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Exam Style Questions & Worked Solutions
Edexcel Exam Style Questions
For the events A and B,
P (A  B') = 0.32
P(A'  B ) = 0.11
P ( A  B ) =0.65
Draw a Venn diagram to illustrate the complete sample space for
the events A and B.
Write down the value of P(A) and the value of P(B).
Find P(A B').
Determine whether or not A and B are independent.
(Total 11 marks)
Titus Salt School - A Teachnet Uk 2008 Project
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Exam Style Questions & Worked Solutions
A tennis player has two matches coming up. He estimates that the
probability of him winning the first match is 0.5, the probability of
winning the second match is 0.3 and the probability of winning both is 0.2
Find the probability that he does not win either.
Find the probability that he wins exactly one match.
Given that he does not win the first match, find the probability that
he wins the second.
Determine whether winning the first match and winning the second
are independent events.
(Total 10 marks)
Titus Salt School - A Teachnet Uk 2008 Project
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Exam Style Questions & Worked Solutions
A company assembles computers using components from two sources.
Goodgear supplies 85% of the components and Buyrite supplies the rest.
It is known that 3% of the components supplied by Goodgear are faulty
and 6% of those supplied by Buyrite are faulty.
Represent this information on a tree diagram.
An assembled computer is selected at random.
Find the probability that it is not faulty.
(Total 6 marks)
Titus Salt School - A Teachnet Uk 2008 Project
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Exam Style Questions & Worked Solutions
A group of 100 young people were asked which teen magazine they
enjoyed reading. 30 said they read Anna, 26 read Beat, 21 read Chillout,
5 said they read both Anna and Beat, 7 both Beat and Chillout, 6 read
both Chillout and Anna, and 2 said that they read all 3.
Represent these data on a Venn diagram.
A person was selected at random from this group.
Find the probability that this person reads
at least one of the magazines
only Anna
only one of the magazines
Anna, given that he reads only one of the magazines
(Total 13 marks)
Titus Salt School - A Teachnet Uk 2008 Project
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Exam Style Questions & Worked Solutions
A teacher calculates that if a student regularly completes their
homework then the probability that they will pass the end of unit test is
0.9, but if the student fails to do homework the probability of passing is
only 0.3. The teacher notes that only 75% of students regularly do their
A student was selected at random from this group.
Find the probability that this student
does not do homework and passes the exam
passes the exam
Given that the student actually failed the exam, what is the
probability that they in fact regularly completed their homework
(Total 9 marks)
Titus Salt School - A Teachnet Uk 2008 Project
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