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BS-CS Revision Course Design Template
Course No. & Title
Course Description
CS 2301 Programming Principles I (Required)
Hrs: 3 – 3 - 4
MATH 1112 or MATH 1113 (co requisite).
Sarah North and Hisham Haddad
An introduction to problem-solving methods that lead to the development of correct, well structured programs. Topics also
include the fundamentals of computer systems.
High-level Course Design and Credit Hour Allocation. (1 week = 0.25 credit hour)
1.8 hrs/7.2 weeks
1.2 hrs/4.8 weeks
0.4 hrs/1.8 weeks
0.6 hrs/2.2 weeks
Delivery Modes:
Java programming language focuses on the design of algorithm to solve simple problem using tools and techniques.
Concepts of objects, classes and methods, in Java programming and problem-solving.
Solve programming problems which include array handling, searching, and sorting.
Object-oriented design, including StringBuilder/StringBuffer class, inheritance and polymorphism.
Our lower-division lecture+lab; Experimental parent-child
Classroom Type:
Lecture with lab
Program Learning Objectives (ABET: Student Learning Outcome):
Measured By:
1 ABET: Coverage of the fundamentals of algorithms, problem solving, and concept of programming languages.
Example questions:
1) Describe the components (objects and classes) that are used in the statement System.out.println().
2) Define a Java class using an identifier; main method, constants, expression, and an operator that is require writing a simple Java program.
3) Explain an equally valid and legal way to write the simple Java code/program; adding three numbers and find the average.
4) Describe the Java shorthand assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, and %=); ( ++var, --var, var++, & var-- ), provide an example.
5) Represent the selection control using one-way, two-way, and Multiple nested if statement
6) Explain the difference between, while, do-while and for loops statement, provide with example.
7) Develop an algorithm (pseudocode) that reads five grades and prints out their average, maximum grade, and minimum grade.
2 KSU-CS: Knowledge of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) to create, debug and run Java programs.
1) JDK consist of a set of separate programs, each invoked from a command line, besides JDK, describe other Java development tool.
2) Explain the fundamental programming techniques using primitive data types, variables, conditional, constants, expression, and operators.
3) Explain the difference among the syntax, runtime, logic, and debug errors in Java programming language.
4) Provide explanation on different types of primitive data types and how do you use them in Java programming Language
5) Identify the reference and meaning of the keyword “this”; and difference between class variables and instance variables
3 ABET: Knowledge of Object-Oriented programming languages in Java.
1) Identify the four component of a methods declaration.
2) Describe if a method returns a value, when you call the method, and what you use the returned value.
3) Provide a method that will display numbers from 1 to n, 7 numbers per line.
4) Explain, if a programmer needs to write every class he or she uses? Why or why not.
5) Design and implement a Java program that prints out the Prime numbers between 1 and 100.
6) Write a method to compute the following series: m(i)  1  2  ...  i
2i  1
KSU-CS: Discover the array operations; develop and invoke methods with array arguments.
1) Provided what does an array’s name represent and what value does it hold when declared
2) Give a detail description how does a How does a programmer set an array’s size and memory requirements.
3) Identify how would you use a method that belongs to an object that is part of the array? Use an example and demonstrate with Java code.
4) Design and implement a Java program that reads an array of grades and retunes the maximum and minimum grades in the array.
5 ABET: Ability to design algorithms utilizing the principles of object-oriented programming to solve moderately
complex problems
1) Explain what is needed to declare a String variable and provide an example.
2) Describe what does a programmer need to know in order to use two variables with the same name in a class?
3) Provide and describe and provide an example of overloading.
4) Identify why, when talking about inheritance, do programmers use the phrase “is a”?
5) Explain, what does polymorphism mean and how are real life examples of inheritance similar to object-oriented programming inheritance?
6) Design a set of classes that define the employees of a hospital: Doctor, Nurse, Administrator, Surgeon, Receptionist, Janitor, and Driver.
Suggested Course Learning Outcomes: As a result of completing this course, students will be able to:
Prog. LO
Measured By:
Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java.
Understand how a program is converted into an executable form ABET coverage of computer
Learn the basic syntax of a specific programming language
Be able to read simple programs written in a specific programming language and understand what
these programs behave
Be able to design algorithms utilizing the principles of object-oriented programming to solve
1,3, 5
3, 5
Be able to write simple programs in a specific programming language to implement these algorithms
Be able to follow specified style guidelines in writing programs, and understand how the guidelines
enhance readability and promote correctness in programs
Be able to edit, compile, debug and run programs in a specific programming language
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments
Quizzes, Test, Labs, and
Programming assignments