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AIM: Define sun, orbit, planet, moon, solar system. Explain the
difference between the geocentric vs. heliocentric model and how to plot
a latitude longitude coordinate on a geographic map?
Solar System, Sun, Latitude Longitude
OBJ: Given notes and activity sheet SWBAT define sun, orbit, planet,
moon, solar system, explain the difference between the geocentric vs.
heliocentric model and how to plot a latitude longitude coordinate on a
geographic map with 70% accuracy.
DN: HW check- Moon Phases, Eclipses, Tides Activity Sheet.
ACT: Introduction to the solar system, geocentric vs.
heliocentric model, plotting latitude longitude (notes).
Text, read p. 73-77, 79. Complete Observing the Solar
System, p. 176
HW: Complete Observing the Solar System, p. 176
Complete ESPET quiz (scantron due tomorrow); Work
on Astronomy Activity Sheets; Astronomy Exam, Dec 19
Sun: a star at the center of a solar system
Orbit: the path of one object as it revolves
around another object.
Planet: a spherical object that orbits a star.
A planet’s orbit is an ellipse (oval, elongated to
near circular in shape).
Moon: object(s) that orbit a planet.
Solar System: one star and all objects that
orbit that star. [Note: our solar system consists
of the sun, nine planets, their moons, and
comets/asteroids that revolve around the sun].
Models of the Solar System
Geocentric (earth-centered): earth is at the
center and the stars and planets revolve
around Earth.
Heliocentric (sun-centered): sun is at the
center with the Earth and planets revolving
around the Sun. Galileo’s telescope
evidence supported this model of the solar
The Sun
The Sun’s (any star’s) energy is powered by
Nuclear Fusion:
the process where
hydrogen atoms join
together under the
influence of gravity to
form helium and huge
amounts of energy
(radiation) is released
into space.
Latitude(N,S) & Longitude(E,W)
Reading A Lat-Long Map
Prime Meridian
60º N
40º E
Chicago: Lat: ____, Long: ____
Paris: Lat: ____, Long: ____
New Orleans: Lat: ____, Long: ____ Baghdad: Lat: ____, Long: ____
Buenos Aires: Lat: ____, Long: ____ Sydney: Lat: ____, Long: ____