to sail around the Atlantic
16. How were the Magyars and the Vikings able to invade the Frankish empire successfully?
Charlemagne’s successors fought among each other instead of uniting to overcome invaders