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Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Period _______
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
Directions: Match up the definitions in each group with its corresponding word.
A. Ahmose of Thebes
D. Papyrus
B. Hatshepsut
E. Pyramids
C. Hieroglyphs
F. Sphinx
_____ 1. Large stone tombs with four triangular sides that met in a point at the top
_____ 2. One of a few queens of Egypt; built many monuments and greatly expanded trade
_____ 3. Imaginary creature with the body of a lion and head of something else
_____ 4. Long lasting paper like material used to make paper
_____ 5. Name of the Egyptian writing system
_____ 6. Drove out the Hyksos and started the New Kingdom
A. Dynasty
D. Khufu
B. Exports
E. Mummy
C. Imports
F. Upper Egypt
_____ 7. Famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom; responsible for building the Great Pyramid
_____ 8. Goods traded that are sent out to other regions
_____ 9. Located in southern Egypt; called this because it was uphill
_____ 10. A series of rulers from the same family
_____ 11. Goods traded that are brought in from other regions
_____ 12. A special treated body wrapped in cloth
A. Artisans
D. Obelisk
B. Lower Egypt
E. Polytheism
C. Menes
F. Queen Shanakhdaketo
_____ 13. Egypt’s first pharaoh; established a capital city in the Nile Delta called Memphis
_____ 14. Located in northern Egypt; called this because it was flat and on a plain
_____ 15. Worship of many gods
_____ 16. Queen of Kush; first woman to rule Kush
_____ 17. Tall four-sided pillars that were pointed at the top
_____ 18. People whose jobs required advanced skills
A. Book of the Dead
D. Piankhi
_____ 19.
_____ 20.
_____ 21.
_____ 22.
_____ 23.
_____ 24.
B. Ka
E. Ramses the Great
C. Natural barriers
F. Rosetta Stone
Contained Greek, Hieroglyphs, and later Egyptian writing that helped decode hieroglyphs
The name of the spirit that left the body after death (person’s life force)
Deserts, mountains and bodies of water that provided Egypt with protection
The best preserved document that taught about Egyptian burial practices and religion
Considered greatest pharaoh; remembered as a great warrior and built many monuments
King of Kush; conquered all of Egypt
A. Afterlife
D. King Tutankhamen
B. Cataracts
E. Pharaoh
C. Egyptian culture
F. Trade Network
_____ 25. Steep rapids or waterfalls
_____ 26. Howard Carter discovered this pharaoh’s tomb in 1922; we learned a lot about
Egyptian life and afterlife
_____ 27. Person responsible for all things that happen both good and bad
_____ 28. A system of people in different lands who exchange goods
_____ 29. Civilization that greatly influenced Kushite culture
_____ 30. The belief that was central to Egyptian religion; life after death
Directions: Answer the following questions:
- Why did the pharaoh wear a double crown?
- Describe the class system (social order)
- Why did the Egyptians mummify their dead?
- Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry and treasures?
- Why was the Egyptian Middle Kingdom so short?
- Why did Egypt become so wealthy during the New Kingdom?
- List three reasons why Kush declines:
Essay Question: The ancient civilization in Egypt is split into three periods (Old, Middle and
New Kingdoms). Pick one of the periods, and describe the important events (both
good and bad) that occurred in Egypt during that time.
Things to remember:
- Where Egypt is in the Ancient World (Use your Ancient Civilizations Map!)
- Geographical features (rivers, bodies of water) and cities (Know your Ancient Egypt Map)