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Section 2.1 Introduction
When did the Middle Ages begin?
It began with the fall of Rome in 476 CE. No one country or ruler in Europe
at this time.
How is the Middle ages divided?
The Early Middle Ages lasted from about 476 to 1000 C.E. The High Middle
Ages lasted from about 1000 to 1300. The Late Middle Ages lasted from
about 1300 to 1450.
Section 2.2 Western Europe During the Middle
Describe Western Europe during the Middle Ages:
Europe was left with no central government or system of defense. Many
invading groups set up kingdoms throughout Western Europe. These
kingdoms were often at war with one another. The most powerful rulers
were those who controlled the most land and had the best warriors.
What was Charlemagne’s Empire?
When did the Early Middle Ages begin?
It began with the Fall of Rome. After Rome collapsed, life in Europe was
difficult and dangerous. People had to work hard to have enough to eat and
survive. Many barbarians and kingdoms constantly attacked others.
A powerful group at this time was the Franks. The Franks were successful
because they had developed a new style of warfare. It depended on troops of
knights, heavily armed warriors who fought on horseback
Who was Clovis and what did he do?
How did Feudalism begin?
These challenges of living lead to feudalism. Feudalism is where a person
pledged loyalty to a lord, and in return, received protection from that lord.
Warriors fought on behalf of the lord.
In 481 C.E., at the age of 15, Clovis became leader of the Franks. Five years
later, he defeated the last great Roman army in Gaul at Soissons. Extended
Frankish borders, very powerful
Who was Charlemagne?
How does the Feudal System work?
Warriors fought on behalf of their lords. Peasants worked the land. At the
bottom of the system were serfs, peasants who were not free to leave the
lord’s land without permission.
This impressive king ruled for over 40 years, from 768 to 814. Writings from
that period say that he was six feet four inches tall. He united Christian lands
into one single empire. Could not read, but loved and encouraged education.
Why was there a need for order and protection?
Europe was threatened by 3 groups: Muslims followers of Islam, the
Magyars from Asia in the East, and the Vikings from the North who was
especially feared.
Section 2.3 Feudalism: Establishing Order
Section 2.4 Monarchs During Feudal Times
How did Feudalism establish order?
Describe what the Monarchs were responsible for during Feudal times:
Under this system, people were bound to one another by promises of loyalty
and made written arrangements by social class.
Medieval monarchs were also feudal lords. They were expected to keep order
and to provide protection for their vassals.
How does Feudalism Work?
What is “divine right of kings?”
In theory, all the land in the kingdom belonged to the monarch (usually a
king, but sometimes a queen).A great deal of land was also owned by the
The idea the God gave them the right to rule
The king kept some land for himself and gave fiefs (FEEFS), or land grants,
to his most important lords, who became his vassals.
Upper class citizen for landowner in feudal society, such as a vassal.
In return, each lord promised to supply the king with knights in times of
war. A lord then enlisted lesser lords and knights as his vassals.
Vassal=Assistant to king or lord
What is a noble?
What were the monarchs like in England?
Monarchs had become quite powerful, but had to work hard. Few hard their
own armies, so they had to rely on their vassals for knights. The Vikings
became very powerful, as did the Saxons. When Saxon ruler dieds, there was
war over who would take over.
Peasants were at the bottom. Lords rented some of their land to the peasants
who worked for them.
Some peasants, called serfs, were “tied” to the land they worked. They could
not leave the lord’s land without permission, and they had to farm his fields
in exchange for a small plot of their own.
What is a manor?
Large estates. A manor included a castle or manor house, one or more
villages, and the surrounding farmland. Manors were in the country, far
from towns so it relied on peasants for all goods.
Could you move up or down the social classes in Feudalism?
Born into a social class for life.
How did the Feudal system get to England?
William, the powerful Duke of Normandy, believed he had the right to the
English throne. However, the English crowned his cousin, Harold. In 1066,
William and his army invaded England. William defeated Harold at the
Battle of Hastings and brought feudal life with him, giving order to
Monarch: Owner of the Land, gives protection for people in exchange for knights/Army
Lords: Assistants to the Monarch, govern over Fiefe
Knights: heavily armored warriors on horseback who provided service in war in
return for land and protection
Peasants/Serfs: Serfs were peasants bound to the land. Needed
Permission to leave. Peasants farmed the land and made most of the
necessary articles of life. Above Serfs
Label each social class and include a description of that class next to the pyramid
How would you describe life during feudal times:
War between kingdoms, but orderly-everyone knew their place in society, received protection for working farms/or supplying troops
Section 3.1 Introduction
Section 3.2 The Christian church takes shape
What was the Roman Catholic Church?
How did the Christian church begin?
The Church was a product of the rise of Christianity in Rome. It became the
center of life in the Middle Ages becoming stronger than the government
(Became the Government)
It traces back to the Rise of Christianity in Rome, and Constantine who
legalized Christianity. All Christians followed the Roman Catholic Church,
and gave their lives stability,
How is the Roman Catholic Church organized?
What was the center of medieval life in Western Europe?
Pope: Head of the Catholic Church
The Church was the center of life in medieval western Europe. Almost every
community had a church building. Larger towns and cities had a
cathedral. Church bells rang out the hours, called people to worship, and
warned of danger.
Cardinals: Appointed by Pope, assistants to the Pope
Archbishops: They oversaw large or important areas called archdioceses.
Bishops: Governed diocese and great cathedrals
Priest: Leader of a parish (local community)
How did the church gain its economic power?
What services did the church provide?
Religious services were held several times a day. Town meetings, plays, and
concerts were also held in churches. Merchants had shops around the square
in front of the church. Farmers sold their produce in the square, and
markets, festivals, and fairs were held there, as well.
Largest landholder in Europe. Some land came in the form of gifts from
monarchs. Some land was taken by force. Also collected taxes- Each person
was expected to give one-tenth of his money, produce, or labor to help
support the Church.
How did the church gain its political power?
Latin, the language of the Church, was the only common language in
Europe. Church officials were often the only people who could read. They
kept records for monarchs and became trusted scribes and advisers.
What happened between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV?
Gregory (Church) excommunicated Henry (Ruler). This meant Henry was
thrown out of the Church. Gregory also said that Henry’s subjects were no
longer obliged to obey him. Showed Church was more powerful than Ruler.
Section 3.3 Sacraments and Salvation in the
Middle Ages
Describe sacraments and salvation during the Middle Ages
The Church taught that people gained salvation, or entry
into heaven and eternal life, by following the Church’s
teachings and living a moral life.
Sacraments were sacred rites that Christians believed
brought them grace, or a special blessing from God. The
sacraments marked the most important events in a person’s
Section 3.4 Pilgrimages and Crusades
Describe pilgrimages during the Middle Ages.
Christians would take pilgrimages (Holy Journeys) to
Jersusalem, Holy Cathedrals, etc. It showed their devotion to
Describe the Crusades.
The Crusades were a series of military expeditions to the land
where Jesus had lived, which Christians called the Holy Land.
It was Wars between Muslims, Jews, Christians over Holy
Why go on Crusades?
Some people went on Crusade to seek wealth, and some to
seek adventure. Others went in the belief that doing so
would guarantee their salvation. Many Crusaders acted
from deep religious belief.