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Chin. Sci. Bull.
DOI 10.1007/s11434-014-0448-6
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Laser intensity induced transparency in atom-molecular
transition process
Jie Ma • Yuqing Li • Jizhou Wu • Liantuan Xiao
Suotang Jia
Received: 8 January 2014 / Accepted: 17 April 2014
Ó Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract We propose a new transparency mechanism,
which is based on photoassociation (PA) laser intensity
induced transitional frequency shift for ultracold cesium
molecules formed in PA scheme. The PA laser intensity is
supposed to change before the atom-molecule resonance.
Thus, a remarkable transparent effect for PA laser is
expected to appear in the vicinity of original resonant
transitional line, where the variation of PA laser intensity
induces the shift of the excited molecular levels. The
mechanism is different from electromagnetically induced
transparency effect and interesting for further research on
the scattering length for cesium atomic condensate.
Keywords Atom-molecular transition Ultracold
Cesium molecules Laser induced frequency shift Laser intensity induced transparency
1 Introduction
The atom-molecule system involved in the photoassociation
(PA) process provides a spectacular platform that enables
the physicists implementing various applications on high
sensitive and high resolution measurements [1–3], which
are essential for investigating the long-range molecular
dipole-dipole interaction [4–6], atom-molecule collision
[7, 8] and quantum information processing [9, 10], storage
[11] and quantum simulation [12, 13]. Especially,
J. Ma (&) Y. Li J. Wu L. Xiao S. Jia
State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics
Devices, Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, College of Physics and
Electronics Engineering, Shanxi University,
Taiyuan 030006, China
e-mail: [email protected]
molecular dimmers populated in the ground state can be
obtained by spontaneous decay from the optical excited
molecule formed during single-color PA experiment [14].
Furthermore, the deeply bound ground state molecules can
be produced by two-color PA through optical coupling with
stimulated Raman transition [15, 16]. In the experimental
and theoretical study of two-color PA spectroscopy, there
was an interesting effect, i.e. the Autler–Townes splitting of
the excited molecular level induced by the Raman laser,
which was observed firstly from the signal of atom-loss in
the PA progress in optically trapped 6Li MOT [17].
Importantly, the trapped cold atoms did not lose at the
resonant position of the transitional line. The Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) [18] has been well
known as a superposition of the long-lived system eigenstates decoupled from the light field [11]. The atom-molecule dark state was also observed in a Rb Bose–Einstein
condensate by two-color PA [19]. So far, EIT has been
demonstrated to extend to Doppler broadened molecular
gas by using two photon transition related to a V-type
molecular system in a vapor cell for sodium molecules [20].
The frequency shift of resonant transitional positions
from atomic scattering states to molecular excited state is a
significant finding. The frequency shifts in 7Li quantum
degenerate gas [21] and Na Bose–Einstein condensate [22]
were analyzed by semi-analytical channel scattering theory
[23]. A more precise measurement for the shifts of the
rovibrational level was developed in ultracold metastable
He atoms [24], in which the s-wave scattering length was
determined. Recently, the high sensitive determination of
PA laser-induced frequency shifts for ultralcold cesium
molecules had been reported by employing a frequency
shifter technique [25].
In the photoassociation process, a pair of cold alkali
atoms, mainly at large inter-atomic distance, resonantly
Chin. Sci. Bull.
absorbs a photon whose frequency red-detuned from the
s?p atomic transition. Thus, a molecule with short lifetime
is obtained mainly populated in a high-lying rovibrational
level in the electronic excited state. In this paper, we theoretically present that a transparency would occur in the
vicinity of the absolute resonance line by changing the PA
laser intensity, as the PA laser frequency detuned to the
atom-molecule resonant transitional line. We show that the
variation of PA laser intensity induces a shift for the
excited molecular levels, and consequently, the PA laser
beam is not absorbed by the atoms with the resonant
transitional frequency, but absorbs at a special red or blue
detuning from the original resonant transitional frequency.
We define this effect as an ‘‘artificial transparency’’, which
occurs due to the manipulation of the PA laser intensity.
2 The semi-analytic line-shape formula
In order to intuitively describe the interaction between the
scattering atoms and laser field, a line-shape formula is
deduced. The line-shape formulas had been suggested
previously for single- [26] and two-color [27] PA spectra
using atomic scattering theory. A general formula shows
that the trap loss probability clearly separates laser intensity and detuning from the overlap integrals of molecular
wave functions [23]. Correspondingly, laser-induced
energy shift and line broadening are contained in this
simplified line-shape formula (1), which is derived from
the scattering matrix element of K rate coefficient,
jsj2 ¼
½E ðD þ E1 Þ2 þ
cþC 2
where c and C means spontaneous radiation rate and
stimulated rate, respectively; E is excited molecular
energy, D is the detuning from the resonant transitional
line, and E1 is laser induced energy shift for the excited
molecular level.
In the experiment, laser induced frequency shift of the
atom-molecule resonant transitional line stems from the
laser induced coupling between the atomic scattering state
and the bound molecular state. The energy shifts show a
linear dependence on laser intensity [25]. For the Cesium
molecular case, the slopes for different vibrational levels
and rotational progressions are listed in Table 1. Thus a
simple function of energy shift versus PA laser intensity
can be written as:
E1 ¼ aI þ b;
where a is the slope for the linear variation of energy shift
versus PA laser intensity, b is the intercept, I is the PA laser
Table 1 The rate of laser induced frequency shift and molecular
energy without perturbation
Bound energy (cm-1)
Slope (a)
3 Cesium atom-molecule system case
In order to demonstrate the laser intensity induced transparency, a specific frequency was chosen, at which the PA
laser intensity was set to 300 W/cm2, such that the resonant
frequency is not influenced by the variation of PA laser
intensity. The binding energy of excited molecule for different vibrational and rovibrational levels was listed in Ref.
[28]. As PA laser intensity changed before the frequency
detuned to the atom-molecule resonant transitional line, the
transparency of PA laser thus occur in the PA process. In
the experiment, a square wave pulse signal can be used to
modulate the acoustic-optical modulator (AOM) through
thus the PA laser intensity can be varied from I1 =
345 W/cm2 to I2 = 255 W/cm2. The start point of changing
PA laser intensity is set corresponding to the original atommolecule resonant line, for example, *300 W/cm2. The
binding energy level (v = 17, J = 2) of excited cesium
molecular (6S1/2 ? 6P3/2) 0g state is chosen for the analysis. The new resonant lines will red and blue shifted for
–10 and ?10 MHz from the original transitional frequency
corresponding to a PA laser intensity of *300 W/cm2.
This is calculated by Eq. (2) of PA laser-induced frequency
The atomic loss signal emerges as the frequency of PA
laser detuned to the atom-molecule resonant transitional
line where no modulation is applied. The PA laser intensity
is kept to *300 W/cm2, and simultaneously, a direct
current signal with a constant voltage is imported into the
‘‘Mod in’’ port of the AOM. The PA photon will be resonantly absorbed to bind two colliding atoms and form an
excited molecule. As the PA laser red detuned from the
original resonant transitional line, the PA laser intensity is
changed to I1 = 345 W/cm2. And the laser intensity is
averted to I2 = 255 W/cm2 immediately as the PA laser
blue detuned from the transitional line. As a result, the
excited molecular level will red shift for 10 MHz comparing with the original resonant line and blue shifted for
10 MHz, respectively just as Fig. 1 shown. The jdi state is
the scattering state for two colliding ground atoms, and jbi
is the excited molecular level. The jbi state would shift to
jai or jci by changing the PA laser intensity between I1 =
Chin. Sci. Bull.
Fig. 1 (Color online) PA laser intensity induced excited molecular
energy shift schemes: The output power of PA laser will be varied
between two different values by using a square wave signal to
modulate AOM. Thus, the excited molecular energy shifts with
different detunings (the two solid lines) to original resonant frequency
(dash line) were obtained
345 W/cm2 and I2 = 255 W/cm2, corresponding to the red
or blue detuning of the original resonant level jbi. As the
PA laser frequency is scanned over a very large range, the
number of the trapped atoms decreases obviously at the
frequency detuned for ; 10 MHz from the original resonant transitional line, thus the fluorescence spectra of the
atoms presents a transparency at the original resonant
transitional position in the single color PA process, i.e.
atoms do not lose by absorbing the photons from the PA
mainly determined by both c and C for a certain excited
molecular state. According to the result of Ref. [29], the
trap-loss probability reaches maximum amplitude and
keeps invariable as increasing the PA laser intensity since
the saturation intensity. This means that the value of C
keeps invariable as the PA laser intensity reaches the saturation intensity. In order to avoid the influence from the
variation of C, we define the resonant transitional frequency where PA laser intensity is *300 W/cm2 as the
original atom-molecule resonant transitional line. This PA
laser intensity is high enough to achieve the saturation
effect in the PA process, and therefore the value of C is
regarded as a constant and equals to c [29].
The trap-loss probability in PA process is demonstrated
in Fig. 2 for different PA laser intensity. The new resonant
position is obtained by changing the laser intensity and
locates at the red and blue detuning to the original resonant
transitional line with –10 and ?10 MHz respectively. This
results from the variation of PA laser intensity induced
shift of original resonant transitional frequency. Note that
the PA laser intensity is large enough so that the saturation
effect could be observed and thus enabled us simply
employing a parameter for stimulated rate. For cesium
molecule, we can obtain C & c & 10.4 MHz.
Figure 3 shows the transparency occurring on the original resonant transitional line. The PA laser will be
transparent in atom-molecule system when no loss signal
emerges and PA laser is not absorbed by the colliding
Scattering probability (a.u.)
4 Results and analyses
According to the scattering theory [23], the stimulated rate
of the trapped cold atoms in the PA process, namely C, is a
function of the PA laser intensity I,
I jh/jf0 ij2 d2 ;
where u and f0 are the wavefunctions for bound excited
molecular state and initial free atomic scattering state in
PA process, respectively. d is the atom-molecule dipole
matrix element and regarded as a constant.
On the other hand, the spontaneous decay rate c is only
determined by the coupling between the bound excited
molecular state u and the ultimate atomic state f1,
c ¼ 2pjh/jf1 ij2 V 2 ;
where V is the artificial coupling element between the
bound excited molecular state and the ultimate free atomic
C increases with the PA laser intensity I, while c is
almost a constant. When C equals to c, the saturation effect
of PA occurs. The saturation intensity of PA laser Is is
Dispersive index (a.u.)
–100 –80 –60 –40 –20
Detuning (MHz)
Fig. 2 (Color online) a Solid line: the trap-loss probability as a
function of the detuning to the resonant line with I = 390 W/cm2; dash
line: the trap-loss probability corresponds to I = 345 W/cm2; dotted
line: the trap-loss probability corresponds to I = 300 W/cm2. b The
corresponding dispersive curves for curves in a
Chin. Sci. Bull.
new different resonant transitional lines are anticipated
locating on both sides of the original resonant transitional
line. The transparency of PA laser would emerge at the
position of the original resonance line when the PA laser
intensity varies before the original resonant transitional
5 Conclusions
Dispersive index (a.u.)
Scattering probability (a.u.)
–100 –80 –60 –40 –20
80 100
Detuning (MHz)
Fig. 3 (Color online) PA laser intensity induced transparency.
a Dash line: The trap-loss probability as a function of the detuning
to the resonant line with I = 345 W/cm2; solid line: The trap-loss
probability corresponds to I = 390 W/cm2 before the original
resonance line and then I = 300 W/cm2, and reflects transparency
effect by changing PA laser intensity; b the dispersive curves
corresponds to graph (a)
atoms in PA experiment. In addition, in Fig. 3b, a very
steep dispersive signal indicates that the transparency for
PA laser appears near the original resonant transitional line.
The transparency of PA laser in an atom-molecular
system is proposed by changing the PA laser intensity. The
mechanism resulted in the transparency of PA laser is
different from the EIT effect in the atomic system, which
required a strong coupling laser and a weak probing laser,
and involved in a coherent effect due to the dark quantum
superposition state. We analyze this effect by using the
semi-analytical coupling scattering theory, and the artificial
potential is introduced to derive line-shape formula containing laser intensity induced energy shift. The artificial
channel accounts phenomenologically for trap-loss processes in PA experiment, the energy shift is responsible for
phase shifts due to the interaction between other channels
According to the experimental result [25], we choose the
excited molecular level (v = 17, J = 2) which has a very
large rate for variation of frequency shift versus PA laser
intensity, and thus obtain more frequency shifts data by
changing PA laser intensity. For comparison, we present
the curve of trap-loss probability in PA process and its
dispersive curve with different laser intensities. The two
In conclusion, a new transparency mechanism is proposed,
which is based on PA laser intensity induced transitional
frequency shift for cesium molecules. This work is crucial
for investigating the problem of the phase shift between the
colliding scattering atomic pair and the rate of PA. The
theoretical results shown in Fig. 3 are similar as the line
shape of EIT effect or Coupled-Resonator-Induced Transparency (CRIT) effect [30]. The result we presented can be
analyzed by trap-loss probability of PA process. The selfinduced transparency for the PA laser intensity is a different and interesting mechanism comparing with EIT and
CRIT. The current atom-molecular system resorts to only
one laser and does not involve in any coherent effects in the
process. Further more, the location of the transparency can
be controlled by modifying the PA laser intensity and thus
the position of the resonant transitional lines can be easily
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Basic
Research Program of China (2012CB921603), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2011AA010801),
the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in
University (IRT13076), the International Science and Technology
Cooperation Program of China (2011DFA12490), the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (61378014, 61308023 and
10934004), the NSFC Project for Excellent Research Team (61121064),
the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher
Education of China (20131401120012) and the Natural Science Foundation (NSF) for Young Scientists of Shanxi Province (2013021005-1).
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