Download What is the Pelvic Floor? The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that

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What is the Pelvic Floor?
The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that spread across
the bottom of the pelvic cavity like a hammock. The
pelvic floor has three openings that run through it, the
urethra, the vagina, and the rectum. The functions of
the pelvic floor include:
To support the pelvic organs, specifically the
uterus, the bladder, and the rectum
To help provide sphincter control for the
bladder and bowel
To withstand increases in pressure that occur
in the abdomen such as coughing, sneezing,
laughing, straining, and lifting
To enhance the sexual response
What is Levator Ani Syndrome?
Levator ani syndrome is chronic spasming and tightness in
the levator ani muscle.
The levator ani muscle is a set of muscles that spread across
the bottom of the pelvic cavity like a hammock and
composes part of the pelvic floor. The levator ani muscle
supports the pelvic organs by surrounding and supporting
the structures that pass through it such as the urethra,
vagina, and rectum.
Symptoms of levator ani syndrome include:
A dull ache in the rectum, vagina, or perineum
Constant rectal or vaginal pressure
A constant burning in the rectum, vagina, or
Feeling as though one is sitting on a ball, or as
though a ball is in the rectum
Defecation often worsens symptoms and is difficult if you
are experiencing levator ani syndrome. Sexual
intercourse can also worsen your symptoms. Levator
ani syndrome is not thought to be psychological in origin,
however emotional stress may aggravate symptoms.
The pelvic floor from the side
What Causes Levator Ani Syndrome?
Levator ani syndrome is caused by muscular tension due to injury or surgery. Example sources of injury
Pelvic surgery with trauma to the pelvic muscles, or blood and nerve supply to the muscles
Childbirth injury
Lumbar disc surgery
Sexual related injuries
Pelvic inflammation or infection
Strenuous physical activity
Repeated improper postural positioning
How is Levator Ani Syndrome Treated?
Levator ani syndrome is treated by a combination of the following methods:
Hot baths nightly for 20 minutes
Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication
Muscle relaxants
Massage to the levator ani muscle
Pelvic floor muscle reeducation using biofeedback. Biofeedback uses special computer
equipment that measures muscle activity. A person can use this feedback while they are doing
exercises to learn to properly contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles.
Vaginal dilators
Electrogalvanic stimulation to the levator ani muscle