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1. The remains of the earliest ancestors of humans have been found on the continent of A___________. Humans
and earlier human-like creatures are included in the group called h__________.
2. P______lithic Age means Old Stone Age. The P_______lithic Age began about 2 ½ million years ago when
h____________ began using stone tools, and lasted until about 12,000 years ago.
3. P______lithic hominids were n________ (moved from place to place) and got their food by h_________ &
4. H________ S________ is the species which includes all people living today, and it appeared in the later part
of the P_______ Age.
5. M_______lithic means M______ Stone Age. The M_______ lithic Age began about 12,000 years ago and
lasted until about 10,000 years ago. During the M______lithic Age, humans developed much more advanced
stone and bone tools.
6. The N____lithic Age means N____ Stone Age. It began about 10,000 years ago, with the event called the
N____lithic A__________ Revolution
7. The N_____lithic A_________ Revolution refers to the invention by humans of f_________ - that is:
p__________ crops and d__________ animals. After this great revolution, humans were no longer
n___________ but settled in villages, some of which grew into small towns. One of the very first towns was
C________________ in what is now Turkey.
8. The 5 basic characteristics of civilization (the first 3 all historians agree on, the last two most historians
agree on) are: 1) S________ food; 2) C________ with governments; 3) J____ S________ (people perform
different jobs); 4) C__________; 5) W_____________
9. The 4 river valleys in which civilization first appeared: T______-E__________________Rivers (in
Mesopotamia-modern Iraq); N________River (in Egypt); I_________River (in modern day Pakistan);
H______________ River (in China).
Chapter 2
1. The N_____ River fl________ed each year in the summer and receded to its previous level in the autumn, in a
gradual and predictable way. This was called the inundation. The receding water left a layer of s_____ which
made the land very fertile. Because it rarely rained in Egypt, the people learned to use i_______, that is, they
learned to dig c__________ from the river to bring water to their fields. Planning & carrying out the
i_________________ system caused people to organize & cooperate.
2. About 3100BC, M_______ united U________ Egypt (southern) and L________ Egypt (northern) into a single
kingdom. Kings of Egypt came to be called P____________.
3. About 3000BC, Egyptians began to use h_________ writing. It was inscribed on stone or written on
p_________, which was a paper-like material made from the p______ plant. Later, a somewhat simpler form
of writing called hieratic was developed, and later a much simpler form of Egyptian writing called
d____________was developed. Egyptian writing was translated in the 1800s using the R__________ Stone as
a key.
4. About 2700BC-2200BC: O____ Kingdom. Accomplishments:
a. Building projects, including huge p____________, which were tombs for the Pharaohs, which included:
1) The first pyramid, called the S_______ pyramid because of its shape, and was designed
by the vizier I_________ for Pharoah Dj_________
2) The largest pyramid, called the G_____ P________, which was built for Pharaoh K___
3) Carved the S_______(half man, half lion), probably a likeness of Pharoah
b. Ruled by strong rulers called P________ who were regarded as living gods.
5. About 2200BC-2050BC: 1st I_________ period, a temporary period of disunity, when nobles rebelled.
6. About 2050BC-1700BC: M______________ Kingdom. Pharaohs built sm_______ pyramids.
7. About 1700-1550: 2nd I__________ period, when Egypt was invaded and temporarily ruled by invaders called
8. About 1550BC-1100BC: N________________ Kingdom,
a. During this period Egypt conquered other lands and founded an e________.
b. Pharoahs were no longer buried in p_____, but in hidden tombs in the V______ of the K______.
c. Famous N_____ Kingdom pharaohs include:
d. H_______________-who was a woman
e. A_______________- temporarily established a m__________ religion based on worship of A____,
the sun disk
f. T___________, -the only pharaoh whose tomb was found with all the contents still in it.
g. R____________- ruled many years, had many statues of himself, was probably the pharaoh at the
time of Moses.
9. 18. The chief of the gods was A____-R____. O___________ was the god of the underworld, who was put
back together by his loving wife I_______, goddess of Life. Her symbol is the a_________.
10. Believed a person could achieve a blissful life after death if the person’s body was m_________ (preserved ) &
he had lived a good moral life. A deceased person used a prayer book called the B_______ of the D_______
to reach the court of O________. There his h_____ was weighed against the “f_____ of Maat (truth)”, by
A________ the god of embalming.
11. Life of peasants followed the annual cycle of the Nile. They planted in the f______ after the flood waters had
receded, and harvested crops in the s_______ before the flood began again.
MESOPOTAMIA-land between the rivers
12. M________________: land between T___________ & E____________ rivers
13. S_________________:
a. 1st civilization in M___________, located in the southern part of M________
b. W_______, the w_________ , the metal b_________, and the pl_______were invented here.
c. Temples called z_______________ were first built in S________.
d. The writing that developed in Sumer was called c_____________ (on wet c________ tablets).
e. People of ancient S_________ believed that the afterlife was g________ or non-e________.
f. The most famous story from this culture is the Epic of G______________.
14. The A_________ Empire was the world’s 1st known empire & was founded by S___________.
15. The Old B________ Empire was known for the world’s first law code, called the Code of H_________, which
had 252 laws and included ideas of justice such as “and e___ for an e___”, and a “t____ for a t_____”
16. The H___________Empire (based in Asia Minor- what is now Turkey) discovered how to extract i_____ from
i________ ore and started the i__________ age.
17. The A___________ Empire were known for brutality in war as well as the world’s 1st l_________ which
contained thousands of clay tablets.
18. The Ch__________Empire, centered on the rebuilt city of B_________ & was known for advanced
astronomy/astrology and the famous “h___________ gardens”, a garden planted on a step-shaped structure.
19. The P____________ Empire was known for treating those it conquered with fairness and respect. It was
founded by C__________ the Great. It was well organized and built good r_______ to aid transportation and
communication. . Their religion was Z_____________, which involved Ahura Mazda, a God of light and
goodness who constantly fought Ahriman, the evil demon.
20. The Ph____________ were a sea-faring, trading people who lived in what is now Lebanon. Their greatest
contribution was their simple, phonetic a__________ of 22 letters. They were also famous for their
p____________ dye.
21. The H__________ people were founded by the patriarch A_________, who believed in m____________
(belief in one God). He is regarded as the ancestor of both the H_________ and the Arabs.
22. The beliefs of Judaism include: ethical m______________ (belief a single God combined with ethics; God
wants people to treat others fairly); their laws found in the T_________, their holy scriptures.
Chapter 3: INDIA
23. The earliest civilization here was in the I________ River Valley (2500BC-1500BC). The two most important
cities were M_________ D_______ and H___________, and there were hundreds of others.
24. These early cities of the Indus Valley had:
a. Straight s______ that met at right angles. This shows central planning.
b. Very advanced pl________, with dr______ that took dirty water from buildings out through s______
under the streets.
c. A central c_________; large public pools; large gr_______ for the storage of gr_____.
d. Writing system (has/has not) been translated.
25. About 1500BC, the Indo-A____________ migrated into northern India.
26. 1500-500BC is called the V________ age because of their poems & prayers called the V___________.
27. The religion of the Indo-A_____________ mixed with the beliefs of earlier people and became H_________.
28. 3 most important H_________ gods (trinity): B_____________________-creator;
V________________(preserver) S________________ (destroyer)
29. Hindus believe all gods are part of a single divine spirit:B______________________.
30. Some important beliefs of Hinduism.
R__________________:rebirth in another bodily form
K__________________: the force that results from the good & evil done by a person, which
determines the next life
D__________________: moral duty in this life
M_________________: belief that all real things in the universe are part of the same essence.
M_________________: the physical things of this world that are really an illusion.
A_________________: non-violence to all sentient (living & feeling) things
31. Hinduism developed a strict system of social classes called the c_____system. The 4 main groups, called
varnas, were: B___________ (priests) ; Kshatriyas (w__________); V________________ (merchants &
independent farmers); S_______ (servants). People of one v________did not marry or eat with people of
another c________.
32. Below the caste system: U_____________, also called Pariahs, who were avoided by the higher groups.
33. The smaller religion of J______________ stressed extreme a____________(non-violence)
34. Siddharta G_____________ (born in the 500’s BC) left his palace; saw an o___ man, a s____ man, a d_____
man and a wandering holy man. He wandered many years. He finally sat & meditated under a tree & reached a
state called e__________ and became the B___________.
35. The beliefs of Buddhism include the 4 N_________ Truths: all life is full of s________, the cause of which is
d___________ for worldly things, the cure for which is to follow the ___ Fold Path.
36. The religion of Buddhism split into two main types: Th_____________ Buddhism, which was more like the
original religion, in which Buddha was not worshiped as a God; M_______________ Buddhism, in which Buddha
is worshiped as a savior and God.
37. About 320BC, Ch__________ M_______ conquered northern India and started the M_______ dynasty,
which ruled most of India for about 150 years. This was the first time most of India was united.
38. His grandson A___________ was a ruler of India who renounced v_______ & converted to B_______. He did
many good things for the people, including buildings rest stops &wells along roads, and planting trees. He had
his views and policies, called the “Edicts of A________”, carved on stones and pillars throughout India.
39. The Hindu Laws of M_____ were laws that regulated social relationships. They said that a woman must always
be under the control of a man. Later, the practice called s__________ developed, in which widows committed
suicide by throwing themselves on top of their husband’s flaming funeral pyre.
40. The mathematicians of early Indian developed what are now called the “Indo-Arabic” n_________, as well as
the concept of the number ___. Indian physicians developed the technique of i______________, a procedure
which kept a person from getting the dreaded disease small pox.
Chapter 4: ANCIENT CHINA-called Zhongguo, the M_________ Kingdom
The earliest Chinese civilization developed along the H_______ River (Yellow River), known for its
yellow colored soil called l_____, It was called China’s S__________ because of frequent, violent floods.
X_________: 1st Chinese dynasty, which, according to legend, was started by Y_, the engineer and king who was
the first to built d_______ to hold back the floods.
S_________: 2nd Chinese dynasty
a. Rulers created a complex b__________, a government organized into different departments and levels.
b. The most important crafts included making: s_____ from the cocoons of a caterpillar;fine p__________;
objects out of j______(believed to have magical properties); beautiful vessels from the metal b_______.
c. Early religion included praying to a_______, & belief in the forces of y____ (darkness) & y_____(light) .
c. The earliest known Chinese writing was written on o________ b________, used to foretell the future.
1050BC: The Zh______ dynasty
a. The Zh___ overthrew the Sh_____. They justified their overthrow of the Sh_____ by the theory of
the “M__________ of H_________”, the theory that when a dynasty becomes corrupt, gods take the
right to rule away from that dynasty and give it to a new dynasty.
b. The Zh____ ruler established a f____ system, in which the main ruler divided his lands among nobles
who gave him loyalty and military service in return.
c. The power of the Zh___ rulers declined after an invasion in which the ruler was killed & they were
forced to move their capital. Gradually central government declined, & the nobles became more and more
independent of the Z______ king, until the nobles ruled their independent “W_______ States” like
separate countries.
221BC, Q____dynasty: the ruler of the state of Q______-proclaimed himself S_____ H_____- “1st Emperor”!
a. Conquered the other Warring States of China; strongly u_________ China but with cruel methods.
b. Connected shorter walls to form the G_______________ W_________of China;
c. Burned b_______ & killed C_______ scholars to prevent any criticism of his rule;
d. Standardized: the Chinese w__________ system; weights & measures, even a____ widths of carts.
e. Strongly unified China, but with cruel methods.
206BC: Q______ dynasty was overthrown by Liu Bang who started the H_________ dynasty.
206BC-220AD: H________ dynasty
a. Made C___________ the official philosophy of China.
b. Men got government positions by passing a civil service test on C______ philosophy & literature.
c. W_____Ti – the most important emperor of the H____ dynasty
1) started the policy of “l_______” (buying grain in good years&selling it in bad years at a stable price)
2) government m_________ on iron and salt.
3) Defeated X_________ (Huns), the nomadic people who lived across China’s n_______ border
3) started the famous S______ Road, the trade route which connected China with the Mediterranean.
Philosophies & religions of China:
a. C______________
1)each man should practice v________(right behavior toward others) & accept his role in society
2)rulers should rule mainly by ex___________
3)importance of f_______ p________(extreme respect for parents and elders).
4) 5 basic relationships in society. The s_______ should care for and set an example for the inf___;
the inf________ should respect and obey the s________.
*ruler-s_______; *father-s___ ;*husband-w____; *older b____-younger b___; *fr_____-fr____
b. D_________ said a mysterious force called the D____ (the way of n________) controls the universe, and
people should live simple, quiet lives in harmony with n_____. .
c. L________: people are basically selfish, so strict l____ and harsh p_________ are necessary.
d. B________came into China from India. China followed the form called M____________.
Chinese family:
a. The f__________ was the most important factor in Chinese life. Consisted of father & mother, their
s_______, their s________’s wives, and their children, and unmarried d_________.
b. The ____________made all important decisions for the family members.
1. Earliest civilizations of Greece
1. 3000BC-1400BC: 1st Greek civilization was on the island of C______ and is called M_____________ civ.
a. Their language, called Linear __, has not been translated
b. Most important building-Palace of K________; prosperity based on t_________; relatively p__________
c. Worshipped female goddesses and b___________.
d. Had fr_____paintings on wet plaster; leaping d____________; & athletes jumping over a b____.
e. 1450BC: mainland G___________ took over C_______. Written language abruptly changed to Linear __.
f. 1400BC: M___________ civilization vanished. The Palace of K________ was deserted.
2. 200BC-1200BC: Next Greek civilization was on the mainland of Greece & is called M_________ civilization.
a. Their language, Linear __, has been deciphered.
b. Prosperity based on t_______ing & r________ing; very w______-like
c. 1250BC- T______ War was a raid launched by the M____ against the city of T__________.
(The story told orally for hundreds of years; written down by H__________ in about 750BC)
c. The M__________ civilization declined after 1200BC & by 1100BC had disappeared.
3. From about 1100BC-700BC
a. 1100BC-800BC: the D________ Age of Greece; p______ declined; forgot the skill of wr______
b. About 750 BC, Greeks writing, and adapted a modified version of the P_________ alphabet.
c. Soon after Greek began writing again H__________ wrote the I________ & the O__________
4. Greece was made of independent city states called p_________, to which the citizens felt intense l______
5. Though divided into independent p_______, all Greeks spoke the same language, worshiped many of the same
Gods, went to the same shrines, such as the O______ of D________ for advise, and attended many of the same
festivals and athletic events, such as the O________ Games,
6. Development of the government of a Greek Polis: _________ (rule by king); _________ rule by nobles;
___________ rule by a few wealthy people; t_________ (rule by a man who got power with the support of the
common people; d__________; d__________ (rule by the male citizens).
7. A Greek foot-soldier was called a h________; a p________ was a military formation of close rows and columns.
8. Polis of Sp_______ – known for bizarre, m_______ culture.
a. Society: S______ Equals-ruling class; h_____-citizens(free but limited rights); h___(slaves)
b. Government: 2 K_____; Council of E____; A______ of men over 30; 5 E__________
c. From at 7-60, a male S____ E______ was a member of the army, and his life was devoted to military duty.
9. Polis of Ath______; known for economy based on t________.
a. Society: c_________ ; M________ (foreigners); s___________
b. D_________ :wrote Athen’s first law code, which was very harsh
c. S_________ :reformed the laws, abolished d________ s_________.
d. P__________: the “t________” who ran the government for about 30 years with the support of the poor.
e. Cl___________: man who reformed the government again in 507BC and made it a direct d_______
1) Council of _ _ _ : proposed laws & policies; consisted of 50 citizens chosen from 10 “tribes” by l____
2) A_______: had the final say on all laws and policies; consisted of all male citizens over 18
3) J_______ of _ _ _: decided legal cases, chosen by l____ from among the citizens.
4) O____________: citizens voted for their least favorite person; winner was exiled for 10 years. .
10 PERSIAN WARS history written by Greek historian H_____________.
a. P_________ attacked Greece because A_____ had tried to help Greek colonies rebel against P____
b. 490BC: King D____ landed an invasion force at M_______ but was defeated by an army of A____ citizens.
c. 480BC: King X_____ sent a bigger invasion force;
1) 300 S________ led by King L_____ died defending the pass of Th__________________
2) The Persians burned A________, but the A________ navy defeated the Persian navy at the battle
of S________________
3) During the next winter, many Persian soldiers deserted, a Greek army finally defeated the
weakened Persian army at the battle of P____________
11. Golden Age of Greece, also called Age of P_________
a. The Greeks had great confidence because they had beaten the Persians
b. Greatest Athenian leader between the P_____________ War and P____________ War was P______
c. Athens started the D_______ League as an alliance against future Persian aggression, but as Athens
became more bossy & used the money for itself, the D___ League became an Athenian E________ in disguise.
12. P_____________ War, the War between S______ + allies, and A_______+allies
a. The historian Th________ wrote that it was caused by the growing rivalry between Athens and Sparta, and
because the young men who were inexperienced in war just didn’t realize what war was really like.
b. Athens had a strong n_______ and e________; Sparta had a very strong a________
c. When Sparta attacked, Athens brought its people behind its w_____ and imported food from overseas
d. An epidemic killed many people in A________, but this didn’t stop the war
e. Sparta borrowed a n____ from P________, blockaded the port of Athens, & forced its surrender.
f. Athens & Sparta were never as powerful again, and Th____ became the most powerful Greek city.
13. The mainstay of the Athenian economy was tr______. Athenian exported o________ oil and w_______, and
imported gr_______. Women were regarded as i________& they could not own p_______.
A. Greek Art and Architecture
1. T______ had the finest Greek architecture, and are usually surrounded by a c_________ (row of columns).
There was usually a triangular p_________ on each end, often elaborately carved.
There was usually as statue of _____________________ inside.
2. The P___________________was probably the finest example of Greek architecture.
a. Temple of Athena Parthenos on the a_________ of Athens.
b. The P____________ itself was made of m________. The huge statue of Athena inside was made of
i_______ & g________.
c. Builders used optical refinements to compensate for the o___________ illusions that make a
“perfect”. look imperfect. For example, the columns are not perfectly straight, but look straight, etc.
3. 3 types of Greek columns: D______(plain top); I_____ (scrolled top); C_______ (fancy top w/ leaves)
4.. Best preserved Greek painting is on v_____, which had scenes from m________ or everyday life, and
were either b________ on r_______, or r_______ on b_________ (r____ being the color of the
natural clay).
5. At first Greek sculpture was st____ and straight, like Egyptian, but by the 400sBC it was rounded &
graceful. It often featured the very fit, nude m___________ body.
6. Greek art glorified the human i__________ at his best, physically and mentally. It also glorified the
p______ (Greek city-state), and was for the public to enjoy.
B. Philosophy
1. Ph_________ , which literally means “love of w__________”, is the use of reason to ask and try to answer
basic questions of reality & human existence.
2. The first Greek ph______ tried to figure out what the universe was made of; they are called c________.
One of the most famous was D______ , who said all things were made of tiny indivisible particles called a____.
3. S__________-famous Athenian philosopher who asked people q_________ to test their own ideas. He was
arrested & convicted of not believing in the g____ and of “corrupting the y____”. He could have escaped,
but refused to do so. He was executed by being forced to drink p________ called hemlock.
4. Pl__________ (student of S_________)
a. He wrote his ideas in the form of “d________” (conversations) between S_______ and other people.
b.Believed that the things we see are imperfect copies of perfect ideas, which he called “f________”.
c. He explained his theory of f______ in the “A______ of the C______”, which is in the dialogue “The
5. A_________ (student of Pl_________) wrote about all fields of knowledge, and in his works he
cl_________ many things, including plants, animals, and political systems. Famous works: E______ (study
of right and wrong), P______ (study of poetry & drama), P_______ (study of government. He
was the teacher of A______________.
C. Drama
1. The Greeks invented dr_____, Greek dramatists wrote 2 main types of plays: tr_____ & c______. Plays
were often presented in connection with the worship of D_______. In Athens, at the festival of
D___________ there was a yearly contest with prizes for the best plays.
2. These plays had 1, 2 or 3 actors who wore m______, and a ch_______ that commented on the action. The
plays were performed in outdoor a______________. Seats were built into a
h______, There was a space at the bottom called the o_________ were the actors & chorus performed.
3. T____________ often involve a main character struggling against f_______. Often the main character
has h__________, excessive pride that causes a man to rebel again the will of the gods.
3. Tragedies were usually set in mythical times. C__________ made fun of people and institutions.
And institutions, and were usually set in contemporary times.
4. Most famous playwrights:
a. A______________-wrote about the gods and justice. Most famous plays were the Oresteia, a trilogy
about the murder of Agamemnon, and how the cycle of revenge was finally ended by putting Orestes on
trial in a court of law.
b. S_____________-wrote about the higher Greek values. Most famous play was Oedipus Rex.
c. E____________-questioned established social values. Plays often involved madness. A famous
one was “The T________ Women”, a anti-war play tragedy.
d. A_____________-most famous writer of comedy. Plays include “The Clouds”, which features Socrates.
and Lysistrata, in which the women of Athens manage to stop a war.
D. Greek historians:
1. H____________-called the “father of history”. Wrote about the history and customs of other countries,
including E____________. Wrote the history of the P__________ W__________. Possibly exaggerated
2. T__________-tried to be as accurate as possible. Wrote the history of the P_________ War.
Tried to look deeply into the causes of the war. Said that studying h_______ helps you understand
h_________ nature.
D. Mathematics & Science.
1. Unlike earlier people who explained n________ events as the work of the gods, Greek scientists explained the
n________ world in terms of n______ laws.
2. The most famous Golden Age Greek mathematics was P__________ who developed the P________ theorem,
believed mathematics was the ultimate r_________, and started a community of mathematicians who lived by
strict rules.
3. The most famous Golden Age Greek physician was H___________, regarded as the founder of medical science,
who believed disease came from n__________ causes rather than as a punishment from the gods. The
H__________ oath, which is still taken by physicians today, promises to “use treatment to help the sick . . . never
with a view to injury.”
1. M_____________ a country north of Greece.
2. King P________ II became King of M________ and began building a powerful army. He used the Greek
formation called a p__________, but improved it and made it much bigger.
3. The Greek orator D______ warned the Athenians about the growing power of M_______. Several Greek poleis
finally united but not in time. P________ II defeated Athens & Thebes, & conquered Greece.
4. P________ II planned to invade P_______, but was k________ before he could do so.
5. P________II’s son A__________ succeeded him
6. When the city of T________ rebelled, Alexander proved his firmness when he but down the rebellion,
destroyed the city, & slaughtered or sold the people into slavery.
7. Alexander decided to invade P_______. He crossed into A______ M______ (Turkey). He met & defeated a
P______ army at the battled of Gr________.
8. At the Asia Minor city of G_______, Alexander slashed through the famous G______ Knot, about which there
was a prophesy that whoever untied the knot would rule Asia.
10. Alexander defeated the P_______ army at the battle of I__________. Hetook over the M_________ coast.
He took the Phoenician island city of T______ after a long siege and after building a b______ between the
island city and the mainland. He entered Egypt, where the people welcomed him & crowned him as
p__________, and proclaimed him the son of Z_____-Ammon. He founded the city of A____________ in
Egypt on the Mediterranean coast.
10. Alex fought the Persian King D______ III again at the battle of G_______. D_____ III fled. Alex took the
cities of B________ as well as Susa and Persepolis, the capitals of Persia. Now Alex was in control of Persia.
D_____ III was killed by his own men and his body left for Alexander to find. Thus Alexander took over Persia.
11. Alexander continued eastward through what is now A_______ (then called Bactria), crossed the I______
river, and fought against Indian armies at the H__________ River.
12. Alexander’s men refused to go further, and he reluctantly turned back. He sent part of his men back by s____
and part by land across the d_______ (many of this group died). The two groups met back up in Persia, and
went on to Babylon.
13. Everywhere Alexander conquered he built c_______ (many he named for himself) and spread Gr______
culture. He promoted the blending of Greek & Persian culture by conducting a mass wedding in which he forced
thousands of his soldiers to marry P_______ women.
14. A__________ returned to the city of B__________, got sick & died at age 32 and left his kingdom “to the
st______”. After a power struggle it was divided into 3 main pieces (and several smaller ones) by his generals.
15. 3 Successor kingdoms: A_______(Macedon & Greece), S_______(Middle East & Persia), P_______ (Egypt).
1. H________ means Greek-like
2. H________culture combined Greek culture with P_____ and E_______ and other cultures conquered by
Alex the Great.
3. H_______ Period was from the death of A______ (323BC) to the conquest of Greece by R____ (146BC).
4. H________ World: the whole area conquered by Alex, including the all the successor kingdoms.
5. Society: A small group of very r________ people, a small group of m______ ranked people, a large group of
p_____ people. In H________ society the m_______ ranked group in began to grow and thrive because
tr_____ grew. W__________ became freer, were seen in society, and got more rights.
6. A____________, Egypt: the leading city in tr______& learning. It the great center of learning called the
M_________ which included a library with thousands of papyrus scrolls. It had a l_________ called the
“P_______ “(one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world).
7. G________ became the 2nd language for educated people in the H_________ world.
8. Rulers promoted “r_____ worship”. Many people began to follow “m_______ religions”, religions with
secret teachings about life after death. These included the worship of I______, a goddess of Egypt.
10. Popular Philosophies
a) C___________: people should live very simply without any regard for social status or wealth.
Founded by D_____________, who was famous for living in a tub and going about with a lantern
“looking for an honest man”.
b) S__________: because the world is constantly changing, no knowledge is certain.
c) S__________: divine r________ directs the world; people cannot control what happens to them,
but they can control themselves; people should accept what happens to them without c__________;
all people have a divine spark of the divine and are worthy of respect. Founded by Z__________.
Became the most influential philosophy of the ancient world.
The term has come to mean someone who holds in his emotions, and does not complain about pain.
d) E_________: People should avoid p_______ and seek moderate pl_________; the only realty is
the physical world and d_______ is final. This term has come to mean a person who is fond of
pleasure, especially fine foods.
11. Mathematicians & Scientists:
a. E____________: invented g__________ as we know it, in which theorems are proved from
axioms(postulates). Wrote the textbook :The E___________.
b. A____________:
1)Realized he could determine the volume of an irregular object by the water it displaced, and
said “E________!”
2) Invented cool things like the Archimedes Screw and the “C____”, which grabbed enemy
ships and flipped them over.
a. E____________: used geometry to calculate the circumference of the earth (almost accurately)
by comparing the angle of the sun in two cities at the same time on the same day.
b. A____________: Said that the sun was in the center of the solar system, but few believed him.
c. P____________ System: the model of the solar system that put the earth in the center, and showed
the moon, sun, planets orbiting the earth.
Ch7-Ancient Rome
SEC1-Foundations of Rome
1. The A_________ are mountains on the northern border of Italy. They help protect Italy from attack. The
A_______________ mountains run down the length of Italy, but are not high or rugged. Italy is fertile and
has many rivers. Italy is a peninsula that juts into the M____________ Sea, making it a perfect location from
which to control the area around the M_______________.
2. Myth of A__________: According to the Roman poet V_________, A_________ was a Trojan who escaped
from the fall of Troy with his son, father, and other refugees. He settled in I_________, and became an
ancestor of the Roman people. This myth shows that the Romans identified themselves with the city of
T_________, and saw themselves as more honest and having more integrity than the Greeks.
3. Myth of R________ & R________: According to tradition, Rome was founded by R__________. He was one
of a set of twins, who were cared for by a mother w________. After R________ killed his brother
R____________ founded Rome. This myth shows that the Romans saw themselves as like wolves, who are
fierce fighters but nurturing and loyal to the pack.
The L____________ were Indo-Europeans who settled near the Tiber River. The L_________ were the
ancestors of the Romans.
Rome was located at a shallow place on the on the T__________ River, at a place where there were ___ hills,
in _ _ _ BC.
Upper class people were called p__________ & common people were called pl____________.
E____________ (lived in northern Italy) gave Rome their a__________ & taught the Romans engineering
skills, how to build ar________ (architectural) and dr________ the swamp between their hills. G________
(lived on the coasts of southern Italy&Sicily) gave the Romans m____ about gods and heroes.
753BC-509BC: Rome was ruled by a series of 7 k___________. In 509BC, the Romans overthrew their last
king & established a new form of government called a r__________.
In the early republic, upper class people were called P__________ & common people were called
Pl____________. (In the later Republic, a social class called the E___________________-upper middle
class, was added. Also, the number of S__________ greatly increased in the later republic)
Government of the Roman Republic:
a. S_________ (about 300 men) controlled public funds and f______ affairs.
b. Magistrates
1) 2 C___________held executive power; elected for term of __ year. Each had v____ power
of the other.
2) Pr___________-judges of the law courts; elected for term of __ year.
3) C____________- enrolled citizens and oversaw public morals. Were elected
4) Ae_____________; supervise public places, public games, and the grain supply
5) Q______________: financial officers
6) T____________-representatives of the common people. Had v____ power in the Senate.
Were elected by the pl_________.
7) D________: appointed to hold power in times of crisis for a max. of ___ months.
c. A___________ of the citizens-Elected the magistrates; votes of the wealthy counted more than the
votes of the poor.
The official name of the Roman Republic was _________________________, abbreviated _ _ _ _ .
509BC-270BC: The “Conflict of the Orders” – the Roman “civil rights” movement, in which the Pl__________
gained equal legal rights.
a. Each time, the Pl______ went on “strike” & withdrew from Rome until their demands were met.
b. Pl___________ gained the right have their own assembly & to elect T________ with
v________ power in the S___________.
c. The Laws of the 12 T___________ were written & set up in the F__________
d. Pl___________ gained the right to hold any office, including C_______-the highest office.
e. Finally, one of the two C_______ had to be a Pl___________, and ½ of the praetors had to be
Pl___________. Any measure passed by the Pl________Assembly had the force of law for the whole
509BC-265BC-Gradually the power of Rome spread throughout I________________.
Roman army:
(Citizens)L________-4800 men; C_________-about 480; C__________ about 80.
(non-citizens) A________ troops
Qualities of the Roman army: discipline & persistence! At the end of their service, soldiers got
l_________. Punishment for cowardice: d____________
At this early period, conquered lands were usually treated well. Nearby areas were given full c________.
Areas farther away were granted partial c________ .
Keys to Rome’s success: 1)strong government & l______; 2)eng__________, tr______ & tr_______ ;
3)strong a______
Roman l____ was probably its greatest achievement. Roman law was based on justice & reason & trained
j______ decided cases. The original laws were called the “Laws of the 12 T____”, and many more laws were
added. The laws of most countries of E_________ are based on Roman Civil Law.
The Romans built about 60,000 of extremely well built paved r_______ to connect the empire.
The Roman a______ kept the peace. Soldiers were professionals who served about 25 years, were fairly well
paid, and got land & citizenship when they retired. There were fortified a_______camps around the borders
of the empires, and many of these eventually became towns & cities.
The head of the Roman family was the f__________, called the “pater familias”. He (theoretically) had the
power of life & death over the family members. Women were respected and had some rights, including the
right to own p______.
The V_________ V_______(priestesses of the goddess Vesta) were highly honored & kept the sacred fire
of Rome. Methods of augury (foretelling of the future) included interpreting the flights of b_________ &
examining the entrails of a sacrificed animal.
The favorite Roman public entertainment was c____________ racing. The biggest race track in Rome was
called the C__________ M___________. Another form of public entertainment was g____________ fights.
The largest arena in Rome was the C__________.
In cities, many ordinary Romans lived in a____________ buildings. Middle class and wealthy Romans lived in
comfortable houses, with central heat provided by hypocaust systems, which featured a furnace beneath the
floor that sent warm air up to heat the house.
Public b___________ were an important part of everyday life in cities. These were large facilities, and had
changing rooms, exercise areas, cold, warm & hot rooms.
Romans built large water systems called a_______________ to bring fresh water to cities. While most of the
length of an a_________ was usually underground, some parts wereon large bridge-like arcades.
The most important features of Roman architecture were the ar_____ and d_______. The Romans used
c______ which hardened into a stone-like substance. The P________________ was the “Temple of All the
Gods” in Rome. It has columns in front, and the top is a huge c________ dome.
The famous Roman poet V____________ wrote the Aeneid, the story of the hero Aeneas. There were other
poets who wrote passionate love poems, collections of myths, and satires. There were many important
historians, including L______, who wrote the early history of Rome.
The language of ancient Rome was L_______. The languages (Spanish, French. Italian, Romanian, etc) called
the R______ languages developed from L_______. L______ continued to be used by educated people for over
a thousand years after the Empire fell.
29. 264BC-146BC: The 3 P__________ Wars between Rome & C_____________:
C_________ was a city on the coast of North Africa that had a great trading empire.
1st P______ War: Conflict involved the island of S________. In this war, Rome built its first
n_______in order to defeat Carthage. Rome won & Rome got S_________.
2nd P______ War: Conflict involved Sp_______. The Carthaginian general H_____________
brought his army and e_________ over the Alps, into Italy, and ravaged the Italian countryside
for over 10 years without being able to capture the city of Rome itself. Finally when the Roman
general Sc______ took his army to lay siege to Carthage, H________ returned to defend his
home city, and there Sc________ finally defeated H_________. Rome won & got most of the
Carthaginian Empire, including Spain. C________ was not allowed to wage war without Rome’s
Between 2nd & 3rd P_______ Wars, Rome fought & conquered M___________ (home of Alex the
Great) & gradually took all of Greece.
In the 3rd P_______ War: Romans like the Senator C_________ wanted to utterly destroy
Carthage. So Rome claimed that C________ had broken their treaty, attacked & destroyed
C_______________ & eve poured s_____ on the ground.
By 133 BC, Rome had spread its control almost all the way around the M_______________ Sea.