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The heart is a cardiac muscle. It is made up
of two pumps that continuously pump
blood through the body.
One pump controls the flow of blood from
the heart to the lungs, where carbon
dioxide waste is exchanged for fresh
oxygen. (body to lungs)
The other pump sends the oxygenated
blood to all the cells in the body. (lungs to
EKG (Electrocardiograph) is the machine
that measures the pumping of the heart.
Each pump has two chambers (sections)
called the atrium and the ventricle.
There are 4 chambers in the heart:
Right Atrium
Left Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle
The right and left side of the heart is divided
down the middle by a wall called the septum.
A valve is like a one-way door because it
allows the blood to flow through the heart in
only one direction.
There are 4 valves in the heart:
triscuspid valve
bicuspid/mitral valve
pulmonary valve
aortic valve
Two main veins in the heart are the vena cava
The main artery in the heart is the aorta
*Pulmonary vein – carries oxygenated blood
away from lungs to heart
*Pulmonary artery – carries oxygen poor
blood from heart to lungs
High Blood Pressure (hypertension)– when
blood pressure is higher than the normal
pressure; blood vessels become narrow;
makes the heart beat faster
Stroke – sudden interruption of blood to the
brain; the blood vessels in the brain are
blocked or burst
*Both can be prevented from eating the
right foods, exercising and having regular
doctor checkups/ Also, not taking any
harmful drugs, no smoking
1st Pump (Body to Lungs)
From Body Blood enters Heart through the:
Vena Cava
Right Atrium
Tricuspid Valve
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Valve
Pulmonary Artery
2nd Pump (Lungs to Body)
From Lungs blood reenters through
Pulmonary Vein
Left Atrium
Bicuspid Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic Valve
To the Body