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Section 27.2 – Evidence of Evolution
Biological evolution (evolution) is all the changes that
have occurred in living things since the beginning of life
Table 27.1
◦ Earth is ~4.6 billion years old
◦ Prokaryotes (first living organisms) ~ 3.5 billion years ago
◦ Eukaryotic cells ~2.1 billion
◦ Multicellularity ~700 million years
Descent with modification - all living things share the same
fundamental characteristics:
Made of cells
Take chemicals and energy from the environment
Respond to external stimuli
Living things are diverse
◦ adapted to different environments
Provide evidence that evolution occurred in the past and is
still occurring
Fossil Evidence
Fossils are the remains and traces of past life or any
other direct evidence of past life
Most fossils are found embedded in sedimentary rock
◦ Weathering + erosion of rocks = sediment
◦ Particles can accumulate = stratum (layer of rock)
 Used to relative age fossils (depth/layer)
Fossil Evidence
Fossils can serve as transitional links between groups
◦ Example: Archaeopteryx (lived ~165 million years ago), intermediate
form between dinosaurs and birds
◦ Some traits are like descendants and some are similar to
Geological Timescale
Studying strata, divide earth’s history into:
◦ eras – periods – epochs
Two ways to age fossils
◦ Relative dating
 Relative order of fossils and strata based on the layer of rock
 Does not determine the actual date
◦ Absolute dating
 Relies on radioactive dating to assign an actual date
 All radioactive isotopes have a particular half-life
 Carbon 14 (14C) is the only radioactive isotope in organic matter
Biogeographical Evidence
The study of the range and distribution of plants and animals in
different places throughout the world
◦ 6 biogeographical regions
Continental Drift
◦ Positions of continents and oceans have changed over time;
◦ Creates a barrier to accessibility
Permian period ~250 million years ago
Triassic period ~220 million years ago
Jurassic period 144 million years ago
Cretaceous period 65 million years ago
Present day
Biogeographical Evidence
◦ Extinction is the death of every member of a species
Mass extinctions
◦ A large percentage of species become extinct within a relatively
short period of time
5 major mass extinctions
◦ End of Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous
Biogeographical Evidence
Reasons for mass extinctions???
◦ Cretaceous extinction was maybe due to an asteroid that exploded =
Continental Drift
◦ Ordovician extinction
 Gondwana arrived at the South Pole and froze
◦ Devonion
 Gondwana moved back to the South Pole – marine extinction
Anatomical Evidence
Anatomical similarities among organisms
 Example: Vertebrate forelimbs - same sets of bones organized in similar
ways but dissimilar functions
◦ Common Ancestor
Anatomical Evidence
Homologous structures:
anatomically similar (inherited from
a common ancestor)
◦ Homology = organisms are related
Analogous structures: same
functions but not constructed
similarly (no common ancestry)
◦ Wings of birds and bats
Vestigial structures: features are
fully developed in one group but
are reduced/no function in similar
◦ Ex: Ostrich – has wings but does not fly
Anatomical Evidence
Traces of evolutionary history!
◦ Ancestral history
 Ex. Ambulocetus to whales (land to water)
Relate homology to embryological development
◦ All vertebrates as embryos:
 Postanal tail
 Pair pharyngeal pouches
 BUT develop differently:
 Fishes and amphibian – functioning gills
 Humans – cavity of the middle ear and auditory tube, tonsils,
thymus and parathyroid glands
Biochemical Evidence
Almost all living organisms use the same basic biochemical
◦ DNA, ATP, enzymes
◦ Same DNA triplet code (20 amino acids - for proteins)
Only slight differences
◦ Humans share a large number of genes with simpler organisms
◦ More similar DNA sequences – more similar the organisms are
Evolution is no longer just a hypothesis – but is a theory
◦ Conceptual schemes that are supported by a large number
of observations and scientific experiences
◦ all the changes that have occurred in living things since the
beginning of life due to differential reproductive success
4 types of evidence? Examples?
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Evidence of evolutionary change through time