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MSWF-16 National Technical Adviser
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Project Background
The TOR is set in the context of a Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSW) Project
(P126832) which is implemented by the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO)
of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (funded by the Global Environment
Facility(GEF) and supervised by the World Bank), with demonstration city of Yunnan
Kunming and Ningbo.
For the purpose of protecting human health and the environment from releases of
persistent organic pollutants (POPs), as well as to enforce the obligations resulting
from the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, China has developed
a National Implementation Plan (NIP).. According to the NIP, municipal solid waste
(MSW) incineration is one of the key sources of dioxin and furan release in China.
The objective of the project is to build capacity and demonstrate the best available
techniques and best environmental practices in MSW incineration in accordance with
the Stockholm Convention. The project consists of three components:
Component 1: Capacity Building for Improved Operation and Regulation of MSW
Component 2:
Capacity Building for Improved MSW Management Planning.
Component 3: Provision of Project management and implementation support activities,
implementation, procurement and financial management, and environmental and social
safeguards at the national and municipality level.
FECO/MEP is seeking a national technical adviser (NTA) to support the project
implementation from technical and management aspects. The NTA can be an
individual expert, who shall work closely with FECO during the whole period of the
The objectives of the NTA’s work is to (a) provide suggestion for the overall and
detailed project management; (b) help to make sure key technical decisions and actions
comply with the overall objective of the project; (c) support the technical coordination
among relevant stakeholders for the project.
On behalf of FECO, acting as a technical authority for the project, provide
coordination of all outputs and deliverables produced by technical consultants to
ensure all project outputs fully meet project requirements and respective terms of
Scope of Work
The NTA is expected to perform the following work:
Task 1: Project Implementation Suggestion
The NTA shall develop and recommend project implementation tasks in order to
achieve FECO’s requirements. Specifically, the NTA shall draft annual implementation
activities based on annual work plan provided by FECO, and develop activity
arrangements on demo, propaganda, training, monitoring and any other suggestions the
NTA believes necessary. In each part of the arrangement, the NTA shall provide
detailed information on time scheme, specific outputs, relevant stakeholders, etc.
To ensure the work of other key technical related consultants complying with the
overall objective, the NTA shall draft their terms of reference while keeping in mind of
the close connection and coordination of different activities carried out by technical
Task 2: The Organization and Participation in Technical Meetings/Trainings
The NTA shall provide support in training sessions and meetings for the discussion and
coordination of key technical problems. Relevant works include: (a) draft meeting
agenda, participant list and key technical references; (b) prepare reports for each
training sessions and/or other meetings or events in a timely manner and submit
conclusion reports of each technical meeting/training.
What is worth mentioning: as a key stakeholder of the project, the NAT shall
participate in all necessary trainings and meetings, and present speeches based on the
requirement of FECO.
Task 3: Assisting Stakeholders Coordination
For the special preference in technology and the rich experience in the sector, the NTA
shall help to coordinate different technical comments among relevant stakeholders in
the manners of email, telephone, etc. except for the above meetings/trainings. Provide
technical comments on the work plans and reports submitted by other technical
consultants in terms of meeting objectives of various project components.
Task 4: Other Works on Project Improvement
The implementation of the project will relate to many different types of coordination,
discussion and consultation activities, so the NTA shall take part in them while FECO
request. Those activities will include (but not limited to) national or international site
visits, communications, etc.
Annual work plan: Based on the overall objective of the project and specific
requirement, the NTA will submit a draft annual work plan to FECO for review
and approval. The draft annual work plan should be submitted before February of
each year. The first draft work plan should be provided within one month after
contract signing.
Meeting reports: Each of key technical meeting/training should be designed firstly,
and summarized by the NTA. The key meetings/trainings may include the
following arrangements:
Name of Meeting/Training
Draft Timing
In the middle and end of 2016
WB mission and annual review meeting
and 2017
country’s During two years, at least three
Sub-project discussion during the implementation
During two years
On-site coordination for the local PMO
Early and late 2016 and 2017
TOR for the key stakeholders:
To improve the implementation of the project,
FECO will employ the consultants to support the duties related to professional
qualification on technical evaluation, sample monitoring, propaganda designing,
promotion of BAT/BEP, technology and policy trainings, etc. To support the
proceeding of the project, the NTA shall draft the TORs for the above consultants
to be employed.
Except for the above TORs, the NTA shall provide comments for the TORs of
following duties, which will be developed by FECO.
Draft Timing
Individual financial expert
Before June. of 2016
One institution to responsible for training
Before June. of 2016
guideline for online supervision of
Before the Oct. of 2016
MSW incineration facilities
One institution to perform monitoring for 4
Before the Oct. of 2016
incinerators in Kunming
One institution to responsible for dissemination
Before the Oct. of 2016
Review reports for key activities:
To be certain about the effectiveness of
relevant reports, especially those for key activities, the NTA shall help to review
them, and provide comments for FECO.
Draft Timing
Operational and environmental performance audit
Before the end of 2016
Individual financial expert
Before Aug. of 2017
One institution to provide training for trainers
Before the end of 2016
One institution to responsible for whole country’s
Before Oct of 2016
incinerators training
guideline for online supervision of
Before the end of 2017
MSW incineration facilities
One institution to perform monitoring for 4
Before the July of 2017
incinerators in Kunming
Updating standards (four)
Before the end of 2016
International expert
Before Oct of 2017
Expected level of effort
WB mission, take part in the discussion
The team will discuss the problem of project
implementation and the expert will input
three days; the mission is twice yearly
annual review meeting
The expert should be take part in the
meeting and prepare for the meeting
7 full working days, it will be take part in
the biding evaluation work, such as
MSWF-2, MSWF-4, MSWF-5, etc.
At least 28 full working days meeting and
discussion should be participated by the
Compile TORs for individual Consultants
of financial expert
2 full working days for TORs of MSWF-2,
which include discussion
Compile TORs for national guideline for
online supervision of MSW incineration
2 full working days for TORs of MSWF-6
Compile TOR for Monitoring Consultant
for 4 incinerators in Yunnan
2 full working days for TORs of MSWF-7
※ activities of project implementation
take part in relevant biding evaluation
The other technical meetings
※ TOR for the stakeholder
Compile TORs for individual Consultants
of international expert
2 full working days for TORs of MSWF-12
Compile TORs for dissemination event
2 full working days for TORs of MSWF-3
3 full work days
At least 22 full working days meeting and
review the technical report should be
participated by the NTA
6 full working days, NTA should attend
other necessary seminar in Ningbo PMO or
other consulting services during project
10 full working days, the activity of
operation and environment audit should be
participated by NTA. Besides, NTA should
attend other necessary seminar in Yunnan
※ review report for key activities
Comments to TOR of MSWF-4, MSWF-5
and MSWF-17
comments to submit report from
※ on-site coordination for the local
Ning Bo PMO and other institutions
Yun Nan PMO and demonstration
Selection of the NTA
The NTA will be selected following the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and
Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011). The selection
method will be IC (Individual Consultant). FECO/MEP will execute the consultant
selection process.
Specific qualification requirements for the NTA include:
an advanced degree in mechanical, chemical or environmental engineering;
Over 10 years’ engineering or operational working experiences at energy from
waste project or similar incineration projects;
Have adequate familiarity with the Stockholm Convention and BAT/BEP
guidelines on incineration of MSW, and China’s NIP;
Excellent interpersonal skill;
Excellent communication and writing skills in English and Chinese;
The following qualifications will be desirable:
o Familiarity with international situation on MSW incinerate disposal;
o Experience of working with WB or other international organization.
Duration of the Assignment
The duration of this assignment is expected to be two years.
VIII. Support to the NTA
FECO/MEP will work closely with the NTA, and provide all relevant project
information and requirements, and FECO will provide necessary project facilitation
with other government agencies at all levels.
The procurement method is IC.