Download World History Study Guide Unit 2: A River Runs Through It WH.H.2.1

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World History Study Guide
Unit 2: A River Runs Through It
WH.H.2.1: Compare how different geographic issues of the ancient period influenced settlement, trading networks
and the sustainability of various ancient civilizations (e.g., flooding, fertile crescent, confluence, limited fertile
lands, etc.).
1. Why were ancient civilizations and settlements founded along rivers? (p.15)
2. The Fertile Crescent/Mesopotamia was located in the present-day country of Iraq. This area was located between
which two rivers? (p.33)
3. Hammurabi’s Code was an early example of written law. Was this set of laws fair to those accused? Explain
your answer. (p.37)
4. Most ancient civilizations were polytheistic. What does this mean? (p.34)
5. Which major religion was the first to be monotheistic? (p.49)
6. Which ancient civilization was located along the Nile River? (p.63)
7. What benefits did this civilization get from the Nile’s annual flooding? (64)
WH.H.2.2: Analyze the governments of ancient civilizations in terms of their development, structure and function
within various societies (e.g., theocracy, democracy, oligarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, etc.).
8. Explain the concept of dynasties in Ancient Egypt. (p.64)
9. Ancient Egypt had a theocratic (theocracy) government. Explain the concept of theocracy. (p.66)
10. How were the Pharaohs of Egypt viewed? (p.66)
11. What is the difference between pre-history and history? (p.5)
12. Why were the development of systemic agriculture and the domestication of animals important for the growth
of civilizations?
13. What function did the pyramids play in ancient Egypt?
14. The Egyptians were talented in the arts and mathematics. In what area of science did the Egyptian civilization
15. Explain the significance of Cuneiforms, Hieroglyphics, and the Rosetta Stone.
16. What was the Athenian idea of democracy?
17. Why did “direct democracy” work in Greek city-states?
18. What is a tyrant?
19. How did the aristocracy gain control of the early Athenian government?
20. How did Greece’s geography impact the development of the city-states?
21. What contribution did the Mycenaeans make to Greek culture?
22. What contribution did the Minoans make to Greek culture?
23. Differentiate between the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars in ancient Greece.
24. Who was Athens’ chief rival among the city-states was?
25. How was this city-state different from Athens?
26. Who was Pericles?
27. What were his Pericles’ accomplishments?
28. In the areas of philosophy and education, who were the three leading Greek philosophers?
29. What was the effect of the weakening of Greek city-states after the Peloponnesian War?
30. What period or era followed Alexander the Great’s period of conquest?
WH.H.2.3: Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient societies (e.g., Hammurabi, Draco, Justinian,
Theodosius, etc.).
31. How did Draco attempt to solve the conflict between the rich and poor in ancient Athens?
32. Polytheism disappeared in the Roman Empire as a result of an action of Emperor Theodosius. What action did
Theodosius take which helped the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire?
33. What were Emperor Justinian’s reasons and goals for revising Roman law?
34. The Romans were great builders and architects. Identify three Roman architectural or engineering
35. Who was Cincinnatus?
36. Why is Cincinnatus viewed as a benevolent dictator?
37. Rome was a republic. What was the role of the Consul?
38. What was the role of the Senate?
39. Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey formed the first Roman Triumvirate. Which of these men was the ultimate
victor in their rivalry?
40. After Caesar’s assassination, the Second Triumvirate was marred by a civil war between which two men? Which of
these men was ultimately the victor? What title did he take?
41. The Romans were great builders of roads. Why was this important to the survival of the Empire?
42. What was the effect of the Fall of the Roman Empire on the rest of Europe?
World History Study Guide
Unit 2: A River Runs Through It
WH.H.2.4: Analyze the rise and spread of various empires in terms of influence, achievements and lasting impact
(e.g., Mongol, Mughal, Ottoman, Ming, Mesoamerica, Inca, Imperial states in Africa, etc.).
43. Identify the irony in the way Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire acquired new territory and then ruled the
conquered territory.
44. Identify three things the Mughal Empire was known for.
45. What religion dominated the Ottoman Empire?
46. What was the key to the Ottoman Empire’s success?
47. The Safavid Empire (present-day Iran), practiced what sect of Islam?
48. Their war with the Ottoman Empire was grounded in religious differences. What kind of Muslims were the
49. The Ming Dynasty in China was created after the death of which Mongol leader?
50. The Aztec Empire was located in what present-day country?
51. The Mayan Empire was located on what peninsula?
52. The Inca Empire was located on what Mountain region of South America?
53. How did the Aztecs increase farmable land?
54. How did the Incas increase farmable land?
55. Early Africans were able to migrate successfully due to the similarity of their languages. What was the root
language of these migrants?
WH.H.2.5: Analyze the development and growth of major Eastern and Western religions (e.g., Including but not
limited to Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Shintoism, etc.).
Who was the founder of Buddhism? What area was Buddhism developed?
In the Four Noble Truths, Buddha came to the conclusion that people’s suffering is a result of their own what?
Buddha also believed suffering can be overcome by following the what?
Which religion had no founder?
Hindus believe that the universe is continually going through a process of what?
Which apostle was most instrumental in spreading the theology of Christianity throughout the Mediterranean
area, particularly to the Gentiles (non-Jews)?
Describe Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity.
What was the effect of Pharaoh’s refusal to grant the Israelites’ freedom from slavery in Egypt?
Why did Saul have trouble getting the Jewish people to rally behind him?
Discus some of David’s strengths:
How did Israel reach its greatest height under Solomon?
How is Confucianism different from other world religious beliefs?
According to the Shinto religion, what does everything in nature have?
Discuss the Five Pillars of Islam.
Discuss the Sunni-Shia divide in Islam.
WH.H.2.6: Analyze the interaction between the Islamic world and Europe and Asia in terms of increased trade,
enhanced technology innovation, and an impact on scientific thought and the arts.
71. What invention illustrates the Muslim expertise in the fields of mathematics and astronomy?
WH.H.2.7: Analyze the relationship between trade routes and the development and decline of major empires (e.g.
Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Greece, Rome, China, Mughal, Mongol, Mesoamerica, Inca, etc.).
72. Describe King Ezana’s impact on the kingdom of Aksum
73. What two products were the foundation for Ghana’s trade and wealth?
WH.H.2.8: Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of social classes, castes, and slaves in ancient
societies and analyze changes in those elements.
74. In ancient civilizations, what group of people was included in the highest social class?
75. How were slaves generally viewed in any civilization?