Download Michael Gurevich - New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians

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Holistic Psychiatric
Treatment Model:
The way to becoming well again.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Why this talk can be helpful to you:
– Any patient with physical issues, has emotional
– Most of the patients in any integrative practice are on
psychotropic medications. Can you get them off?
– Is laboratory testing individually accurate or is it just
diagnosis specific? Should you consider energetic
testing to make it patient specific?
– New treatment methods in psychiatry few know about:
Neural therapy, NAD, and marrying ethology with
specific treatment.
– ND working with MD’s: can it be mutually beneficial?
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Multiple Epidemics of Chronic Medical
and Psychiatric Conditions
– Unprecedented rise in most chronic medical
conditions, i.e.: Cancer, asthma, autoimmune
conditions, infections
– Unprecedented rise in most psychiatric conditions:
Autism, bipolar disorder (from 1:100,000 to 1:20),
depression, anxiety, transgender (from 1:200,000 to
1:20) etc.
Is it the same epidemic with just different manifestation?
What is the cause?
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Psychiatry Approach to Epidemic:
Etiology of psychiatric conditions is irrelevant
Psychiatric conditions defined by DSM as
specific diseases, by non-specific overlapping
symptoms. Classification is ever-changing and
Psychotropic medications are specific for
particular psychiatric conditions, but… once
approved marketed for all other conditions
Psychiatric conditions, once diagnosed, should
be medicated for life.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Conventional Approach to Psychiatry
•Find THE DISEASE in a patient
• Find medications to reduce symptoms
• Lifelong disease management; cure is not
• Side effects are inevitable
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Integrative Approach
• Diagnose the DISEASE
• Use lab testing to look for biochemical
• Treat the DISEASE
• Use supplements appropriate for
• Medications are an expected part of a
• Management or cure???
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Personal Journey:
Looking for What is Working
Learning acupuncture
Guided imagery, meditation, energy
Bioresonance Energetic Testing (BET)
Orthomolecular and integrative medicine
Neural therapy.
 German Biological medicine
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry: A Unique Approach
o Treating the patient, rather than diagnosis
o Sherlock Holmes exploration of etiology: Interview +
exam+ bioresonance testing
o Individualized, practice proven application of therapy
modalities applied synergistically in “peeling an onion”
o Removing obstacle to health, including medications
o Collaborating as a team of healers
o Goals: To fully restore patient health and
functioning and get off medications
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Lyme Cause Bipolar Disorder?
02/15: 16 yo ♀, discharged after suicidal attempt,
bipolar disorder; chronically suicidal; in day treatment
Mood swings, suicidal, anxious, PMS, PCOS,
hypothyroidism, GI issues, obesity, +++.
Meds: Seroquel, Lamictal, Synthroid
Dx: Lyme + co-infections at 10. Multiple antibiotics.
Since 13 y/o 10+ psych meds, 6 X hospitalizations.
Very smart, social, supportive Greek family
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Medical “Sherlock Holmes” Tools:
• Medical knowledge
• Clinical intuition equipped with the
magnifying glass of energetic
testing. (It’s highly controversial, it’s
not “scientific,” but, in the hands of
an expert, it’s a tool you “can’t live
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Lyme Cause Bipolar Disorder?
BET: High toxicity; Lyme + Bartonella
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Bioresonance Energetic Testing
Modifications of:
–Muscle testing developed by Dr.
– Lecher’s antenna testing developed
by Dr. Szulc
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Kinesiological testing: Autonomic Response
Testing (ART)
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Insert video: modified ART
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Bioresonance Analysis of Health™ (BAH)
Creator: Thomas K. Szulc, M.D.
•Medical Practice, BAH Institute,
treats patients from around the
world and is closely associated
with the famous Paracelsus Clinic
in Switzerland and SBJ Research
Center in Paris, France.
•Author of “The Art of Medicine:
The Principles of Energy in
Medicinal Sciences”
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Bioresonance Analysis of Health™
Single drop of blood taken from
the patient.
STEP 1 - Identifying All
Sources of Dysfunction
 Toxicity
 Tissue pH
 Multiple Stressors
geopathic, +)
Pathogens Present
Nutritional Deficiencies
Dysfunction Priority
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Bioresonance Analysis of Health™
STEP 2 - Personalized
Patient Protocol
IV Infusion
B.A.H. can determine dosage,
frequency, duration, etc.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Insert video: modified BAH
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Some Etiological Factors of
Psychiatric Epidemic
1. Increase in environmental toxicity: Chemical +EMF
2. Changes in our microbiome
3. Spread of poorly diagnosed infections and
4. Over-reliance on pharmacologic treatment
5. Iatrogenic complications of psychiatric medications
6. Illicit drug abuse
7. Becoming a “fast food” society @acceleration in the
pace of life
8. Changes in definition: what is normal vs. abnormal
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Etiology of Mental Conditions
Usually a combination of multiple
factors superimposed on each other.
Resolving them is like peeling layers
of an onion.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Four Steps of Holistic Healing
1. Initiation into holistic model: It’s the most
difficult step. Symptom Improvements should be
noticed within 1 to 4 weeks.
2. Peeling an onion of etiological issues,
medication tapering, and organ and function
restoration: 3 to 36 months.
3. Strengthened resilience, reducing supplements
and holistic care: 3 to 12 months
4. Back to normal: As long as needed
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Step 1. Initiation into Holistic Model
• Medications long-term effectiveness is
questionable, but side effects are inevitable.
• Normal life style is a key: circadian cycle, healthy
diets, exercise, eliminating illicit drugs.
• Reducing toxicity, restoring minerals, vitamins,
and amino acids levels.
• Reducing physiology by using: herbs, vitamins,
amino acids, homeopathy, neural therapy, IV’s
and energy balancing.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Changing Patient’s Expectations
• Find what caused your mental condition?
• Let’s eliminate those factors one by one
• Change dysfunctional behavior and diet which
perpetuate symptoms
• Treatment takes some time, but will bring
restoration of your health and productivity
• Medications are often not an answer, but an
• All medications have withdrawal symptoms
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Lyme Cause Bipolar Disorder?
Treatment: Lifestyle, diet, sleep hygiene
Supplements: Soluna, Somaplex , TAS, BCAA, BW A-Bart,
Psychosomatic energetics, +, Acupuncture, APN.
IV: UVB + zone, active air, bio-magnets.
3/2015: NT- pelvic, thyroid GI injections. UNDA protocol:
# 10, 21, 24, Folliculinum, Luteinum, Evening Primrose
oil, SAMe for depression. Seroquel- started slow
tapering. ACMOS, ear seeds.
4/2015- mood improved. Returned to school. Menstrual
period painful. IV antimicrobial protocol. 70% reduction
of Seroquel.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Step 2: “Peeling an Onion” of Etiological issues
Continue adjusting, modifying, and balancing
Addressing key etiological issues: Infections,
parasites, and traumas: physical, emotional,
Restoring organ and system functions: Digestive,
endocrine systems, immunological, and
Introduction into a positive psychology and selfhealing
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Lyme Cause Bipolar Disorder?
–05-06/15 Mood stable. ↓supplements.
Sanum immunity protocol. Bee venom IC
for arthritic pain. IV Argentyn 23. Mild
hypomania after stopping Seroquel .
–07-08/15 6 weeks vacation in Greecegreat. Tapering of Lamictal. Tennant Biomodulator – resolving traumas.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry
Treatment Methods:
– Physical: Functional, Orthomolecular and
German Biological Medicines, Herbs,
Supplements, Neural therapy
– Energetic: Acupuncture, Homeopathy, taping.
– Psycho-emotional: Guided imagery
Applied Psycho-Neurobiology, positive psychology,
Systemic Family, Tennant Bio-modulator, ACMOS
– Life style/behavioral changes: Diet, sleep-wake
cycle, exercise, and illicit drug use.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Step 2: How to Taper Psych Medications?
Be careful walking through a landmine field:
All reductions of psych meds can cause
1. Adjust one medication at a time
2. Go slowly and small
3.Substitute with other meds
4.Substitute with supplements
5.Add supplements to control symptoms
6.Use whatever techniques you are good at
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Step 3: Strengthened Resilience,
Reducing Supplements and Holistic Care
• Continue work started in steps I and II:
Eliminating unresolved issues and obstacles
to recovery
• Strengthening resilience and beliefs: There
is a life without psychiatric label and
• Lowering and eliminating supplements
• Utilizing tools for self-healing
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Lyme Cause Bipolar Disorder?
–09-10/15 Emotional stability; creative,
writing book, A+ in school; Lamictal
–11-12/15 –Stable. Monthly visits.
–03/16 Stable. Followed Q 2 months.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Step 4: Back to Normal
• Infrequent maintenance visits to
support for related or unrelated
physical and emotional issues.
• Holistic team is functioning in a role of
life-coach or mentor
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Parasites Cause Bipolar Disorder?
12/2015: 27 yo Indian ♀, BD, hypomanic, refusing meds.
14 yo after trip to India contracted severe E. Coli,
hospitalized, antibiotics. Psychotic. Two psychiatric
hospitalizations. On and off on Seroquel, Lithium,
Risperdal, Klonopin, Depakote, Latuda, + other meds.
Feeling dull on meds, gained 40 lb., GI and menstrual
issues. Always cycling: Depression or mania.
Exam: Pressured speech, circumstantial, irritable.
BET: Parasites in LI, liver, GB.; moderate toxicity
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Parasites Cause Bipolar Disorder?
1.Tx: Soluna, Somaplex, Lithium, EMP, BCAA, Choline
Bitartrate, acupuncture, Chavita + Emvita, lifestyle + diet
2.02/16: Stable. Antiparasitic Tx: Ivermectin +
Praziquantel -2 weeks. ↑↑ Depression + mania for 1 wk.
Fire station: BCAA (Branched Amino Acids) + Lithium
orotate + Choline bitartrate. Neural therapy: ileocecal
valve + Frankenhauser's plexus.
3.03/16 Parasites in descending colon. Ivermectin - 2 wks.
↑↑ stability. Several parasites in stool. Letting go of old
4.04/16 Stable. No parasites. ↓supplements
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Case report
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Are Parasites a Real Problem?
• Parasites evolve with us and undergo an
incredible process of adaptation to new
• Parasites learn how to change a host: behavior,
appetite, bowel movements, and thinking.
• Why conventional testing is failing?
• How to get rid of them?
– Aggressive medication treatments, several courses
– Herbs/supplements
– Learning how to set emotional boundaries
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Neural Therapy (NT):
“Acupuncture on Steroids”
NT is a method of diagnosing and treating illness
caused by disturbances of the body’s
electrophysiology called “interference fields (IF).”
IF can trigger abnormal autonomic nervous system
(ANS) responses. IF may be found in scars,
autonomic ganglia, teeth, internal organs or other
locations where local tissue irritation exists.
By injecting IF with procaine or other substances,
electromagnetic field of ANS function and organ
function can be restored.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can Forceps Delivery Cause
Tourette's Syndrome?
7 yo♂, Tourette's Syndrome from 5; expelled from 3
private schools.
At 5 yo: femur fracture; wheelchair bound 3 months.
Trauma: from being top athlete/smartest, leader →
scapegoat; inappropriate shouts, sounds, and ticks.
Multiple therapy failed. Mother, advance Lyme MD
refused meds.
NT: hip periosteum fracture-lighting cure ↓ 90% in sx, but
relapsed in 2 wks. Found interference field on mastoid
process: born by forceps. Periosteum injection in mastoid
process: 3 month sx reduction/elimination. Repeated 3
times. ↓ in Sx to 5-10%.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Neural Therapy
• NT is a regulating holistic therapy. The
healing stimulus generates a response
from the whole neurovegetative system
in which healing occurs as a result of
correctly placed selective use of procaine
or lidocaine in a segment of skin or
autonomic ganglia.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Neural Therapy
• It was developed independently by Russian
scientist A.D. Speransky and German dentists
Ferdinand and Walter Huneke from 19201940s. It later gained recognition for
illustrating “interference field” concepts. The
“interference field” can create a disease in a
body organ far from its location and can be
eliminated by superficial or deep injections.
• It is the most advanced form of healing I
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide:
“Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is an energy
"currency" of the cell. All cellular life requires it and
there is a concomitant pantheon of proteins that interact
with it.”
Christopher Bottoms, B.S. Biochemistry and Biology, Oklahoma City
University 1999-present Genetics Area Program, University of
Missouri Columbia. Internet
Other names:
Diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN), nadide, adenine-Dribose-phosphate-phosphate, cozymase, coenzyme 1, Dribose-nicotinamide, vitamin PP and enzopride
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Founders of NAD/BR+ Therapy
Richard Mestayer, MD
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Paula Norris Mestayer, MEd, LPC,
32900 Pitcher Rd, Springfield, Louisiana
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
We Can Help…
Get treatment from the first and longest operating
clinic using intravenous NAD in the United States.
Springfield Wellness Center is the home of the
original NAD Brain Restoration Plus treatment (BR+),
the first and longest operating clinic in the United
States. We are a licensed mental health clinic
providing traditional psychotherapy and nutritional
IV–NAD (BR+) detox treatment in a safe and caring
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
IV NAD Protocol
• Administer in 500 cc of NS, 750 to 1500 mg
per day. Run over 5-10 hours. Slow down if
patient experiences flushing in their face or
• For seizure prevention: Dilantin 50 mg TID for
4 days. Add magnesium and potassium
supplements during infusion.
• Acupuncture and other supplements as
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Resolving Opioid Addiction with NAD
3/ 2015: 21 yo college student. Active use of opioids,
bz, cocaine : pills, IV, snorting.
PPH: Tx with multiple stimulants since 8. Rages, suicidal.
2 hospitalizations for psychosis and mania. Multiple
meds. Digestive issues. Never fits in. Low self-esteem.
Multiple drug use since 14, increase 4 mo prior to
Current: Depakote, Wellbutrin, Prevacid
Drugs: Opioids IV +oral, THC, benzos, cocaine, alcohol.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Resolving Opioid Addiction with NAD
Tx: Soluna, EmpowerPlus, Total Amino Solutions,
acupuncture, Tennant Bio-modulator, Suboxone 4
mg/day. Neural therapy. Behavioral modifications.
5/15 Stopped Depakote, Wellbutrin, and Prilosec.
Relapsing on and off. Suspended from college: Friend
dies in his house from overdose.
9/03/15 - NAD spray 6-10 /day. Titrating Suboxone.
Some issues with pump. Brief relapse.
11/02/15 - Stopped Suboxone.
Maintain NAD spray for 4 months . No opioid use.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
NAD Use Intranasal Spray:
Nasal spray: 100mg/ml - 14ml
1 spray 10mg/nostril or 20mg total;
Spray 2-10/day
–Archway Apothecary: 985-801-0800
–College Pharmacy: 800-888-9358
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Postpartum Depression
• 23 YO, mother of 2, postpartum depression, Tx by
prominent psych pharmacologist: Zyprexa, Latuda,
Lithium, Klonopin
• Manic episode on Zoloft; hypomania on Paxil. Multiple
medication trials. Severe side effects: polydipsia,
hypothyroidism, amenorrhea, ↑weight
• 4/2015: Restless, angry, uncooperative. Tx: Drainage,
UNDA protocol, Neural therapy, acupuncture,
supplements, medications titrated.
• 9/04/2015: Off meds. Cooperative, friendly, smiling, even
though it was her period.
• Followed Q 3 months
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Hormonal Issues
• Thyroid and adrenal issues always present: evaluate,
• Autoimmune- very common.
• Adrenal issues
PMS protocol:
UNDA remedies
Neural therapy injections: Thyroid, adenoid,
Frankenhauser's plexus, IV
Getting off medications
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Obstacles to Patients Healing
Low resilience
Chronic infections and deficiencies
Hx of physical/emotional/sexual abuse
Psychoactive medications and ECT
Heavy metal burden
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
J.- Mercury Toxicity
• 9/14. 63 Y/O F, depressed on and off since
postpartum at 29. Multiple meds. On 6 meds+15
supplements. Sx: severe anxiety, insomnia,
depression. Failure to respond to therapy.
• 1/15 3 amalgam fillings were removed and
chelation lasted 12 months: oral and NT
• Stable off meds for > year, lost weight, cheerful
and energetic, happy wife and grand-mother.
• Visits Q 2-3 months.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Chelation Treatment Options
• Remove amalgam fillings first
• Oral chelation options need to be
applied for a long time and
• Intravenous Tx and neural
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
What Makes Holistic Psychiatry
Approach Unique?
• Synergistic use of methods potentiating each
• Removing obstacles to healing: physical,
emotional, energetic, and spiritual.
• Building resilience: Positive psychology,
creating a healthy life style with proper
exercise, diet, sleep, and habits
• Working as a team of Healers
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Naturopath/ Acupuncturists
I have been Working With
Norman SuHu, ND, LAc.
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Ilana Gurevich, ND, Lac.
Tia Trivisonno, ND, Lac
Holistic Approach is Best Accomplish by a Group
Our patients are very complex and needy
There are multiple treatment approaches
administered synergistically
Treatments are paid out of pocket. To ↓ cost best to
designate easier aspects to a team
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Can MD’s and ND’s have a productive
relationships? Depending on MD’s type:
1. MD’s ignorant and hostile to ND’s- leave them alone
2. MD’s slightly open (using supplements, but ignorant
about ND’s)-attempt to educate. Appeal to additional
source of income you can bring.
3. MD’s open too, studying & using integrative approachengage them. You can ↑ their income & patient
4. Md’s in cash based, integrative practice- educate them:
“You cannot practice without an ND”. We can
your practice so much better!
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
An individualized approach to
treatment-resistant bipolar
disorder: a case series
EXPLORE: The Journal of Science &
June 2016
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Medication-free Alternatives
for Long-term Maintenance of
Bipolar Disorder: A Case Series
Volume 4, Number 2
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
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Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry Approach
Holistic Psychiatry Approach