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Chapter 5 science review, test Tuesday, Oct. 27th
Large vs small crystals in igneous rocks
a) large crystals form when magma/lava cools slowly
b) no or small crystals form when magma/lava cools quickly
Mineral properties- color, luster, hardness, streak, cleavage, and shape
a) a higher hardness can scratch a lower hardness
b) the streak of a mineral can be different than the color of the mineral
c) cleavage is how a mineral breaks into flat surfaces
d) minerals have a certain shape (example: fluorite is cube shaped)
3. Sedimentary rocks mainly form at the bottom of lakes and oceans and are made up of
small grains (sediments).
Heat and pressure form new or different metamorphic rocks
Landforms- valleys, canyons, mountains, plateaus, plains
6. Know the rock cycle! Follow the arrows- Igneous rock forms from melting and
solidification. Metamorphic rock forms from heat/pressure. Sedimentary rock forms
from weathering/erosion, deposition, compaction (burial) and cementation (hardening).
7. Ways rocks can become smaller and smaller due to weathering
a) roots from a tree growing in a rock
b) wind moving across a rock
c) water freezing inside a crack of a large rock
8. Blowing wind and rain (weathering) can cause rock surfaces to wear away over time
(like the faces of Mt. Rushmore)
9. Earthquakes
a) happen along plate boundaries
b) movement of Earth’s crust cause earthquakes (This is a common cause of
10. Grand Canyon was formed by flowing water weathering the rocky ground
11. Sand dunes’ wavy surface is formed by BLOWING WIND
12. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and avalanches rapidly (fast) change Earth’s surface
13. Earth is 75% water. Most freshwater is in glaciers and ice caps.
14.The sun’s role in the water cycle is for the water to evaporate from the sun’s warmth.
15. When water vapor cools and changes into droplets condensation has occurred.
16. Precipitation is sleet, rain, hail, snow
17. Tools to observe items: hand lens
and microscope