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Name: Jim Gentner ([email protected])
Date: 11-16-14
Lesson Title : Plate Tectonics
Grade/Subject Area : 6th grade Science
Brief Lesson Summary: Students will learn and review plate tectonic movements and how it is
related to earthquakes and volcanic activity. Students will be introduced to plate tectonics
through discussion and slideshow notes. Then Review with a vocabulary BINGO game.
Established Goals (State / Common Core Standards):
E.SE.M.5 Plate Tectonics – The lithosperic plates of the Earth constantly move, resulting in
major geological events, such as earthquakes, volcanic, eruptions, and mountain building.
E.SE..06.51 Explain plate tectonic movement and how the lithospecific plates move
centimeters each year.
E.SE.06.53 Describe layers of the Earth as a lithosphere (Crust, and Upper Mantle), Convecting
Mantle and dense metallic core.
Source of Standards: Michigan State Standards
Stage 1—Desired Results
(What understandings are desired?)
Transfer Goals
Students will be able to independently explain how plate tectonics and the earth layers movement directly affects
earthquakes and volcanoes.
Students will be able to independently define and use key terms related to plate tectonics, earthquakes and
Students will be able to identify the composition of each of the 4 earth layers.
Students will be able to identify 3 types of plate boundaries.
Reasoning: The reasoning for the using notes in a powerpoint is mainly because students need background
knowledge that is not provided in our science kits and since we don’t follow a traditional textbook. I have
researched the internet to find the necessary background for our discussions. Since my students don’t have a
textbook for reference they are really reliant on studying key terms. The students tend to struggle with using key
terms in their explanations and need extra practice to help with the understand of each term. The reason for the
game is to help students be fully engaged in mastering the terms that go with plate tectonics. “Games provide
teachers with opportunities for taking advantage of this innate desire to get students to focus on a curriculum
topic.” (Roblyer& Doering, 2013, p. 96) The format of a game instead of a study guide increases the amount of
participation and learning. “Gamification strategies are further extending the impact of games for both children
and adults” ( Maloy& O’Loughlin, Edwards, Woolf, 2014, p. 169) By using a video with directions for the game and
slides that have each bingo term definition it has the ability to be a whole class instruction or small group. “The
appeal of games seems to center around students desire to compete and play.” (Roblyer& Doering, 2013, p. 96)
Outcomes: The outcomes I am looking to gain is for students to retain the vocabulary necessary to help explain
how each of these Earth processes happen. I feel that after spending time reviewing with the Bingo game will
enhance their ability to retain their knowledge of the terms. In order to be successful at the game the students
must know the basic definitions of each term that is on the list for the unit. After playing the game the students
will be better prepared for the summative assessment quiz and be proficient in all key terms for the unit.
Essential Questions
What essential questions will be considered?
Students will understand that the Earth has 4 layers
and where they are located.
What are the 4 Earth layers?
Students will understand the concept of plate
How is plate tectonics related to earthquakes and
volcanic activity?
Students will understand the 3 plate boundaries –
divergent, convergent, and transform.
What are the types of plate boundaries?
Students will understand the definitions of key terms
related to plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
What are the definitions of key terms related to plate
tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes?
Acquisition of Knowledge and Skill
Students will know that Earth process such as
Students will be able to …
earthquakes and volcanoes are related to plate
Identify the 4 earth layers (crust, mantle, inner
and outer core) and compositions of each.
Identify key terms related to plate tectonics,
Students will know that plate movement causes
earthquakes and volcanoes. (see attached
volcanic activity, earthquakes, and mountain building.
bingo list)
Identify and draw 3 boundaries types
(convergent, divergent, and transform)
Stage Two – Assessment Evidence
(Students will need to show their learning by….)
Transfer Task (s):
Students will be able to show their proficiency in the vocabulary terms at 70% or higher by reviewing during the
Bingo game.
Evaluative Criteria:
Formative Assessment: Observations, discussions, review Bingo game.
Summative Assessment: Performance is judged in terms of written responses on the vocabulary quiz.
Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples, etc.)
Formative assessments –
Plate Tectonics Powerpoint Notes - discussion
Observations – participation for students
Review Bingo Game
Summative assessments Vocab Quiz
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection
Students will assess their understanding of the concepts after the notes and review Bingo game to assess what is
needed to study for the vocabulary quiz. Students will use an exit card to reflect on something they learned and
questions they still have after the powerpoint notes and a description of how they felt after the game.
Stage 3—Learning Plan
(Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction)
The teaching and learning needed to achieve the unit goals.
Experience (Lesson Plan) 1: Earth Layers
Focus Questions: What are the 4 main layers of the Earth?
Learning Target: I can identify earth layers and what they are made of.
Performance Indicator: Students will be able to identify all 4 layers or the Earth and the compositions of each at a
rate of 70% of the time when orally asked during discussion.
Learning Activities:
1.) Teacher will introduce Planet Inside and Out by doing a book walk.
2.) Teacher will read the first section and model main idea and supporting detail sentence example.
3.) Teacher will place students in collaborative groups.
4.) Students will continue to read the story and write down main idea and supporting details to demonstrate
understanding or Earth layers and compositions.
5.) Teacher will direct full classroom discussion wrap up to verify student knowledge.
Strategies: Direct Instruction, Collaborative learning with discussion, sharing or main idea/supporting details for
formative assessment.
Experience (Lesson Plan) 2: Plate Tectonics
Focus Questions: How are plate tectonics related to earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains?
What are the 3 plate boundaries?
Learning Target: I can draw and label each type of plate boundaries. I can
Performance Indicator: Students can identify which type of boundary, draw and label them 70% of the time
Learning Activities:
1.) Teacher will introduce plate tectonics powerpoint notes.
2.) Students will make drawings in their journals for each type of boundary.
Strategies: Direct Instruction, Collaborative learning with discussion, formative assessment journal drawings for 3
types of boundaries.
Experience (Lesson Plan) 3: Review game and Quiz
Focus Questions: What are the definitions of the key terms plate tectonics?
Learning Target: I can define the terms that are related to plate tectonics.
Performance Indicator: Students will be able to match the exact definitions to the key terms 70% of the time
during the review game and summative quiz.
Learning Activities:
1.) Teacher will set up bingo review game on the computer and projector.
2.) Students will participate in the Bingo game for review.
3.) Students will take the vocabulary quiz following the review game.
Strategies: Direct Instruction, Collaborative learning with the review game for formative assessment, summative
assessment quiz.
Resources and Materials
Computer and projector – you will need to project the powerpoint and bingo game on in front of the class.
Bingo card – You will need a blank Bingo card for students to write in their vocab terms in prior to the game or you
can have premade cards made up. Free Open Bingo Card Link -
Powerpoint – You will need to use powerpoint to display the notes for the discussion. You can print off for easy
access for students to have for reference. Powerpoint Presentation Link
Haiku deck presentation – Bingo Game
Summative assessment – Vocabulary quiz. This could be also put onto a website like Edmodo for quick and easy
grading. You could change the quiz to multiple choice or keep as matching.
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2014). Transforming
learning with new technologies (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th
ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers.
Appedix A Vocabulary lists
Vocabulary BINGO terms
Student List
Inner Core (metallic core)
Outer Core(convecting mantle)
Continental Plates
Oceanic Plates
Plate Tectonics
Continental Drift
Alfred Wegener
Divergent Boundary
Convergent Boundary
Tranform Boundary
Convection Currents
Sea floor spreading
Ring of Fire
Hot Spot
Mid Ocean Ridge
Geological Events
Mountain Building
Student Definitions List
Continental Plates - Continental plates are tectonic plates that are
located beneath the continents or land masses. Continental plates are
mainly made up of the igneous rock, granite.
Convecting Mantle -The convecting mantle (also referred to as the
outer core) is made up of very hot liquid iron and nickel. The
convecting mantle moves slowly around the Earth’s metallic core.
Crust-Earth’s crust is the outer layer of the planet. It is very thin
compared to the other layers and is made up of soil and rock.
Earthquake -An earthquake is the shaking or trembling of the Earth
due to the movement of tectonic plates
Faults - Faults are the boundaries of the tectonic plates where plate
movement occurs.
Geological Events - Geological events include earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, mountain building, and glacier movement. Geological
events change the surface of the Earth.
Lithosphere -The lithosphere is the Earth’s outermost shell. The
lithosphere includes the crust and uppermost part of the mantle.
Magnitude - Magnitude is the amount of energy released by an
earthquake. Magnitude relates to the strength of an earthquake.
Metallic core -The Earth’s metallic core (also referred to as the inner
core) is located at the center of the Earth. It is very hot sphere of solid
iron and nickel. The great weight and pressure of the outer layers of
the Earth lead scientists to believe that the metallic core is a solid.
Mountain building - Mountain building occurs when two continental
plates collide or push against one another. The rock piles up, making
a mountain range.
Oceanic plates - Oceanic plates are tectonic plates that are located
beneath the ocean floor. Oceanic plates are mainly made up of the
igneous rock, basalt.
Plate tectonics - Plate tectonics describes the motion of the Earth’s
Tectonic plates - are thick moving slabs of rock that lie beneath the
oceans and continents. Tectonic plates are also referred to as
lithospheric plates.
Pangea – single large landmass made up of all the continents
connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago
Mantle – largest layer inside Earth, lying directly above the outer core
and that is made mostly of silicon, oxygen, magnesium, and iron
Continental Drift – hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the
states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on
Alfred Wegener – proposed the hypothesis of continental drift.
Volcano – opening in Earth's surface that often forms a mountain
when layers of lava and volcanic ash erupt and build up
Subduction – the process of the oceanic lithosphere colliding with
and descending beneath the continental lithosphere.
Divergent Boundary - two tectonic plates that are moving away from
each other.
Convergent Boundary – Two tectonic plates that are moving toward
each other
Transform Boundary – Two tectonic plates that are sliding past each
other in opposite directions.
Athenosphere - plastic-like layer below the lithosphere
Magma - hot fluid or semifluid material below or within the earth's
Lava -hot molten or semifluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure,
or solid rock resulting from cooling of this.
Convection Currents - cycle of heating, rising, cooling, and sinking
that is thought to be the force behind plate tectioncs
Sea floor spreading - theory that magma from below Earth's crust is
forced upward toward the surface at a mid-ocean ridge, flows from
the cracks as the seafloor spreads apart and bcomes solid as it cools,
forming new seafloor
Rift - a crack, split, or break in something.
Ring of Fire - the linear zone of seismic and volcanic activity that
coincides in general with the margins of the Pacific Plate.
Hot Spot - location in the mantle that is hotter than any other areas
and that melts rock, which is forced up toward the crust as magma
Mid Ocean Ridge - seismically active submarine ridge system situated
in the middle of an ocean basin and marking the site of the upwelling
of magma associated with seafloor spreading
Answer Key Order to Check – Slide Order
1Continental Plates
3Hot Spot
4Convecting Mantle
5Mid Ocean Ridge
6Oceanic plates
9Divergent Boundary
12Transform Boundary
15Plate tectonics
17Continental Drift
21Metallic core
22Tectonic plates
23Geological Events
24Alfred Wegener
25Convergent Boundary
26Convection Currents
28Sea floor spreading
29Ring of Fire
30Mountain building
Appendix B
Vocabulary Quiz
Name _________________
Matching. Write the correct letter next to the definiton.
A.) Plate Tectonics
B.) Faults
C.) Crust
D.) Continental Plates
E.) Oceanic Plates
F.) Lithosphere
G.) Volcano
H.) Athenosphere
I.) Earthquake
J.) Transform Boundary
K.) Convergent Boundary
L.) Divergent Boundary
_______ 1.) The boundaries of the tectonic plates where plate movement occurs.
_______ 2.) Includes the crust and the upper most part of the mantle.
_______ 3.) two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
_______ 4.) Tectonic plate that are mostly made of basalt.
_______ 5.) Tectonic plate that are mostly made of granite.
_______ 6.) plastic-like layer below the lithosphere.
_______ 7.) the motion of the Earth’s plates.
_______ 8.) Two tectonic plates that are moving toward each other.
_______ 9.) is the outer layer of the planet. It is very thin compared to the other layers and is
made up of soil and rock.
_______ 10.) opening in Earth's surface that often forms a mountain when layers of lava and
volcanic ash erupt and build up.
_______ 11.) is the shaking or trembling of the Earth due to the movement of tectonic plates.
_______ 12.) Two tectonic plates that are sliding past each other in opposite directions.
Fill in the Blanks
13.) The scientific theory that plates are moving is ______________________.
14.) The super continent that scientists believe to have once existed 250 millions years
ago is called ___________________.
15.) Earthquakes and Volcanoes are most likely to occur near or at
16.) Plates move about _______inches per year.
17.) The Earths inner core is made of solid _________________.
18.) The plates “float” on ___________in the middle mantle.
Label the Earth Layers
Answer Key 1.) B 2.) F 3.) L 4.) E 5.) D 6.) H 7.) A 8.) K 9.) C 10.) G 11.) I 12.) J
13.) Continental Drift 14.) Pangea 15.) Fault Boundaries 16.) 1 to 2 inches 17.) Iron and Nickel
18.) Magma 19.) Crust 20.) Mantle 21.) Outer Core 22.) Inner Core