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Name: _________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
General Review Study Guide
According to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift, the continents were once joined together in a single landmass.
Pangaea is the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago.
Scientists used sonar in the mid-1900s to map the mid-ocean ridge.
A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions, is known as a transform boundary.
Scientists in a submersible saw rocks formed by the rapid hardening of molten material when they observed the midocean ridge
Mid-ocean ridges are found in all of Earth’s oceans.
A rift valley forms at a divergent plate boundary.
The place where two plates come together is known as a convergent boundary.
Very high feathery clouds are called cirrus clouds.
On average, a snowfall of 20 centimeters would equal a rainfall of 2 centimeters.
The collecting of weather data in the last 40 years has been improved mostly by balloons and satellites.
Isobars are lines on a map joining places that have the same air pressure.
A continental tropical air mass that formed over northern Mexico would bring hot and dry weather to the southwestern
United States.
Stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions is called shearing.
An aftershock can cause damage days or months after a large earthquake.
A fold in rock that bends upward into an arch is called an anticline.
A large area of flat land elevated high above sea level is called a plateau.
The point beneath Earth’s surface where rock breaks under stress and triggers an earthquake is called the focus (aka the
The rating system that estimates the total energy released by an earthquake is called the moment magnitude scale.
A force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume is called stress.
The Mercalli scale would most likely be used to tell how much earthquake damage was done to homes and other
Valves are structures in the heart prevents blood from flowing backward.
The force with which the ventricles contract causes blood pressure.
Atherosclerosis is a condition in which artery walls thicken as the result of a buildup of fatty materials.
A star is born when nuclear fusion starts.
Name: _________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
One major difference between elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies is that elliptical galaxies have almost no gas or dust
between the stars.
The electromagnetic spectrum consists of all of the different types of electromagnetic waves.
Both reflecting and refracting telescopes are designed to gather and focus visible light.
Depending on its mass, a star may live from about 10 million to 200 billion years.
The Milky Way galaxy is an example of a spiral galaxy.
At X, the mid-ocean ridge occurs along a boundary between two oceanic plates. The plates are moving apart, causing
molten material to repeatedly rise from the mantle, erupt, and harden as solid rock along the center of the ridge.
A is a red blood cell.
Name: _________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
Using the diagram above, be able to list examples of continents that have drifted apart from each other.
e.g. Africa and South America; Europe and North America; Australia and Antarctica
Be able to interpret a diagram, similar to the one above, about the relative humidity of the air.
This particular diagram is demonstrating a relative humidity of 69 percent.
Name: _________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
Be able to interpret a diagram similar to the one above.
E.g. In which part of Maine should you live if you want the
least possible risk of damage from an earthquake? Ans. You should live in the eastern part of the state,
which has a minor risk. The western part of the state has a greater, or moderate, risk.
Name: _________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
A supernova is the explosion of a dying supergiant star.
Low-mass and medium-mass stars become white dwarfs when they run out of fuel.
According to the theory of plate tectonics, the lithosphere is made up of a number of plates that contain
oceanic and continental crust. These plates are in constant slow motion, driven by convection currents in the
mantle. As they move, the plates collide, pull apart, or grind past each other, creating landforms on Earth’s
Cirrocumulus clouds look like rows of cotton balls very high in the sky. These clouds often indicate that a
storm is on the way.
A spectrograph breaks the light from a star into its different colors, or spectrum. The lines in the spectrum are
compared with the lines in the spectrums of different elements. Astronomers use this information to infer each
element found in the star.