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HBS Unit 2 Communication Study Guide—Test Thursday December 10th, 2015 (40 MC, Five Short Answer) – 109 pts
How is homeostasis maintained? (1 MC)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system? (5 MC, Short Answer)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the brain? (3 MC)
What is sensation and perception? What is an example of sensation and perception? (1 MC)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the neuron? (2 MC)
What are the resting potential, action potential, and repolarization of a neuron? How is it achieved? (2 MC, Short Answer)
What are the electrical and chemical signals of the brain? How are electrical signals in the brain sent? How are chemical
signals in the brain sent? (1 MC)
How are NTs released? What are characteristics of certain neurotransmitters? (3 MC)
What is a reflex? What are the stimulus, response, receptor, and effector of a reflex? (2 MC, Short Answer)
Diagnose a patient with the appropriate neurological disorder. What is multiple sclerosis? ALS? Huntington’s disease?
Parkinson’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease? Epilepsy? How is MS treated? (2 MC, Short Answer)
What is the difference between endocrine organs and exocrine organs? (1 MC)
What is a hormone? Which hormones are secreted from the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, and pancreas? What
is the function of each hormone? (3 MC)
What are the differences between the amino acid hormones and steroid hormones? (1 MC)
What is an endocrine organ? What is a target organ? (1 MC, Short Answer)
How is blood glucose levels maintained? What is the feedback loop for blood glucose homeostasis? (1 MC)
What is the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland? (1 MC)
How is thyroid hormone maintained? What is the feedback loop for thyroid hormone? (1 MC, Short Answer)
Diagnose a patient with the appropriate endocrine disorder. What is acromegaly? Insulinoma? Graves disease?
Hashimoto’s disease? (1 MC, Short Answer)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the eye and the visual process? What is myopia? What is hyperopia? What is
accommodation? What is astigmatism? What is depth perception? (8 MC, Short Answer)
HBS Unit 2 Communication Study Guide—Test Thursday December 10th, 2015 (40 MC, Five Short Answer) – 109 pts
How is homeostasis maintained? (1 MC)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system? (5 MC, Short Answer)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the brain? (3 MC)
What is sensation and perception? What is an example of sensation and perception? (1 MC)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the neuron? (2 MC)
What are the resting potential, action potential, and repolarization of a neuron? How is it achieved? (2 MC, Short Answer)
What are the electrical and chemical signals of the brain? How are electrical signals in the brain sent? How are chemical
signals in the brain sent? (1 MC)
How are NTs released? What are characteristics of certain neurotransmitters? (3 MC)
What is a reflex? What are the stimulus, response, receptor, and effector of a reflex? (2 MC, Short Answer)
Diagnose a patient with the appropriate neurological disorder. What is multiple sclerosis? ALS? Huntington’s disease?
Parkinson’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease? Epilepsy? How is MS treated? (2 MC, Short Answer)
What is the difference between endocrine organs and exocrine organs? (1 MC)
What is a hormone? Which hormones are secreted from the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, and pancreas? What
is the function of each hormone? (3 MC)
What are the differences between the amino acid hormones and steroid hormones? (1 MC)
What is an endocrine organ? What is a target organ? (1 MC, Short Answer)
How is blood glucose levels maintained? What is the feedback loop for blood glucose homeostasis? (1 MC)
What is the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland? (1 MC)
How is thyroid hormone maintained? What is the feedback loop for thyroid hormone? (1 MC, Short Answer)
Diagnose a patient with the appropriate endocrine disorder. What is acromegaly? Insulinoma? Graves disease?
Hashimoto’s disease? (1 MC, Short Answer)
What is the anatomy and physiology of the eye and the visual process? What is myopia? What is hyperopia? What is
accommodation? What is astigmatism? What is depth perception? (8 MC, Short Answer)