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Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Overview: This comprehensive test plan has been broken down into sections in order to simplify testing.
Each section is focused around a specific area of the board, which will be pictured at the beginning of
each section. Additionally the way the board should be initially set up for each test will be pictured and
described at the beginning of each test along with a list of the materials you will need to complete the
test. Here are the categories the test plans will fall under:
Power (Red)
Adder and Multiplier (Yellow)
Filters (Greyish Blue)
Microphone (Orange)
ECG (Pink)
INA (Cream)
Sampling (Light Blue)
Headphones and Speaker (Purple)
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Equipment Required:
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Power Supply
Testing Procedure:
1. Ensure that you have a 1A fuse in your board.
2. Plug in the power supply to the board
3. Observe the LEDs to see if they are lit.
Requirements for Passing:
The LEDs on the -9V and +9V must be lit with approximately equal luminence.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Adder and Multiplier
Equipment Required:
Two Channel Function Generator
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SHORT
Input Jumper: SIG
Filter Jumper: Pass
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Testing Procedure:
1. Power on the board by plugging in the power supply.
2. Attach Channel 1 of your function generator to the SIG_IN and ground pins of the board and set
it to a square wave with 1 Vp-p, 1 kHz, and no offset.
3. Attach your oscilloscope to the V_OUT and GND pins.
4. Verify that there is a square wave coming out on the V_OUT.
5. Attach channel 2 to the ZIN and GND pins and set it to a sine wave with 1 Vp-p, 1 kHz, and no
6. Change the offset switch to ZIN and the output on your oscilloscope should look like the picture
7. Change the offset switch to 0 and the gain switch to POT then turn the potentiometer in the
bottom left hand corner, you should see the amplitude of the square wave change on the
8. Move channel 2 to the YIN pin and change the gain switch to the YIN setting. The output on your
oscilloscope should look like the picture below.
Requirements for Passing:
The signals shown on the oscilloscope match the provided photos.
The amplitude of the square wave should change when you turn the potentiometer.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Equipment Required:
Two Channel Function Generator
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
2 12 kΩ resistors
1 10 kΩ resistor
2 6.8 kΩ resistors
1 8.2 kΩ resistor
3 2.7 kΩ resistors
2 1 kΩ resistors
3 10 nF capacitor
1 150 nF
1 22 nF capacitor
1 47 nF capacitor
1 330 nF capacitor
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SHORT
Input Jumper: SIG
Filter Jumper: Pass
6th Order
1st Order
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Testing Procedure:
1. Attach channel 1 of the signal generator to the SIG_IN and GND pins, then set it to output a
square wave 1Vp-p, 1.5 kHz, and an offset of 0.
2. Attach the oscilloscope the V_OUT and GND pins. The square wave should show up on the
oscilloscope unchanged.
3. Move the Filter Jumper to 1st, you should see a rise time on the square wave now. If you sweep
the frequency up you should notice the rise time takes up more and more of the square wave.
The signal should look like the capture below.
4. Now set the frequency to 200 Hz, you should notice that the signal is not attenuated.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, but instead move the jumper to 6th. The signal should look like the picture
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Requirements for Passing:
The square wave should be filtered by both the 1st and 6th order filters.
As you sweep the frequency the attenuation should noticeably increase.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Equipment Required:
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SHORT
Input Jumper: MIC
Filter Jumper: Pass
Testing Procedure:
1. Attach the oscilloscope to the V_OUT and GND pins.
2. It is recommended that you set the time scale to a fairly high value so that it is easier to tell that
you are observing a sound wave.
3. Speak, hum, or sing at a medium level and in the direction of the microphone.
4. While doing this observe the oscilloscope, the sound waves you are creating should be clearly
Requirements for Passing:
The sound wave is clearly visible and at a reasonable amplitude.
The sound is distinct from the noise.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Equipment Required:
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
3 ECG Pads
4 Alligator Clips
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SHORT
Input Jumper: ECG
Filter Jumper: Pass
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Testing Procedure:
1. Apply the ECG pads to the bottom of your wrists and one ankle.
2. Connect an alligator clip to each of the pads, we recommend that you link two clips together to
connect to the pad on your ankle.
3. Connect the two pads on your wrists to ECG_POS and ECG_NEG and the pad on your ankle to
4. We recommend that you set the time scale to a high value considering the average resting heart
rate is 60 beats per minute.
5. Observe the oscilloscope, you should see a peak about once every second, and is should look
like the below picture.
Requirements for Passing:
The peak of the ECG wave is clearly visible.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Equipment Required:
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
Digital Multimeter
Load Cell or Thermistor
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SHORT
Input Jumper: INA
Filter Jumper: Pass
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Testing Procedure:
1. Use the digital multimeter to test to see if the +9V and -9V rails actually provide 9V.
2. Hook the load cell up to the Vin+ and Vin- and your oscilloscope to V_OUT.
3. Heat the thermistor or deform the load cell and observe the voltage it should go up.
Requirements for Passing:
The voltage should mirror the deformation of the load cell and the temperature change of the
thermistor respectively.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Equipment Required:
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
2 Channel Function Generator
100 nF capacitor
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SAMPLE
Input Jumper: SIG
Filter Jumper: Pass
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Testing Procedure:
1. Put the capacitor in the Sample R/C slot.
2. Put channel 1 on the SIG_IN with a sine wave, 1Vp-p, 100 Hz, 0 offset, and put channel 2 on the
CLK and GND pins and set it to be a pulse with a duty cycle of 5%, a frequency of 1 kHz, and 6
3. The oscilloscope should show a sampled sine wave which should look something like the picture
Requirements for Passing:
The image produced on the oscilloscope should match the provided image.
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Headphones and Speaker
Equipment Required:
Bench Top Power Supply or 12V Supply
2 Channel Function Generator
8 or 16 Ω speaker
A pair of headphones
Initial Setup:
Offset: 0
Gain: 1
Sampling Switch: SHORT
Input Jumper: SIG
Filter Jumper: Pass
Signals Exploration Board Test Plan
Testing Procedure:
1. Attach channel 1 of the function generator to the SIG_IN and GND pins, then set channel 1 to be
a 400 Hz sine wave 1 Vp-p.
2. Set the output switch to speaker and attach your speaker to the two pins at the top of the
3. Sweep the amplitude of the sine wave up and at about 6 Vp-p you should hear the wave start to
4. Now set the amplitude back to 1 Vp-p and set the output switch to headphones.
5. Plug in your headphones and sweep the amplitude up again to hear the clipping.
Requirements for Passing:
Both the headphones and speaker should create clear tones and there should be a noticeable
difference between clipping and non-clipping amplitudes.
The transistors should not over heat and fail when the speaker is being used.