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Cornell Notes
Name: ___________________________________
Topic: 9.2 Athens and Sparta
Pages 266-271
Class: _________________ Period: ________
Date: ____________________________
Essential Question: How do the cultures of Athens
and Sparta differ?
Questions/Main Ideas:
What did military provide for
Spartans Build a Military Society
 Social system was created between 900 and 600 BC
 Military provided security and protection
Make an inference: Why was
Spartan life so focused on the
What were some examples of
hardships Spartans faced in
their training?
In what ways were Spartan
women similar to the men?
Describe the life of a woman in
How was the Spartan gov’t
Boys and Men In Sparta
- Life focused on the army
1. No shoes, few clothes
2. Very little food (had to steal)
3. They were whipped for stealing
4. No luxuries (soft furniture)
- Courage and strength overrule safety
 Girls and Women in Sparta
Compare and contrast the lives
of Spartans and Athenians.
Some women owned land
- Had more rights than other cities
- Didn’t do “housework”
- Ran the household when the men were gone
- Similar army training to the men
 Government
What were slaves in Sparta
Children were trained as soldiers at a young age
Soldier had many hardships
Ruled by 2 kings
Elected official ran day-to-day activities (dealt with issues
with other cities)
Slaves did all the work (Helots)
Slaves stayed in line because they were afraid of the
Athenians Admire the Mind
 Valued education over fighting
Describe the Education of
Athens for men and women.
How were women treated in
Compare and contrast Sparta
and Athens’s fighting styles.
Boys and Men in Athens
- Training focused on the body and the mind
- Men served in the military for 2 years
- Military training was similar to Sparta
- Boys from poor families had very little education
- Well rounded education (All subjects)
 Girls and Women in Athens
- Could only learn to read/write by a private tutor
Learned household tasks (sewing, cooking)
Little to no rights
Sparta and Athens Fight
 They worked together to win the Persian Wars
 Sparta fought better on land
What were causes and effects
of the Peloponnesian War?
Who won the war, and how did
they win?
Athens fought better at sea
Athenian Power
- Athens and other city-states formed an alliance to work
- Alliance= an agreement to work together
- Each city-state gave $ for defense that was kept on the island
of Delos (Delian League)
- Delos was protected by the Athenian Navy (making them the
- Athens controlled the league like its own empire
 Peloponnesian War
- A war between Athens and Sparta
What happens after the war?
Started around 431BC
City-states that fought with Sparta were the Peloponnesian
- Spartans tried to starve out the Athenians, while the
Athenians attacked by sea
- 10 years went by with no winner
- Eventually, Athens and Sparta made a truce
- Athens tries to conquer Sicily and loses most of their navy
- In 404 BC, the people of Athens get starved out and Sparta
 Fighting Among the City-states
- Sparta controls Greece for 30 years
- After Sparta loses power- the city-states fight for dominance
Summary: Sparta was dominated by the army. Athens focused more on arts/education. These differences
lead to disagreements between these city-states after the Persian Wars. This eventually leads to the
Peloponnesian War for control of Greece.