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Origins of American Democracy
From Europe to America
Origins of American Democracy
• Recap so far we have studied
• the first Americans
• We met the great explorers of the age of
• We have placed our first two major colonial
settlements Jamestown (1607) and Plymouth
Origins of American Democracy
• Running colonies so far from Europe would
present some problems for Kings and Queens.
• At first Britain had a tradition of strong local
– The Virginia House of Burgesses
– The Mayflower Compact are examples of this
• Britain also lacked the resources and
bureaucracy to enforce its wishes
Origins of American Democracy
• Britain had come up with the idea that if they leave the
colonies alone for the most part they would do well. This
policy would become what is known as "salutary neglect" .
• The local governments got used to doing their own thing.
– In return they would support the King.
• Later after the Seven years war the king had need of more
taxes and regulation of the colonists.
– The King would attempt to levy more taxes and increase trade
– The colonists would resent this very much and were ready to
– This would evolve into what would become the American
revolutionary war.
Origins of American Democracy
Democracy and the
development of the
importance of the common
man over Kings and nobility
had its roots in European
Origins of American Democracy
• Athenian democracy 595-338 BC The city-state
of Athens develops a Direct democracy in
which all male citizens over age 21 could vote
in their assembly. It survived wars and plagues
until Macedonia conquered Greece.
Origins of American Democracy
• Roman Democracy 509 – 27 BC The city state
of Rome became a republic when its first law
code, The Twelve Tables, was made public.
This form of representative government
divided power between a General Assembly
controlled by the lower classes and the Senate
controlled by the upper classes. Democracy in
Rome would eventually die under Emperor
Augustus in 27 BC.
Origins of American Democracy
• Magna Carta 1215 AD King John is forced to
sign this document. He is forced to consult a
parliament of English Lords before raising
taxes or declaring war. Parliament would
eventually include commoners.
Origins of American Democracy
• The protestant reformation 1517-1588
reduces the power of the Catholic church over
the lives of the common people.
Origins of American Democracy
• Virginia House of Burgesses 1607-1619
becomes the first representative democratic
body in America.
Origins of American Democracy
• Mayflower Compact 1620-1621 is signed by
41 men who sailed on the Mayflower. This
would foreshadow the first democratic direct
democracy style government in America. This
power is exercised in the local town hall
Origins of American Democracy
• Fundamental orders of Connecticut 16361638 Thomas Hooker signs this document. It is
a constitution that grants both democracy and
religious freedom. Rhode Island was founded
with similar principles.
Origins of American Democracy
• Maryland act of toleration 1640-1649 is
signed by Lord Baltimore of Maryland granting
religious freedom. This was done after the
Puritans defeated Charles I and executed him.
Origins of American Democracy
• The founding of Pennsylvania 1681 was
accomplished by the Quakers. This was done
based upon religious toleration and
Origins of American Democracy
• Glorious revolution 1688 – 1689 James II was
ousted in England. Sir Edmund Andros is
overthrown by Puritans in New England and
the Dominion of New England is formed.
Origins of American Democracy
• Salem Witch Trials 1692 The Puritans of
Massachusetts conduct these trials of
suspected witches demonstrating the
intolerance and supressiveness of their
Origins of American Democracy
• The Split of North and South Carolina 1712
the poor tobacco farmers split from southern
Carolina aristocrats to form North Carolina.
White settlers soon expel coastal Indians of
the Carolinas.
Origins of American Democracy
• The trial John Peter Zerger 1734- 1735 this
newspaper publisher is put on trial for
accusations against Royal officials in New York.
He is acquitted because the accusations are
true. This was viewed as a victory for freedom
of the press.
Compare and Contrast Plymouths “Direct
Democracy” form of Government with
Virginia’s “Representative Democracy” form of
government. Be sure to use examples from
your last lesson as well as today's’. Also Tell
me which form you like best and why.
Make this essay 1 page minimum.