Download Organelle/ Tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within

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Looking inside cells – class notes
1. Organelle - Tiny cell structures that carry out
specific functions within the cell.
2. Cell Wall - The rigid non-living material that
surrounds plant cells.
3. Cell Membrane - It forms the outside boundary
that separates the cell from its environment.
4. Nucleus - The large, oval structure that
directs the cells activities.
There are 3 parts inside the nucleus:
nuclear memberane – outer most covering of the
2. nucleolus – center of the nucleus
3. Chromatin - The strands of genetic material found
floating in the nucleus.
5. Cytoplasm - The region between the cell
membrane and the nucleus. It is a clear jelly
like fluid.
6. Mitochondria - They produce most of the
energy for the cell. They are found in both
animal and plant cells. They are called the
“power houses”.
7. ER - A maze of passageways that carry protein
and other materials from one part of the cell to
8. Ribosomes - They function as factories to
produce proteins. They are located on the ER.
9. Golgi Bodies - They receive proteins and other
materials and distribute them to other parts of
the cell.
10. Chloroplasts - Organelles that capture
energy from sunlight and use it to produce food
for the plant cell.
11. Vacuole - The storage area of a cell. The
plant has one large one, and animal cells have
many small ones.
12. Lysosomes - They are small, round structures
in cells that break down materials. "clean up